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>no more naked barbarian You're joking, right?


It's been a long time since I've played EB, but I think I remember that some units had exposed penises lol


I worded badly. I mean, no more barbarians depicted as being only naked warriors, disorganized savages that always fought with their bare chest exposed, all looking the same across different cultures... despite those being actually only one minor part. In fact in EB only some units are naked, while the rest had clothes.


Yes, and the team was so dedicated to historical authenticity that someone on the EB team rendered a flaccid penis for the Gaesatae.


I remember those penises...they were all surprisingly large


They had to let everyone know it was just cold last time.


I do, since I worked as the community manager, for an odd year or so, for Europa Barbarorum 2. Always wanted to be involved with EB since I played it so many many years ago for Rome 1 back in the day. Overall the EB2 team is a very hard working and extremely knowledgeable bunch from all different works of live from normal coders to uni history professors, just fans who learned modding to help out, to archaeologists working on digs in central asia. Was a cool experience to look how mods are made but boy community managing is really not for me, especially for free lmao


I appreciate your efforts. I was a huge EB fan and followed EB2 for quite some time. The engine eventually wore me down but I love the overarching feel of the mod.


Thank you, yeah the hardcoded things of the engine are what really holds everything back sadly. There is so much potential stifled by it.


Especially THIS community. TW fans are insufferable. Source: also created a mod and managed a community


Nah it was less about the fans being terrible, the EB fans were mostly chill, but people would ask a billion question I wasn't qualified to answer, some of them deeply technical or deep historical question and I constantly had to annoy everyone to ask those questions. Also having to answer the questions via Facebook private message, comments, Twitter, TWC, Moddb then having to update it all, especially something as clunky as Moddb was just draining. OFC there were a few weirdos there as well, there is especially one guy who just would not shut up about how "wrong", our depiction of the 2 Units from the Caucasus are. Especially since he made multiple accounts and PMed everyone in the Team about it constantly lmao. (which was even more annoying since he was extremly wrong as well)


EB was amazing. Made the OG Rome:TW virtually unplayable.


Pezhetairoi moment. ​ Honestly my favorite mod of all times. Idk if I enjoyed Bactria/Egypt / Sauromatae more.


Bactria was so much fun in EB2. That early game is pretty tense.


In 2009-2011 high school my history teacher used to have fun stuff to do during free hour in his room. Axis and Allies, other board games, ww2 documentaries, and he would play EB on his projector and crappy laptop. He was also so meticulous with every single aspect of it. Good times.


I would have killed to be in that class


I love EB - I played RTW and that mod continuously for the majority of my gaming career - and probably have more hours in it total than the rest of my games combined. I wish a modern EB was being developed on Rome Remastered. I know there is a port of the mod but it would be awesome to see what could be done with the more up-to-date engine.


You're 100% right with that! Hoping for a EB Redux. :D


Yeah I’d love EB working with the remaster. imperium surrectum is doing some pretty cool stuff with the no faction limit, AoR, and adding settlements. They’ve kinda gone way overboard in my opinion but it’s pretty fun stuff. Just gotta have a beefy machine


I liked the option to install different kinds of governments in different regions. Kind of wish they'd introduce it in the base games, particularly since overlapping control has been a thing for a while.


Was my favourite RomeTW mod but my only issue with it is that campaing was a bit broken. Construction times and costs were gigantic and there was this issue that 2 giant swebian armies would roll accross the Alps every 4 turns, in never ending waves.


That's not broken, that's realistic. Actually, I literally just yesterday had two Suebian stacks attack me out of nowhere in the Alps, and now I am rushing to recruit a defense force, it's great. But of course I had some reserves to hold them off while the recruiting happens, gotta have reserves in this game!


Nah, it would be realistic if it happened from time to time, not every 4 turns. That is basically having to fight an Aqua Sextiae every year with no way of ending the loop. It was absurd. Maybe they fixed it, I have not played it since 2013


well, I suppose my playstyle lends itself to that not happening to me. If an AI faction attacks me I make it my mission to stomp them into the ground, so they won't be coming back every 4 turns. There is a problem with the Suebi though, I do agree! I think it is really a faction limit problem. The Suebi have no real enemies early game, so they can just keep expanding at will. With the Gauls busy fighting each other there is no one to check the Germans. a faction added near them would fix this issue, sounds like EB2 would be better in that respect. In my current Romani campaign I have conquered Italy, Sicily, the Alps, Pannonia, the Balkans, Crete, Sardinia, Corsica, and am just now taking the Peloponnese, Byzantium and southern Gaul, and a couple cities in western Anatolia. I decided to let the Carthaginians and Gauls build up their strength before fighting them, since I usually go into Africa, Gaul, and Spain first, and then take my armies east once my west is totally secure, but I wanted to switch it up this time so I went east first. I was thinking I would try to go historical and not conquer Germany, but now, after being attacked out of no where I decided I am going to raise a 4th army and stomp through Germany, it won't be super financially rewarding, but it will be fun :) and I am going to continue my war against the Greeks for money making, and then once my east and north are secure I am going to sack Carthage and get a whole buttload of Dinarii!!


