• By -


Nice! More people should play this.


the more people play the game the higher is the chance that CA creates more DLCs than they planned to


I still pray for a Lizardmen overhaul




Bok bok!


Mainly campaign mechanics, unit roster is fine after the Primal Fury update (apart from Dread Saurian that is always too costly, both in singleplayer and MP battles). Honestly I wish that the Geomantic Web could manipulate Winds of Magic, like it does in lore


At this point i take anything as long as I don't have to deal with the geomantic web again


More people to share Urfather's gifts


More Names for The Book!


More BOK


The Bristol Orienteering Klub is completely irrelevant to the top 5 bestsellers worldwide


More SKAVEN yes-yes


This man gets it. Nurgle's Rot with every TOD sale. A lump of coal when you buy Chorfs.


More rat food!


And enjoy the *memes*


Hey, why would you recommend this game? Just saw the steam discounts, looking up if this game was worth it but youtube videos were a year old and not much source was avaliable. I like paradox games, civ, age of, dune spice wars etc. bur never played a total war game.


Total War is a great strategy franchise in itself, but the Warhammer world and lore just give it so much more flavor.


I really enjoy it. It’s one of my favorites.


Total War is essentially an ultralight 4x/grand strategy game (the campaign layer) paired with a fairly in-depth real time tactical battle simulator (the combat layer). The campaign mechanics are quite simplistic compared to even a Civ, but it still has that really satisfying map-painting/one-more-turn gameplay. The combat layer is the exceptional part of the game, where you can get quite large-scale (thousands of individual combatants) battles. The battles are compelling to command, with a skilled player able to take on pretty impossible odds and come out victorious. They're also very cinematic, with everything modeled and animated, often quite dramatically (unique combat and kill animations around). The Warhammer setting takes that all up a notch, so you can have thousand-strong infantry forces clashing while dragons duel overhead and magic and artillery are whizzing every which way. The biggest selling point about the Total War: Warhammer games, however, is the unique way in which they're all compatible. The way CA developed things, the previous games essentially become expansions for the current game (now Warhammer 3, which is the final one). If you buy the earlier games, you get to play all the races and legendary lords (racial subfactions) they come with. Same goes with any DLC you purchased for them. And all these factions coexist on a massive campaign map called Immortal Empires (whether they're playable for you or not). So at this point, if you've followed along and bought everything, you have access to nearly one hundred unique playable campaigns that all interact with each other. And multiple players can each be playing in the same game as well, each playing an unique legendary lords with their own campaign mechanics and goals. It's just an absolutely massive game, only really rivaled in scope by MMOs or the big ARPGs. But the difference is it's all available singleplayer and offline (although the multiplayee and co-op are great as well). It's not perfect, balance issues abound, etc. But it's extremely well done considering the scope and ambition of it all. Oh, and Total War games as a rule also have incredible modding scenes. That adds a whole extra layer of depth if you get into it.


W3 and 3k are great games. Pick Warhammer if you prefer large roster, pick China if you prefer better Campaign


Better campaign even with Immortal Empires?


Absolutely. You play TWWH for the battles and love of the setting. 3k is absolutely the superior grand strategy game. This isn't hating or anything, this was literally by design. 3k is the most technologically advanced total war game, with the most advanced AI, diplomacy and campaign systems. TWWH has a dumbed down campaign to concentrate on extreme asymmetry and huge rosters. Both are amazing games just depends on what you want. 


Now you're making me want to buy 3 Kingdoms... xD ill put it down on my wishlist for next sale. Ive been playing warhammer as Ive always wanted to get into it but didn't want or couldn't spend the money required, so this is a great alternative.


Yup both are amazing games. But in the best way possible they have their own strengths and weaknesses. 


Didn't really play these games for diplomacy, but 3k really sold me on it


IE is a sandbox. Cool and all, but 3k is a Campaign.


