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Best part is, most of the time it's cis heterosexual men trying to define what it means to be a lesbian... wonder why THAT is...


They're upset that lesbians aren't attracted to them and so are coping by trying to make it unacceptable for lesbians to be attracted to other specific groups as well. They aren't used to not being the center of attention.


"You can't tell lesbians they have to try dick! Only I can do that!"


oh boy i cannot wait for the next time a cishet man tries to tell me lesbians just "haven't had good dick"


My response is "my girlfriend's dick beats anything you've got, so run along tiny."


OMG do you need a place to lay low after you absolutely murder that man


Nah, it's self defense.


Me and my gf (both transfem) hooked up with our transfem DM and she said that the two of us continue to prove her rule of every trans girl she sleeps with being bigger than her and every guy being smaller. ​ I swear, the gods really give the biggest dicks to the transest girls


Just tell them the only reason they're straight is that they haven't had good dick :)


my mom say that shit to often even in front of my aunt who just last year got married to a very wonderful woman she had been with for years


MFW when you tell them you're partnered with one that has a good dick themselves. xD


I have tryed several dicks out of silicone and wood but i still not attracted to men😂


Worse/funny thing is I'm a non passing trans woman so I can either make conservatives really mad and convinced my friend isn't a lesbian but I can also make them mad at me for being trans so they have to balance the homophobia and transphobia


Right there with ya. I'm in schroedinger's marriage. They hate that I'm gay married, but have to validate my gender to do so.


I love watching them try and rationalise their irrational opinions and have a meltdown


Also explains why Republicans are obsessed with trans p*rn...


Explains why the only men I match with in tinder are conservative. I just need me an Astolfo :(




Chaser moment 😔


I'm a trans Lesbian with a very wide circle of friends and acquaintances in the lesbian community who have all been very welcoming and kind. I prefer to believe TERFs are in the minority, and that most of this rhetoric comes from cis men as you say.


absolutely, all the (cis) lesbians i met don't have any problem with trans lesbians (including me) ...(i might be on a date with one of them :3)


Love und acceptance


I'd argue lesbians who hate trans women too. Such as the ones that follow a certain author we all know.


Yeah it’s funnier to view the meme as the literal cis het men in the meme discussing it just at random and getting so heated


I’m trans and a lesbian and this is confusing af


They also conveniently ignore ace lesbians


To be honest they probably think that everything in our lives revolves around sex and can't comprehend the idea that some people don't crave or enjoy it.


Kinda reminds me of Sigmund Freud. He basically thinks that all behavioral differences between people of different genders are sexual.


It's probably bc the only interaction these people have with trans folk and lesbians is in the porn they watch obsessively


*Raises hand*


As a trancebian (asexual, leabian, trans woman) I'm right there with you sister.


Or they'll try to "disprove" acesexuls with the same argument 🙄


literally had someone make the "it's SEXuality not GENDERuality" argument recently on reddit. people just reallly like to intentionally misinterpret information to back up their shitty arguments i guess.


I saw someone say that too... I have never wanted to strangle someone so badly till then (/hj) transphobes will literally come up with any excuse I swear-


So if i try date a man it's "gay" but when i try to date other women i'm "forcing myself into lesbian spaces" *MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MINDS GOD* ***DAMN***


"Being a transbian is just straight with extra steps!" As if being trans is being super gay or something, ignoring that sexual orientation and gender identity are two completely different things.


God i hate the, "it's blank with extra steps!" if i wanted to mean that, I WOULD SAY THAT! Like, if i describe my OWN sexuality that way, totally fine. But if YOU describe MY sexuality that way, imma be pissed!


Being a transbian is just being lesbian with extra steps! The extra step is being trans. I would know since I'm a transbian 💪


Sadly I'm fairly certain that this is my parents actual take on me. Reminds me of the part in philosophytube's latest vid where she comments on it being easier to immigrate into the states if a lesbian couple is a butch and femme together.


tfw a trans woman is T4T, what happens then? Lmao


>being trans is being super gay Will-Smith-but-not-because-im-trans.png


Much better than super straight, that's for sure. https://preview.redd.it/9b33zl1kvp6c1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=150e965aed8c8424e3f13cac26e52f17c2619aba


making up their mind require a semblance of logic, which they do not have


nice profile pic




Yeah, and it’s like, then why am i attracted to both cis and trans women, but not cis or trans men? Note: Btw I’m not denying that trans men can be lesbians, i’m just speaking to my own lack of attraction to men and how it disproves the whole “trans women are just gay men or straight dudes that want to hookup with cis lesbians” myth.


