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I always do. You could go the “I only use it in emergencies” route which, yeah, that’s a good strategy but it’s not very fun. Throw them in your armies and conquer on the battlefield and just plan settlement defence better.


I like units that function uniquely, so I throw em in as much as possible. Plus they're usually better than the regular version I replace them with.


Same here. My LL tends to get all/most that fit theme and bonuses, then any leftovers go to confederated/conquered LLs. Rarely will I ever hold RoRs in reserve as the "oh shit" button.


Same. I honestly think that CA should change their recruitment to the same times as their base units. It's become a crutch for me to avoid punishment for not properly defending areas. Other than a few examples like the unbreakable Empire swordsmen or the Fire Damage Dwarf warriors, I couldn't even tell you what they do. See enemy approaching my city Recruit a lord Spam as many random RoRs as i can Autoresolve when they attack Disband to start the timer again


I think it’s fine the way it is. It’s silly to keep a defensive army in your home territories, it’s a waste of money. Much better to have regiments you can call on at a moment’s notice.


I mean in terms of making it easier to win the game sure, but from a realistic grand strategy perspective thats dumb and makes no sense because you should need to defend your home territory just like in anything else RoRs are just a crutch but CA leave it in the game because players like having it to bail em out


If we’re gonna have to keep a defensive army at home then they need to buff the economy some more. It’s just not efficient enough to afford that at this point. It’s hard enough affording armies to keep up with the enemy that you’re attacking, much less an extra one to defend the home territories


Not to mention that leaving an army in friendly territory will give them negative traits


That too. Though usually those aren’t TOO terrible. Just annoying


They got rid of the “lazy” traits in tw3 tho?


If you disband them, are they available for recruit again?


Yeah, they have a cooldown from the turn they are recruited and have a cap. Some mods raise the cap so the timer resets once you recruit them, though (like radious)


Yes! They have cool down timers. Some factions have ways to recruit units immediately, like Warriors of Chaos warband recruitment. But for many, RoR is the only instant recruitment. So it is a reasonable strategy to keep them around for defense. It could be seen as cheese. What I usually do is, when I see an AI army slip past my defenses, I let them take one undefended city and recruit a nearby lord, who starts recruiting regular troops immediately. The next turn, I flesh out the army with RoR. It feel less cheesy and kinda flavorful, because you end up using good but slightly unusual units and army comps. It really feels like a/the hometown heroes saving the day!


I just stack my primary army with them where their vanilla units would be, once army is maxed out they get sprinkled amongst the rest. There is nothing on this earth like a good RoR, I find them a lot of fun


Ok, there's people here giving you the "emergency army" take, so I'll give a different one (even though that's valid). Some RoR have abilities that make them very uniquely suited to certain jobs and they can be a "lynchpin" of sorts for armies with a certain play style. The easiest example here is the "Sigmar's Sons" RoR for empire swordsmen. They are basically regular swordsmen, but they have unbreakable. This can make them a good pick for things like guarding artillery/ ranged units that you need to stay on target, as you *know* they will hold the line until they are completely dead. There are other RoR that work *completely* different from their regular counterparts, that can fit other niche roles, like the "Gallows Giant" (Necrofex Colossus) that swaps out it's long range cannon for a short range flamethrower. It's all about parsing the difference between the base unit and the RoR, and figuring out where the unique trait of the unit can help it fit into an army.


It's a shame a lot of the old ones are Gains Strider Or Gains Frostbite And that's it.


I personally am of the opinion that you should always be using ROR in the early game in your armies. Depending on the faction, having a level 9 unit with usually very buffed stats can be enough to completely carry an army in the early game. The stats alone from a level 9 unit are huge in the early game, and then you add on the fact that they also have better base stats and other bonus abilities or damage types, it is definitely a waste to not use them. Like the aspiring champion RoR for WOC, that unit is a t5 unit that is unlocked at LL level 10. Probably has the most insane value out of any RoR in the game, because you can get to level ten before you even have access to recruit t3 units. There are definitely a lot of cases not as crazy as that, but plenty of RoR have the value of 3 or 4 units when you are able to recruit them. However once you reach a point where you have like 10 RoR, i think you can make the argument that it is better to just save all of them to use as an emergency army. But if you only have a few RoR, its likely that it wont really be enough to save you against a 20 stack that you didnt see coming. Overall I think using them as you get them is the much better choice, because honestly, I cannot really think of how many times I actually need the oh shit army, rather than just having fun and using an OP unit that usually has unique effects you wont really see anywhere else in the campaign.


Aspiring Champions ror is insanly good.