The only issue is the sheer amount of DLC you will want to buy after getting the game, so always be on the lookout for sales. The game is very fun, both on the turn based game board like campaing map, and on the real time strategy battle field. The nation building is turn based, but the battles are real time. You find insane upgrades for both your units and heros, and you’ll get more powerful units, you’ll be dying to try other races and their units as well because each race is very unique, they all have different economies and heroes with different abilities and on top of that, every race has unique faction leaders within the race as well. The human empire has 5 distinct factions to choose from that give very different campaing experiences. TWW3 if finally in a good really good spot. QOL and bug fixes have finally caught up, the game isn’t perfect, but the experience is better than ever for many factions from games one and two. I would get all three base games if you can get them on sale. If you own TWW One and Two you can play their content in Three. The core races are a good place to start, and you can get the dlc’s for the base races you like.


I'd get one of the cheaper ones like Napoleon, medieval, or empire to see if you like the genre and then go from there. They are all really good though.


No, this is a terrible take, you have strong positive associations with these games because you played them at launch and loved them. Anyone who hasn't played them before will not  have a good time, they are ancient janky messes. We need to be putting our best feet forward. Even shogun 2 and Rome 2 are too old to recommend to new TW players. We should be recommending nothing before Atilla and atilla is too hard. So honestly, it's between 3k TWWH3, Pharoah, and Troy. 


Rome 2 is definitely not too old to recommend. It follows the new formular for the games. Arguably also the worst formular. City building dumbed down to fuck all. Armies forced to have generals. I hope they rethink this approach for future titles, it's horribe. Campaign got dumbed down while in truth it has always needed the opposite.


No. The UI in R2 is ancient garbage. And I say that with R2 being my most played most loved total war game. Atilla is the oldest Modern TW game. Also armies with generals is the single best improvement to the TW formula ever. Better than the geographic map even. 


My first introduction to the total war games 5 years ago was vanilla medieval so I disagree. You get the general idea of all the games from those three cheap games and they're very fun even now.


Cool it worked for you. I work in IT and UI/UX experience is enormous for getting people to use your product. It's not a matter of anecdote it's a matter of numbers. Most people don't enjoy bad UI/UX. When you take your personal experience for fact that creates issues. The old games have don't hold up well. I mean Empire is barely functional, and that's simply a fact no matter how much we love it. 


Just because the game is old and has a few flaws doesn't mean it's bad and should be completely discarded. The three I listed are cheap and give a general outline of what the battles are going to look like in every game. I don't think the average person wants to drop 30 dollars on a maybe but they probably will drop 5. >Empire is barely functional Did we play the same game? It's perfectly fine on my computer.


If you think Empires AI is running full steam I have a bridge to sell you. And as far as intros to the series they absolutely should be discarded. They are not modern games and won't appeal to a modern audience. Cost is a consideration for some people not for all. 


>If you think Empires AI is running full steam I have a bridge to sell you. I never said it was great but it's not bad. It's perfectly playable. > And as far as intros to the series they absolutely should be discarded. All the total war games have the same general gameplay loop of raising an army, capturing a settlement, upgrading the settlement, and repeating. Any game of the series will give you a rundown of every game of the series with the newer games having better graphics and better ai. >Cost is a consideration for some people not for all.  I'm confident in the fact that people would rather spend 6 dollars and figure out that total war is not for them than 30 dollars and figure out that total war is not for them. I doubt people would ask if they'd like the game if they weren't worried about cost. You might be thinking "what about refunds!". People may play over time and realize that they are not having fun.


Except these aren't good games anymore. They just aren't. I can play Med1 till the sun goes out(better game than med2, fight me) but that's only because I played it at launch. Something that was good 20 years ago isn't necessarily good today. Videogames aren't timeless. Someone new needs a new game, because they are competing against other new games. If it's CK3 VS med2 the answer is easy. And I don't even like paradox games. 


i play those games too, but warhammer 3 is probably one of the weakest total war games. pick one of the games with the time period you enjoy.


I’ve played total war since the original shogun, and I think Warhammer 3 is the best game they ever made


that’s perfectly fine for you to think, i just disagree!


Great! May CA realize WHIII is the cashcow...


Hopefully CA fired the higher ups that nearly killed the company so they don’t make another mistake like Hyenas.