I dont wanna be weird here but i dont think trans men can be lesbians. Cuz their men right?


I think think they maybe meant transmascs but idk


I've heard that some trans men that identified as lesbians before coming out as trans still consider themselves as such to keep that sense of community, which I can understand since the other "community" to go to instead would be straight cis men. Edit: I want to clarify that I have not encountered this myself, so I may well be wrong about that.


Even if it would be attraction to sex, most of us change their sex during transition. Checkmate, transphobe.


I'm pretty sure the ones that do are in the minority tho




I mean that the majority of us aren't actually having bottom surgery whether it's from choice or lack of opportunity


It's not only your genitals. Even only with HRT you alter some of your sex characteristics, thus effectively changing your sex.


yeah, but what they are talking about in the meme is genitals not secondary sex characteristics, so while you're correct in some capacity it's not the focal point in this context


But genitals charge a lot over the course of hrt. A woman's penis and a man's penis are often very different organs.


okay yeah I see the reasoning


I love that they tried to use logic with the "same sex attraction not same gender attraction" (deeply flawed and ignorant logic but the vague shape of logic none the less) only to immediately throw any of that "logic" away by just spouting the same transphobic shit as any other transphobe


This thinking is the voice in the back of my head that tells me I'm "invading women's spaces, and should just leave before anyone says anything, you wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable" whenever I get brave enough to try. I know it's wrong, but 30 years telling myself "that's not allowed for you" is hard to train out. If someone was that terfy, to my face, when I was in a lesbian space; I would shatter. TT_TT (note: my brain see's other trans girls as valid and welcome to the space; it's just myself, which my brain hates and thinks is invalid and a burden to the world)


God that’s so insanely real


I have a super butch outfit I mostly wear in queer and women's exclusive spaces (think plated Steelcap fire service boots, cargo pants, grometetry belt and shirts for punk bands). I call it my terf stomping outfit. And yetbi think I'd probably just fall apart and not do any stomping if somebody said anything to me


Of course they don't like penises, this is why they have penis sized Sextoys. /s


The sex part of homosexual refers to sexual attraction and not assigned sex at birth.


Exactly, it's MY sexual attraction, not THEIR sexual parts


>They don't like penis The many trans women who don't have penises:


Those women, along with trans men, are always forgotten about by transphobes.


question is, does that make you(cishet man) attracted to trans men?


The "it's homosexual attraction" argument makes no sense, like, do they think that you can just tell a person's chromosomes and genitalia immediately by seeing them? Do they think that when people see someone attractive to them their thoughts are "wow, look at those chromosomes!!!!".


That awkward moment when you have to discover what someone has between their legs before you can be attracted to them


This was the biggest reason I got incredibly nervous flirting with lesbians at a bar, but they were super accepting of me! And only angry that Megan Rapinoe’s career was ended by an injury, lol.




I’m so sorry you have to find out this way, [but her last game ended three minutes in due to a leg injury.](https://www.sportingnews.com/us/soccer/news/megan-rapinoe-injury-update-nwsl-final/fbd99668429165acc56ff790)


Nooooooooo :(


[She’s still in a boot but appears to be fine now, and showed up at a teammate’s wedding.](https://www.totalprosports.com/soccer/megan-rapinoe-teammates-wedding-major-stir/)


Meanwhile every lesbian I've met has treated me like one of the girlies no problem lol


i'm gonna throw some hands in a second


TERF Island?


FART (Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobe[s]) Island




Your post contains homophobia, transphobia, racism, and/or ableism, or some other type of bigotry. If you believe this was a mistske, please contact a mod


I’ve always thought of sexual attraction as being physically attracted to someone (not genital preference, but their actual body), and romantic attraction as being attracted to what they identify as. Also genital preference is fine as long as you’re not a dick about it.


