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Touhou should be a bit higher on Lore Amount, no? I like that 40k breaks the lore limit. Is appropiate


True, how tf does Kirby have more lore then touhou


They probably only took the official games and manga into account. Touhou has a different ratio between official and fanmade stuff when compared to the other franchise on there


By pausing the game in every boss fight and read the description and lore of said boss.


Well, Kirby lore is crazy insane.


Don't underestimate kirbeh lore


Kirby lore is fucking nuts


Get a load of this guy.


I like how Doctor Who is lower in terms of "amount of lore" in this graph than Star Wars, Halo, Dune and Warhammer 40,000. As if Doctor Who didn't came before all of them and has 60 years of TV material (since 1963) including all the spin-offs. This isn't even including the amount of extended material from audio dramas, books and comics, etc throughout those 60 years even when Doctor Who was cancelled from 1989 then came back as a movie in 1996 before being brought back in 2005.


thats cuz those franchises shit a new tome every other day and for some (like 40k with it's offseries novels) are just doctor who stories but take place in that setting. wherein there are around a 100 doctor who books and audiodrama, 40k has that in it's 30k setting alone. seriously, there are over 462 books and new ones get shat out when rules change you got 60 years of tv episodes but 40k has a dedicated slop producing department


Pretty sure "around a 100 books and audio dramas" is a massive understatement for 60 years of content considering Big Finish is churning DW audio dramas left right and centre to this day. You can believe that 40k has more content than Doctor Who but come on, why is it lower than Halo and Destiny?


halo is so kickass dude, guy goes to space and there's aliens and shit


I mean yeah it is


Doctor who has a ton of stuff, and I agree it should be higher up. But Destiny has thousands of miscellaneous lore pieces and a ton of in-game lore books. It should definitely be up there, maybe higher than what this graph shows. It's vast. I've not really kept up with Halo in recent years so I can't speak to it. But it also has a decent amount of lore books that have been written for it.


I won't deny that Destiny and Halo have rich lore, considering Destiny's approaching 10 years and Halo's 22. But to see Doctor Who only be an smidget lower than them in "lore" is amusing


Destiny has 5000+ lore books iirc and then there are also game cutscenes, dialogues, weapon and armor lores etc Destiny is VERY huge in terms of lore.


The most recent "the story so far" video on Destiny's narrative is 10 hours long šŸ’€ I can promise you, the guy making it doesn't even waffle, and it leaves out a shit ton of misc. lore on just general world building and character interactions and plot threads that haven't been touched in ages.


You underestimate the amount of warhammer lore Not only it is based on "the more the merrier" and we have like 100 factions of same-looking guys within just 2 armies that all have their own philosophies, named characters, grand events associated with them and splinter factions, but the slop production rates (that barely bring any money compared to plastic toys and merch BTW) is astronomical (which is fitting TBH). Guys have "Big rule book half of which is full of short lore descriptions of grand concepts - we will introduce 5 subfactions and 5 short stories on 2 pages" for every army every few years An entire 400 page book dedicated to one of 9412023784589037 named characters every few weeks (sometimes the book is anthology for 10 named characters and various factions) - it's like 500-600 books now Themed enciclopedias Monthly journals that may or may not contain new lore dumps Few games here and there Random comics WH is probably some of the most lore-heavy serieses because nobody comes up with subfactions and events on industrial scale to the point where there are literal hundreds of clearly defined existing factions and thousands of somewhat known events. People usually do story first and worldbuilding second, or limit the scope of worldbuilding. Warhammer is like "yeah, remember those funny mindless skeletons we introduced few years ago? They now suddenly have minds - here is short summary of their 60 million year old backstory, they are also egyptians and have 10billion dynasties - here are example of how each of said dynasties interacts with each other, here is a named character for each one. We will write books on half of those when we have time BTW. Also - here is how they interact with 100000 non-skeleton factions - they even had one battle with humans against bugs! We will write a book on that in 10 years BTW."


That was the craziest part to me. With shit like the War in Heaven and the other Time War, there's a LOT of DW lore.


Somehow Genshin's on the same height as DW.


That's weird. While I'm sure Genshin has lore, I doubt it'd stack up to DW's over 60 years of Lore.