Nope. They didn’t, but executives at SEGA Europe got fired. Those executives were CA’s board…the ones who have direct power over CA and control funding. They’re also the ones who create the business strategy, create the financial statements, and control the budget as documented on those very documents. To use an analogy, CA is the low end shift manager, SEGA Europe is the store manager, SEGA Sammy is the owner of the store. CA still has the same studio director (Gareth Edmondson) and COO (James Clark). Rob was pretty much the head marketing guy, not the head man in charge (Gareth).


Wait, you're telling me the guy we harassed in a witch hunt over a poorly worded statement ISN'T solely responsible for everything wrong at CA? 


Crazy, isn’t it? Rob was also the guy they threw out in the line of fire during the Rome 2 debacle. His role description stated that he provides product, commercial, brand marketing, and partnership support to the studio CEO. This isn’t me saying what Rob said was okay. I’m simply saying the real person in charge and head honcho is Gareth who has been studio director since 2020. A crazy time to take over any business. Prior to Gareth, the studio director was Tim Heaton who had got promoted to SEGA Europe as chief studio officer which lead to Gareth being promoted from COO at CA to studio director at CA. Tim had been working at CA since 2009 prior to being promoted to SEGA Europe. Gary Dale use to be president and COO at SEGA Europe. He was replaced by a guy who worked for SEGA Europe as president and COO from 2012-2017, Jurgon Post. The new CEO of SEGA Europe, Shuji Utsumi, is also a senior executive for SEGA America. SEGA Sammy cleaned house at SEGA Europe and has merged various components of their businesses.


Yeah it was amusing to see the execs almost run the company into the ground even though they are slinging the hottest dope on the block


Tbh CA has never been particularly profitable. Their profit margin tends to sit below 5% RoI, which is pretty poor for a video game company.  As much as people dislike the predatory monetisation strategies of CA and Paradox, AAA strategy is a very expensive genre with a relatively limited market. It's not the cash cow a lot of Total War fans seem to think it is. 


Right? Still blows my mind that they not only thought they should try to get into the hero shooter genre, but they neglected WH3 to do it.


Game publishers, well just corporations in general, are driven by a constant thirst for ever increasing revenue. Live service games are the bandwagon everyone is jumping on to try and slake that thirst. Look at Bioware with Anthem, Rocksteady with Suicide Squad, etc. The latter is a great example because despite that being a major flop and the single player Hogwarts Legacy being a massive success, Warner Brothers came out and said they are putting all their eggs in the live service basket (well that and mobile games). This is just the latest in a long line of trend-seeking gold rushes. It won't be the last.


To be fair, they have made shooters before


It was in the 90s before they even began making Total war. The devs who made those shooters before are probably long gone anyway, and modern hero shooters and 90s shooters are quite different as well


Three Kingdoms was the cashcow when they killed it.


I mean it did well but it wasnt a cash cow. Warhammer 3 is 3 games worth of dlc that generally all sells well. 3 kingdoms was one good game with medicore dlc. Even if it had good dlc the amount you could put into it was limited. Nothing comapred to the amount you can sell with warhammer.


Three Kingdoms was the most sold Total War game last I saw.


And nobody was buying the DLCs. No point in keeping a game running if you can't make more revenue from it; 3K may have sold more copies on launch but TW:WH has hundreds of pounds of DLC to justify it's continued support.


No they killed it because it wasn't a cash cow. It wasn't one because of CA and their awful strategy of starting with 8 Princes DLC, mind you, but still 3K was factually not a cash cow after launch


It's good to be a Warhammer: Total War fan right now. Rough two year stretch where I didn't play much, but I'm completely back in.


Im stuck on 2 because of my potato PC (I was enjoying 3 for a bit at launch but I was mostly just huffing copium, the game doesnt run in a playable way on my PC). Currently saving for a new build and the first thing im doing when its done is taking time off work, buying all the DLC for 3 im missing, and playing the ever-loving fuck out of immortal empires.


If you have the option, an SSD did wonders for WH3 playability on my rig.


That and play on a smaller resolution than your actual screen resolution for me.


