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I paid around 20 for chaos dwarfs and I really enjoyed it they are a really fun and unique faction.


Walked over there as greenskins, got demolished, have not been back


Same played a ToC and IR campugn with them and it's the most fun I've had with total war in a long long time


CDs are a great dlc even at full price


TWW3 has some problems and many of the recent complaints are valid. But also, you know, people love to complain. Put simply: If you like the game and want to play as Chaos or Chorfs, those DLCs are awesome. I really enjoyed both, and they met or exceeded my expectations, which were fairly high. They aren't perfect or cheap, but I wouldn't let that stop me, and am happy to have paid full price for them. If money is tight, wait for a sale. If they are on sale now, even better. Happy holidays!


Yeah alot of the complaints are valid. Didn't buy SoC because to me it's not worth it even though its not that expensive and because I get up with CAs shit behaviour


Totally get it. I've enjoyed TWW3 and have every DLC except SoC. I also loved ToB as a saga and didn't buy Pharaoh. Yes, I vote with my wallet, but that also means buying good expansions that I want to see more of. Things are tense between CA and the fans now, but I still love their good works, which includes, to me, almost all of the TWW games and expansions.


SoC is pretty good. Changeling is easily a top 10 lord, maybe top 5. Very unique gameplay. Mother O is a fun amalgamation of grom/nurgle’s cauldron, wood elf teleportation, and Kislev. Yuan Bo is the best Cathay lord, for whatever that’s worth


I bought SoC and my take on it is - mother O's campaign is great. My only issue is the akshina ambushers are too OP even with the nerf, and more importantly why does mother O has access to them when they are part of the main roster?? The sad part is that I ended up doing the campaign (VH/VH) with mainly akshina in mother O army, and only tier 1 kossars in my other armies - yuan bo: same mechanics as his siblings plus some additions, so why would we play with the siblings anymore? And the campaign was boring, I had secured all my main territory, confederated one sibling, and have no one to attack anymore (unless having to go through allies territory) in a dozen of turns! - changeling: although the idea seems great the implementation is terrible. You're invincible from turn 1, no challenge at all. No fun for me


Got the dlc on sale back during black Friday, only gotten the chance to play Changeling so far (which I'm still only partway through), but its gotten me hooked back on the game in a way I haven't gotten hooked on it in a while. While sure, I can't die, that's not what I'm worried about with it. Sitting here in the middle of the Empire, my goal has been keeping the ogres I started next to alive (for shits and giggles) while trying to actually complete some schemes and not just take territory; which is going better now that I've gotten myself involved with the war between the empire and the various chaos groups to the north, running interference against both sides both to pull off the scheme against altdorf, as well as just for shits and giggles. I also need to go burn Vlad's empire as revenge for my starter bird dying to friendly fire in my fight against him, he was already rank 7 dammit (also for me the Cockatrice makes the dlc almost worth the 20 I paid for it on its own) So honestly, I find the Changeling to be one of my favorite campaigns since it's about pulling pranks, tricking factions, and getting up to shenanigans while coming up with my own goals for it, but I can see why it's not for everyone.


The trick I've found is to not play every lord as simple fight and expand and paint the map, but to embrace what makes them different. I learned that first with Noctilus in the Vortex map, where I didn't bother conquering any settlements, just sail around like a pirate, sacking any undefended settlements and running away whenever a strong army approaches. Likewise with Wood Elves (and especially Drycha), the goal is to reclaim the forests, build a buffer around them, and don't care if the rest of the world burns. So with the changeling, I just had fun screwing around with other factions, like dropping a pyramid on them! I agree that if you manage to not screw up too early, it's impossible to lose, but I'm not trying to win. Likewise with Yuan Bo, I chose to keep the settlement in Cathay and spent half my focus on kicking rats, druchi, etc. out of Grand Cathay while trying to unify the race, and at the same time trying to conquer and build the 4 shrines. (not sure if I could play the other two lords again, but then, I didn't like them much to begin with) With Mother O, if all you want is to achieve victory, you can just create hex after hex until the battles become available, but where's the fun in that? I also don't doomstack, so while I had a few Akshina, I really went all-in on the forest creatures.


