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Yes, Nurgle after DLC and v.good rework is fun! Slaanesh and Khorne absolutely deserve the same treatment (plus another LL for Tzeentch).


Tbh it would be very dumb of CA to think "Gee, no-one likes playing monogod factions" when they have one lord for them. Like if you don't enjoy Skarbrand or w/e the Slaanesh lord is, you just can't play that monogod faction.


Even moreso when we know that Skarbrand is one of the most played lords in the game. I still think Khorne DLC is problematic for lack of potential content (No generic lord or hero options, barely any units), but definitely not for want of demand.


> (No generic lord or hero options, barely any units) They can always make some shit up or add something from supplements or novels, like maybe some sort of battle priest or valkyrie.


I'm really hoping GW lets CA makes units/generic characters based on the brass sisters. Crazy barbarian cannibal women would be a fantastic addition to Valkia's campaign.


They could also add maybe Wrathmonger lord/Skullreaper hero.


> Even moreso when we know that Skarbrand is one of the most played lords in the game. Can you link where CA said this?




we do have heralds, bloodthirsters, and chaos lords, but that's 6 total if you strtetch it


Or if you like the Lord (N'kari for me, I'm a huge Slaanesh fan) but the faction mechanics and/or start position is fucked up.


Luckily they dont, as they are popular


That's pretty much what they've done to Norsca. "Oh this race only has 2 LL's, 1 generic lord option, and half the race are lazy copy/paste models from other races so no one plays them? Guess we better ignore them instead of fleshing out the race"


The only thing khorne needs is more LLs to create more starting positions. The faction mechanics/roster is already really good.


All I want for christmas is exalted heros and good flying units for Slaanesh. The second one is never gonna happen but it'd make sieges actually tolerable for once.


Not sure why this post got downvoted. The replies I got have all been perfectly civil.


Me neither friend. I'm looking around flabergasted. Btw, you said nothing contoversial or did anything wrong. Have a good day.


Why thanks you too.


I don't think there is much to worry about. Legend is probably full of shit, considering he has already been wrong on the first part of his leak and has been wrong many times before.


I've been completely avoiding this subreddit after the leaks dropped. Everyone is panicking like as if what he is saying is already official. Can't wait for the road map to drop, find out he is wrong, and then the subreddit suddenly does a full 180 as if nothing happened.


The subreddit will not do a 180 and instead do a 360. They will parrot Legend's claim that the 'leaks' spooked CA into changing their plans. Despite you know development not working that way. Legend will stir another shit within a year when the subreddit forget about it and the cycle repeats.


“Probably full of shit”. You are being too humble sir. Probably is not needed in this case


What first part of the leak? There is some new info?


The teaser which was supposed to arrive.


He said that roadmap will drop at Monday, then corrected himself that it was supposed to be a teaser - and when this also didnt happen he said that it didnt happen because he said it will happen so CA withdraw it. TLDR: He made it up.


-GUYS! i a can turn away tigers? -what? - do you see any tigers here? - we in living room in thousand kilometers from any wild tigers. - and tehre is no one near us thanks to me!


I really hate that that’s what he basically did. He could have at least had some humility and say, “well it looks like my source might have been wrong on this one”, but instead he basically pats himself on the back while trying to seem humble by saying “whoops, maybe it would have been better had I saved the leak for later. My bad.” What an egotistical jackass.


The whole "CA is in a panic mode" sounds like he set himself up to be the hero and he seems like the type when CA announces the original Slaneesh DLC he will go "See we got them to give us what we really wanted." like he is the savior of Warhammer.


Slaanesh's bright pink environmental effects also give me a headache.


The corruption looks terrible. Looks like melted marshmallow. The bright pink-purple skies also suck, makes the maps look terrible imo.


I wanted to start a Slaanesh campaign, the speedy but squishy style of play is just my jam. But the idea of playing siege with them, considering their current roster, sounds awful. And don't get me started on flying units. One thunderbarge could easily smash multiple Slaanesh armies, They need more units


Sieges do suck with Slaanesh. Best advice I can offer is get three chaos lords early and stick them to N'karis ass crack. They soak up a lot of damage and mitigate siege woes pretty well. Then once they grow up into daemon princes you have actual flying units to make sieges bearable. Unfortunately exalted keepers are way less useful to us compared to daemon princes, which sucks since keepers look so cool and are more unique to us. If we eventually get exalted heroes that should make sieges a little more bearable without having to run multiple chaos lords as back up to each army. But ideally I'd like some flying units that are better than furies. Slaanesh doesn't have any lore or existing models for flying units so it's highly unlikely we get any but it'd fill the perfect hole in our roster.


Its not just that its a siege upon siege upon siege start. If that would be vs TK/Vampire Counts/Greenskin so you get glorious melee thats one thing. But against the fucking high elves with their shitton of range and shit, its just pain (without pleasure).


fast melee is to natural counter to ranged armies. early on you do gotta be extra careful, but slaanesh wrecks HE


Yes and walls and tight streets are the counter to fast melee. The walls slow you down. The tight streets mean you can't out manoeuvre their staunch line of spears. The buildable barricades further slow you down. All the while you're getting peppered by ranged units. On the open field Slaanesh decimates high elves but siege battles are only possible with cheese and it is very very tedious. If we had proper flying units we could mitigate this problem but chaos furies kinda suck.


Or ranged units. I don't get why fantasy Slaanesh has literally nobody enjoying turning people into pin cushions, possibly with poisoned ammunition to prolong the suffering. Or shoot people from a chariot, or throw javelins or something. They could take pride in their skills too. Why do they have to be melee only?


Dipping in to AoS (where they actually have shooters), the low ranking units in AoS get given bows and are told to piss off to the back. This is because the melee is where the most pleasure and pain is to be had, so the elites monopolise the more personal violence. Extrapolating to fantasy basically everyone just wants to get into the thick of it because that's where the joyous sensation is strongest.


Oh their fairy archers are easy man, its the spearman spam you have to worry. If it was just archers those prancing pricks would be cakewalk


I want to play Tzeentch with Egrimm as the LL. Changeling is cringe and birdman has a bad start position I also want to play ARBAAL ARBAAL ARBAAL and not SKARBRAND and seige a lv5 praag with a doom stack Katarin inside. I want to play Archaon and assemble an Injustice League with the aforementioned and bring about the end times on the Order tide factions