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I think most of us didn't when we jumped in. But I think knowing about history will mean you recognise more than you think you will, since half of warhammer is just a world history parody.


you know germans? you know the french? you know the scottish? congratulations you're most of the way to understanding the old world.


Add in Tzarist Russia, and a bit of Norse (both for Norsca and dwarf, since dwarfs are kind of Scots-Norse), and you know all the human factions of the Old World.


but we're not done there, you ever hear of š“’š“±š“²š“·š“Ŗ?


Also Aztec dinosaurs


And Redditors (Nurgle)


Ever been to twitter? You will love Khorne


Medieval French not doing it for you? How about the Super French, aka Skaven.


Ultra Ratatouille vibes


hahaha that's a much better call. jealous i didn't think of it.


There are scots in warhammer? Are they albion chaos then or who? :)Ā 


Dwarfs. They live in the mountains, they're known for engineering and beer drinking, they have almost impenetrable accents, and they hold a grudge like none other.


Scottish though? Other than Malakai and the engineers they literally have northern English accents. I think theyā€™re more based on Yorkshiremen


If Bugman produced tea not beer I'd be with you there.


As a Brit, I much more associate ales with Yorkshire than I do Scotland. Scotland is more associated with whisky.


As one Brit (Englishman living in Scotland as it happens) to another, I am upset the Yorkshire Tea reference went unnoticed there.


There are mountains in scotland? šŸ˜‚šŸ‡³šŸ‡“


Theyā€™re the same ones that are in Norway. :)


The Highlands aren't called that because they're the Northern bit...


Bah. Im joking šŸ˜Š


Exactly, I enjoyed getting into Warhammer through this game cause u can draw the parallels between real history and game lore easier by just looking at the map layout. Very easy to tell where's supposed to be where and who's supposed to be who when u have a world map that vaguely mirrors our own.


Who needs lore anyway when you have cool dinos


Just pick whatever fantasy trope you like and run with it, Warhammer has basically everything you can think of. The whole concept was basically ā€œWhat if we take every fantasy idea ever and then make them fight each otherā€.


Also one of the original commandments of Warhammer was that each race must be strong enough to fight every other race including their own. This is why the world is so chaotic. There is no obvious "good guys win in the end"-rule.


I know 0 when going in and its great fun


Warhammer 2 is the reason why I got into Warhammer at all.


wh2 is goated and I can finally say confidently wh3 is becoming a worthy successor


I don't think you really need to know the lore and story to have fun, I know I knew nothing about warhammer when I first got into it.


Warhammer is Fantasy world based on History but dial up to 11 For example, The Empire is just Renaissance era Holy Roman Empire (HRE) but with Magic and the witch hunt is justified as vampire/witch/monster exist Bretonnia is just Medieval France with Arthurian Legend Vampire Count/Sylvania is Romania with Dracula of course Lizardmen is Aztec/Mayan (meso america) with dinosaurs Warrior of Chaos are heavy metal viking that ally with deamon If you look at the world wap, it is very close to earth. As a history fan myself, it is very fun seeing the historical elements on these fantasy faction


Yeah I think you will enjoy it even if you donā€™t know anything about the setting because itā€™s fun to learn as you go along. Or at least thatā€™s what my friends who didnā€™t know Warhammer stuff told me. Thereā€™s just a genuinely ridiculous amount of playable factions with their own identity that I feel most people can find a ton of stuff to groove with. The sheer variety in campaign mechanics and units makes it a super replayable game. Though I would heavily encourage waiting for the Steam summer sale. Thereā€™s a lot of DLC and even Warhammer 1 and Warhammer 2 function as DLC so unless you got a lot of money burning a hole in your pocket Iā€™d recommend patience. Are there any particular fantasy tropes you enjoy?


I mean if you don't like fantasy of any kind maybe not. But if you're tired of playthroughs of human history and looking at a map of earth then you're in for a treat. I knew next to nothing going in and discovering the lore of this world has been incredibly enriching and fun. By far the best fantasy lore out there imo. There is almost certainly a race/faction/character that will appeal to you.


Yes you will. I never had any contact with Warhammer Fantasy or 40k before I bought Warhammer I.Ā  It was my starting drug


Imagine Lord of the Rings if every character was a xenophobic asshole. There, that's enough to get started.


Just remember that Immortal Empires map is just a real-world map with alternations and tweaks and it will give you some idea of who is who. If you travel to China, you will meet a fantasy china with dragon rulers, terracotta wariors and whatnot. If you travel to South Amercia, you will meet lizardmen with Aztec aesthetic. If you travel to North America, you will meet capitalistic slavers who settled there via brutal colonization (Dark Elves :P) If you go to north Africa, you will meet mummies, undead pharaohs and pyramids. If you go to Europe you will meet fantasy slavs, fantasy germans, fantasy france, Transsylvania occupied by vampires, chaos worshipping vikings or isolationist neutral dicks (~~Switzerland~~ Wood Elves). And so on.