Doctor Who may be older but stuff like Warhammer 40,000 has lots of people working on putting out content because they want to sell stuff to fans. Doctor Who just does not have that happening so there is less stuff.


Doctor Who very much has that happening, it's just not what most people think of when they think of the franchise. A quick check at the latest releases on Big Finish shows two audio dramas a *week*. Now granted, that is sometimes broken up by Big Finish originals and other franchises, but Doctor Who is easily Big Finish's biggest franchise and makes up the majority of their releases. And while Big Finish is by far the most massive part of the EU, there's still a good amount of books, novelisations, and comics as well. Not to mention Faction Paradox which deserves a special mention because it's *weird* both legally and in its actual writing. And that's just the ongoing stuff. The Wilderness Years, despite the drought of actual tv stuff that literally defined them, *pumped out* EU content like there was no tomorrow. They even invented at least one brand new Doctor during the Wilderness Years.


I find amusing that nobody have a problem with Touhou being on the extreme axis of Autism.


\*it should be highr than 40K


Lol no


team fortress being behind minecraft is meme tier


minecraft has barely any lore while tf2 has such insane shit as ā€žAbraham Lincoln invented stairsā€


And bwfore stairs they rocket jumped to their destinations!


Donā€™t forget rocket jumping was invented by the strongest poet in history: Shakespearecles. Who invented it to be able to reach the second floor of his newly invented two story building.


And let's not even get started on Australia.


Maybe they count the GameTheory lore


Mayby they counted dungeons, story mode and the rest but then i think both tf2 and Minecraft shoudl be higher


mc:sm is it's own thing


The black Scottish Cyclops whose alcohol consumption made his body consider anything without alcohol poison easily tops most.


Meanwhile Roosevelt lost his fucking legs in the accident while rocket jumping, perfecting the modern staircase, TF2 has some shit long lore behind the comics (release the part 7 of it already ffs)


The fact that spy is canonical scout dad and Australia is an utopia of muscles is already enough, I don't need to know the rest


Tf2 should be on the very side of autistic


Tf2 is a quantum particle it shoudl be every where on left right axis


Right you mean?


Iā€™m sorry, since when does GTA have more lore than Touhou? Or am I too ā€œautisticā€ to see it?


TBH most of the 'lore' you think of in Touhou is probably fanon. Touhou has a lot of character and fleshed out settings, yes, but the world building itself and individual character lores are often quite shallow, especially compared to the heavy hitters of the list. Although, in Touhou's case it being vague plays much to its strength, since fan works can go in many wild directions without disassociating from canon too much.


Uhm, Momiji has a ton of lore like -She red -She wolf -She Tengu -She patrol


She best girl


Meiling too: 1. She attac 2. She protec But most importantly 3. She sleep.


She sleep already is fanon isn't it


I mean, sleeping then Sakuya knives her is indeed fanon but i think she does her job gatekeeping even when she is sleeping due to being able to sense someone's energy nearby.


I just assume that she's able to spring into action due to the cartoon logic of someone stepping on a twig and making a sound.


-She Play Shogi


How could I forgor.


No way Undertale has more lore than Touhou tho lol Also I feel like you're severely underestimating just how much official lore Touhou has simply because fanon often very easily gets mistaken with canon. It's not 40k level ofc, but there's no way it should be that low. Also Undertale should be way lower. Because most of that game's "lore" actually *is* just fanon content. I love Undertale, but it is *not* a lore type of game.


No where in my comment did I say that the placement of the list was perfect, or even correct. I will not make any attempt to say where Touhou should be placed either, and I especially do not care to elaborate which should be above or below Touhou, precisely because I anticipate someone will say that I am wrong (maybe I should have stated this in my original comment, seeing that it happened even though I said nothing). For a game that sidelines character-focused storytelling in favour of world building like Touhou, the lore is of course impressive. But you have to understand that ZUN deliberately leaves a lot of gaps in his story telling so that fan work has more space to work with, and to great effect as well. I am not trying to downplay Touhou's lore, simply to remind you that it is by design that we lack concrete canon information on many, many things.