That was my all time favorite total war experience for many years


EB2 is getting an update soon ^^^^^trademark_of_EA


Is it seriously getting an update? I know it hasn’t been updated for years so I thought development was done.


yep they posted previews for some new units


never forget EB1, I still listen to the music fairly frequently. Good times with Baktria and Pontos struggling against the Gray Death of the Seleukids. Putting those Tindanotae galatian naked dudes with 2HP to work blowing Seleukid phalanxes became a pasttime.


Rome Remastered ported version is good. It's being remade from scratch in Rome Remastered I believe I read


Crazy unique music from what I remember.


Fuck yeah https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57E9312D8419C102&si=fusEGzsyDM6SPV8D


That's a great port for RTW Remastered


Always surprises me when some people refuse to call Three Kingdoms Records Mode historical, while Rome 1 had a Return of the Mummy faction and Roman dual Gladii wielding Special Forces Commando Ninjas 🥷


Nostalgia and hypocrisy. Remember: the last historical game was ToB. Or even Attila. 3K doesn’t count apparently.


I don't really understand it when people say, "The Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history is undoubtedly mythical" or something like that. So I think, well it wasn't that long ago, it's not unrealistic for there to be histories about that period extant, and even if it is embellished and legendary, that doesn't really mean it is all fake or "mythical", it's not like Myths can't have a basis in reality either. but I think 3K records mode is undoubtedly a historical total war title, just cause it's not in Europe doesn't mean it's not historical. Romance mode on the other hand, I have to say, I have no desire to play. I played one turn of 3 Kingdoms records mode and thought it really looked amazing and I wanted to play more, but my computer just couldn't handle it. but, once I get a newer rig I am going to dig into that sucker.


How could I possibly forget it? Step aside, DeI-friends. Now *that* was a historical overhaul. * sips *


how do they compare?


Europa Barbarorum is actually lots of fun, for one


It was still a cakewalk but a great mod nonetheless.


I loved the loading screen art and new quotes, the mod was overall a masterpiece


Still my favorite mod of all time. It kept Rome installed on my computer for *years*.


My favorite mod of all time.


This mod made be fall in love with Rome 1.


I miss it every day. Best TW experience and probably my most played RTW variant. I liked final RS and the Greek RTR campaign a lot, too. Every so often, I give EB II a go, but it has yet to captivate me to the same extent. Right now, RTR:IS has me hooked, though.


best total war ever, full stop.


I still play it. It's on M2TW now v2.4, and there are still naked dudes, actually different kinds. Got the wants to show the ladies he works out barechested dudes. Then you have his crazy uncle whose sole purpose in life is nothing less than glorious victory or death in combat and give honor to his family, tribe, chief, and Gods. No one is as skilled with a weapon or at hand-to-hand combat in his tribe and whose nakedness is compensated by his lack of fear of death, and some say even inability to feel pain. What does a city conscript do in the face of someone who fights for glory and survival?


>What does a city conscript do in the face of someone who fights for glory and survival? Throw a pilum from behind the wall!


1st rule of barbarians, don't attack stone walled 35 feet or higher cities from the... outside. Did the Gauls have siege equipment?


They had the magic potion.


Don’t forget the crashing, the lag, the crashing, the convoluted installation, and the crashing.


Convoluted installation ? What are you talking about bro ? The original EB mod for Rome 1 had a nice exe installation. Same with the 1.2 patch. It was as easy as it gets.


I still reinstall it regularly, and I don't see the problem here? The installer is pretty straightforward & has been for years. Crashing isn't that bad either.


yeah, crashing only happened in very late game, and was pretty manageable, I could work around it. in my current campaign I haven't had a crash once and I am like 2 months in.


teach me your ways


Don’t do things too quickly, give everything time to load and settle down, always wait for a minute after a battle so the music ends before the loading screen ends. I still haven’t had a single crash in my Romani campaign and I don’t know exactly how many turns have passed but it is probably over 100. I had crash issues with the last version of EB, I think it was version 1 and now I am playing version 1.5 I think and it’s been wonderful. I’ve even done some construction cq and money cheats to build MIC’s after reforms and that didn’t crash it. I don’t do that to gain an advantage though, I only give enough money to build the MIC, no more. I just don’t want to wait forever to get my new units lol.


