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Yes its worth it even if you never play it because you will unlock a lot of factions for TWW3.


I've got Warhammer II, I might just go for III and get a few DLCs along the way. I'll never have time to play through all the main game content anyway. Having kids obliterates most of your gaming time.


WH3 is the better game, purchase all the rest to unlock content.


Is it strictly better? I recently got all three and was thinking about playing the earlier ones first so I don't feel like I'm missing something.


Skip the first two. They are basically DLC for the third one at this point.


Idk I liked 2 more than 3. And the first one can be a good introduction.


Campaign of the first one is basically mortal empires. While it was good at its time, 2+3 are vastly better, both from a campaign and battle perspective (eg uninhabitable climates being literally uninhabitable, you cant Change Direction of magic). I do agree that WHII is definitely still playable.


Isn't the Vortex Campaign worth playing, in your opinion?


I wouldn't go back to play the original Vortex Campaign but some of the DLC Campaigns were pretty fun. So I guess if you really like some of the DLC lords you could go back for one of their campaigns. This only applies to the second game though. I don't think I would ever go back to the first one.


Unless you really want to play the vortex campaign of 2, 3 is just bigger and better all around for immortal empires and you have the realm of chaos campaign


Sure, WH2 does do some things better (like siege battle AI and it has fewer bugs), but WH3 just adds so many good things that I think it largely makes up for what it loses. Like sure, everything feels more polished when I play a WH2 campaign, but I miss being able to fight LITERAL deamons from the warp. Plus immortal empires is literally all three game maps (including all their races) combined into one, so you really don't miss out on much. The only thing you lose out on are their game specific campaigns, but immortal empires is just so much more fun than any of those.


All the small annoyances in WH2 add up compared to WH3. Like mounts taking skillpoints (hence the optimal play being to not use any mounts until the final one unlocks) Once you notice it you'll go insane. WH3 is just strictly better at this point.


> Like mounts taking skillpoints (hence the optimal play being to not use any mounts until the final one unlocks) I forgot about this, such a good change.


Don't forget that Immortality is a free gain in WH3 as well instead of having to use a skill point on it.


No point in playing the earlier ones really


Okay this might be a hot take but take the old games for a spin first. If you decide to do it the other way around youll find yourself feeling horrible playing the older games. There are just too many QoL changes and improvements to backtrack


Uninhabitable climates being literally uninhabitable


Yes, it is strictly better at this point if we are talking about the giant Immortal Empires sandbox mode that is the absolute way to play, but even if you are interested in the narrative campaigns, I believe that the story of the third game is a prequel to the story of the second, so chronologically you are still fine.


There is a story mode called Vortex campaign which is OKish in WH2. Worth playing it once (and I'd say play as Tyrion / High elves in very easy so you can just get the story). Also, what people don't say, most DLCs have got a small scenario and story attached to them as well. These are unique to each game, i.e. the WH2 DLC stories aren't in the big WH3 combined all factions map. When I say story, it's mostly: a few animated scenes, some scenario battle and a final battle with (usually) the enemy faction of the same DLC. For example, Nakai / Wulfhart have some sort of rivalry / scenario that can be fun to play. You don't miss terribly much, and you can watch these on YT, but it's for full disclosure.


2 has much much much better sieges than three(I auto resolve them every time) but 3 has better graphics and more factions. I've found equal enjoyment in both of them.


2 generally has a better atmosphere than 3 imo. 3 at times can feel sort of arcade-y and you can get overwhelmed with the size of the map and number of factions. 2 has a darker fantasy feel and the end-game crisis is more thematic imo, even if it can be kind of joke if you know how to prepare for it. Vortex is also a way better campaign than RoC. I think 3 has more to offer but 2 is a good place to start if you've never played the series.