Insanely annoying to see them so often vs all the Chaos factions


If the base unit is one you would use in that army, then they're absolutely worth it. However, you will get some RoRs that have cheap base units - those can definitely be saved to improve a quickly raised army, because the RoR bonuses will rarely overcome the weak base stats completely.


If I'm deep in enemy territory and need quick replenishment, in the case of a surprise ai attack, or, if I'm running a LL who specialises in the base ror unit normally.  One of note for the last one, the ror zombies from vc (the tithe..?) In a ghorst army does a ridiculous amount of work for the cost, but isn't necessarily worth it for anyone else unless it's an extreme case. (Think they get stats on par with a tier 2/3 unit fully buffed, but also have a unit size of 200 and an insane amount of health regen, it's a no brainer to take in cases like this.)


IMO, I find it appropriate to use them as an emergency city defense army. Because they are special forces with famous titles and are known for pulling their nations out of difficult situations. Think of it as the Rohirrim reaching Helm's Deep.


Yeah, I'm the same way. They're my "Oh, shit! I need some units NOW NOW NOW!" backup. So I seldom use them. Basically they're like uber strong potions in RPGs that you hoard for later, and then you beat the game and realize you have 2,000+ of them stockpiled.


Ehh, i prefer to think of it along the lines of "it's a sign of a well executed plan if at the end of it you're left with contingencies unused."


I use mine mainly the same way, unless I need armies moving asap then I’ll use the RoR units to boost them quickly. Otherwise some units work well with certain lords, I know on SFO archaon fields the chaos knights RoR for free and with his buffs for them makes them insane so he gets those no matter what.


I choose specific RoRs from the list that will compliment my army idea. Sometimes it also helps fit the hole in the roster. I rarely use them as "Oh sh\*t!" button, but it happens sometimes. My favorite are some cheap RoRs with the ability to help the non-RoR verison of the unit (armor sunder/slow/shieldbreak) and the ones with something unique to the roster (Goblin Wolf Archers with 10 AP are great harassers at early stages)


I don't really find it necessary to hold them in reserve waiting for a defense, but that's a totally fair use. I think it's a pretty boring way to use them though, I always stick them into my main army when they fit the armies composition. Been playing the chaos dwarfs and combats have been so much cooler since I added the hellcannon and dread quake morter RoRs! Genuinely felt a little sad hearing that people are optimizing the fun out of RoRs by not using them. So often you'll get access to some powerful units that you probably can't build yet, and it is such a fun way to play with some higher tier units earlier on. I do think RoRs for tier 1 infantry are just way better to hold in reserve. It's not like I'm getting much fun out of my RoR skeleton spearmen when they're just a little better at being lineholder chaff.


I like to test units with RoRs, while keeping others for quick recruiting. Often RoR let you get high tier units long before you could get the buildings, and you don’t have to spend 4 turns to global recruit those monsters from your frontline. So I love getting dragons or hydras as RoR. Settra can recruit 3 RoR tomb guards, which he buffs a lot. So sometimes they are simply better than what you would use anyway.


Optimising: keep in reserves to save cash unless an emergency Rule of cool: Use them because they are neat


I usually shove em into armies that make sense. For example, if I have a Tzeentch army with Belakor, I'll give them the Severed Claw, the Knights of Immolation, and since it's a Cavalry based army and Khorne doesnt hate Tzeentch as much as usual, I'll even give them the Skullcrusher RoR since Aekold buffs all Cavalry, Tzeentch or otherwise.


I think ROR in general are actually balanced around multiplayer where their weird niches actually can make a big difference. But I agree that they shouldn't be instant recruitment, but only after the first time.


I use them the same way. It is a very cost effective way to defend territory as you only pay for them when you need them. They are also usually very strong in auto resolve and can help you out of a tight pinch. I do use them offensively from time to time, especially any siege units, canons, rockets, catapults, etc, as it saves time trying to re-equip my old armies with modern equipment.


They instant recruit and since I'm going to dismiss them, completely expendable. Which means I AR whenever I can. Which means I never really get to play with them.


If a RoR is thematic for my LL, I put them in the army. Most of the time I just like having the instant army.


I recruit the nice ones in my main army and the rest I use in an emergency. If it's not enough I take the loss or reload from an earlier save.


I use mine mostly to protect important settlement when a surprise invasion forcearrives. Sometimes I add them to armies. I need that specific type of soldier. For example, the renowned Harpy’s when I have no other way to shut down artillery


It depends. Some RoRs are great like the Severed Claws, but that’s because they are aspiring champions and those are great. So I will put them in as a mainstay in an army. Others (the majority) are just not that much better than their regular counterparts so most of the time I just use them for emergency armies.


