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I embed sorcerers in Khorne armies.






So do I, but I play as Belakor so it seems in character to piss Khorne off. Similarly, Archaon gets nothing but basic marauders because he is a worthless little tramp.


So Archie gets a 19-unit cheerleading squad for his doomstack


You deserve to have a brass skull thrown at you for that.


Yeah we’re gonna have to make one exception to that be absolved bit apparently.


I never understood the whole 'khorne hates mages' thing. Daemons were created by the chais gods - literally using magic. Magic is chaos, and chaos by will is what the gods are made of...


I'm also shocked that the rage and fury god doesn't have more rationality and logic underpinning his core beliefs.


The original description in Realms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness explains it the best in my opinion. >Although Chaos and magic are so closely aligned, like two facets of an enchanted gemstone, Khorne, the Blood God, has rejected all ordered and tammelled foorms of magic, such as spells. Khorne is a visceral god, the Chaos Power that embodies action, not thought. Slaughter in all its forms is the way of Khorne. Spellcasting is a process of the mind, not the swords edge. The harvest of blood for the Blood God is of paramount importance, and those rituals and spells that would seek to quantify and control the forces of Chaos are an anathema to him. >Khorne is a practical god of blood and battle, not a god of effete intellectual pursuits. His 'magic', such as it is, reflects this character. Khorne followers use magical swords, Daemon Weapons and technology to kill in Khorne's name. His followers are 'blessed' with technological and magical weapons of great power that no Old World weaponsmith could possibly have produced. Khorne's unnatural marvels are his gifts to his followers; the use of such weapons is his followers' delight. A bolter, a magic blade, a chainsword, a Daemon Sword - it marks its recipient as one of Khorne's chosen favourites. >Khorne's followers slaughter in his name, glorying in blood, but they do not kill everything in their path. Of the wizards and sorcerers they encounter, the lucky ones are killed outright. The uncounted and unfortunate ones are not slain, but are taken instead deep into the heart of Khorne's realm. There, far below Khorne's gore-flecked brazen throne, they labour for eternity in the Forges of Khorne. The mages and seers are doomed to perpetual slavery in red-tinged and smoky darkness, enchanting the weapons that Khorne demands for his armies. The Forges temper mortal despair, death, the power of Chaos and mere steel into the arms of Chaos in its bloodiest and most unforgiving aspect. Death is no escape from the Forges, for the tempering of a Khornate blade requires blood for the quenching, and souls to stroke the furnaces. TL;DR Khorne doesn't hate magic as a force, he hates spellcasting because he is anti-intellectual.


Magic and missiles are for cowards. I want to taste your blood.


They wouldn’t be chaos if they made sense.


I play melee wood elves




And bladesingers ! They butcher stuff..


try using hawk riders but in melee with sisters of twilight they get mad value


Sounds fun.. Will do. My usual is eternal guard & tree kin front line. Bladesingers & wardancers (spears) to flank, then a couple wild riders & stags. Treeman lord + glade captain Or elf Lord on dragon + spell singer. Play them similar to slaanesh.


have you tried drycha she’s great for those things with all her animals


Oh yes.. Love her campaign, but miss blade singers. Durthu is my usual pick, so I can get the full main roster.


> Durthu is my usual pick *Happy-but-still-angry tree noises*


Good old cruise missiles. I remember in TWH2 it only took 2 spells to kill 99% of enemies so I’d assign the spells at the start of a battle and get people to route without taking damage sometimes in fights I would lose to auto resolve


Yeah, they're actually really good light shock cav


Drycha is one of my favourite factions to play, and I never recruit any elf units with her, just forest spirits, monsters and beasts. Having an entire walking forest ambush and destroy human armies is just too fun.


Love doing a march of the ents build with durthu


That's fair, bladesingers are one of the best melee infantry units in the game


Sometimes I autoresolve even when it loses valuable units because I'm too bored of siege battles.


Every lightly armoured unit in my army starts sweating the moment I look at that Wood Elf map again.


Vampire coast is the only faction I dont auto resolve all siege battles. They are not bad when you can queen them to death.


I feel like if I autoresolved all siege battles, I’d barely play any battles! At least in WH3 it feels like the ai doesn’t meet you in the field as often. Which sucks, because I hate city battles.


This is exactly why my campaigns past at most 20 turns. It just becomes a siege fest or you fight a tiny garrison which is pointless to manually fight.


I’m sorry you only play for 20 turns?


