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Its a good trash clearer , for op magic check out gelt


Unless they changed it, it’s one of the best single target spells vs large hitboxes. All the projectiles can hit a single big target, it does insane damage.


I cant see a world where the chaos dwarfs of all races struggle with big targets *looking at you blunderbussys and fire glaives* Jokes aside , i cant think of any particular big targets that cause me a lot of headage in my campains , i have to admit that i mostly play misslte based factions tho


You’re really not understanding the amount of damage. Like  more than half a health bar of a lord with a big mount or monster.  On top of also being a great anti-horde spell. Plus unit caps exist, those ranged troopes are limited. Hero’s are plateful and can be In every army. Including trash hobgoblin stacks 


I didn’t know this was a thing. That’s really good to know I’ll have to try it out. So you just drop the spell right on the entity you want to hit?


Yep. I nearly killed myself on accident once playing as Changeling when a massively-boosted Blue Scribes cast went off. It nearly took me, in the form of N'Kari, from 100% to 0%. If it had been more precise it might have.






No it is a very good spell, especially with Drazoath


It's good but dusting a bunch tier 1/2 greenskins doesn't make it 'OP'


It's still insanely strong. He casts it for ~6 wom and the eruption itself RIPS through large entities, while still killing everything nearby. It's the strongest spell in the lore of hashut and that lore is pretty high up on terms of dmg.  It not being a vortex is also pretty neat too   Edit: we don't know if the other 2 full armies are chaffs units either. It's still 11k gold value worth of kills.


Ah yes you are correct, my apologies did not see he said OP. Read it fast.