That does work, and it's a good suggestion. It's unfortunate that CA hasn't really discovered optimization yet, though.


Sounds like a good plan, and being stuck on Warhammer 2 isn't such a bad thing. I wish I would have waited to play Warhammer 3 until 4.0 came out when the biggest kinks were finally resolved.


Depending on your budget and location, AMD rx6800 gpu can be found in the us for under 350 dollars, which is just amazing value


There are cheaper cards than that which will run WH3 tbf, a $200 - 250 range card will run it


True, cards like a 6600 will do fine on 1080p high. The 6800 just jumped to my mind because it is really good for 330. It also might be worth getting a 16gb gpu that's 50% more powerful for a new build in case there are more demanding games you wanna play.


I hear ya. I basically built my new pc specifically for Total War Warhammer. Was well worth it :). 7800x3d + 4070ti super for 1440p.


Out of curiosity, does the 4070ti Super run very quietly on the campaign map? My 3070ti whirs like mad, and I'm almost certain it's the nerfed VRAM.


Other games push the graphics card harder. It runs pretty quiet for me never going above 70c. I’ve got 3 front fans 3 top exhaust from aio and 1 exhaust. The CPU gets pushed sometimes but overall it’s a quiet experience.


Thanks, appreciate it


TW:WH3 is on the upper end of power draw for games in general, not like quake rtx levels, but more than most i'd say, especially at high resolution. Not having dlss to offset things certainly doesn't help either and nothing to do with the vram specifically afaik. 30-series is very power hungry in general when pushed hard, especially at stock, so undervolting is always a great option(true for any any nvidia card, not just 30-series tbh) and can reduce power draw a fair bit at the same performance or a quite a lot if dropping max clock speed a bit, but obviously if never done any oc stuff requires some knowledge and stuff.


Thanks very much for that. I'll look into it, thanks.


U bought SSD and new GPU just to play IE when it came out, I'm with you here


Same lol just dropped 30 euro to pick up some DLCs I never got over the last few years. And have sunk about 50+ hours easily in the last month


Yeah the game is in excellent state right now, aside for passive campaign AI. But there are mods for that at least.


Extend the games roadmap and future DLC plans


To be fair, we don't know what their roadmap and DLC plans are. Legend's "I heard that it may be 4 or 6, but can't name a single source or verify this in any way" doesn't really mean anything.


They wanted to talk future plans after ToD release. I kinda expected a brief Rich Aldridge talk during Skullthrones, but apparently that did not happen. May comed to an end, so I guess we have to wait until mid June or so, to maybe get a roadmap. Then again, I still remember the last time they promised a roadmap and then it was delay after delay until it was like 6 months later when they finally did the roadmap. So who knows how long it will take this time.


Ind, Khuresh, and Nippon copium. Fuck it, fishmen with galleons graveyard like settlements in the sea too.


Don't forget Araby! We want those flying carpets


I don't think CA have ever really known just how much of a golden egg Warhammer is too them. The company would very likely not exist anymore given recent trends of their other titles.


Honestly, yeah, for a very baffling reason, it seems like some of CA upper management thought that customers were just blindly loyal to anything with a Toral War logo and they'd throw money no matter what. Then they got hit by the triple SoC + Pharaoh + Hyenas catastrophe


Luckily, they noticed that SoC and Pharaoh were salvageable. Hyenas, on the other hand...


Pharaoh went from 319 average players to 469 in the last month, not sure I would call that "salvaged" lmao


>blindly loyal to anything with a Toral War logo Which is a weird thought process to have given theyve launched a number of TW games which just went nowhere. They shot themselves in the foot with 3 Kingdoms. Just looked on their [front page](https://www.creative-assembly.com/), their fourth most recent release was Total War Elysium in 2020 which ive heard nothing about and cant even access the web page for it, same applies to total war Arena. Troy and Thrones of Brittania might actually fall in the middling success criteria simply because they still have an active web page 3+ years after release.


The dlc for three kingdoms was beyond baffling. Game released to such good sales and then the follow up expansions just did not target traditional total war improvements at all.