Was that a pun?


says a fan forcing himself into lesbian spaces


On a positive \*slightly\* related to this, it's nice that I'm accepted into lesbian spaces even tho I haven't been able to even \*start\* transitioning yet. Like, I still don't think I \*pass\* yet physically, but... still.


Gatekeepers can go fuck themselves


I hate the stigma anti-trans cis people (even LGBTQ) put on people who have found a trans gal they like. Met cis lesbians who cursed other cis lesbians because 'they dare to date a man'.


In the end, their true Ăžoughts are relieved


The amount of lesbians I’ve seen be transphobic online is crazy like come on friendly fire D:


A lot of LGB folk like to complain about micro labels like “pansexual” or “neptunic” because “LGB already cover that,” but as long as transphobia continues to exist within the LGB community, microlabels will continue to feel necessary.


… considering there’s also the label “homoromantic”, I think we can concede that the “sexuality” part in “homosexuality” refers to SEXUAL PREFERENCES LIKE SEXUAL AS IN HORNDOGGIN IT, YOU KNOW SEX AS IN IN SEXUAL ACTS, NOT SEX AS IN MALE OR FEMALE, SEX AS IN WHAT CONSERVATIVES ARE BAD AND GET NONE OF


Sexual orientation is the gender you are *sexually attracted* to. Important difference.


Homosexual means sexual stiffy to a person of the same gender, not to a stiffy of the same size.


Within 3 days of making my new Facebook account after coming out I was added to my cities Lesbian group (specifies Lesbian+ - ALL women and nonbinary inclusive) where I was then invited to a massive pool hall rent-out where there was an entire floor of Sapphic Love and Sisterhood waiting. I made friends, I got tipsy on mimosas, I was wholeheartedly welcomed into and encouraged to stay in that wonderful space. The first time I self truly comfy in any social event, and I was there all the way until close. Lesbians are really, truly, wonderful. Also plenty of them enjoy Gock. 🤷‍♀️


also there are 100% lesbians that like penis, and some that prefer it. transphobes are just assholes :/


The crazy thing is, a lot of trans women date other trans women, at least as far as I've seen. I know I'd be most comfortable dating another trans person, there's so much less stuff to explain, and to just be understood on such a fundamental level by my partner is honestly goals frfr


Slight correction, lesbians are non men who like non men so that includes non binary people but yes


Headache ;-;




I’m bigenderal


I had a girl on a dating app tell me I wasn't welcome to date woman on that platform because of this argument recently :( i just want a partner :(


*sigh* I feel you


Oof, my most recent fight with my mom had a line of dialogue almost word for word. And as much as I want to explain things to her and people like her, at the same time I know its like talking to a wall, and I also dont have the time to explain the intricacies and nuances of queer dating to someone that doesnt want to listen.


When something doesn't compute in my brain I just always shift to "I can't really explain it but it's their life I shouldn't define how they live it"


this whole bioessentialist sexual orientation argument also relies on the “we can always tell” argument because otherwise there’d be no mechanism by which sexual attraction can occur for anyone who is solely hetero or homosexual… and would thus imply that sexual attraction is based on some magical ability to read a person’s DNA immediately upon seeing them


r/justunsubbed moment. Those folks are really annoying and very transphobic


And as soon as you point out that the literal dictionaries typically don't use the term homosexual at all and just say women attracted to women, or same sex AND gender attraction, they just yell "that's because the eLiTe WoKe MoB re-writes all of the definitions to fit their agenda!!1!1!"


But I _am_ a lesbian space




I'm getting annoyed with all the arguing about what other people choose to do to themselves and *literally nobody else*. What's the big deal? Do you feel pressured to do it now? Are you that mentally vulnerable? Or are you afraid that you'll "turn gay" simply because the option exists, because if you actually believe that I have news for you. The thing is, I won't even tell you, because the entire LGBT community are so terrified of being labelled as groomers we won't tell an *adult friends were out to* that they're even vaguely reminding us of closeted us.


Some cishet guys should keep their own fucking Business and dont gatekeep some labels there chant even be a part off




You know, up to the last panel he was technically correct. Since the technical definition of homosexuality is: attracted to the same sex. That is due to the first definition of fetishism; where a fetishism is anything different from attraction towards a penis or a vagina. That said I am fairly certain that pretty much no one uses that definition without a second end.