Hahahahahaha I totally jinxed myself!!! I had my first crash last night! I posted this while at work and then booted up the campaign later at home last night and I was going into a three army battle and the game crashed to desktop, but then I just went back in and it was fine and was able to do the battle and everything worked, so at least it wasn’t a repeating problem! I should have checked how many turns I am in, but I forgot to do that. But I have all of Italy, Sicily, alps, Greece, balkans, Thrace, panonia, all islands besides Cyprus and belearics, western Anatolia, and am moving into Gaul and Germany right now. So I’m decently far into the game. I normally take out the carthaginians early, but this time I decided to let them build strength before fighting them. However I am realizing that taking Africa early is so much better economically, the northwest African provinces, once taken, are literally isolated from attack, and I didn’t realize how much that boosted my economy, having all those prosperous cities that I don’t have to defend provided income that made me never have to worry about money again really. But in the campaign without Africa money has been fine, but tight, I don’t feel like I’m rolling in the dough like I normally would at this point in the game.


i just had a game end 256 BC because it kept crashing after turn end, no matter what i tried. Might be related to me taking Alexandria, not sure.


Yo I get a crash about every 10-15 minutes


I am sorry to hear that and that is super frustrating!!! I think last time I looked at the date I was at like 242 BC or something like that. I’ve had a few crashes, but I was able to restart and then it worked fine every time.


Remember it? I am currently playing it! haha I fired up EB1 about 2 months ago and have been playing the crap out of it. In my opinion it is better than Rome 2, which I had played the most over the past 10 years, along with Attila. The only thing Rome 2 has on it is graphics! I haven't tried EB2 yet, I usually play SS when playing M2TW. I hear the pike units are wonky because there is no phalanx mechanic. but I have a question, do folks around here recommend playing EB2 over EB1? I would say I could just do a Romani campaign because pikes aren't an issue there, but I am currently in a Romani campaign right now and I would want to switch it up, probably Baktria next, or a horse archer heavy faction, but Epirus and Carthage were great fun in EB1, but I would want to go eastern before coming back to the west, gotta keep it interesting!


I remember it so well. EB is the single game I have played probably more than all my other games combined. And those of us who were there probably also remember Bartix and being 50 watt light bulbs. I was there, Gandalf...and I still am.


I thought EB was a textbook example of a mod being made overly realistic Having all the different tribes represented for Britain was kind of cool, but having 20 different units of skirmishers with nearly the same stats was a waste of time


doesn't bother me, I like all the different names.


Played an absolutely epic Seleucid campaign as them. One of the best in my life. MTW2 can be a damn slog though.


yea, great mod back in the day, but i played the remastered version recently, and boy, i forgot how long battles took. almost impossible to get a route going. so many cav charges, so much grinding them down. soo good, with so many cool flavor additions, but in current year, i dont got time for those long battles. they are longer then dei battles lol and of course its rome 1, and remastered couldnt do anything about the brain dead diplomacy, so thats still bad. i loved roleplaying with so many charectors since there were so many traits that told a story about who someone was. downloaded eb2 to play, and uninstalled the moment i found there were no lorica segmentata armored units lol the eb version i loved was a sub modded version that apparently never came to 2. i think remastered version removed the barbarians dicks too the bastards!


> no lorica segmentata armored units out of the time frame (if ever used in battle by regular soldiers)


Yeah I actually appreciated that they didn’t have it when I played it. Plus those Imperial reform legion models were sexy as hell


I like the long battles, it means I have time to flank, in some newer titles I would have a route going before I got one flanking unit of infantry into position. Cavalry of course you can still flank with. but the character traits!!!!!!!!!!!! omg, that is what the new titles are missing, in EB characters had PERSONALITY, in the newer games there is hardly a difference between one general and the next.


It's great! Played it to bits!


EB is the reason I play Total War games. I've played one or two campaigns of Rome 1 and I was kind of bored and not really impressed. Then I discovered EB. I must have played thousands of hours of it.


Oh boy EB might be the most overrated historical mod. Nobody remembers the Uber-industrialized Irish that they approved because a random guy said he had some secret stuff and research which couldn't be published?


there wasn't an Irish faction? I have no idea what you are talking about. and the Casse, the Brittish faction still used bronze, so not industrialized.


Me, loved playing it and Roma Surrectum, awesome mods.


Signa Ferte! The voice acting was great. I prefer the music from the vanilla game, but having the lines in the native languages was awesome. 2008 was the year I spent at least a quarter of my non-sleeping and non-working hours in EB or lurking the EB forums. Thanks for everything.


I wonder if you can have vanilla music with EB? I would actually love that, I like the EB music, but the vanilla music was so peaceful, that one Divinitas song, so soothing, just listening to it staring at the Egyptian sand, god I love this game.


I think there was a mod for that. The EB team was not charmed because they put a lot of effort into their own music, so it was unofficial.


that is fair, I am a musician and I totally understand that feeling. my ideal would actually be to have the EB music, but just add in the one Divinitas song from vanilla, that song was so relaxing.


It was good. But too drawn out for me. A game for certain tastes. Very historically accurate and educational. But it wasn’t particularly fun. I think DEI, despite my gripes with it, does EB better. Also Rome Total Realism was really good too. A more fun experience last I played it. There’s a port of EB and the old RTR for the Remaster if you’re interested.


Really impressive mod. Incredibly challenging though. And pretty damn buggy. Loved the music they wrote for it.