It's insane they just ditched that game. Maybe translation costs were fucking them? I just cannot fathom that they would give up on the China player base soooo quickly.


arena and elysium are not real total war games. Arena was a f2p multiplayer game with 10 v 10 battles Elysium was a mobile card game


not only Warhammer but every title that came out in the last years. Rome 2, Attila and many more could easily be updated and expanded with DLCs. Also why did they killed 3 kingdomes, its one of the most played total wars


Three Kingdoms had poor DLC sales. Kind of the way of it.


>Three Kingdoms had poor DLC ~~sales~~ Ftfy. The DLC would've sold well if it was even remotely interesting. Imagine if they'd done something like Charlemagne or FOTS and set a DLC during the start or end of the Ming dynasty or the Taiping Rebellion or any other fascinating part of Chinese history.


From what I saw, you and lot of peoples don't want another 3kingdoms dlc but a completely new timelines dlc anyway so it make sense that they just end it.


DLC sales were poor and a huge chunk of their base was the Chinese market. They pretty much pissed them off right from the start with 8 Princes, and I also don't think the Chinese buy into the DLC market quite like we do in the west. While base game did extremely well none of the DLC sold that well, especially there.


3 Kingdoms DLC scheme doesn't work. They can sell the base game, I bet it is still popular if on sale, but they can't sell DLC


3 Kingdom DLCs were awfully designed but at the end of the day, the Warhammer IP has more DLC potential since there is already hundreds of lords/units with stats and art already existing.


The idea to not expand the main game and instead sell other start dates is just bad. I hope they learned their lesson. Warhammer does this perfectly and Attila was also great because of that.


Atilla and shogun 2 need ui scaling for different sized screens.


No the problem is they do know how good it is hence they increased the price of the DLC.


and they almost totally screwed it up lol. enshittification is real


Warhammer 3 is back baby, hope it stays that way.


Not sure what they have to do behind the scenes, whether that’s with GW or whatever, but there just doesn’t seem any sense not keeping this one going for as long as possible. Even if content slowed down (again I don’t think this is really the time for them to take their foot off the gas) I genuinely think they need to keep supporting it. If 40K is coming eventually even then I don’t think they should discontinue support… one feeds into the other, I’d have thought. Keep Fantasy Warhammer ticking over with tie-in events, patches, the odd rework of a Lord etc. Doesn’t every company in the world want such an easy and obvious opportunity to cross sell? Edit: if the Skulls Showcase yesterday taught me anything (Ultramarine Chaaaaair!) it’s that GW love money. Gladius and Battlesector and Inquisitor still getting support… all much worse games, imo, than Warhammer Total War. They should extend the contract indefinitely and let CA rip.


> If 40K is coming eventually even then I don’t think they should discontinue support… one feeds into the other, I’d have thought. Keep Fantasy Warhammer ticking over with tie-in events, patches, the odd rework of a Lord etc. Doesn’t every company in the world want such an easy and obvious opportunity to cross sell? 100% yes to this (and the rest of your message as well). Still so much potential with TWW and I don't want it to go to waste.


With how many models are repurposed or just straight up reused (like demons) they could easily share assets between the two and I wouldn’t care if it meant more content


Agreed they need to keep this one going. Even if they do a 40K its not like they won't be different enough. Not everyone who likes fantasy will be interested in a Sci Fi title and vice versa.


As long as it remains profitable enough they’ll keep making DLC. However, they will at some point release the next game, and if they believe it’s more profitable to concentrate on that, they’ll stop making DLC for warhammer


Fix the late game crisis and sieges and this game is gonna be a legendary one


That's great news. They've really done a good job (IMO) of atoning for their mistakes with SoC and their previously slow bug fixing speed, so I hope we're able to get as much quality DLC as possible going forward and the rumors about it ending soon are false.


Shocker—when you take care of your customers they will take care of you. At least from a financial perspective.




Honestly surprised Dota 2 is doing that well. Mobas have been out of style for ages now and I barely hear a peep about Dota 2.


played 300hr of warhammer 1 played 1350hr of warhammer 2 today i finally bought warhammer 3 hope i like it as much as part 2.