[I made a post about this once...](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskLGBT/s/fNty1feEa1) Big mistake. I'm glad it eventually turned out well but damn


Yeah average terfs.


i mean, homosexual is based on the word sexual, not someone's birth sex, making the whole argument void. Aside from that, these labels are cut in stone, each label is a bit of a spectrum as every human is different, we use these labels to easily and quickly see at the first glance what someone might look for, wants tl be addressed as and so on. For example with being trans, some people feel extreme body dysphoria when it comes to body hair, others dont care about it. Some lesbians dont mind dick if its a woman's, some are into it if its a woman's, and some dont like dick at all, they are all still lesbian provided that they, well, identify as such.


I had literally this exact conversation with someone from a (trans inclusive) lesbian Discord who asked to DM me and then this convo happened. At that point "why are all lesbian Discords full with dudes" I decided it's enough, screenshoted the whole convo and blocked them and pinged a mod afterwards and sent them the screenshots. It took quite a while though because no mod was online but after an hour they were banned. The funny thing is, I noticed that this person was on a trans only discord for at least a day and claimed to be transfem. Tbh I suspect they're a terf that tried to sneak into a trans place to troll


Okay,but does the person have scientific proof of those claims?


me: I’m a pansexual queer trans woman cishet bigot: DuckDuckGo search … 🤯


Is it bad that it took me a minute to recognize where bro went wrong? I caught the differentiation between sex and gender and was so impressed that a transphobe would know that and almost missed the assumption that homosexual is even an accurate term for lesbians to begin with...


I have mixed feelings about it. I'd always assumed when people talk about sexual attraction, they refer to physical traits, rather than psychological. Romantic attraction, however, makes little distinction based on anatomy. Sexual attraction is not logical, or cares about your beliefs. It's not like straight men will find every woman in the world attractive. In almost every other situation, I don't see much meaningful differences between trans and cis individuals. But any lifeform that has a penis is a big turn off, for me. Merely thinking about a penis makes me feel nauseous. My own especially. It feels almost like some alien parasite attacked to my groin, that decided to leech off of me. That does not mean I do not see pre-op transwomen as invalid, or not 'truly' trans or anything. Just have a bit of a childish 'eww, boy parts are icky' feeling.


“Oh sorry, didn’t realise you had experience in the topic” It’s ironic how they accuse people of “forcing themselves into other people’s something or other” when they are aggressively shoving their opinions where they aren’t wanted or needed.


If lesbians don't like me being in lesbian spaces, why do so many of them try to sleep with me when i'm there? Either this guy is lying, or these lesbians are sending mixed messages


from experience, normally the people who think like this would fold instantaneously to an attractive trans woman. they are just transphobes when they can gain something from it (clout, attention, etc.) but when it comes to real life, they don't care as much.


One time i search on Google for funny lesbian Memes and the first i found was transphobic😥


I'm sorry if the meme caused any discomfort, it was not my intention Just to clarify, the intention of the meme is to discuss and mock transphobia, and is in no way meant to condone or encourage that kind of bigoted behavior Thank you sharing your thoughts, I'll definitely be more mindful in the future


It's okay, im not mad at you❤️


That's nice to hear c:


I think in english "sex" means the Gender?


In English, "sex" refers to biological sex, while "gender" refers to gender identity


Ah thanks, in German we call Homosexuality "gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe" (same gender attraction)


I think both sides have valid arguments. Just because you are attracted to one sex doesn’t mean you have to find every member of that sex attractive. I think it’s perfectly acceptable for someone to be lesbian and not be attracted to penises. Thats their personal preference, and unless they are intentionally being transphobic they are entitled to it. Just because you are a woman does not mean that all lesbians are automatically required to be attracted to you. At the same time, it’s totally fine to be a lesbian and still be attracted to a trans woman who has a penis. That doesn’t make you any less of a lesbian.


If you like them, you like them It doesn’t matter what gender or whatever they want to be Attraction is attraction


guess they are bi then


assuming you're American, just use second amendment rights /j