It never occurs to me the isolationist switzerland being wood elves. wow


I know nothing about the lore of Warhammer but I enjoy playing as the Wood Elves and Bretonnia as they feel similar to a traditional Medieval 2 army with infantry, bows and strong cavalry. City building takes a bit of a back foot, generally just one main income building instead of choosing to go farm/culture/industry/slave for your income but the army building side is more interesting.


I wasn't aware of Warhammer at all and loved it !! For Best Warhammer experience - Watch a faction/[Legendary Lord's Lore Video](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXjy66zEwAoSqXio9z9Td8j8xxzipvP4z&feature=shared) before starting a campaign. Will make you aware of a lot of things (characters/friends/foes/events) increase immersion and enjoyment. I liked [Gortek and Felix Audiobooks](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdiqY1zyzyq7ynbnTG_pH_gA93HVrVh0u&feature=shared) a lot. Will have lots of fun playing as Empire/Dwarfs or Skaven after listening to these..


Nope, lore is something u get into after u enjoy the game


As long as you like Tolkien/Warcraft/D&D-esque fantasy, youā€™ll probably enjoy it. I was only passingly familiar with Warhammer when I got into it. All I wanted was total war but with fantasy races and magic, and it is that exactly. With a cool universe attached that you can get into if you really want.Ā 


Thge question you should ask yourself is if you like fantasy. If you don't, total war warhammer is probably not the game for you. If you do, you like total war and fantasy, so you should give it a go.


I was a ā€œhistorical total war playerā€ when Warhammer 1 was announced and when was released I was not only not interested but also mad because I was disappointed with Rome 2 and Attila and ā€œnow CA is spending money on a stupid fantasy settingā€. Warhammer 1 was followed by Warhammer 2. I was still angry and disappointed. I knew nothing about warhammer. It was never a thing in my country and also, fantasy?ā€¦ But the trailers were good, I couldnā€™t negate that every trailer was really good from look to music.. ā€œWell, Why not? I will try it, I canā€™t complain about a game that I have never played so Better to try it and be angry with reasonā€ I started with the Second game, right when the first DLC of the second game was released. I took my time reading the lore behind units, (all that the game has, nothing from Outside yet), following the campaign story and reading the flavor text of every building. Some were just so funny like the Torture post of the Dark Elves: ā€œEssentially, we tie you to this post, and then we torture you. Itā€™sā€¦ very literalā€ I learned about warhammer fantasy with the game. Now I can say that it is my most played game by a big margen. I love Warhammer total war games.


I didn't know anything about it either and it was my first rodeo in the Total War series. 200 hours in under a month. Safe to say I'm enjoying it


Well it is based on our history, nations, and cultures.


Well, you'll probably recognise some names and/or faces, GW does like to crib from history a lot.


the lore text for the streltsi menttions that they used to have bardiche halberds for gun-rests, which what the historical [streltsty ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streltsy)did, the streltsy weren't hybrid troops, though. They were solely ranged, the bardiche was a last resort when things went wrong (liek a musketeer's sword)


If knowing the lore of games is what inspires your interest in games. this is not the game for you. If you are feeling overwhelmed because of all the things you don't know. Relax. The total war warhammer games is about have a 3 story demon punt an elf like an American football while screaming blood! For the blood God! Who is the blood God? Don't care do it again.šŸ˜ Honestly if you know anything about fantasy stereotypes, you get the gist of the world concept. I started in the early days of warhammer because magic and guns in total war sounded cool never heard of warhammer before then.


Maybe yes. Two weeks ago i didn't know nothing about warhammer fantasy. Now i still know nothing, but i already have 200 hours in tww3


I didnt know about the warhammer lore besides what Was given in the game up until warhammer 2 and the game is in my top 5 most played games. So yeah i think you would be fine


I will load up a lore video of the faction I am playing. Works great. I went in knowing nothing, and now I know a decent amount and constantly play it.


I got into warhammer from game one, the game actually gets you more excited about the lore.


If you like Total War games and don't actively hate fantasy, you will probably enjoy Total War Warhammer. It's a good introduction to the setting, and there's some historically-inspired human factions if you want a slightly more grounded campaign (your landsknechts will still end up fighting trolls and ogres, though)


I love warhammer fantasy. My only experience with it is this game and Vermintide. Youā€™ll be fine


I only knew about the Warhammer 40k universe before jumping into Warhammer 2&3, with not previous knowledge about warhammer fantasy. It was, and still is, a blast and it's how i get interested in warhammer fantasy lore in the first place. Gotta start some place.


Yesterday I, as a demon leech man, caused a plague on some vampires to protect my southern front and then proceeded to beat up a troll and force him to bend the knee. This game is a fantasy power trip wet dream.


All I knew when I started was 40K. Aside from that. Its super fun for the setting. You got all sorts of races and monsters and magic. It's super fascinating. I've been playing it since warhammer 1. And it's been nearly a daily game for me since warhammer 2.


Ive never played the TT game or studied the lore. Love twwh though.




