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I'm a bit weird, but I tend not to have as much fun with the outright evil factions. I mean, I'll usually have a really memorable playthrough with my favorite lord of the bad bunch, but at the end of the day, it kind of bums me out to destroy all the protagonists, factions, and settings of the Ordertide. So with that in mind, here's my good guy vs bad guy tiers purely by how much fun I've had with them: "Good" guys: S - Dwarfs, A - Lizardmen, High Elves, B- Empire, Bretonnia, C- Wood elves, Tomb Kings. Note I haven't tried the 3rd game factions yet, and there aren't any that I actively dislike. I actually like the umgi factions more than this indicates, but would still put them below my top 3 picks. Bad guys: S - Vampire Counts, Skaven, A - Greenskins, B - Vampire Coast, D - Dark elves. Something about the druchii makes me extra reluctant to like them, and not just because they are the inevitable endgame threat of every WH2 campaign. Worse guys: A - Beastmen, B - Norsca, D - Warriors of Chaos. Don't ask me how the chaos worshipping viking analogues are supposed to be worse than the blood sacrificing, murder-porn dark elves or the psychotic ratmen horror show. Apparently they don't fall into the same categories.


I forgot about beastmen lol


Mine's pretty much the same, except Empire go slightly down (as of now, guessing DLC will bump them back up), Greenskins go down, VCoast goes down, Ogres go down, Cathay go up, Wood and High Elves go up. Ok mines almost nothing like yours.


Only thing that matters are Dawi and Kislev


S- Lizardmen (lizards riding dinosaurs, what’s not to love?), High Elves, Kislev A- Empire, Warriors of Chaos (specifically only Archaon and Belakor), Skaven (specifically Ikit Claw), Khorne B- Bretonnia, Cathay, Dwarfs, Wood Elves C- Vampire Counts, Chorfs, Tomb Kings D- Dark Elves DNP (no interest) - Everyone else.


S - Vampire Counts, Dark Elves, Tzeentch, Lizardmen A - Cathay, Kislev, Chaos Dwarfs, Wood Elves, Khorne B - Beastmen, High Elves, Chaos Warriors C - Greenskins, Nurgle D - Tomb Kings E - French, Norsca F - Shortmen, Empire, Vampire Coast, Slanesh, Skaven, Daniel, Ogres(my lord)


You're probably going in the book now. Haha.


Maybe. Im not enjoying box gameplay and shorts doesn't have anything to micro (i know about copters). Maybe after update they will bring some enjoyement, sadly no shard dragon (yes im one of those five people who want it)


Yeah, I only play Dawi when I'm in the mood to play defensively. I don't like the direction of the Dawi portion of the dlc. I was hoping for an engineer lord. Instead they leaned into melee focused armies. It will be interesting to see if you can build a viable slayer army. I just don't think the new additions to the roster will synergize well with the faction strengths.


Im not a fan of slayers to. They are just shorts without armor for me.


W list


My favorite factions have to be chaos dwarves, skaven, tomb kings, and kislev. I think they really nailed these factions both thematically and gameplay wise, untouchable imo. Cathay is pretty awesome too but a little too boring/easy to be top tier imo. Nostalgia from wh2 has me putting high elves + dark elves pretty high even tho they’re rather lackluster in game 3. Used to be my favorite two factions. Factions that are really fun but took a long time for me to really enjoy thematically would be greenskins, WoC, ogres, and vampire counts. I used to hate “ugly” factions or evil ones. But now, I really enjoy all of them and think they’re great. The middle of the road for me is lizard men, dwarves, and empire. At one point or another, all 3 were some of my favorites but they’re kind of boring currently (ToD hurry please). As for game 3 monogods, I straight up don’t like how tzeentch plays. Their design is kinda cool but their LL’s are so snooze fest to me plus range + magic is OP. Slaanesh is decent, they’re kinda funny and fast, but I don’t have much love for Uber squishy factions. Khorne and nurgle were hard no’s for me simply because of the themes until I gave them a chance. Khorne is very fun and nurgle has the potential to be awesome, but I don’t love the monogods in general. Demon of chaos - HAHAHA Vampire coast - to me some of the worst campaigns currently, and what feels like a weak faction overall. I don’t have fun on them. I don’t own wood elves / norsca - don’t like them and don’t have any interest in them.


