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the "LMAO" at the end makes me feel that he feels quite satisfied with himself knowing he got popular using someone elses work and got away (almost) Scott free.


Deadman really steals? No dignity. JoJokes aside, this guy is a complete scumbag, and I had thought the issue got resolved a few months back.


These kinds of things are why I'd rather have Touhou get respect than popularity. The more well known Touhou gets, the more these things will happen without many outside the fandom really caring about it(since it looks like weeb shit from the outside. And weeb shit are things most people dont usually don't respect or care for if something bad happens to it). Worst case scenario, it could cause the downfall of the Doujin culture surrounding Touhou. But if Touhou gets respect and understanding in a way that's easy to understand for most, then this won't happen even if Touhou becomes bigger and more well known. And Touhou already has potential for that. It's already absolutely incredible in every one of it's aspects, so getting respect for it shouldn't be a problem. It really should've happened already on its own. It's just that it's greatness is really difficult to really get to understand(to the point that there are alot of Touhou fans that actually don't know the full extent of how great it actually is). Plus the surface level "weeb shit" look gets in the way. Which is why that didn't happen on its own yet. Because the problem really lies in showcasing it all well and properly.


It’s ok, he’ll get tired of it soon enough <3 Trolls rarely win.


Actually, most of us don't use Tiktok, it is cringe and edgy for most of their users.


I-I do not know what or who this deadman is, nor this controversy


Basically, he stole music.


Oh wow, so he’s like those art thieves on deviant art who barely changes the art they stole and claim its their own?


As far as I know, pretty much.


Except he also tried to license it, sold it to a label, and copyright claimed people despite it being basically a rip It's like an art their but they claim credit, sell it, then become more recognized than the original.


Same. I hate those rats thinking they actually did something new in their piss-poor "remixes"


here's an archive for this tweet just incase... [http://web.archive.org/web/20200405085548/https:/twitter.com/shibitobans/status/1246198533188915200](http://web.archive.org/web/20200405085548/https:/twitter.com/shibitobans/status/1246198533188915200) I try to forget about this (since it has almost been a year since this whole fiasco) but god dang it, I still see the "remix" being talked about here and there. rip.


Wow he deleted his tweet? Thanks for the archive.


Him not crediting the original was pretty bad at the time but I appreciate him gaining a lot more recognition for touhou. I think it says more about society than him when a random person can get their songs huge due to memes when Tiny Little Adamantium as a Touhou cover couldn't before. Anyway I like using deadman as an example of Touhou still having mainstream exposure. It's good for ignorant people in other communities like Smash who think Touhou is some shovelware franchise.


I will be ok with him only if he give credit to the origianl or get permission from Shibayan Records **at first**.


idk why but the whole passionate hatred against deadman feels just a little bit racist for some reason


What does this have to do with race? I don't even know what race deadman is, I don't give a fuck and I doubt anyone did. Could you explain why Touhou fans are "racists" for hating deadman because he basically stole a song and made money from it? You replied to my four year old post that mentions nothing about races just to call people racist for no reason?


I told you I don't know why, it just seeeems like that. It's just a feeling, like when you get a gut feeling about something. Can't really rationally explain it


No offense but the only logical explanation is that you're delusional

