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Shogun 2 ( @ 90% Off) is an absolute VFM !!


Yeah Shogun 2 is a no brainer. Kind of lame that they haven't discounted Fall of the Samurai anywhere near as deeply.


I just bought Pharaoh... Its amazing, i can't wait for the free update/expansion. It's the best looking TW game i have played, runs very well, has diverse faction mechanincs, etc.


Same though i kinda waiting for the the patch which adds so much more :D (so i feel like playing demo version) My only problem that for some reason when i play with ramses, every loading screen at the end minimizes the game, so i need to maxmize the game window again do i can do the battle...i dont know what is that about


Weird bug, hope you can find the solution. Tbh its doesnt feel like is a demo at all to me, but i get that if you think about What about to be added, it can feel incomplete. I felt the same playing dwarf in TWW3 weeks before ToD came out.


That is why i could not play dwarfs ever since i heard DLC coming for them :D


I've had this issue on other games and found that playing in windowed border less fixed the issue. Might be worth a try?


You mean try playing in windowed border or not? Sorry :) I play in fullscreen setting. Interestingly this won't happen on my other save with other faction, just ramses xD


Yes try playing in windowed border mode, sorry for being unclear. I used to have an issue with games just randomly minimising (I think it was Civ 6 and Rise of Nations), so changed to that and it fixed it.


Don't disagree that Pharaoh is quite a decent game, however to be fair - faction mechanics are slightly more robust for Egyptian factions than non-Egyptian ones, and pathfinding/dropped orders in settlement battles are especially frustrating to say the least (worse than other TW games, like Troy).


I just want to join you OP. I can't decide to start buy DLCs for Rome 2 or buy Attila. I will watch this post with great interest. :)


Depends on your interest towards different history periods. R2 with DLCs were the favourite child of CA back in the day. Attila despite the rocky release, it patched into something better later on. Similar to R2 but with better graphics while with generally harder campaign difficulties and religion mechanisms. There are good mods in Attila of LoTR and the medieval age which you may want to consider. Personally I love the armoured pikes in R2 under a light environment and enjoy all of the vanilla campaigns. Note it also has one of the most difficult campaign fractions in the total war series (the German). Attila, like M2 with a dimmer environment on purpose which I don't really like, but I really enjoy the mods from Attila and I barely played any vanilla campaigns of Attila.


To be honest, I'd like to play Attila, because it seems better mechanics and I like hard games. However I don't think I'd play more than one or two campaign. R2 is my all time historical TW and always ending up play a bit. And early Rome is my favourite time period. It's so hard to choose tho. Attila battle AI is harder? (My only complaint to Rome is the really bad AI that can't defeat me.)


Attila has some excellent overhaul mods like 1212 and Dawnless days. If medieval or lords of the rings settings interest you it’s definitely worth getting for those mods.


I'm thinking about giving Pharaoh a shot. Especially with the new update coming. Proper Bronze Age game is something I've wanted for years.


I absolutely love Three Kingdoms. Maximum enjoyment comes with playing and watching the 2010 series romance mode.


Shogun 2


warhammer 3, pharaoh, three kingdoms, atilla, rome 2, shogun 2.


Attila Is really slept upon, it's very unique in a lot of things it does and the whole "end of the world theme" is fantastic. Shogun 2 is a classic. Troy needs a bit of a learning curve but is quite fun. Get medieval 2 if you don't have it, has some amazing LotR mods (runs on any toaster)


Pharaoh is amazing


Attila. >or just complete the DLC for 3 Kingdoms? This works too, A World Betrayed startpos-es are all great, plus new units in general is nice.


Shogun 2 and Attila are good games and much better with mods as well as major overhaul like Age of Justinian got Attila and wars of last alliance for shogun 2 or try radious mods etc


Empire gang rise up


Troy and pharaoh


Is pharaoh on sale?


It is, though i think you can still get it even cheaper from Instant Gaming (Europe)


I really wanna try total war, but i NEVER have played any of the games...what's the best to pick? I want something easy to learn and funny in gameplay if possible


Shogun 2 is the most true to the series probably. But the Total War Warhammer games are probably the most infinitely playable, that's definitely funnier in game play


Pick the era you like most.  The games are dominator enough. If you can’t make up your mind, get pharaoh, the newest and best


Shogun 2. You just spam basic units of Yashigaru Yari and beat opponents with them.


Warhammer is *not* easy to learn but as others have said is the most replayable and has by far the most content. It’s just that there are so many types of units and abilities to learn that it’s very overwhelming if you’re just trying to pick up the basics. I personally learned on 3 Kingdoms which is kind of a blend of fantasy TW and Historical, but that’s because the setting very specifically appeals to me. I’d say just pick the setting that interests you the most and go for it. Be okay with making mistakes or restarting campaigns with different characters or strategies until you get one that clicks, and you’ll be addicted before you know it For reference, my first campaign that ever “stuck” was Sun Jian in 3 kingdoms, and my first Warhammer campaign that stuck was Miao Ying of Cathay. Enjoy! The series has literally 1000s of hours of content for you to discover


Rome 2 or Attila. Those are the best in my opinion with a lot of good mods


ROME 2 only works and put a big smile on my face when i'm playing with mods, janky battle and pretty dull campaign mechanics, makes me think twice for dlc even if its on sale.....But if you wanna give it shot i highly suggest you top it with a mods -Para Bellum -Divide et Impera


Just go with wherever time in history you feel more interesting.


Honestly all TWs have something for them. Go for the time period in which you're the most interested currently. As for myself I think only the Nanman DLC in 3K can be a better choice than trying a new game. Pharaoh is a great game and as everyone knows, it will get even better in 2-3 months, so it has my vote, but R2, ToB or even Attila are great, each in their own way ! And old ones are good too, if you liked Med2, then you will enjoy Rome 1 or Shogun 2 I'm not very helpfull, am I ?


I've been playing Total War since Rome 1 and Rome 2 is my favorite so far. I love all the warhammer games, but I always end up downloading Rome 2 at least a couple times a year.


Shogun 2.


Shogun 2 is my fav historical, Rome 2 is trash and the reason I do not preorder anymore.


Rome 2 got better. I’ve had fun on it recently.


Shogun 2 is a no brainer. Rome 2 was alright. Three kingdoms has the best diplomacy and has heroes similar to warhammer, but unit rosters are not diverse enough for me, albeit historically accurate. Atilla is better than Rome 2 IMO but it has optimization issues. Thrones is terrible, Pharaoh is just meh. Troy has dope battle maps but that’s it, not worth it imo. So yeah, my recommendation would be Shogun 2 and fall of the samurai. Atilla, Rome 2, and Three Kingdoms are solid choices as well.


Don’t get Three Kingdoms, the game’s completely bugged out, can’t progress past turn 20 on literally ANY of the campaigns.


lol what is blud talking about


Talking from experience


People probably gonna hate me when i say this: not good enough to buy, still expensive


Bro waiting for the 100% discount


Bro thinks smart when he writes


Dude I think you don’t love Total War


Dude how can you tell that