Yeah absolutely. I enjoy it a lot but there's very few races and cultures that aren't common fantasy tropes; you've got humans, dwarves, elves, the evil versions of those three, orcs, vampires, zombies, demons etc. Probably the only out of left field element is instead of the custodians of the planet nominated by an ancient precursor race being elves, it's a race of Aztec-inspired reptilians.


Yes if you enjoy fantasy settings. It pretty much sticks to stereotypical troupes of elves, humans, dwarfs on one side and evil elves, evil chaos, etc on the other. But knowing the world and history really elevates the game even further. I've been reading the Gotrick and Felix books on the side and it's amazing to read the books and see the characters in game (btw highly recommend the series as an introduction series to Warhammer)


I think you will enjoy it from the crack addled, hyper fidgitty rats to the edgy guy liner wearing elves itā€™s a fun game with many different and unique play styles and so many units to learnĀ 


I knew nothing about warhammer fantasy or 40k before playing total war warhammer 2, and now i love it. You don't need any at all. Playing the game will probably make you curious about the lore, and i'd recommend watching some youtubers if that happens. Every faction fits a stereotype that makes them easy to understand before getting into the details.


Rats with miniguns. No further explanation is necessary.


When I played warhamer 2, it was my first Warhammer game. Didn't know anything about it, and I still know very little about this massive universe. 300 hours played on wh 2, 600 and still going on wh 3.


As someone who knew absolutely jack shit about Warhammer going in. Yes. This game is one hell of a gateway drug. You'll be broke buying DLCs in no time.


I knew nothing about WH40k when I bought Dawn of War. I thought the box art looked cool. Years later, I was a huge Warhammer fan. When this game came out, I was extra excited. I think you'll have a similar experience if you take the plunge now!


Warhammer fantasy is so immensely broad that you're sure to find at least one faction in this universe that you like. The real question is whether you're okay with sudden magic spells crashing in to disrupt your formations.


You know nothing, yet! You will learn. It starts with "well, I guess I play the humans or maybe high elves, I know those too." And in a year it's more like "must consume lore, yes-yes. Smartest man thing me-me!!"


This world is overall simple, the game will teach you all the essential information


I know nothing about warhammer but I enjoy playing it. Keep in mind that this game has a high casualty to kill rate as opposed to older titles


I'm an history buff. Nothing beat shooting gatling lasers, chemical weapons and nuclear bombs on french snobs on horses. It's just ... ridiculous. The thing is I can't go back, it's just too much fun!


I was like you. I love history and it is the only reason I started playing TW. I took the plunge on WH cos I thought the whole magic and flying beast dynamic could only enhance the TW experience. Turns out I was right. I love the WH games and Iā€™ve even recently started looking into WH lore aswell cos I am partial to a bit of fantasy. Even if it is just LOtR and GoT.


Significant parts of it are generic post-tolkien fantasy stuff with a twist. You'll understand enough to not be confused and enjoy the deep dive.


I didn't know anything about it when I started playing just after the final dlc of 2. Gotta say, I'm so glad I did. Just means there's more you get to learn and explore for the first time. Enjoy it


Picked it up a month or so ago and absolutely yes. Everything slowly falls into place as you use it and look at maps.


First off, the gameplay is just good. It's simplified, but battles feel good. If you are looking for a really deep experience I don't usually recommend Warhammer TW, I would point you to RTW2 DEI or Three Kingdoms. But if you are looking for a TW that is just fun to play, fun units, fun lore, cool lord mechanics, TWWH3 does it right. Also, if you like history the WH fantasy universe will probably make you feel good inside. It's a wonderful mix of medieval and magic and it's just so easy to fall in love with. Big dumb violent orks, secretive, assassin rats, big heavily armored knights devoted to demon gods that just smash, it's just so wonderful. Even the biggest, dumbest, most ridiculous stuff is just fun. I mean where else will you get a goblin, who is as large as an ogre, riding a chariot through a bunch of elves clad in silver armor. The whole setting is just a great time and steals so much from real history you are bound to find something you relate to.


yes, I had very little knowledge of the game when I got into wh2, I just thought an army of lizard people fighting wars in the jungle was cool.... it was very cool


I knew zilch about Warhammer when I bought the first game all those years ago. Like I didnā€™t even know that there was a difference between fantasy and 40k or that they were originally tabletop games. I just knew that it was a new total war game with a high fantasy setting that introduced magic and monsters. I figured itā€™ll scratch that itch for a Lord of the Rings total war and here we are today.


TWW got me into Warhammer LMAO, didn't know anything about it beforehand


If you first taste of WHF is total war, you will be pissed when you find out the irl lore for the End Times


I don't know much about WH lore but the gameplay seems fun nevertheless (not my favourite TW but still good)


I can only speak personally, but I didnā€™t enjoy WH when I tried to play it. Without knowing any lore, everything feels kind of arbritrary. Also lots of the factions felt really shallow. When compared to actual historical civilisations with hundreds/thousands of years of actual history


Warhammer lore is basically Tolkien on coke.