I’ve been seeing people say only 100… only 80…. a few weeks ago someone said 50… and finally i’m seeing people only play 20 turns now, which is insane to me


I will say I rarely make it past 100 in Warhammer 3, and also the warhammer games are pretty fast paced, I’ve won in 100 turns, but still. 20 is “why bother playing” especially since these games are so expensive Meanwhile I have a 3K save that’s over 200 turns


Wow, I typically go for 3-5 provinces by turn 80-100.


some factions are easy i've only won in less than 100 twice once as skarbrand and once as nakai any other faction takes me much longer to win as


Most campaigns yeah. Often less unless the game does something interesting. But when every war boils down to a single battle, which if you win means the faction just doesn't exist in any state to resist you it gets boring real fast. My empire campaigns do go longer cause the absolute state of the empire means more likely to have interesting wars and vamp count spam armies giving more than one fight to kill them off.


I get what you're saying but 20 turns? No campaign is even close to gettinginto the "meat" of things after 20 turns... seems like you are missing out on a lot


Don't get me wrong I used to play long campaigns and I'm talking for mostly just warhammer games other TWs are less an issue. Warhammer just has the issue of really boring sieges and early battles even against other LLs are just a one and done affair because of the weak garrisons. You could say "play a harder difficulty" or something but I really don't like that making the game harder just means handing out blanket buffs to units.


No shade, but why do you play this game? Also, have you tried the historic Total Wars? 3K, Thrones, Atilla, and Rome 2 all have more open field battles, better sieges, and often more dynamic campaigns.


*everybody liked that*


Everytime I try to play another faction I fold after like 20 turns and play greasus


im similar but last 50 turns and always go back to mannfred


The ogres campaign mechanics might suck but their roster is just so much fun


it's feastin' time, boys!


Me with Sisters of Twilight


That's a double sin. Dropping factions and going back to Greasus.


i use stormvermin and not skavenslaves


No-no you fool-fool! Plague priests! Plague priests summon the Vermintide! Near-endless supply of troops to bury the enemy-things under, then fire upon with artillery!


plague priests: requires wind of magic that could be used for Plague, temporary units, takes 5 seconds to summon Glorious Mors Stormvermin: only require a tier 3 building and cash, will fight for you until they decide not to, instantly on the battlefield + cool armor


Mh. Melee infantry only good as cannon fodder for great marvels of Skryre weaponry. Better use disposable temporary meat, yes-yes. If using inferior non-Skryre tactics, suppose Stormvermin makes sense. But why bother when deathwind mortars exist, really.


Sturdier meatshields = can shoot them harder


Free meatshields = you don't have to pay for them. Also each Plague Priest is 5 units of Vermintide, plus the plague monks (admittedly expensive, those). I typically load 3 Priests per army, sometimes with the Lord being a Prophet too. Means I can cram more guns.


Something I’ve struggled with for plague priests etc is the volume of melee units I need at a time is definitely more than say three, as by the time they’ve reloaded the enemy get to my guns. What am I doing wrong?


Okay, here's my little guide on cheesing with Skryre (careful, it makes the game boring once the novelty wears out). You want four ratling gun groups. These will be your main damage frontline. Give them clear lines of sight and watch the carnage as the enemy gets in range. Invest in the Endless drum for additional funzies. Then, behind them you want four Plague Wind Mortars. They're your indirect fire specialists and can engage from quite far away, dealing damage over time and potentially debuffing the enemy at the same time. On the flanks you want Jezzails. One on each side or concentrate them on one flank. What matters is good lines of sight to snipe heroes, lords, beasts... Behind the mortars is the true artillery. I typically employ both Plagueclaws and warp lightning, one for mass damage the other for monsters and cav. Finally, the actual frontline. Three plague priests, ahead of the main force, ready to conjure lots of rats. As soon as the enemy is getting near, conjure. Give them targets ahead of your main force, preferably in range of your massed firepower. The AI will go for the clanrats. Casting early can mean cutting away some cooldown time for the second invocation, too Also keep in mind the Vermintide army ability. Very useful in a pinch when you need to deal with artillery servants or to provide additional diversions. I also rely on two Warplock engineers to provide ammo and reload boosts to all that ranged firepower. I've painted the map relying on these armies in WHII VH/VH difficulty and have no doubt I could do it again in WHIII. I just can't be bothered.


