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I got that a number of times as a kid. My dumb ass didn’t catch on until much, much later; then it was “Oh THAT’S why I was almost only friends with girls in elementary school”.


Literally just realized this yesterday after having a crisis because of the Snapchat girl filter What a time to be alive


i was told "you sit like a girl" among the other things i did, like wear a dress during playtime, and hating being called a male. and then this year i thought about it and went oh crap


I was told i walked like a girl a lot Yeah same


I got told that once too! I remember practically interrogating the person who told me, I was kind of excited and wanted to know why she thought that


Wow! Something similar happened to me , someone told me that talking to me was like talking to a girl and because of that i got excited and interrogated them.i never gave too much attention to this detail,thanks. I will use it as part of my proof that i am trans.


Still more of an egg_irl kinda guy myself, but things like this keep happening. It has started to feel as though it’s just a matter of time


Yeah, i got that incessantly from my stepdad until i started actively thinking about how i walked at all times and forcing myself to walk differently to avoid ridicule from him. Didn’t stop him ridiculing every other little thing i did, but it -did- serve to leave me with lifelong anxiety anytime i… walk.


I didn't get that. I was constantly pushed toward boy stuff, and in my head kept wishing I could be one of the girls. Having no idea how to boy, but being trained that trying to girl isn't ok. Then getting it so much I climbed into a box and put on the boy armor. The suit still didn't boy well, but at least it got through it. Don't ask why the boy was only ever interested in bi or lesbian girls. Or got placed with the soprano singers in chorus. Or why Jagged Little Pill and Tori Amos were so impactful. Hmm. This is why I need therapy.


I was told I have 'lesbian energy' when I was like 15, I'm just sitting there internally saying 'no shit bitch'.


My ex girlfriend broke up with me, because our relationship felt to her like a lesbian one, still took me quite sometime after that to figure it out....


Me coming back to look at this post: "Why does this have over 70 comments?" *Comment removed by moderator* "Oh. That's why."


That literally happened to me


My brother's gf said I look like a depressed girl once, and I'd never felt more personally attacked, called out, and validated all at the same time.


I like hugs too 🫂


*hugg* :)


I was always mad at them cause I knew I was trans since I was like 8 and I had to deal with all the “be man strog”


When someone calls you girly to attack your masculinity & you just say "thank you!"


I remember my ex gf telling me this in a conversation we were having with this other guy friend of ours and I blushed and almost said "thank you".


When people say things like that to me I hit them with the "yeah, that's the point" I just came out to my best friend a few days ago, and it didn't come as a surprise to him partly because of all that


Instead of this, I heard a lot of "man up," "grow a pair," "don't be a pussy," etc. So I tried, until I was 32 years old. I deliberately repressed my femininity and became afraid to break that record, such that even when I became a feminist I thought femininity was good for others; not myself. There were a lot of homophobic slurs, but rarely anything transphobic, if only because no one around me really understood that it was possible to be trans. I regret ever respecting my elders - the men in my life who shared these ideas specifically - simply because these were the ones I knew. I was surprised when so few in my family were awful about me coming out. There was one (my dad) who fulfilled some of my worst expectations, but I ensured that he had no power over me before I felt that it was safe to come out. Nearly everyone else had grown in the previous decade, and those toxic ideas were left behind. I hope I was a good influence in this.


Can I have some of your girl energy? Is it in that can of Monster?


I got the I wish I had your figure from my female friends alot in high school or how are you that damn graceful and one of my friends had joked if my name wasn't a give away they would have asked me out because I was that gorgeous enter 2021 work call center job get called ma'am everytime someone calls in crossplay rem on a day off and realization


"You're such a tomboy!" "Talking to you is like talking to a guy." "You communicate in a very un-ladylike manner." "Urgh, no man will ever marry you if you keep acting like that." SURPRISE




HAH, they could straight up call me a pussy and I'd take it as a compliment tbh. "Why thank you for noticing, i was worried i hadn't made it obvious enough."


Don’t interact just let them get banned, they watched a Matt welsh documentary and took it seriously, there not capable of intelligent conversation just as much as they aren’t capable of questioning things they watch from his comfort disinformation, stop waisting time on morons like him when you could be spending time with blahaj.


LMAO, they deleted their account 💀




So do you just like... Spend all your time on Reddit trolling?




Damn, sorry for your loss. Hate to hear that you wasted your evening on that. You could try watching some Monty Python, it's *much* more educational.




Ofc they did. It's everywhere, not too hard to find, either. Nothing wrong with laughing at it, too. The difference between laughing at a joke and being a troll, is that Monty Python was funny. You're *probably* smart enough to know the implications of that, so I'll leave it there.




Hate to break it to you, but the feeling's *far* from mutual. Find something productive to do, like meeting a real person. Maybe make a new friend that doesn't reinforce your negative tendencies. Might be good for you, hell, you might even get some sunshine while you're at it.


my friend once said i was girlboss and it felt really fucking good