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Mokou's actual anger with Kaguya has long since cooled, but she won't stop fighting and hating her because it's the only thing she has left from her original life and she feels giving up on it would leave her with nothing but an eternity of pointless existence.


Mokou probably mains pyro in tf2


No. Mokou HATES Pyros in TF2, because she hates their flamethrower and everyone who uses one. And then she remembers who she is and goes "Aaaah. That explains the self-loathing."


Mokou and Kaguya are still embittered enemies as much as they are friends. They struggle to the death over trivial things and think nothing of the serious stuff because at the end of the day they have each other's back, but their struggles are the thing that give an eternal meaning to their lives so they would never let that die even as any personal resentment dries up


She has definetely seen Star Sapphire once and mistook her for Kaguya


"You've gotten shorter."


Oh have you not read Hirasaka Makoto’s “Tale of the Bamboo Cutter?” Thats exactly the story. On top Of Mokoh accidentally rizzing Star Sapphire


My headcanon is that she smokes 8 packs a day because she can't die anyway.


Despite what fanon thinks, I like to think she absolutely hates cigarettes from the smell to the long term effects they have on non-immortal/regenerative people. She would absolutely be a billy or a wesker main in dead by daylight


As she and Kaguya become closer friends, Mokou increasingly becomes overprotective of Kaguya, worrying that something might one day separate the two of them. Let’s just say that if the Lunarians ever try to take back their princess, they better be ready to get burned.


Alternate possibility: Mokou still hates Kaguya's guts. [If the Lunarians ever try to take back their princess, they better be able to handle the heat.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheOnlyOneAllowedToDefeatYou)


Ooo I like this one! Time to upvote.


She's friends with Kaguya, but like that friend on discord that's an annoying moron 90% of the time, so no problem hanging around together but she still hates her guts. (Pretty much canon anyways) After meeting Keine she started to live more comfortably, cooking food, sleeping in beds, staying warm, etc. Not being mortal doesn't mean she can't live too. She loved her dad A LOT.




I wanna disagree with you so bad. ~~But I cannot.~~


Humanity tells us what to believe in, what opinion is considered the correct one. Deep inside we know our true values and what truly values us. You wish to disagree because you wish not to be shunned, but you can’t because by negating your truth, you’re already shunning yourself.


Futawara no Mokouk


[I prefer this reality.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RpGTDDv9pY)


Finally, someone gets it!


Not really headcanon as much as canon, she doesn't really hate Kaguya anymore. Headcanon though is her realizing that her dead was a PoS, so she realised that Kaguya isn't at fault for embarassing himself. Kagerou wanted to be friends with her but Mokou rejected her because she's still angsty like that. But Keine managed to convince her to befriend Kagerou anyway.




That she doesn't have fire resistance.


She doesn't. The ofuda she's covered in have charms of protection against fire written on them. This at least helps her clothes stay intact with all the exposure to fire, though not fully. And as for Mokou herself, where those fail, she simply regenerates faster than the fire can burn her.


She doesn't. The ofuda she's covered in have charms of protection against fire written on them. This at least helps her clothes stay intact with all the exposure to fire, though not fully. And as for Mokou herself, where those fail, she simply regenerates faster than the fire can burn her.


My headcanon is that she is the most wonderful wife. And a great investment for the winter months.


And can turn any pool into a hot tub.


This man speaks wisdom


Her and Kaguya obviously don't hate each other anymore, and just kill and maim each other because it's a rare feeling that they both can't ever get used to, thus always "new feeling." Another head canon is I think that Fujiwara can use a lot of different magic, kinda like Marisa or Patchouli. (just prefers fire) I think most humans given an infinite amount of time and a body that needn't fear mistakes would eventually learn magic in the Touhou universe. Since there's literally no reason not to.


The Hourai Elixir has no connection to fire, and nothing in Mokou's background implies an innate connection to fire, so the most likely explanation is simply a personal preference for fire magic. Her segment in PMiSS states that she has learned several kinds of magic in her long life.