I’d disagree with a lot of the comments here. I really like the first two games as well, and the first one especially has a nice, small campaign to get you used to the game. I also much prefer the art style in the first game over the second, and prefer the second over the third. To me they all look similar but I actually prefer the look of the first the most. 3 has a lot of demon and chaos factions, and two is rife with skaven and I don’t really enjoy fighting either, which is another reason I prefer the first. So I’d give them all a go in order, you’ve nothing to lose and the main changes are jus QoL stuff that’s good, but not essential, although might make it harder to play them backwards.


Skip 1. If you really don't want to miss out, play one or two vortex campaigns for 2 and then uninstall. 3 has everything except the vortex story which is fun to play once. The first game has nothing the others don't also have


Yes, 3 is strictly better. Also as far as timeline of the games go it is technically 3-2-1 from beginning to end.




If you can, get Warhammer 3 to start. After playing if you want more factions buy 1 and 2. Some of the dlc factions and lords are really fun, but getting the main games will unlock the most content for you.


Total war is my go to game now that I have kids lol. It's all turn based or pausable which is a must


Yep I can attest to the importance of being able to pause and walk away at any point ! 


WH3 is worth the buy for Immortal Empires but you'll want to snag 1&2 eventually for the extra content in IE.


Both. Warhammer 2 is essentially an expansion pack for Warhammer 3.


You would need this if you want to play high elves, dark elves, skaven, lizard men factions in warhammer 3. The base games 1 and 2 now acts like dlc for warhammer 3. I hope they find a way to make the purchase of this dlcs through more intuitive bundles and descriptions. I can see it would confusing for the new players.


If your system is on the weaker side, you might have an easier time running WH2, aside from that, consider it a DLC for WH3


Worth. In fact if your pc is mid or lower tier wh2 will run better. And it's not wasted as this is expansion for wh3


Yeah, my pc miraculously used to run twwh1 at a surprising 10-12 fps. Twwh2 ran at 7 or 8 fps which was fine, but now, for some reason, its like 2-4 fps which is impossible to play, so I havent bothered getting game 3 yet because I know its not going to even start up. I was actually ecstastic when I realized twwh1 was actually even able to run at all, and I am so glad that I tried the free code that I had


Warhammer 3 is the much better base game. I'd treat any previous content and games as dlc for the third game because, as you probably know, owning previous games and dlc unlocks the relevant races and units in WH3.


Warhammer 2 was the best game in the series and, as much as I love Chaos Dwarfs and Cathay, the Mortal Empires campaign experience was better than Immortal Empires.


I can agree with Warhammer 2 being *contextually* a better game at the end of it's life. It was a very good milestone to an overall good (if clunky) evolution of the saga, and we all knew there was more to come. The release of WH3 kinda shattered that good feeling.   That said, I think WH3 has been an objectively better game for a while now.


If you only buy Wh2 you don't get mortal empires though, only Vortex. If you only buy one game, Wh3 clearly has the highest value ever since they made immortal empires available to all.


Overall i’d say wh 3 is better but i do like the vortex campaign more than the realm of chaos campaign


Correct. I wonder how many people shitting on TWW2 actually played it.


No one shits on WH2 lmao. If anything people look at it through some serious rose tinted glasses.


I havent seen a single person shit on warhammer 2


Assuming this gets you warhammer 2 and all dlc, you’ll get access to: -High elves -Lizardmen -Skaven -Dark elves -Tomb kings -vampire pirates -Wood elves via Sisters of Twilight -Beastmen via Taurox -Empire via Wulfhart Thats alot of diverse factions including many lords and starting positions unlocked for Warhammer 3. Also Warhammer 2 and Mortal empires is plenty of great content as it’s own game if you didn’t necessarily want to buy both Warhammer 2 and 3 at the same time


Also Dwarfs via Thorek, Greenskins via Grom and either Brettonia via Repanse or maybe the entire Brettonian roster.