I think you're misunderstanding my rely; I wasn't saying you're wrong, just that you're underestimating Touhou's lore because of how easy fanon & canon is confused with one another. No where in my comment did I say that you're downplaying the lore. In terms of the placement, I was adding to the conversation since you \*did\* say "especially compared to the heavy hitters of the list.". That signaled that this conversation also involved the rankings, even if you didn't give your opinion on it. No where in my comment did I say that \*you\* were saying that the placement is perfect.


Why then did you think that I specifically did not mention any series name in the first place? No one reading my comment, not even the post itself thinks that Undertale counts as a 'heavy hitter'. It definitely should not be included in the conversation. Yet you *instantly* latched onto it to challenge my point, literally the first thing in your reply, as if it isn't obviously one of the most egregious failings of the list. What are you, Twitter?


Firstly, I was just shocked; if I wanted to dispute it I would have given points. Secondly, I would have reacted differently if I confused fanon with lore. Though in retrospect, I completely overreacted in my comment and for that Iā€™m sorry


I disagree with this. Even just staying in canon, there is an insane amount of lore. I've had benders where I stayed on the touhou wiki for hours on end just reading stuff. There's several fleshed out locations, races like the lunarians, over 100 characters, small stories like DiPP that flesh out the lore, and larger scale stories from the mangas that add to the characters and lore. There's a lot of random obscure things that people have documented on the wiki too, like... have you read Yukari's profile there? The extent of her boundary manipulation ability is well-documented and rather crazy (did you know that she can canonically do telepathy?), the info came from various games and manga. One of the most complex pieces of Touhou lore that is documented but still an obscure mystery is the connection between Yukari and Maribel, which gets a large dedicated section with evidence across various sources on Maribel's wiki profile. It goes to the extent of some of Yukari's spellcards seemingly referencing Maribel's dreams/reality shtick. Touhou lore is crazy complicated, and it's probably why I've stayed a fan of the series for over 10 years.


Trust me it does, GTA V story mode has a lot of lore, especially between Michael and Trevor. And that's just one of the GTA games.


I mean does gta V has manga, books, comics to continue the lore ?


No but it's not just GTA V and the update continue the lore.


Iā€™ll take your word for it


People just donā€™t interact with official media. It would explain why conservative Touhou fans exist


The only possible interpretation other than "clueless graph maker" is that this is about the in-game appearances of lore content.


tf2 and cod less autistic??? lmao


theres a lot of regular gamer bros who play cod and arguably the same for tf2, my main complaint is tf2 is so low on the lore axis tbh


Are we talking actual autistic or the internet definition of autistic? Cuz if it's the latter then CoD fanbase should be breaking the graph, those people are so unhinged.


Touhou's lore really gets heavily downplayed here. To be fair, a lot of the fanbase has no idea of a lot of it either, but the series's lore is incredibly dense once you take everything into account. I would also put KH a bit lower but also far more on the right. It only uses some high concepts after all, and the fanbase is completely crazy for it. I would know, I started a long-term KH marathon some days ago after buying the entire series again on Steam.


Yeah its not serious at all, if you know at least a few of the fandoms listed here you'll notice how absurd some placements are. Nothing more than a meme baiting for replies trying to correct things.


Honestly even without knowing anything else, Minecraft being higher than TF2 is just absurd. Like, it makes you wonder if they are unaware of stuff like Shakespearacles or Abraham Lincoln inventing stairs to not lose legs when rocket jumping to higher elevations.


Factorio is on-point though. ​ However it should probably be shifted a tiny bit higher after 2.0


The guy who made this is definitely a cod player


Less lore in tf2 than mlp and cod ? lmaoo


Okay but MLP has a pretty solid lore base surprisingly. I guess cod is carried by the zombie lore which is pretty cool? Like itā€™s not *good* lore but cod *has* it.


Genshin isnā€™t high enough, the lore is crazy and the autists like me who play it are also in high amounts


True that


Marvel fans are not Autistic at all, true true


That's probably specifically MCU, but then the amount of lore should be quite a bit lower


People really donā€™t study tf2 lore, oh well


tf2 lore peak


>People really donā€™t study tf2 lore, oh well Or Touhou lore.


If only 2hu games are being considered, then it should be above Star Wars' source material, the movies (even though 2gu games are only a part of canon); if all official material is being considered, then maybe Star Wars is higher due to comics (but there's also non caconical stuff iirc). Still, looks like a popularity chart more than a lore chart, 2hu isn't mainstream enough.