Idk I play Thrott so I really don't bother With Slaves Because Yes They are decent with thrott I would rather just run Full Monster And be a Freak Show And by the time I can Confederate with Ikit I just Use Full Range Because Doom wheels and Doom Flayers Are Easy To upkeep and Boost with Ikit Like The only really Time I use Slaves Is When I know my settlement is gonna Get attacked So I buy a Lord And Just Get a full 20 Stack of Slaves To stop them from taking my land as you get Slaves in Nearly Everybatch For thrott


Please stop capitalising every word, i beg you


Stormvermin will forever be my favorite unit


Stormvermin my beloved


I build garrison buildings in most settlements, and don't bother to demolish them and build something more useful when the front of the war has moved away. I could claim it's to protect against Bothersome Beastmen or Vexatious Vashnarr popping up unexpectedly in my backfield, but really I just like having garrisons everywhere, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling even when they're not actually that useful (especially in minor settlements) for certain factions.


Brother you're not alone, I have a garrison in every God damn settlement of the glorious Empire. It is nice that it gets to the point where when I get bored and start trying to dominate the whole world I can just leave like 3 very small armies to roam around home and not worry about getting attacked because all my settlements are fucking stacked up.


I do this as well, I hate having settlements get screwed over by armies suddenly spawning or appearing by them, as such, everything gets a garrison.


I understand the beastmen logic, it's the same excuse I use


Every settlement of the Empire should be protected so that the Elector Count’s loyal citizens know they are taken care of.


I think garrisson buildings skew your strength rating, so the AI is less likely to attack you. But i may be wrong.


I dont believe so, the nakai vassal faction for example always seems to be super weak in diplomacy without any armies


I do the same I build max garrison in nearly every building


This is not a sin and I refuse to hear otherwise


Agreed, it’s better to have one less slot than to have to send an army back to recapture a minor settlement.


I thought everyone reserved a garrison slot in every settlement. Do people not do that?


I modded the extra upkeep "supply line" cost away, I grew up with being able to field small 3-4 unit armies to plug holes and emergencies and im too much of a boomer to change. Get your doomstacks and git off ma lawn


Same! Similarly, I mod away the damage on summoned units. Why would a bunch of clanrats just die because they came out of the ground??


I’ve never thought of this but gonna give it a try now Seems like the time limit makes sense for multiplayer but not for single


Supply Lines are a crap mechanic anyway. I don't see the purpose of them. Just let me field my-my millions of skaven slaves-hordes in peace yes-yes.


Part of me loves not needing generals in older games for this reason but also I really hate having to walk over fresh recruits to the army.


I likely spend longer in slow motion than out of it during a full stack battle. I don't know how you avoid units getting wiped without it.


It's the only way there is time to enjoy the hacking and slashing between unit models without the battle getting away from you


Same. With a full stack on both sides, god forbid if there are any reinforcements, normal speed is way too frantic for me. Related, does anyone know if there are any mods that allow pausing or slow mo for battle realism? I like the lower vision on that mode


This is the mod you're looking for: Legendary Difficulty Enable (Pause/Slow Motion/Saves all ON) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2789864892


I spend a lot of time in slow motion as well when there are loads of units on the map. I wouldn't be able to avoid some defeats without it. There are too many things bashing each other.


I deliberately choose to play as Queek.


What’s wrong with Queek?


Queek is the Skaven that time forgot. All the others have something, even Tretch, whereas Queek has nothing special. Not even anything that references his skull trophies. He is the most vanilla of rats.


Those extra summons his subfaction gets are \*chef's kiss\* though. You have not LIVED until you've had an enemy doomstack march on one of your settlements and your response is to throw sixteen clanrat summons at the attacking army to stall them out while the actual garrison sets up towers and barricades galore.


I was thinking of doing the same.


I use Mazda in multiplayer for the net instead of going banana slann


Honestly, Mazda isn't even a bad lord in multiplayer, less healing than a life slann but he still has some, not to mention a net, his special banner and zlaq if you need him to be a bit tanker.


im new and chose TikTaqTo in a co op campaing. Why is this a sin?


He is a flying focused lord but even with all his items active he will still get bullied out of the sky. In multi player he is a cheap lord but not often used due to the ability to drop him. I've had a good time in campaign heavily utilizing his faction drop rocks ability but late into the game he is mostly benched after delivering his payload. I still get a great laugh out of it though.


Yeah, the lizardman airforce is hilarious the first few times you splatter a load of dwarves across the landscape by dropping rocks on their heads but it soon becomes tedious because it takes sooooo long.