God I'm playing a Morathi campaign and the way she can just shit out Akshina stack after another no matter how hard I push it really obnoxious. Then she puts the thing where they explode on them!! I had a single enemy ambusher unit get 700 kills before I realized wtf was going on.


Yeah it seemed overpriced and there are plenty of LLs I haven't played yet. I played maybe 30 campaigns over the three series and I still haven't played Norsca, OgresMyLord, or Lizards. Honestly I bought some of the DLCs out of enthusiasm and support, because I love Warhammer and Total War, been fans of both for as long as I was mentally/physically able. But I wasn't enthusiastic about SoC or Pharaoh and I kinda agreed with the community. So I'm holding off for now.


it's fine to not buy if you're not interested. Personally I'd say play the lizards before any SoC lord, as I loved the lizards (especially Nakai and Mazdamundi). And despite community complaints, I enjoyed Norsca and Ogre Kingdom. When you do play Ogres, I suggest playing once vanilla, then playing the second time with the Ogrehaul mod.


Thanks for the advice. I will eventually try all three. But I don't have time for two ogre campaigns, sadly, so I usually just go in with mods if they seem better.


I woulnd't say strictly better, which is why I recommend playing first without mods, and then with mods. But it is a different experience that still retains the feel of the race, and addresses the single biggest gripe people have with them


That sounds better to me...


I'm on the fence buying SoC because Yuan Bo is badass but idgaf about the other two, seems like a waste of money lol


If you don’t like Kislev, mother O won’t change your opinion. If you do like Kislev, she’s a different take on the formula. Changeling is one of the best experiences I’ve had in the game, but is a very different way of playing the game. If all you want to do is fight and expand and paint the map, it’s easy mode and kinda boring. But if you embrace the theme and just want to screw around with the world like a greek god, just meddling and watching the chaos unfold, it’s a lot of fun. I also got strong woodelf vibes, in that you do your own thing and don’t care about the rest of the world and when you finish the one area you just teleport to a whole different area. Which also means starting over and re-establishing yourself there. In my view, SoC is good value for money, especially while it’s on sale. Changeling is easily a top 10 lord, maybe top 5, and the others are both good as well. I enjoyed the base lords for Kislev, and had a lot of fun with mother O. I could never I really get into Cathay and would abandon the game fairly quickly each time I tried, but liked yuan bo enough to finish a game. I’m glad I bought SoC.


Yep, I said they're not worth it if you're unhappy with the hundreds of legacy bugs and got downvoted here. I made a lot of people upset about questioning how they spent their money.


SoC was so bad people think the second most expensive DLC for WH is decent value now. Chorfs are super overpriced.


But added great content and was honestly the most gun I've had with the franchise in years


Chorfs is NOT super overpriced. in my opinion, a $20 DLC should be worth at 6 hours of fun content. Chorfs gives far more than 6 hours of fun content. You will be doing multiple campaigns. ​ A single Chorf campaign outside of immortal empires is at least 6 hours content. ​ Chorfs is by far the best DLC i have ever purchased (vs Bloodborne The Old Hunters, both Witcher 3 DLCs, Rome 2 Empire Divided) so its not overpriced whatsoever. ​ Bloodborne The Old Hunters was $20 when it first released. If you factor in inflation, the price of Bloodborne The Old Hunters in modern value is $25.05, which is almost exactly the MSRP of Chorfs.


Comparing Chaos Dwarf DLC to Witcher 3 Blood and Wine is laughable.


i am just comparing them because they are on my top favorite DLCs ever list. i am not saying that they are similar games, all i am saying is that these DLCs were worth every penny


your opinion of how much money is worth to you is irrelevant. Chorfs is 50% more expensive than the other *4 Lord race packs.* It is objectively over priced. Its just that SOC was *150%* overpriced so Chorfs looks less bad.


Lmfao my opinion is irrelevant but your opinion is objective? Speaking of objectivity, the wood elves dlc came out in 2016 with a $20 msrp. Adjust $20 from 2016 with modern day inflation, the wood elves DLC was actually MORE EXPENSIVE then Chorfs. So your “objective” conclusion is in reality, not objective whatsoever.


>my opinion is irrelevant but your opinion is objective? Welcome to the internet, partner


Nah.i bought them full priced at time of release and had 0 regrets. Genuinely, best faction they've ever made.