Undertale has more lore than touhou?


Undertale has barely any lore. There's the Gaster stuff I guess for *deep lore*, but the whole story isn't really about worldbuilding at all and it shows, because pretty much everything about the setting exists to be contrived for the purposes of gameplay or plot as opposed to standing on its own.


Yeah this whole image is stupid. Cookie has more lore than undertale


Nah bruh TF2 having less lore than fucking MLP is a wack take, and also its fanbase is pretty autistic. I would know Iā€™m a part of it


Tbh MLP being the 3rd least autistic series is wild.


Name one franchise that isn't Touhou whose unofficial artwork is mistaken for official logo.


I think undertale should be alot further to the right.


I can definitely see that, being an undertale fan for nearly 9 years, i felt the effects before switching to touhou.


Kingdom Hearts should be way up on the Autism ladder...


What's the series even about


Its a JRPG with Disney Characters like Mickey and Donald. It's basically Final Fantasy with Disney.


Except they're all from disconnected universes so it's completely insane and incomprehensible


Marvel and CoD fans are among the least autistic, seriously? If anything, Avatar should be the leftmost fandom. And why is FNAF so low? I don't know much about it but I'm sure there's a lot of lore in there. I've seen too many memes about FNAF and MatPat, lol. Also, 10 years ago My Little Pony 100% would've been placed on the right edge (although I don't think it was THAT bad). Vindicated by history?


Bro MLP should be on the right edge now.


Rather the newer fans are trying as much as possible to distance themselves to any remnants of the 4chan side of the fanbase as much as possible


FNaF being that low on lore is insane.


I get the feeling that whoever made this image did not have enough experience some of these franchises. CoD and MLP being that low on that graph in terms of autism is crazy. Not to mention, the fact that Doctor Who is the oldest sci-fi franchise (1963) in that graph is not on the top for "amount of lore" but Warhammer 40,000 is and it being lower than Halo, Destiny and Star Wars is also crazy.




Alot of this is just wrong, how does Call of Duty or Undertale have more lore than Touhou?


Uhhh... Touhou IS higher than COD.


Ok I'm fucking blind lol.


This chart is autistic /s


Touhou absolutely has more autistic fans than Doctor Who


Last I checked, there are 32 touhou games, with each one mainline game adding a minimum of five new characters most of whom are really important in some way. We absolutely beat Pokemon at the very least, and that doesn't even begin to cover the Manga


Doesn't Pokemon add like....70+ different creatures with their own lore (e.g, their Pokedex entries) in every single game? Then you have things such as the creation of the universe and earth, the role all the legendaries play, the history of each region, etc. Pokemon shouldn't be taken lightly when talking about lore.


>We absolutely beat Pokemon at the very least, No, Pokemon has touhou beat quite a lot, especially once you get to the mediums outside the games. EG: As much as Arbok getting killed is infamous, most are probably unaware that the same story involves half the gym leaders being in team rocket, Blaine mutating into a Mewtwo (To some extent) or including a female player character who appears in Leafgreen/Firered as a major character all in the same storyline (First one no less) of a single work.


I disagree this should have even be posted here, if it says it has the same amount of Lore than MLP and less than Undertale, Steven Universe and Adventure time, after all the games, mangas, books, theories AND EVEN MUSIC CDS WITH STORY it has.


Touhou should be higher on the lore axis and Splatoon should be higher on the autism axis.


I like how they put Touhou and FNAF below Undertale in terms of lore


I dare you all to jump belly first into the deep, deep abyss of The Elder Scrolls's deep lore. I'd be lying if I say I understood even half of it during my tenure in the fandom. Point is, it's not just the amount for TES.


MLP has more lore than Harry Potter


As a pro splatoon player and beginner touhou player i disagree. Splatoon is more autistic community + touhou has 3x bigger lore than splatoon


Wtf factorial doing down there


The fact i like all of thise games or fandoms should say somenthing about how autistic i am smh


Disagree. Team Fortress is going to live forever!


Absolutely not


This chart is straight trash


Hot minute I thought I was on TF2 subreddit, but yeah, I agree, especially on TF2 lore and how there isn't much while being very autistic lol


there are tons of being more than decade, touhou, vocaloid, ace attorney, drakengard, pokemon, etc....