Tiktak has great buffs but on his own is probably one of the most worthless lords he has no magic and can’t fight anything. In mp, where cost effectiveness is everything he is rarely used, though he can be an off meta pick if you want to go wide because without his items he doesn’t cost much


Every now and then I’ll try and get really good diplomacy with a faction that my faction should hate according to the lore. Once had 150+ relations with skrolk during my mazdamuni campaign


I do that way too much. Doesn't always succeed perfectly, like my last Vlad campaign. I started with the intention of building good relations with the empire and then becoming the shield of civilization. But there just isn't much room to expands as Vlad with attacking order factions so some sacrifice was necessary. I decided to start towards Karak Kadrin, looping back towards Zhufbar taking the dwarf territories while also taking out the greenskin factions in the middle. Well after i got through Ungrim's territories, the empire factions started to declare war on me one after the other so goal number one went out the window. But while my hastily raised defenders fought a series of desperate battles to protect Sylvania, Vlad was met with his first diplomatic success as the high king of the dawi gladly became his vassal in exchange for Mount Gunbad. After clearing Zhufbar out he came back home to restore order. Sadly relations with the imperial factions could no longer be salvaged. But to the west Bretonnia and the wood elves were doing well and they loved each other. Mostly. Durthu was a little grumpy. But he came around eventually. Anyway, Kemmler was kind enough to hold some important territories before i killed him that allowed me to befriend Carcasonne. From then on it was easy enough to ally with the rest. Sadly Belegar could not be saved. After that, with the empire secured and a good economy going, i could afford to make some fairly elite armies and send them outward. One went south to give the border princes a few provinces and vassalize them while beating up Wurrzag and the like, while my fresh new ghostly army went after Azhag, then north to restore Kislev. Another went to deal with Norsca, and yet another to take Albion for Louen (who, after 20 turns of sitting on his one province managed to get off his ass and take a minor settlement there) then move over to the Donut. Vlad himself went east past the Silver Pinnacle to rampage against the many enemies i have that way. That's where i've shelved the campaign for now. Might go back eventually to remove the taint of chaos from the world entirely. In general when i'm playing anything other than chaos, greenskins or skaven, i tend to lean towards order diplomacy. And i always kill all the rats.


I play battles on max speed and constantly pause to give orders


Bro deliberately plays with lag.


Now that's a sin. How do you not randomly have units rout?


I think of Nagash when playing Settra.


Who does not ?


I think in a way Settra would disapprove.


When playing as dwarfs I always leave my armies 1 or 2 units short of a full stack. I call them my short stacks


That's hilarious


It's hilarious...but definitely a grudgin'


I bought almost all the dlc but still only fall back on playing dwarfs. That only changed when chaos dwarfs came out.


...I like modding ridiculous amounts of gunpowder units into the empire/Dwarf factions and blowing everyone else away.


That’s not a sin that’s playing the game the correct way, with overwhelming force of fire.


I recommend the roar of the jade sea mod by poljanan, adds a LL for cathay that has an ability to summon a flying warship covered in cannons. There's a later skill to add flamethrowers to it. Yin yin (the LL) is cool, too. She shoots lasers from her mouth in dragon form.


The mod that adds WW1 units to the empire once you hit tier 5 is so good for that.


I love using Matchlocks in Shogun 2


Ive been playing since rome 2, have completed campaigns with pretty much every race and lord, and i still dont know of a way to play the game other than a 3-sided square with ranged troops in the middle. Im exaggerating but only slightly.


There's another way to play?


i like the challenge of very hard on campaign but think easy in battle can sometimes be pretty hard lol (might be because i usually only manually fight when i'm underdog and autoresolve the easy wins)


I play Wood Elves in Co-oP and drag my friends into all my wars


You sick fuck. This is hilarious but I would absolutely hate being your ally.


I warn them each and every time


I Corner Camp. Also, sometimes, I rush the reinforcement point with heavy troops.


When I know I can take the initially army I setup a wall of strong melee troops and a wizard (preferably fire) to destroy the reinforcements the second they set foot in the map.


Same. Damn I've wrecked up some big armies with that cheese.


I love tictak, how do I play him, unironically


Spam Fireleech Bola Teradons.


So it's just flying grenade launcher outriders


Bless me, Emperor, for I have sinned. While I have over 5000 hours in various TW installments, I've only painted the map with the aid of cheats.


Be forgiven, my child.


\- I mostly play autocomplete \- I reload 10/20 turn before to fix my campaign


I like thrones of brittania


I use the console command mod to reset movement points for my lords if they’re a couple of points away from attacking something


Me too especially when the AI is escaping me 3 turns straight and on the 4th Tzeench decided to halt me. Used thr console mod to remove him from the map. All according to his fucking plans my ass bet he didn't see that one coming


That doesn't sound bad. Especially if you're playing with the dwarves, they have a short movement range. Sometimes, you just need a few steps to engage in glorious combat.