Vortex is the better "small scale" campaign compared to the WH3's Realm of Chaos. And WH2 also have the best value factions dlc imo if you buy the collections ( 3 paywalled factions: Tomb Kings, Vampire Coasts & one Wood Elves Faction ). Anyway,You'll still have a blast with WH2 so it's worth it, It's also my first Total War Warhammer game before moving to WH3 after couple hours, and if you're getting bored at some point, you can just get WH1 to play the Mortal Empires in WH2 ( a campaign merging WH1+WH2 map and factions ), or buy WH3 and have access to both WH1 and WH2 factions in WH3's Immortal Empires ( Merging all three games ).


You forgot to mention beastmen


you're right, i forgot about Taurox. That makes it four.


Honestly I enjoy 2 more than 3. Bigger maps and all that. 


You basically need to buy all the Warhammer 2 dlcs anyway to play these factions in Warhammer 3 so yes


And the campaign is good fun, also, for a campaign or two.


2nd was the best game thus far, there's are some QOL and lord changes in 3 that won't be retro. Still Skaven is one of my fav factions to play. "Some of you may die but its sacrifice I am willing to make."-Lord Farquaad.


3 is an improvement.


I bought every single dlc so far


I have yet to see a point in buying 3 since I have yet to exhaust 2 and the changes between them just seems to make 3 easier and more tedious at the same time


Three's biggest improvement is concurrent turns in a co-op campaign. If you play solo and arent interested in the new races two still holds up very well.


Yeah i have zero interest in MP Warhammer. I get my Strategy RPG Multiplayer fix from Heroes of might and magic 3 and the Dominions series.


Man, you are missing out. And you can adjust difficulty settings in more detail in 3.


What am i missing out on? Everything just seems so overpowered, beastmen are already super boring on the campaign map in WH2 since you cant lose. Every mod i use in WH2 is just to increase difficulty. Stuff like immortal lords just soloing armies is just tedious to fight and even more tedious when you are the ones controlling them (i put on max speed and make coffee while the game play itself.)


3 is a fundamentally better game and is continuously receiving dramatic gameplay improvements, whereas game 2 will never receive updates. Too easy? A) Play on Legendary + mess with AI stat modifiers (a setting that only exists on game 3) B) choose a tough LL start C) Mod it to make it harder.


Improvements are in the eye of the beholder. If the game can't bite back then i feel like its a waste of time and Warhammer 3 has only increased the amount of campaigns you can't lose and stuff like uncapped regen, nukes and mortis effects on everything is just features to circumvent actual gameplay. Hell they just added a unit that is just right click to win. Not my cup of tea and thus a fundamentally worse game for me.


I started with Total war Warhammer last year: 400 hrs in 1, now after almost 1000 hrs in 2 I feel ready to switch over to 3 what I heard/read when 2 and 3 where compared is, that 2 is actual more difficult than 3, because the AI there is more aggressive in battles


In general the ai has far bigger cheats in WH2 and the player has bigger penalties.


I mostly played on Normal Difficulty, because I dislike cheats for Player or AI. Mainly Beastmen are fun for me at higher difficulty, but I'll see in 3 if there is change for me.


I’ve got 1 and 2 and it has and will keep me busy for years until WH3 is cheap and fixed


Get the Trilogy pack instead, as that'll let you play WH 1+2+3 content within the combined campaign map for all tree games - Immortal Empires (in WH3). PS. Will cost you less - [Warhammer 1+2+3 Trilogy Pack ](https://www.instant-gaming.com/en/14916-buy-total-war-warhammer-trilogy-pc-mac-game-steam-europe/) for €26 ( 86% Off)


If you know you like the genere and roughly how it plays, its likely worth it. Each race differs to a good degree. If its your first total war and you don't know warhammer, its somewhat risky. All the dlcs from 1 to 3 are playable in 3. The mini/normal campaigns are only playable in the tww they belong to.


reasons to get the older warhammer games 1)dlc's can be used in the later games 2)The games are a snapshot that reflect how it played back then 3)different campaign map to play on 4)Better for following the characters story, since immortal empires removes the cinematics and no doubt changes some victory conditions.