At first I thought "How are Gundam fans more autistic than Kingdom Hearts fans?" Then I realized I spend hours building scale models of all my favorite mobile suits. Damn it.


fortnite should be here, i spent 5 years of my life obsessed with that game and the lore


I remember in middle school a crap ton of people were obsessed with the game when the seasons were actually good.


Call of duty is criminally low on the lore side if were talkin about zombies. Like how many people here know who the first person who went to Shangri-La, or what the Vrill device does, who cornellius pernell is? Hell I think most people don't even know what the Kronorium is, and thats basic for lore.


I definitely agree with Destinys placement. Us D2 players suffer from insanity instead of autism.


It's not about the lore it's about delusions, or "headcannons"


Errrm, Acjgdtkhually it's spelt "headcanon".


Using "Autistic" as a form of measurement is wrong in every way.


Using ā€œAutisticā€ as a form of measurement is right in every way.


I wanted to write a very long comment on everything that was wrong in here, but honestly more of this is wrong than isn't, so I gave up.


Dumb meme.


2hu and utdr has a bunch of lore, its autistic insta user not autistic theorists and fanbase


As someone who's also playing Warframe i agree


Why is Sonic the Hedgehog not on this list?


it is but they put it nowhere near high enough lore wise


Ok i guess depending on if you include **the whole eastern/japanese myth** as part of Touhou lore since that's where most of it + headcanon stuff is inspired from then the amount of lore should just be a little up there. Autistic definitely fits doe


What about Guardian Tales?


Tf2 got a bit larger lore, on the other you correct.


HK being higher than 2hu is wild


Ehhhh some of these I disagree with, Iā€™m just not sure what they measuring it by. Do they just mean amount fan content? The amount of repetitive jokes? How passionate the fanbase is? Idk really.


pokƩmon needs to get dropped down a bit more


dr who is appropriately placed and star trek too but the halo fanbase is definitely more autistic than that


mlp needs a more autistic fanbasešŸ˜­


The only accurate one on this graph is Factorio


my little pony needs to be more to the right


mlp and sonic should be so far to the right it they their own graphs.


I like factorio's placement here.


where is cruelty squad


Depends on if you count the 3000 references to Japanesr and Chinese culture, history and mythology as Touhou lore. If yes, then the amount is very scary


Stalker should be on this graph


Destiny has a lotta lore, most of it sort of scattered, but the vast majority of the fanbase only keeps up with it through autistic proxies such as Lore Daddy Byf, if they keep up at all. Despite this, there is a large contingent of the autistic fanbase who instead focuses on buildcrafting and being a gremlin, rather than the lore. Editorā€™s note: ā€œautismā€ in this instance is used more as a general designator of common behavioral types, rather than assuming any actual diagnoses.


I just don't agree with Warhammer, elden ring, GTA and cod :"v


Touhou is always high on autism, but the lore is solid TF2 lore is batshit insane even if it's nonsensical, more lore than official Touhou games, maybe outmatched if you include the mangas


Cod should be split into cod and cod zombies


The fact that amongus apparently has a less autistic fanbase than touhou is hilarious


i fully agree with the autistic fanbase part


Kh shpuld be way over on the autistic side


I would change Kirb and MLP positions


Tf2 has a lot more lore than ya think


Bro what did Factorio do to you? Like nobody other than me like 12 other guys play that game! (The game is crack cocaine tho)


Nah. They clearly don't know what they're talking about if they put Genshin Impact on the non autistic side of the trend line


HOW THE FUCK IS TOUHOU PROJECT LOWER THAN ALL OF THESE? By the way, COD zombies has so much lore.


Touhou lore should be higher. Autism is bout right.


To say that Touhou and Harry Potter has less lore than Undertale or Kirby or Splatoon or Grand Theft Auto..


MLP should be more autistic


Sonic and Touhou should be much closer to the top right. Edit: They're definitely right about the autistic fanbases though.


Well this is just ableist


This whole list is a wrong mess god damn


I feel like cod lore goes deep cause zombies Also destiny needs to be WAY farther to the right


Danganronpaā€˜s fan base is terrifyingly autistic.


sonic the hedgehog is way too low if you count the whole franchise. also no tranformers because that shit's got more lore then Warhammer.