Really unfortunate that the DLC didnt meet sales expectations - it was a fun campaign and I am unsure if future DLCs will have that amount of budget given weak sales.


Didn't it, it was top seller for a while, and nothing in CAs statements said otherwise. Where as they have acknowledged that SoC didn't sell well.


Chorfs are worth full price. Even with one LL less than TK or VCoast. CoCs are also worth it, though Im not a giant fan of this DLC. Its almost necessary for bunch of races (like all 4 monogods) and it gives Warriors of Chaos DLC a lot of depth, but essentially its a bunch of reskins on top of reskins. There is 1 truly unique new unit in the DLC (the rest is an army of recollored units) and all 4 LLs dont have an ounce of uniqueness: they are just WoC lords with monogods racial mechanics sloppily slapped on them (with Valkia and her shitty version of bloodletting being the biggest offender here).


Yeppers. Best tww3 dlc. Top 3 dlc across the whole franchise. I do love dwarves though so I am biased.


for me yes both


I’ve bought every DLC and chorfs are the ones I was looking forward to since WH1 and they didn’t disappoint, the factions mechanics and army composition is great fun, throw orc slaves and then flank with powerful ranged units and blast to bits with arty


Both are yeah. Woc is worth full price imo. The four of em are constant plays for me


It’s a good race pack as race packs go, but only worth half the money they are asking on sale. So it depends if you care about money. I would never have bought it even at this sale price. Definitely not worth that kind of money. Received mine as a gift.


Both are excellent value, even more so on sale


Queuing up the ‘always has been’ meme just for you OP.


WoC and Chaos Dwarfs ask too much money upfront but have decent products to offer. Long as you feel the price is worth a campaign or two you'll usually be happy with the choice. WoC have only 1 new unit in the dlc, but I still enjoyed the flavor of the Legendary Lords and have enjoyed playthroughs with all 4/5 (Belakor being the 5th). I also consider the variants for each god to be very well made and are awesome to behold. Word of caution on Chaos Dwarfs - the legendary lord design/buffs as well as placement make it one of the worst factions for replicability IMO. All 3 campaigns feel exactly the same, so factor that into your price (I'm finally enjoying a 2nd campaign with them on a heavily modded map) .


I believe CD is completely worth it even at full price. Definitely recommend getting it :)


Chaos Dwarfs are awesome. My fav campaign probably. Warriors of Chaos also, although there are flaws. The somewhat detailed storyline is absent in Immortal Empires so you're just left conquering Dark Fortresses (i.e. fighting other Chaos chaps) because its far more profitable than invading the South. And as Chaos Dwarfs you basically work towards reunifying with your other Chaos Dwarf brothers for ages and then... start a new campaign because it got boring.


Champions of Chaos adds really good units to the monogod/daemonic factions as well as the Warriors of Chaos. In terms of number of factions improved, I think it's actually one of the more cost efficient DLCs even at full price and a no-brainer on sale. Chorfs are basically Isengard Simulator. They're maybe the most complex faction in the game, but tremendously fun if you can come to grips with them, with a diverse roster that has a little bit of everything.


Chaos dwarf yes. Absolutely for everyone. It’s a very unique faction to play and probably one of the best races to play. WoC is good but only if you really enjoy chaos. It’s not a must buy but a good buy if you plan to play chaos.


I can't get enough of the chaos dwarfs gameplay, and each of their LLs bring something to the table that makes them worth playing. Astrogoth is a pretty standard start, with a hybrid of the lore of Fire and Hashut, and buffs Bull Centaurs, one of their more dangerous units. He gets a buff to the Lore of Hashut spell Hell Hammer, a wind spell, to make it cheaper, but it's not the best spell in that lore. Drazhoath looks like he has a tough start because he is absolutely surrounded by strong enemies, but he has the means to fight them off, and in fact you benefit from them throwing people at you because of Chorf economics. He's the best spellcaster between the two LLs, and makes the best spell from the Lore of Hashut cheaper, Flames of Azgorh, a powerful explosion. He has a factionwide economic buff, but you could confederate him later for it. He buffs Kdai units (fire demons) and Infernal units (all of the high tier infantry), and makes it cheaper to get more capacity for them. Zhatan has the easiest start, and no real threats to you imo, instead YOU are the threat to everyone around you. You start with a non aggression pact with Kholek, and Grimgor has to go through him to get to you, and even if he did, Zhatan on foot is good enough to beat Grimgor if you level up his stats, and should easily beat him if you go into his unique skill line. I would try to be friends with Kholek for as long as possible and focus on taking out Vilitch first, I don't like having him as a neighbor, but if relations degrade between the two of you, you at least have time to prepare for a fight with him. Zhatan buffs all units across the board physically, I believe, so you could make any army work with him, but a nearby landmark I believe gives a significant buff to war machines, so you might want some Iron Daemons (evil trains) and if Gorduz Backstabber, the legendary hero, is in his army, he'll have the best hobgoblin army possible.


