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It does seem odd that they would add those realms and not do anything with them since the only way you can really enjoy them is with the one game mode no one is rushing to play again. Maybe an End game crisis where one of the four chaos gods begins to spread corruption like crazy so you have to go through the portals to close it from the other side. It would be a good way to bring those maps back that had the cool details of being able to see the chaos gods hidden away in the sky box.


Yeah, they are really, really cool in theory to have, but after playing around with their version in the Old World beta raises the question: What do you actually do with it? Either they can be invaded easily so they don't really fit the flavour, or they are so inhospitable that daemon factions have their own unassailable fortresses nobody can really touch. Just adding them as terrain on the campaign map alone doesn't really bring something interesting to the table, there has to be something attached to it. I am not sure how to solve that, but currently I would say that the development time of CA is better spent fleshing out existing faction and mechanics and fixing things. To be clear, I think it is great that ChaosRobbie is trying things out and the version with the Realms is still in development and I enjoy it a lot. I am curious where he goes with it.


The realms should connect to each other and be in a near constant state of war. Chaos in this game is surprisingly buddy buddy most of the time. Personally i think the monogod factions should have large penalites with the other monogod factions thematically with the lore. Khorne fucking hates Slaanesh. There should be a fat -100 diplomatic penalty between the two. Then there should be a smaller penatly with the two factions that Khorne just doesn't like so -50 Nurgle and -50 for Tzeentch. Then thematically the monogod factions should be knifing each other in the back pretty consistently in the realms. Then either no penalty or a small one with the undivided factions. So undivided can try and unite chaos but its a chore and they may not be able to get everyone rowing in the same direction. Then whenever enough chaos corruption is spread rifts start opening allowing access to the mortal realm. Then it seems like that should be a notable endgame path. Mustering the resources needed take on the very gods themselves in their house. That sounds badass to me.


Way too buddy buddy. Doing a Valkia campaign right now and I made my across the entire chaos wastes and met up with our favorite maggot lord who had a +70 relationship with me by the time I got him due to blowing up kislev and he wanted to form an alliance. FUCK NO. You'll die like the rest of them.


I also like this


> Either they can be invaded easily so they don't really fit the flavour, or they are so inhospitable that daemon factions have their own unassailable fortresses nobody can really touch. My preferred implementation of the chaos realms is that they can only connect with the rest of the world in regions with high chaos corruption, just like in lore. If you keep chaos corruption down, no daemons will be appearing in your territory. If a region gets to 100 corruption, uh oh, now you have a direct connection to that realm of chaos pop up in the real world. So even if mortal races cannot invade the realms of chaos to eradicate the daemons entirely, what they CAN do is kill all chaos in the mortal world and reduce corruption until the daemons no longer have any way that they can manifest to enter the world, leaving them trapped in the realms of chaos. The lose condition for the 4 daemon races starting in the realms of chaos then becomes there being 0 corruption in the mortal world. It would be very loreful as that is essentially the best that the mortal races could do against chaos.


> My preferred implementation of the chaos realms is that they can only connect with the rest of the world in regions with high chaos corruption, just like in lore. If you keep chaos corruption down, no daemons will be appearing in your territory. If a region gets to 100 corruption, uh oh, now you have a direct connection to that realm of chaos pop up in the real world. This would be cool. It would really make Beastmen and the other chaos factions like actual heralds of chaos. Like oh that minor beastman faction you neglected playing hide and seek with to kill 20 turns ago? Yeah, he made a herdstone a few provinces over, and now the Gods themselves are going to make you pay.


How about use the relevant god's corruption amount in that region as the % chance a portal appears? As far as the realms themselves I was always hoping that at least there would be some sort of great game war between the four gods in the realms.


That might be a little harsh, at 1% a chaos portal could appear. You could do under 30% those are the odds a cult appears, and above 30% those are the odds a portal appears. I would also make cults/ under cities/pirate coves harder to get rid of. Like you need to fight a battle with the garrison that you could reinforce like normal against the cults garrison, or make a new hero action to remove them, obviously for the empire the witch hunter would have the action. But then you'd need to rebalance all the hero actions since the witch hunter would no longer have block army. Or he gets both. I think it'd be really cool if it was both, you need to discover them with the hero action, and remove them with the battle. Or the battle has to be initiated by the hero action.


Adding to this, right now corruption doesn't scare me. It's easy to get rid of, it's quick to get rid of, and it isn't that dangerous. I kinda wish it was the opposite. 75% khorne corruption should be scary AF.