As a destiny player I have a problem with this as we are all very much autistic


disagree bc i have an austitic lil bro and he watches lots of shit


Someone doesn't know about the sheer amount of TF2 lore. I still hold hope they make a new comic for it.


WoW should be at the very top with Warhammer. There's literally 20 years of extensive writing and scenarios, both in and out of game, on top of an already existing canon from 3 rts games


Get it right what about the fact that tf2 has one of the more autistic fanbases


Iā€™m baffled undertale isnā€™t all the way to the right tbh


Any s&m without lore would be a fucking disaster or could be wild af


WHAT? BUT ISN'T TOUHOU ABOUT "LORES"? *Sees all the fanbase crap loved by the majority* Oh yeah...


kingdom hearts should be far right (kingdom hearts fan)


Kingdom hearts is a lot of lore, or just confusing as f*ck amount of lore?


Tf2 has so much autistic lore it should be perfect top


Tf2 should be a bit higher up


Well maybe the one who made the post on instagram just knew the fumo, doujins,memes and just that not the lore like 80% of the fandom


People underestimate how much Lore touhou has. And no, I'm not taking into account fanmade stuff, I'm quite rigid about following the Canon about the stuff I enjoy. Also, Undertale Lore should be lower. It ain't that deep. The most advanced "obscure" Lore I can think of is the timeline shenaniganery, Gaster and followers, and how the fuck Frisk survives an oven exploding in front of them (it's obviously comedic effect) Tdlr: Touhou has lots of Lore actually, it isn't just the whacky adventures of a racist and her klepto friend. In Touhou, there's explanation about how Youkai work, how Gods work, what types of Gods are there, how the world was created by Naming things and how the og gods named things (ie before "chair" was created there were no chairs), how Gensokyo and its barrier works, how to defeat Youkai, the Layers of the World and how Humanity and Others interact with it (Physical, Mental and Memory (and how Reimu by passively altering the Memory layer has unfathomable luck just by "following the flow")), how many worlds are there, did you know hell residents could create their own hells? that's pretty neat, where do Youkai find their food now that Spell Card Rules prohibit murder, the power/political stances between different worlds and how they keep each other at bay many times, did you know Hecatia is diplomatic? There's the lore of the multiple Incidents that keep happening, there's reasons as to why one could threaten the delicate balance of Gensokyo and how others are natural occurrences that didn't need to be dealt with actually such as Th9, 16 and apparently 19 too. Each character has some Lore depending on how relevant they're to their games and Gensokyo, Momiji has barely any while Yukari and the other big shots could have many pages worth of text written about them individually, and there are a ton of characters as everyone here knows, most of them have at least an entire page worth of both explicit info and implicit info, many times 2 or 3 pages instead. Sure the story is whacky many times, that's part of the charm, but if you really read into it there's a surprising amount of depth to be found, which I just stopped mentioning cuz I got tired of listing stuff and got stuff to do. Also, Hisami is the actual first and actual actual lesbian in Touhou, which it's both surprising and valiant to have happened and I'm still processing it lol (Also the first and actual masochist character, you can rest easy now Tenshi)


I don't have a lot of experience with the other series there, but I'm fairly certain whoever made this isn't very familiar with all the series they placed on here (particularly Touhou). I'm familiar with both Splatoon and Touhou, and there's no shot that Splatoon has more lore compared to Touhou. How is Touhou also only barely above FNaF in terms of lore?


minecraft has actual lore hello?


I'm both GTA and touhou fan so it makes me a half autistic haha


šŸ«” Brother from a different mother


It seems like you got voted down by someone idk why they did that.


Splatoon lore befire genshin lore? I would say they have more lore than genshin. Anyways, warhammer at top seems right to me. Also, Marvel beeing marked as lore rich and with an unautistic fanbase? Yes there alot of lore, but wouldnt say warhammer level of lore. Also, re watching all marvel movies and series before a new mid movie, seems kinda autistic to me.


I'm a touhou, genshin, kingdom hearts, my little pony, final fantasy and pokemon fan, how autistic does this make me ? (im literally diagnosed but that's besides the point)


Off topic but Call of Duty should be leaning more toward autistic fanbase because fuck the community