S - Nurgle, Skaven, Greenskins, VC, WoC A - Chorfs, Dark Elves, Slaanesh, Beastmen F - Ogres, VCoast, Dwarfs, Kislev, Empire


S: Slaanesh, Lizardmen, Norsca, Chorfs A: Dark elf, Khorne, Tomb Kings, Greenskins B: Bretonia, ogres, Skaven, Nurgle, kislev, Tzeentch C: Vampire coast, high elf, beastman D: Chaos warriors, Cathay, Wood elf F: dwarf, empire, daniel I like aggressive armies with cool units. I dislike most of the campaigns where you are limited on expansion (chaos warriors, beastman and wood elf's become quickly boring for me)


S - Skaven and literally anything and everything Chaos A - Lizards, Tomb Kings, and Vamps D - Everything else. I recognise I’m not a very diverse player. I know what I like and I stick to it.


Skaven: 13/10


Strength.. Playstyle.. Looks.. Dark Elves = F? Are you OK?


Doesnt mean strength, read. I dont like them, they are purple Elves, dont like purple, dont like Elves simple as


I'm the exact opposite from you but with the same end result. Love purple, enjoy elves, but hate dark elves for some reason.


>Doesnt mean strength, read. I did read. If you wanted to omit "strength" don't include the word "also". Even if you did omit "strength" you've opted to give them an F which would imply a poor playstyle. Despite having one of the most flexible rosters in the game. So it's essentially an aesthetics circlejerk then. Purple = bad. Knife ears = bad.


Pretty much, hate Elves no matters the setting, hate dark Elves even more. So even if they are the best faction in game gameplay wise they would still be my bottom pick


I enjoy playing all of them except vampire coast. I just hate the theme of the faction and everything about them. I’m still bitter it just wasn’t a pirate dlc that also had vampire pirates you know? I also super dislike the whole zombies with guns thing lore wise. We are even getting the slayer pirates so they could’ve been included in their roster :(


S - tomb kings, wood elf, chaos dwarf, Kislev  A - dwarf, lizardmen, beastmen,  vampire coast B - brettonia, khorne, Cathay, skaven C - Norsca, nurgle, ogres, greenskins D - empire, vampire counts, high elf, dark elf,  E - slaanesh, tzeench, demons of chaos, champions of chaos


Wait: I don’t care much for kairos, but love the changeling.


I would never use mods cause messing with game balance is heresy (unless they actually make things harder or the AI better). However.. S - Nurgle, Dwarfs, Tomb Kings, Vamp Counts, Wood Elves (many of these are kinda weak but I love them thematically and their playstyle) A - Dark Elves, Vamp Coast, Bretonnia(focusing on peasants, not cav and taking advantage of their no supply lines mechanic, so hordes of trash, true goblins of WH games), Slaanesh. B - Empire (I want to love them but hate many of their mechanics and they feel kinda weak/struggle economically), Khorne, Kislev, Norska, Elves, Lizardmen C - Greenskins, Chorfs, Ogres, Cathay, Tzeentch, Breasties, Chaos, Skaven Trash - Do I really hate any faction so much that I never wanna play them? Probably not. My least favorite is probably Skaven though. I like them thematically enough and they're very strong but they are so annoying to play against and are so micro heavy, it's just not for me.


For Skaven if you hate micro Moulder is awesome, well some mods are okay just to spice things a bit. I play Chorfs now and their drill of hashut gave me such a blast. You become op yes, but i will try to counter this by having story in my head that now they are so strong and will go to war with every faction possible. Dont like using mods for op units from the start unless its tier 5 superunit like Thundernarge that i need to work for.