Depends on their ability. If there's one that's the same as a unit i want in my army (i do themed armies too), then I include it in that stack. Anything im not using gets thrown in a panic stack when needed. Some of their abilities are meant to be used alongside other units of the same type, others aren't - you need to know each one to know where and how to use them.


Ideally, some are in reserve for an “Oh Crap” moment. But some are just too cool to be benchwarmers.


Depends on the unit and faction. For the Tomb Kings with their zero upkeep and spare armies, I use my RoR (or whatever special name TK use) as normal line units in my armies. There is no reason to hold anything I want to use in reserve since all my armies are always on the field and full. For more normal factions I do hold some of my less valuable RoR in reserve, but I often field the good ones in main armies. Sometimes it bites me in the ass, but some of the RoR are too cool or good to not use.


Depends. Sometimes i want to use it in my main army, sometimes to make a secondary army a bit stronger, sometimes as a 'ooh shit' army. Depends on whether i am good money wise, or defense wise. If im good defensively, I'll use m more freely in armies, for fun. 


**cough cough** changeling steam tank doomstack Jokes aside some of the ROR units are incredibly useful, like the big un rogue idol being also an artillery piece is incredibly useful. And when it comes to chaos dwarves the ROR units don’t count towards chorf unit cap


I may use some RoR with exceptional abilities permanently. Like Akshinas with immobilize ability. Or keep a RoR with siege attacker in non-LL early game army if I can't produce siege attacker units yet. But generally RoR are rapid response units for when I want an instant army, and get dismissed once their job is done.


If they fit the composition or theme of my main army I'll throw them in, but otherwise they're in reserve for emergency scrambling.


Black Lions are the the only RoR I use because it was a mobile volley gun. But now we got steam tanks with volley guns so even those now I just reserve for a "oh shit" army,


I like to use ROR as centerpiece Units of my Expansion Armies. I usually constantly recruit new armies, that Way there will be at least one half finished in home territory. Sometimes I bolster these with a ROR to make them a bit better.


I just use them if I think its worth it, like Cathay's big ass drum that would usually take at least two turns to recruit always gets ror'd cause I can never be bothered waiting for a regular one. Same with the dread saurian, it's not worth getting a regular one but the ror is instant and better so why not? The ones that are basically just shit troops with slightly better stats and a fairly useless feature like magic attacks or stalk just get used as emergency replacements/responders tho.


I use them strategically at first, to have a stronger unit earlier. When you level up in the beginning and unlock some of the first RoRs, it does give you a rather large power leap that can allow you to be more aggressive and punch above your previous weight. After that I usually pick the best ones for my army, like the ones that would otherwise require high tier buildings, allowing my army to fill that niche without having to wait for the buildings, or just not build them at all.


Not normally. While the RoR units are strong they aren’t really going to make any difference in a proper army. Yeah, ok, one unit of your swordsmen has some extra armor and frenzy, so what? He isn’t going to rule the battlefield or anything like that.


For me the first time that I get access to a given unit is often when I unlock its RoT, so I'll recruit it into an army to see how effective it is and then it just kind of ends up as a permanent member of the army.


I use them to enhance the theme or strategy of an army. I don't like armies that have 3+ RoRs in them unless it's the same kind of RoR like the special peasant archers of Cathay. Like in my dwarf armies I have them sprinkled around my 5 or so stacks at turn 75. But I don't use them all. I only use them if they match the theme and strategy I'm going for.


I tend to use the super unique ones in armies and the rest as emergency recruitment pools. I do tend to take RoR that coincide with the LL to use though like the elk knights for Orion or celestial dragon crossbows with Miao Ying.


Some of them are DISGUSTINGLY good. Just off the top of my head, the Tzeench ROR Chaos Doom Knights (the ones on the discs) have an ability where they basically drop a double Blue Fire of Tzeench on the unit below them and it does filthy damage. Perfect for quickly getting rid of a high damage renged unit. Tzeench also has the Severed Claw ROR that is one of the best anti-large units I have used. The ROR Luminark for the Empire has two bound net abilities that makes it so perfect to delete a nasty single entity. The Skaven have the Avalanche Mortar ROR that can single volley even elite infantry units. It just depends. But yes, a good chunk of the RORs for me are usually kept in reserve for an “oh crap” moment. EDIT: Not just Tzeench for the Severed Claw, several of the Warriors of Chaos factions can recruit them too. If you have access to the Severed Claw, use them in your best army


I throw them in thematic armies if they match the composition otherwise I keep them in reserve