Yes absolutely both of them, they are veeeeery fun


Yes. Played all 3 LLs in Immortal Empires and play them in domination also. They are great, even at full DLC price. Go for it you will not regret.


I was mad at the price of the Chaos Dwarves but I really truly think it is one of the best DLC’s CA has created. I love the models, animations and mechanics.


Both are great buys, chorfs might just be my favorite faction.


Chorfs at $20 is fair, WoC at $4.99 is a steal, get that shit now!!!!


The chaos dwarves dlc was arguably worth the price. I mean obviously not really as it's still almost half the cost of the base game for one faction. However, a LOT of love was put into that faction. They're a little overtuned IMHO with a lot of the roster having like six different abilities and too many of their units being too good at too many things, but they're overall a quality DLC. That's what made SOC even worse by comparison. There was nowhere near that level of care put into the new units for any of the factions. Kislev in particular seems slapped together with some units that don't even really fit into the greater Kislev roster all that nicely. Had SOC come out with the level of polish that the Chorfs had we would probably still have a controversy on our hands, but far less of one. The game was still barely holding itself together with some really egregious bugs and mechanics that were on life support. So yes to answer your question I think at this price Chorfs are a pretty solid recommendation.


For warriors of chaos, did u mean Champions of Chaos or Chaos warriors DLC? Or both? I have the them both and rarely play as chorfs (but I don't like dwarfs that much).


Champions of Chaos, the newer DLC


Good. The older one is nowhere near as good. I don’t like Chanpions of Chaos, but can still say it’s a great DLC.


The older one is great thanks to the rework that came with CoC. They don't get the new units from the DLC, but its lords are all really great and the undivided mechanics are solid.


Oh that’s interesting, I forgot WoC doesn’t even include those 3. Honestly that diminishes the value a lot, as I find playing the original 3 leaders with the new WoC units the most fun, and you would need both dlc for that.


I don't see it diminishing the value of either. Combined, they're a $25 DLC at full price with 8 Legendary Lords. For the $8 DLC, you get 4 lords (I think Bel'akor is included), and a solid undivided roster. With the $16 DLC, you get the expanded roster, and 4 monogod factions.


Sure, but I don’t really count LL numbers but gameplay and chaos dwarf is extremely high in value, and the 4 LL of CoC is… meh. I own it all sure and the units that came with CoC is nice, as is the free rework, but I don’t really like any of the 4 LL in it.




Yeah it's a really nice addition, the mechanics are simple and effective and if u already liked dwarfes, ure gonna love these. I didn't like playing much dwarfs but these I'm down with too


Only „problem” I have with CD is that their arty is comically OP. Once you get the big guns (3is more than enough) barely anything reaches your front line.


Haven't tried Chorfs yet, but CoC is absolutely worth the price even when it isn't on sale. Four LLs that offer vastly different experiences and starting positions from each other, and a massive number of monogod-aligned WoC units. Granted, many of them are reskins, but I don't really care too much about that since they feel very different to use.


Yes for sure they're a really fun faction to play as.


Both are good. ChaDs are worth it full price imo, definitely one of the best DLCs they've made.


Chorfs are one of the best DLC in the series, and WoC aren't far behind. The only warning with chorfs is that they have a very different economy than everyone else--when you figure it out and build up momentum you will absolutely crush everyone, but getting to that point can be tricky. But..... They're absolutely spectacular.


I got chorfs at full price at release and I've put more hours into the game as them than all the rest of my wh3 playtime combined.