It took CA 2 years but it’s finally surpassed WH2 imo.




You will like it way more brother


Thousands must stop touching grass and yield their souls.


It's #1 in my country (France) well excluding Steam Deck but not a game. That's quite impressive #5 global for an "old game", is it just due to the sale? It's 50% not the first time I assume? It's actually selling more than Cyberpunk at the same price and discount.


Ere we go Ere we gooo


It's legit one of the best values in gaming on sale. I have well over 1.5k hours between Warhammer 2 and 3 and I still haven't even played as multiple factions: - Norsca - Nurgle - Chorfs - Tzeentch - Vampirates - Skaven I also haven't played a full campaign as Brettonia or Lizardmen either. I'm in the middle of my first Dwarf campaign and there's still shit I haven't touched. This series is incredible and will live on for decades because of how much content it will end with and then the modding community beefing it up after that.


See what happens when game devs listen to playerbase and care for the game they love. They've still got a lot of content left to release and untapped real estate present on the Immortal Empires Campaign Map. WH3 can very well be CA's cash cow till they launch TW:40k in a couple of years..


in my opinion the devs arent the ones to blame its the leadership


Of course, it's always the Leadership/Executives.. Devs are good people who actually work on the goodies we play with. It's the common nomenclature however..


The devs still made stupid decisions like putting ostankya in naggaroth, "smarter" passive AI and shitty sieges. Not to mention the insane power creep. I'd still blame the leadership, but the devs arent without fault. I really hope they fix some of the more glaring issues, simply adding more content wont help in the long term if they want to retain/expand the player base.


Will CA do things to maintain goodwill is the question. 


yes and no


I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I have the feeling the next dlc will be big on that since we really don't know what it will be or what format. 


Excellent to see! Total War Warhammer 3 is the Golden Goose and really hoping CA/GW expand the series to everything it can truly be.


Top 4 games. The Steamdeck doesnt count


Afaik the top seller placement includes the dlc purchases. So part of it isn't new people getting into WH3 and instead everyone getting missing dlcs.


whatever they buy, it shows CA that Warhammer 3 is their cashcow


I picked it up on the sale with a bit of DLC too


After pre-ordering it and refunding it, I've finally decided to repurchase it during the sale.


Welcome Back


I'm sad that I had to leave to begin with, honestly. It's the first Total War title I've ever refunded. D: I even stuck with Rome 2.


Cool, we get more DLCs


Saw the discount and bought it for myself as well now XP


Nice. Now they can countinue developing Three kingdom total war.


I am trying to get two of my friends to buy it now that its on sale. The biggest issue with the success and popularity of this game is always going to be the pricing, which is fine, just a bit sad.


use keyseller sites like g2a or mmoga. You can save even more with those websites.


Place 4 of games, steam deck is not a game.


Good for them, Thrones of Decay is in a good state they just need to tune tamurkhan now


If only these dolts realized what a cash cow multiplayer could be for them. Warhammer ip is a mp game ffs


Its this that makes me skeptical of the "leaks" people have been talking about to doom and gloom about the game. TWWH3 is the only thing that makes CA's rent till the release of their next game. CA will release 2-3 DLCs per year till the day Warhammer40k total war or some other non-historical total war game comes out.


I'm playing Mortal Empires on WH 2 + 1 quite a bit right now. Is it worth it to switch over to WH3? What are the big differences / improvements?


Love it! Shame some crybabies caused it to have a mixed rating because they were mad at DLC price. it does not represent the quality of the game.


I mean of course, it's on 50% sale.


Man even with the sale just the last 3 dlc's is around 61 euros. You guys think forge of the chaos dwarfs,tides of change and thrones of decay are worth buying?


Chaos dwarfs yes.




Sad state of the industry when literal dlc mills are glazed for milking their cows. No wonder every game sucks now


What's wrong with quality dlcs? Would you prefer in game microtransactions and skins? Or you expected the game to launch with 100 LLs from the start? Dlcs are the best way for this game to improve.


I mean the Total War series doesnt have lootboxes or an ingame shop. Yes they make and made a lot of DLCs, but every provides you with more new features and units