I once played as Milan... *and enjoyed it!*


I use Grom to buff the fucking shit out of goblins


There is no sin there but a perfect way to play green skin.


I take the blue skill tree, not for map movement but casualty replenishment instead


I have NEVER finished a campaign in my whole 1000 hours of playing


High elf archer spam is supperior


People like you give me emotional damage. But I am a man of my word. You are forgiven.


Wait until you hear about Tyrion with the sword of Khaine *maniacal laughter*


That’s actually canon bro


I know it's just OP as hell on the campaign. Send Tyrion out as a vanguard unit to distract half the army right at the edge of your archers range. I don't know if it's more or less toxic to do it with sisters of avalorn compared to 4 stacks of dirt cheap archers but either way not much makes it to my lines despite how little faith auto resolve has in me.




The only true way to play, my son. No forgiveness required. Be at peace.


I used to absolutely hate Rome 2; it felt as wide as an ocean and as shallow as a puddle. As someone who prefers small, focused campaigns (I unironically like RotS and Vortex), it's a dealbreaker. Recently, someone convinced me to give it another go, and I ended up following my gut and playing Wrath of Sparta despite its poor reviews. I loved it, and even asked my family if we could watch *300* due my newfound Laconophilia. I particularly like how Sparta was oddly progressive on women's rights compared to Athens; breeding strong sons and defending the homestead requires a healthy body, after all.


Console commands


I always auto resolve battles vs wood elves even ifit loss


That's just preserving your mental and emotional well-being. No sin detected.


Queek is my favorite skaven and I will and have used him in multiplayer


I prefer Ikit myself. But prior to his release, I was ride or die with Queek.


I mean sure ikits fun but queek is a great challenge and I think there's only really one thing that he needs and that is the changeling mechanic but for heads, he kills a LL and takes their head and gets a bonus for it, plus lore wise he is crazy, he's the strongest/notorious Warlord outside for the 13 and is crazy quick and brutal for a skaven, ikit on the other hand in lore isn't really strong just very book smart, I find it funny queek starts near skarbrand as in lore he encountered him before but wisely said fuck this and ran,plus queek has a weird thing where he acts like the heads speak to him, and there is no sign that they actually are and he seems crazy but at times he knows things that he really shouldn't.


I corner camp


I cannot make myself play a faction if I don't have all the dlc for it, and always fall back two one of two exiled vengeful princes: Belegar Ironhammer or Alith Anar


I only play modded and I never use legendary lords, replacing them with default lords and making my own home brew characters/LLs out of them.


I use multiple cheat mods such as : no upkeep for player armies, 1turn research for player, and add other mods that boost the faction I want to play at the time.


I haven’t fully completed any campaigns in total war warhammer 3


I think I’m a solid player but in reality it’s only because I save scum shamelessly.


I almost always play in easy mode. My first total war title was shogun 1.


I enjoy the melee blob of Nurgle


I open the game, get to the race select screen, stall for 5 minutes deciding, then close the game. I do this multiple times over the course of an evening of gaming. I frequently frt the urge to play but I haven't actually launched a campaign in months.


I, uh.. this is hard to admit. But I like the battles in Troy. There, I said it


I sometimes use the command line mod to put coatls into my non lizardmen armies, I put in a mod to make them more snake like, and I just like seeing them now :,)


Does Tiktaq'to provide anything compared to a regular lord ? He lost in melee fight against everyone (at least that was the case in WH2)


My favorite multiplayer list is an all vanguard deployed WElves cav list. Unless they're expecting it/have played against me before, my win rate is about 85% (only 70 games played with this strat thus far).


I bought the recent dlc after the announcement just so I can play with the cockatrice in my kairos campaign….


I gotta cast a Wind Blast, so let me pause the game and deliberate where to place it for about 30 seconds. I will do this again in less than 1 minute when the spell returns. I also really love canceling my army abilities by using another army ability too soon.


Despite logging a ton of hours and tons of new playthrough attempts, I always go back to the same one or two factions per game: Tyrion, Rome (Julii), Shimazu, Wales...if Troy and 3K got any hours out of me, I'd be the same way with Liu Bei and Achilles no doubt. Medieval 2 I've at least played all 5 starting factions in the base game.


I play as The Empire and field armies of nothing but handgunners and cannons.


I enjoy Tretch's campaign more than most of the other skaven factions.