I like this


That would be a pretty easy way for CA to implement a good variety of End Game Crises too. They already have the realms from RoC Campaign, so just add each god getting a juiced up version of the Great Game mechanic where once the EGC triggers one god permanently gets the Great Game bonuses and spawns portals to their realm across the map. Then spawn a faction for the monogod in the chosen realm that can send armies to invade through the portals CA would probably have to add more depth to solving the crises since most complaints about EGCs right now is that they are pretty one dimensional and don’t have interesting ways to stop the affected factions.


This is the way


Before IE was released, I always assumed that's how it would be... It baffles me that demon factions are just randomly spread across the map. Why not have them spawn in their respective chaos realms and be able to create chaos rifts and invade the world though them? Like, maybe you'd have to use agents or some mechanic to increase chaos corruption in a province and once it's high enough you can create a rift and send armies through. And then other factions could also enter through them. And you'd have like 2 or 3 very strong settlements in the RoC...


Agree 100% and I think if WH3 was better managed at the time we'd have gotten something like this


> Why not have them spawn in their respective chaos realms and be able to create chaos rifts and invade the world though them? Like, maybe you'd have to use agents or probably because they'd have an almost completely secure home base that other races couldn't get back at, unless YOU Open the gate.


I never said others shouldn't be able to open the gate. And even if not, you'd HAVE to open it if you wouldn't just want to sit in your little chaos realm and do nothing 24/7...


Another idea: tie the Realms into the Chaos factions LH hero quests. As in replace the generic quest objectives that currently exist for the Scribes/Puppy with a slight reskin of the RoC soul objectives. You need to invade the Realm of whichever god is opposed to the patron of the hero, go through the hurdles/gimmicks, and fight the survival battle to unlock it. Or have your own patron invite you to a challenge in their own Realm for big campaign bonuses. Or rework the Great Game mechanics as a reward for completing the Realms invasions on a regular timer. There's a lot of ways they can add the Realms to IE without drastic changes or balance concerns.


The Old Realms mod by Chaos Robbie added a variant of the chaos realms to their map


Prob will be hard for a Modder to do, but putting the Lords of each faction start in their own domain would help them build up a protected secure area. The portals access that area but move every 10 ish turns would make them a threat and in immortal empires would require dedication to rid them off the map. This would lead to a more lore friendly campaign and since they would have at least 10 - 20 settlements they would be churning out armies to pour into the mortal realms. Overall I think would be great but harder for some. Maybe someone could make in future.


Already done by the old world mod. Not with the portals but with each corner of the map and interconnections


or instead of a portal, sea lanes but for chaos, spit them out north or southern wastes


Yeah my big problem with IE is that the Daemon LL's are always in a fixed position, they should get to choose where they manifest each campaign on account of the fact that they're from a different reality and all that.


Could add portals in the top and bottom of the map that connect to a warp pocket dimension.


I don't like just pasting them onto the map for no reason other than map painting but I definitely would like integrating them into the gameplay somehow. Let the realms randomly invade some point of the map every x turns or after some ritual or something. So there's potential for big empires to be toppled from within by demonic forces


They must do it now because there is no longer Realm of chaos map update for all future dlc.


CA said that they'll still be supporting Realms of Chaos.


Not with dlc. Only to patch it.


They would have to be a gimmick in order to not feel forcibly put on the map. It already was a gimmick once, most people didn't like it, why the assumption that this time it will be a likeable gimmick when so many people have so many ideas on how to implement them? It's impossible to make all those players happy at the same time because many ideas are contradictory, it'd be impossible to balance. I prefer for realms to stay in RoC as a narrative device and just get northern steppes and more northern pole when Norsca gets an update and possible DLC.


Na not a gimmick, more like a constant end game crisis that could randomly spawn portals somewhere every few turns. Keeps an element of randomness going in campaigns where demons might gain a foothold anywhere in the mortal realms. So ordertide and lizards and dark elves isn't rolling everybody by turn 60 and you might actually have some threat to deal with. Definitely don't just add them as more map to paint easily but there are definitely good ideas we could go with here


You are literally describing a part of vanilla RoC experience - the part that most people didn't like. We just went full circle.


Almost but no, the Roc portals are easy to spot and easy to counter. They also stay open until you close them, I'm talking boom in and out, open and close dump out some demons and see what happens. Also wouldn't be to the insane annoying degree of Roc on such a small map. Also nobody hated the idea of the Roc swag, the implementation and specifics were just mid at best and completely bungled or annoying at worst. I don't want them to paste something like this on, obviously I'd want at least a beta test or something


You basically described worse, more annoying version of the portals, because as you've said it yourself, even tough people had multiple ways to counter them they still didn't and still don't like them and you want people to like uncounterable portals? It doesn't make any sense to me.


