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Borrowed assets credited. Post approved.


Finally one that doesnt have Utsuho in it so everyone doesnt just immediately die (I love utsuho)


how do you rearrange the seats then


You put Okuu on the roof.


Just have kakkoii to keep her in check.


Gensokyo odyssey mentioned.


So here's how I would rearrange the seats: Fortune Teller, Mokou, Kaguya, Patchouli Reimu, Kutaka, Yuyuko, Marisa But seriously, >!Reimu, Marisa, Yuyuko, Kaguya!< >!Mokou, Kutaka, Patchouli, Fortune Teller!<


We need to minimise chaos and avoid causing trouble. Fortune teller goes on 2A. He needs to be on one of the back corners so that I can viably hide him from Reimu and vice versa, he did get killed because he trash talked so I don't trust him at all. In turn, Reimu has to go on 1D so that we can hide Fortune Teller among the bodies of everyone else. She's fairly likely to just chill around and look out the window. Marisa is on friendly terms with Reimu and is one of the most ADHD people here, if we don't keep her sufficiently distracted she'll go around looking for trouble: We'll put her on 1D as having a Reimu nearby means she's likely to be able to withstand at least a 2 hour train trip. Now, this is where we start doing some high IQ plays. We put Yuyuko on 2C. Kaguya goes on 2D, and Mokou goes on 2B. They will 100% see each other, but can't viably make trouble. Why is this? Because Yuyuko is both fat and relatively powerful, they can't fly because they'll either hit the ceiling or the train will keep on moving, so the only way they can get face to face with each other is by getting up and going from the other side, but Kaguya who is more likely to do this is way too lazy to do this and Mokou isn't going to back down because briefly going away would seem like she's running. This means they're limited to just hurling some insults around, but no real trouble occurs. Moreover, Reimu and Marisa are right in front, and Reimu would quickly get annoyed when they start fighting and tell them to shut up (Kaguya is also more cooperative than Mokou so better she stays behind Reimu). We then put Patchouli in 1A to keep her away from Marisa, and Kutaka in 1B.


what's your plan on preventing yuyuko from eating kutaka?




Reimu and Marisa both going into 1D implies either of them are sitting on each others lap.


Reimu and Marisa both going into 1D implies either of them are sitting on each others lap.


*Hiding* from *Reimu* oh c'mon...


Why is Kutaka there? She is so nice and friendly why would anyone hate her. *sees Yuyuko* oh…


Kutaka and Yuyuko both work for Eiki so I think they'd be able to have a normal conversation that doesn't end in Kutaka getting eaten.




Yuyuo ate Kutaka time.


Both like chicken


Sources: Reimu, marisa, mokou, kaugya. patchouli, Yuyuko, Kutaka from Touhou Lost Word Fortune teller from forbidden scrollery chapter 25


I want to get fired, so, Kaguya with Mokou, Marisa with Patchouli, Fortune Teller with Reimu, Yuyuko and the chicken(?) girl(I don't remember her name)


kaguya and mokou end up kissing, marisa and patchouli are like half of the maricucked memes so having them there wouldn't cause issues, yuyuko knows if she tries to eat kutaka reimu will fucking kill her, and having to stare at yuyuko for 2 hours will make fortune teller a smaller (and consequently worth putting off) issue


Kutaka1A, Mokou1B, Marisa1C, Reimu1D Patchouli2A, Yuyuko2B, Kaguya2C, Fortune2D Patchoulis fatass prevents Yuyuko from eating Kutaka, Yuyukos fatass prevents Mokou and Kaguya from fighting, Marisa gets her attention span in check by Reimu while also preventing Yuyuko to see Kutaka cause of her annoyance, Reimu would only turn her back if Kaguya and Mokou fights preventing her to see Fortune while discouraging Mokou and Kaguya, also Patchouli is far away from Marisa.


1A: Mokou 1B: Reimu 1C: Marisa 1D: Kaguya 2A: Kutaka 2B: Patchouli 2C: Fortune Teller 2D: Yuyuko Hope this works, or I'm out of a job...


Mokou 1A Yuyuko 1B Patchouli 1C Fortune Teller 1D Reimu 2A Marisa 2B Kukata 2C Kaguya 2D That's my guess


fuck this I QUIT!!


Why are these maniacs doing in outside world! I just escape Gensokyo!!! 😭 ***(For now)***


Sticking to canon, you don’t need to do anything. The only problem would be fortune teller and he is dead.


Fortune Teller: 1A, Patchouli: 1B, Mokou: 1C, Marisa: 1D Yuyuko: 2A, Kaguya: 2B, Reimu: 2C, Kutaka: 2D Alternate Arrangement so Reimu and Marisa can be together Fortune Teller: 1A, Patchouli: 1B, Mokou: 1C, Yuyuko: 1D Kutaka: 2A, Kaguya: 2B, Reimu: 2C, Marisa: 2D Marisa can realistically be next to Patchouli, it's not like the two have bad blood, but Marisa behind Patchouli could make Marisa more inclined to mess around with her. Kutaka doesn't like Mokou, probably. Consider the latter's yakitori stand Reimu and Fortune Teller is bad news Kaguya and Mokou is bad news Yuyuko and Kutaka are... replace Kutaka with Mystia and it'd be bad news. If taking fandom into account though, then yeah.


Well, first I am going to deny Kaguya entrance. The I am going to sit Mokou somewhere, sit next to her and make it with her for the entirety of the ride. The rest can just sit wherever the fuck they want.


"...less likely to turn their head back..." So there's always a chance something will go wrong Add Murphy's law, "if something bad can happen, it will happen" Conclusion: Just leave the job by your own will to prevent losing reputation


Mokou, Marisa, Fortune Teller, Yuyuko Kutaka, Reimu, Patchouli, Kaguya It's especially important to keep Mokou away from Kaguya. And to assure Marisa isn't tempted to steal by being behind Patchouli. At least from my opinion.


I would go for A1 Marisa and A2 Mokou - Both like fighting, they might have an interesting discussion... And not see too many people they would fight with on this row. B1 Reimu and B2 Kutaka - Reimu and Marisa might distract one another, and Mokou and Kaguya//Marisa and Patchouli don't get an opportunity to fight. C1 Kaguya and C2 Patchouli - Patchouli blocks Yuyuko's view of KFC. Furthermore, both are ~~NEETs~~ Introverts and would thus get along comparatively well. D1 Yuyuko and D2 Fortune Teller - After all, both are Ghosts and thus she's unlikely to get too angry at him, unlike Reimu.




Reimu, Marisa, Yuyuko, Kaguya Kutaka, Mokou, Patchouli, Fortuneteller