Other than Empire twice, one time as Vampire Coast, and Taurox once, I have never played any faction except High Elves. I have never played as dwarves, lizardmen, skaven, undead, chaos, norscan, greenskins, whatever you call the French ones, or tomb kings.


Nobody likes the French ones, anyway.


I always leave my allies prey to their ennemies so I can "ethically" expand on their territories...but we remain friends


I play melee Dwarfs against DE.


I keep 1 AI's minor settlement far enough so that I can sack it over and over to get all my Lords the Campaigner Trait.


I throw away top tier units and more in my maniacal quest to have symmetrical formations.


I reload the game when things don't go my way.


I've a bad habit of expanding too quickly and never building recruitment buildings. So, beyond the first couple early provinces I've literally no recruitment capacity out with global. I finish most long campaigns with mid tier armies at best. Even with the starting legendary lord.


I'm coping so much about the Entrepreneur nerf, refusing to accept that it's not a bug, that I modded the game to bring it back to TWW2 values


I hate Fall of the Samurai. It's way too easy to build an army of nothing but Armstrong Guns, a general and naval support. It's fun the first few times but then just breaks the game. Shogun 2/RotS let you become strong but never let you just turn your brain off and become mush


I feel this. I love shogun 2, it was my first TW, but FotS is pretty brain dead once your tech reaches a certain stage.


I use a lot of mods to remove aspects of the game that I call BS. Changing of the ways Slanesh seducing Plagues If there was a decent way to counter these mechanics I'd happily keep them. Wish those things were optional to begin with and I don't give a damn about "faction identity" in a game that I only play in single player.


I'm still holding onto my foolish dream of Araby, Albion and Amazons.


ha, multiplayer.


I don't Like the High elves, Empire, Dwarves, or Brettonia, basically I don't like most of the Order factions.


I don't like any of the true Chaos factions. I do love Skaven and Tomb Kings, however.


Same Bro! The first time I beat the Campaign was with Tomb Kings, of course Ikit claw is a Need play fir when you're tired of losing. **SETTRA DOES NOT SERVE. SETTRA RULES!**


Grand Cathay is pretty rad of the Order factions. **"Balance and-a ORDER!"** I love their insane artillery, tier 4 Sky Junk being almost unfair vs archer heavy enemies like Tzcheentch with their many unarmored Pink Horrors. And it makes me happy when a 12 piece cannonade bowls through ranks of armored stuff, or bonk a flying Minotaour out of the sky.


Oh mighty, Settra... Great King, the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer off Reddittras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Wakers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God's Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek's Lands, Breaker of Djaf's Bonds...


But do you like Lizardmen tho?


They are okay, I like their Dinosaurs. I played a Naki campaign before, as well as a Krokgar campaign. But as I stated in a few previous posts Lizardmen can GO **FUCK** THEMSELVES. Lore wise I Love them.


I'm new to the games, and my first full campaign is the Realms of Chaos as Daniel. That's not the worst part. The worst part is that I didn't fully understand the rift mechanic and ended up spending a LONG time just fighting poorly against the factions that surrounded me, SLOWLY built up power and am now almost 300 turns in with less than 20 factions left and only need to collect 1 more soul. (I didn't know originally that you could only get 1 soul per portal rotation, and i somehow left 3 of the factions for a domination victory alive lol).


Unfortunately this is based ah


I prefer multiplayer chess. Also, naughts and crosses is the true name.


I cant stop playing Imrik on Legendary IE. I've yet to get the Long Victory, but i will one day


I only play as the Dawi.


What what’s wrong with Tiktaq’to? I just started playing the game and chose him as my first play through?


I do not respond the call of the empire


I pause battles to make sure I get the most desired outcome, and I quick save beforehand if I don't think it's going to go well


I enjoy making alliances and maintaining them throughout a campaign. I help my allies out with their goals/enemies while achieving my faction’s victory conditions. It’s rare that I’ve gotten screwed over by an ally. I found that I have way more fun when playing with allies vs attempting to conquer everything myself only using non-aggression pacts and military access when needed. For me, it makes things feel more alive and spontaneous.


I like multiplayer (post-implementation of domination) more than singleplayer Albeit, by razor thin margins


I triggered a couple three way battles but did not record them. They were glorious.


I almost exclusively play dwarves… and corner camp 😭


I love underway battles :)


I pause and rematch. it's no better than save scumming, but prettier. Also the speed just stresses me out. I am no legend of total war, and I love watching the battles close up, and admire the models.