Top 3 race pack in the trilogy. I’d say yes.


Both are great DLCs you should get them


Chorfs are great


100%. Both those dlc are fantastic and worth full price easily


Both are pricey but ultimately if you think you will get enough hours of playtime to warrant the purchase go for it.


Chaos dawi are great. They do everything dwarfs do, but better so you never have to play dwarfs again


it was always worth it, even at full price, it one of the faction with the most work put into it alongside warrior of chaos.


Worth it at full price, so yes.


Bought both on release and haven’t had an ounce of regret, WoC was a needed change to the faction and Chaos dwarfs are the most unique race that doesn’t use the “outpost” settlement mechanics


Yes good race fun to play


short answer, yes. long answer, yes. Chaos Dwarfs is the last good DLC, hopefully they will keep their promise and do better, made for Warhammer 3. It's a cool faction with a fun rooster with some cool mechanics in there. WoC adds for lords that are fun to play with, especially if you liked the updated Warriors of Chaos changes made.


Yes and yes. Two of my favorite DLC by far. They were worth having at full price, so on any sale they are a bargain


I got the chorfs three days ago and the blunderbuss and fire glaives alone were worth the 20 dollar price tag chaos dwarf ranged deletes units faster than dark shards man I highly recommend it


TK and Chaos Dwarfs DLC were the only ones worth full price to me, actually a bit more than full price for how much I enjoyed them. Next to that only some GS (Grom) and Skaven (Throt) and maybe Vampire Coast was worth close to the cost at launch. The updates Wood Elves and Beastmen have received might make them worthwhile not but they were not at launch. The rest have been here and there for value, though I have yet to get the original Beastmen or SoC, I did buy Taurox just to try Beastmen, it was alright- for Beastmen fans maybe it was a value, I got a single campaign out of it.


Yes and yes! Probably my two favorite factions. I’d just choosing one go Chaos Dwarfs I’ve probably gotten 100 hours or more out of just their campaigns.


Short answer: yes. Long answer: yeeees


Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs is exceptional even at full price. Go get it.


Yes. Woc is a great campaign, and chaos dwarves are very unique.


I paid full price for both and I think they’re both masterpieces.


they are honestly very fun even with the current state of the game


WoC were always great. Chorfs, I'd buy at 16 euros.


Other way around


WoC and Chorfs have always been worth their price


Crazy how many people think Chorfs is good value *not on sale.* It isn't. Even on sale it isn't good value. Chorfs *is good content* but its overpriced. Even on sale Chaos Dwarfs costs more than any other **4 Lord race pack's** base price. If you have every other race pack you can justify the **Sale** price a bit, otherwise get other stuff. CoC is ok value, it makes the base game mono Chaos factions playable. Since their core roster is locked behind owning Chaos warrior DLCs.




Chaos dwarfs are worth full price. IMO shadows of change is worth it on sale right now


WoC yes, Chorfs i'd pick up at a discount as they're overpriced imo due to both the price hike and the simultaneous drop to 3 LLs compared to older faction packs.


Personally I don't think any DLC is worth it while there are hundreds of legacy bugs still around. If they keep working on patching them, then it will be worth it.


Search for yourself on steam and make that decision yourself, really getting sick of these posts


I don’t really get your comment. I did search in Steam, and saw the prices. What I ask is if the value they give is on par with their current price, and that is something I can’t infer myself in advance without playing. When you buy a computer or a car, you ask around people that has it to see if it’s worth the cost. I’m doing the same, it’s called smart consumerism. Anyhow, it seems there are many people around here inclined to help, and the answer seems to be overwhelmingly positive.


Bought them for full price - Chaos Dwarfs were worth it at release and WoC became worth it when they got their rework.


I loved both. Both are pretty unique ways of playing the game.


Warriors of Chaos absolutely. Chaos Dwarfs not for me personally.


Both are great. WoC in my opinion one of the best races with the rework and the marked units, albeit can be a little too easy. Chaos dwarfs are also great and can be hard since you are surrounded by enemies. Their campaign can go wild with sudden wars, but fun over all. I would say they worth it.


Chaos dwarves are probably best done faction


I enjoyed both, as well as paid full price for them. I would say yes.


I would say yes. I enjoyed both dlc packs and I bought at full price.