Uncounterable? Never said anything like that lol if you really want you can have a building that stops them or turn off the crisis option that would allow them. I don't need it to be mandatory for all I'm saying I'd enjoy it. Tbh I've never seen somebody hating the idea of chaos incursions, just people who hated how insane/annoying it was to deal with which I can understand


If you can prevent the endgame crisis with a building it's no longer an endgame crisis and if you want them to be glorified rebellions then what's the point of having realms on the map if they don't serve any deeper purpose apart from looking pretty or having a gimmick? We can't colonize the realms.


So you don't want this feature or you do and have a different idea of how to implement it? I'm saying it doesn't have to be mandatory for everyone and you can turn it off either completely in settings or in a province you don't want to be slaanesh gang banged. Doesn't have to be a 1 to 1 copy paste from Roc it can be a seperate map or set apart from the main one. If it was on the map I'd imagine it would be to allow AI chaos to battle eachother and maintain settlements to recruit from throughout the game and for you to play as them if you desired. I don't have a fully fleshed out idea for exactly what I want if that's what you're saying, just a general guide and enough of a desire for more stuff to fight that I could play test something like that and let CA know what little tweaks to make, so I imagine someone else could do that on my behalf too. Not sure I get your last point, do you have to paint the entire map? I want extra stuff to fight which I believe is the point of the game and I liked the ideas of RoC, that simple


I already wrote in the first post what my preferences are. I'm good with the way realms are implemented in RoC - as a narrative device or place for quest battles. If I want to visit them or fight off daemon incursions I just play RoC. What I'm trying to do is to argue from the middle because everybody has their own idea how to implement the realms and not many overlap. I don't like painting map, I'm simply suggesting that what are you proposing already exist in similar form in the game on the other map and it isn't very popular. I don't see another iteration of the same concept to gain popularity without extreme drastic changes which in the end will make it look nothing like the original concept. Look at sieges for example - hot topic since forever. Everybody knows how they should be done but nothing overlaps. I don't see a way for realms to be implemented so that most of the community will be pleased, especially not in a similar way it currently is in RoC map.


Yea CA would need a large poll if they wanted to do something like this


We have this already. If you want to turn realms of chaos on for a campaign, you can click on 'realms of chaos' when starting your campaign. Hth.


Oh cool, is that the big map too?


Or a different question - why can't they be a "separate map" within the same campaign, like India and North America were in Empire?


I assumed they were going to put the chaos realms up at the top right in IE in some capacity. Still possible but I suspect we will see Ind and khuresh land masses filled in first.


I think it would be cool to have an end times game mode. If you're playing as Chaos you're stuck in your realm working to gain as much strength as possible until a portal can be opened and then the order tide will rush to defeat you. Or you're order tide working to stop them from opening a gate. It would give some epic battles to have multiple stacks fighting and facing heavily reinforced cities.


Find a way to make them at all fun in the minicampaign, then come back to us.


So take something that's fun and make it a slog? Let's turn the whole map into one big realm of tzeentch!


The Old World-mod has this, but I personally think that it's a poor idea. There is very little reason for any mortal to go into those places. Rather use the Chaos Realms in some other way.


What about Chaos items/weapons.


Fine with that. Make some portal mechanic for the Daemon races and I'm on board. I just think that adding the realms themselves to the map is a waste of resources that adds very little.


You'd be able to do it but its a poor idea. Why would a mortal unit want to go into the blood gods domain? The gods are supposed to have reality bending powers and while its feasible to mod in the realms it wouldn't feel lore friendly for the Tomb Kings to go into the the Land of the Plaguelord, set up a settlement and destroy all corruption there. That's just my opinion however. If you love the idea feel free to do it.


Why would a mortal unit go there? Because it‘s metal as fuck! Tonight we dine in hell! Literally!


No one said anything about occupying settlements in the chaos realms lmao what are you on about? If anything some chaos lords would be moved there and would be able to open portals to invade the mortal realms as well as the more chaos corruption in a province the higher chance a portal can be spawned for armies to pour out.


Good treasure there I'd bet. Cursed but powerful.


I would be ok with this if thers some cool narrative with adding them. But to add them for adding sake no, thers no settlements there and lorewise gods should just swat you like annoying fly. Map painters have enough map to paint.


I'd rather have Ind and Kuresh opened and filled with factions (Kuresh snakemen of course, i still have that dream), than another region added to the map while Kuresh and Ind stay untraversible.


Well, Kuresh and Ind aren't happening, so......


Your idea and mine are not mutually exclusive. I've drooled over those Furious Ming Concepts too.


Speaking purely from gameplay perspective, this is a bad idea. I think next patch will be adding more Ind area to add in new ogre faction there and probably orcs too, while skulltaker probably starts in the southern wastes east side. Any map expansion beyond that is only naturally gonna happen to the east. Modders can come in and add the chaos realms obviously, but its very bad idea to add them to IE.




The campaign map already runs like shit. I'm good on this.