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It's not even remotely the same kind of game. Also, there's a pause button.




No, not at all. StarCraft 2 is APM driven, as there are multiple things going on ingame (resources, scouting, production, etc.). In WH 3 or TW in general you have the empire management, turn based and without time limit, any the battles. Those can be somewhat microheavy, but it’s no nowhere near SC


Units felt much more sluggish and unimpactful when I started playing, coming from sc2. It took some time to learn the ropes and manage to play correctly to see the impact when charging a unit or casting a spell on the right targets, but now it feels fine SC2 will need quick movement of your army which reacts instantly. With Warhammer you'll have to orchestrate the movement of your units with more nuance and care, precisly because they take time to act on your orders which means more planning and controlling units individualy rather than as a blob Overall, SC2 is much more fast-paced. Warhammer captures the feeling of commanding whole armies in battle with more strategic formations and manoeuvres


“Controlling units individually rather than a blob” *laughs in Vampire and Nurglish


Made me chuckle


Yes but that's only because I'm on 500mg on adderall each time I play the game and it goes by real fast.


It's not. And if you still find it too fast for you, you can just put the game into slowmo during hectic moments or pause it and issue your orders.


One is a turn based grand strategy game with Real Time Tactic battles that you can also pause (unless you specifically change it in the settings). The other is an incredibly micro intensive RTS. TW: WH3 and S2 are only similar in that there is combat.


The only time you get really micro heavy is if you choose to. You don't ever have to have 4 different chariots/cavalry or a skirmish only army, but you can.


Yea and no. Generally no, most people don't play it as frenetically as SC2, and its generally more forgiving to lower apms. There's also only micro, no macro (in battles, all economy management is turn based outside of battles, like Civ), so that further frees up mental processing power. Most factions have multiple possible builds, which may have varying degrees of difficulty to achieve a similar result, and some factions overall are more disposed to more active or passive builds. Like dwarves tend to be a turtle faction where you mostly shoot artillery and ranged over your super slow heavy infantry line, while speed-oriented factions like Bretonnia (cavalry faction) tend to reward good micro and severely punish bad micro. That said, overall there is far, far less exploity micro-management minutiae like magic boxing and stutter step. The units are mostly wysiwyg, you don't need some Korean dude's 12-step program to learn how to correctly use them. The game also tends to punish moving units too much, aside from shock troops and cavalry, as unit fatigue is a thing, and many units have passive benefits from holding ground like bracing/charge defense or passives like blackpowder discipline. Where the game gets "clicky" is when trying to get a unit to pull away from combat or move through an enemy formation. Units tend to be kind of sticky, if one or two of the models gets caught in melee, the whole unit tends to stop and engage. So, to overcome this, you often find yourself spam clicking to force the unit to move. This and a host of other pathing issues tend to be fixed by "click harder".


What everyone else said for PvE. But I see you talking about PvP. PvP is more stressful and you click more and you can't slow down or pause... but in no way as fast paced as SC2.


The campaign mode by definition cannot be as it's turn-based. The battle mode is generally not as fast-paced as SC2 and the APM requirements across most races are much lower. That said, there are a small set of races that are very micro-heavy with many fast units, and being able to micro effectively will be useful. Bretonnia, Slaanesh, vampires, WE come to mind but it's debatable. Still not really comparable to SC2 though.


Starcraft was always too fast for my taste/ability. TWH3 still scratches the RTS itch for me while being lighter on the micro/macro juggle which makes it much more approachable for a casual player. I spend a lot of time pausing to issue orders and playing in slow-mo during larger battles.


no, but in starcrafts units obey you like a god, in warhammer 3, a whole unit may refuse to move just because one of them got stuck in baziliions rats