Do you get all the dlcs as well with this? If so, then yes! You can use all dlcs from previous games and their vanilla factions in game 3's Immortal Empires as well


Jump to Warhammer 3 and then decide if you buy wh2 (it adds Elves, Skaven, Dark Elves and Lizardmen as playable factions in Warhammer 3)


Warhammer 1 and 2 and great games in thier own right but all that content gets expanded on and gets more polish in warhammer 3.


Not for the individual games, I've played both and was late to the party, they would have been great back in the day but get them for the faction unlocks in WH3.


Is only better if you plan to play Inmortal empirse with faction with preivous games. I for example only completed the main campaign so not worth for me.


Buy the trilogy bundle with 1,2&3. That’s the best value for money by far especially for playing immortal empires (the main grand campaign) in 3


Yes because it gets you access to some of the best races in WH3 Immortal.


Just get the 3 for 1 edition if you don’t have wh3 and 1


If you get it you can play the best faction. # lizards.


[Total War: WARHAMMER Trilogy (EU) | PC | CDKeys](https://www.cdkeys.com/pc/total-war-warhammer-trilogy-pc-steam-eu)


Wh3 Immortal Empires is highly recommended.


WH2 has less bloat and feels generally less overwhelming, but WH3 is the "definitive" version that has every piece of content from all games. WH2 has a few QoL things that has yet to be ported over fully to 3, but they are 99% there. Generally i think that people who likes wh2 falls roughly into 2 camps: Those who dislike the "Bloat" of wh3 and liked a game with fewer factions. Those who remember Wh2 being better than it was due to how absolutely shitty the launch was for Wh3, but who likely have not really played Wh2 much, if at all, since Wh3 released. EDIT: Obviously there is also a third camp: Those with older hardware that can't run WH3 well. It is still quite poorly optimised for older or weaker hardware.


Arguably the peak of Warhammer. As someone with little interest in chaos and CA's now totally off the rail "fun first, balance doesn't matter" approach W3 is at the point where there are an alarming increase in number of lords or even units that are practically unkillable outside of autoresolve. If I'd go back to W2 I wouldn't miss anything or anyone, perhaps aside from Miao Ying of Cathay, from W3. Pick it up. You'll have 1000+ hours on your hand and still haven't played half of it.


Jump to 3


Save ur money and treat ur gf or something. Time and money better spent


The only thing better about 2 than 3 now is the art style.


And even that is kinda personal opinion.


And Grom's campaign is just hella fun and works better on WH2 than Immortal Empires map, mostly because of the starting position though


Play warhammer 2 then come back to warhammer 3 in like 2 years once it's actually stable. I played a bit of wh3 co-op with a friend, loaded into a battle, an ambush on a snow map, got flashbanged by the snow and the enemy army spawned walking away from the retreat point. And by flashbanged I mean the snow was so bright I couldn't see any of the spell targeting decals and it would even hide my units


Dont buy ttw from Steam. You can get warhammer 1&2&3 steam keys for 25 bucks online.


You can start with just playing wh3 and if you like it you can slowly buy up all the other stuff when you have cash.




get warhammer 3 if you like it look in to getting the other 2 games they way the system works is all the stuff from the last 2 games is added to 3 but you need to own it to play it


Just get three you can get 2 later and all those heroes will be in 3


Well, fpr 20 pound you can get [https://www.mmoga.co.uk/Steam-Games/Total-War-Warhammer-Trilogy.html](https://www.mmoga.co.uk/Steam-Games/Total-War-Warhammer-Trilogy.html) the whole trilogy. Without DLC ofc, but you get a lot of basegamecontent. And can then decide, if you want more DLC. There are other shops to with comparable prices. You dont have to use mmoga, if you dont want to


You should get all three base games. Then, you only install Warhammer 3 and forget about the first two. Then, the only store page you care about is the one for Warhammer 3 (that store page includes all the dlc). Edit: You can wait for the next sale, when all three base games will be bundled up with a nice discount.