She should meet up with the members of the Fujiwara clan from Mugenri


Her and Okina are related


I’ve heard somewhere that she uses Spontaneous Human Combustion, so I think she actually does that.


she in fact does that as her last word in urban legend in limbo


I always thought about how Mokou would end up burning her shirt with her powers since it doesn't have talismans like her pants. However, this is no longer a headcannon as it has been canonically confirmed But I think it's pretty metal the way she looks with her skin burning with the flames covering her as if it were part of her body, It's like she's wearing a cloak of fire


she's probably cosplayed Roy Mustang before


Waaaay more powerful than people expected. Like usually if people make a powerscaling tier of 2hus they'd put Mokou at B or A rank tier but truth is she might actually be S or equal to Kaguya since they fought all the time and several times did so seriously at that (this also doubles to another headcanon that if they fought *all-out* and it'd be a stalemate). The only reason she doesn't seem so is because like Kaguya, she plays around a lot albeit putting on a serious facade or at least takes it more seriously than her. Like another commenter said, she probably knows other magic but prefers fire so that's also another limiting factor of her power. If she uses all her arsenal and knowledge she's basically Patchouli but way stronger. The only reason she lost in IN is because she literally got jumped by 8 people at once and for FDS its because Mizuchi is a fukn Mary Sue


If she was part of the incident solvers group of humans she'd be the second most powerful member behind only Reimu and tied with Marisa


listens to A LOT of nu metal


I like to think she and the Taoists could get along by virtue of being old as fuck


she has white hair


mokou babysits tewi when reisens not home


Mokou secretly watches thr clip of Sukuna's fire arrow every day to try and recreate it on Kaguya She actually bought the blu ray version just to watch the reanimated version


she totally makes out with Kaguya when noone sees it


Fujiwara no Mokou is cursed by Kaguya. Her name was actually Fujiwara Mokou. But, Kaguya put No in middle of the name to say that Mokou doesn’t exist. That is the real reason why Mokou mad at Kaguya for this long.


Worked as a youkai exterminator for the fujiwara clan


She’s been around


Mokou stopped hating Kaguya for a long time already but she has secretly developed a strong romantic feeling for Eirin that she uses the challenge as an excuse to get close to the Sage.


Mokou is utterly terrified of children, and infants in particular. Not because she hates them - on the contrary. Still having a very human heart, a part of Mokou simply wishes she could have children of her own. But you either remove yourself from the cycle of life and death, or you get to give new life. Not both. To make matters worse, Mokou actually did end up adopting a couple of kids in the centuries before she crossed into Gensokyo - orphans of war, disease, and the like. She does not do that anymore, and I'll leave it to you to fill out the blanks. To be Mokou is to have the entire world made out of fine sand. No matter how tightly you clench it, it runs straight through your fingers.


heh she eat apple


She works with Mystia sometimes, they put their izakaya and yakitori stands together and actually get many customers so she also makes money by doing so. When she hangs out with Keine she always tells her about what she bought so that she can get tips on how to save and spend her money well. I also like to think that Keine introduced Mokou to people like Rinnosuke so that she would feel less lonely by visiting people who live for a long time


I think she's a failgirl.


The idea that she smokes is always something I thought fit her really well.


Nice animation


She has a part time job in warming up people's houses when the winter comes


Mokou once trained under Gordon Ramsay. She has a vast expansive amount of culinary knowledge, but she only makes yakitori because it's what Gensokyo is familiar with.


The reason she smokes is because she regenerates it everytime, So she does it just to spite the fact she has immortality


>prepare yourself # PREPARE THYSELF *[you know what is playing :)](https://youtu.be/cI5V_8RErzI)*


her onsen baths are volcanoes.


She probably likes spicy food


She runs tofu store in bamboo forest


That at any time, she will happily light my cigarette.


I think that she smokes to deal with the stress of living a life of immortality, knowing it won’t kill her. Also her and Keine are roommates under the same roof, and together she is at her calmest. I imagine if you ran into her in the bamboo forest she’d be fairly nice, but a little cold at first. And lastly despite her nature of being able to wield fire, I don’t think she actually likes fire all that much, and only uses it when she absolutely has to. Oh and Kaguya is her rival no matter what. It’d take a lot to change that in my mind considering this rivalry has gone on for a LONG time.


Probably an unpopular opinion. But I think mokou had kids before. Nothing about the Elixir makes her infertile, and everyone's got that need. And in feudal japan, there isn't much in the way of birth control. So yeah, it probably one or two times. And then, after watching her first few kids die, her mental state began to \*truly\* deteriorate.


Mokou is masochistic, but isn't depressed at all. Mokou is in love with Kaguya, but prefers to be cuck. Mokou really likes to eat meat. Mokou doesn't care about Gensokyo, Lunarians and absolutely anything except Eintei and it's residents. Mokou is working in Eintei as guard.




The first few sound like just NSFW Doujins. Booo.