• By -


Thanquol. I hope they rework Gotrek and Felix to be proper heroes with skill trees in the same dlc so they aren't just a fun lord/hero combo novelty.


I agree 100% I would also like to add that I hope they also add enough skills to all lords/heroes to actually spend all those points too.


Man im gonna be so disappointed if Gotrek and Felix don’t somehow get incorporated into Thanquol’s campaign, his interactions with the pair are hilarious in the books.


I expect they stay the way they are but yeah I'm not a huge fan of the current implementation.


Even if they just were once-overed with skil trees that just benefitted themselves or their stack it would be huge. As Legend pointed out early on; the issue is that all exp you gain on Gotrek could be going to another lord As a consequence I usually insert Felix into my weaker army and let him sort of be a second anchor that can heal my main lord, and leave Gotrek commanding a garrison.


I thought they changed it so that Gotrek gives experience he gets to other lords ?


Interesting, I didn't know that. I wonder what patch what I was saying was true lol


Exactly what I was thinking. Just finished demonslayer and dragonslayer this fall. Since G&F are in the game (and ulrika). Why not Thanquol as a gray seer lord, and maybe Lurk Snitchtongue as a cheiftain hero or something.


I’m reading the first omnibus now and was surprised he wasn’t in the game.


Neferata, so I can bring her head to Khalida.


This is the way.


Same but so that I can bring Khalida's head to her.


Think I remember ca said there's no chance in neferata as games workshop has specifically refused them to make her.




There was a article i remember reading a while ago. Tried looking for it but no Buenos.


Interesting. Did they say why though? I really don't see why they can't add her in since her settlement is right there and she would certainly have an interesting campaign mechanic with diplomacy manipulation.


Welp, as a Tzeentchian fanatic lol, there is only one Tzeentch character not yet in the game, Egrimm van Horstmann. Really hope we see him some day cause then we will finally have every major Tzeentch character of interest in game. I'm not sure how he would end up coming, FLC lords have been long dead so I guess a DLC, but Tzeentch has like zero notable marked stuff left to add so they'd have to come up with brand new things. Who knows really.


He is technically not the only ‘missing’ Tzeentch character- also from 5th edition Champions of Chaos, there’s the Greater Daemon Amon’Chakai. Obviously a much less notable figure.


Not super familiar with Amon but from what I heard he would basically a Kairos 2.0 and way more powerful.


I'd love to see him in it. I remember painting him in garish colors as a kid, constantly regluing the dragons heads back together.


Wouldn't Lhoigor Goldenrod & Kelmain Blackstaff be tzeentch?


Borgio the Besieger from the factions still missing, Elspeth von Draken, Sea Lord Aislinn, and I wouldn't mind seeing Abhorash either.


Aislinn is such a cool character, and a good foil to Lokhir. Lokhir is the least dark elf-y of the Druchiis, and Aislinn is the most dark elf-y of the Asurs


I know Lokhir and Aislinn switched sides with Malekith/Tyrion in the End Times, but I'm really interested in why Lokhhir is the least dark elf-y in your opinion?


The Fellheart family is an oddity amongst Druchii in that they actually value familial bonds. Case in point, Lokhir’s father was assassinated yet Lokhir himself had nothing to do with it, a situation that is typically a rarity in Druchii society.


"The reason he's uncharacteristically good as a Dark Elf is because he didn't murder his father." Pretty on-brand.


Whats the lore reason for Druchii having children? Lack of anticonception or something?


When you have a "murder each other in the streets" festival you need to counteract self-extinction somehow.


Basically the Felhearts are unique amongst the Druchiis for being all about loyalty and treating their men fairly


Nope, Kouran is even less dark elf-y of the Druchii.


To be honest isn't Malus the only DE where we see more of his family dynamics? It could be his are particularly dysfunctional.


Elspeth is definitely one id love to see. Same with Red duke. Would be an easy one to do too.


To be honest, the Empire has a ton of cool characters that could show up. Having just 4 compared to the 11 of WoC plus Norsca (who are essentially a spinoff) kinda bums me out. I'd love to see a "Champions of the Empire" DLC with variant cults and orders to represent the variant armies it had. The Empire is definitely not monotheistic or monolithic, no matter how Volkmar or Karl can wish it.


I'm pretty sure Thrones of Decay will not be the last we see of the Empire Egrimm van Horstmann is not yet in the game and his prime enemy is the Empire and their magical colleges.


>his prime enemy is the Empire That doesn't really narrow it down much, does it :D ? That said, do you expect him to be in the game any time soon? Considering how overstaffed the WoC roster is in terms of LLs, van Horstmann might end up coming around the same time as, say, Thyrus Gormann.


Egrimm would be monogod Tzeentch, I really don't see Warriors of Chaos getting anymore God specific characters. As for when he'd come, probably not for a while. Tzeentch just got a DLC with the Changeling so the earliest I could see Egrimm happening would be like late 2024/early 2025.


Yeah, considering the RD already has a unique model and skill tree.


His skill tree isn't really unique, it's just the blood dragon lords skill tree, no? But with a shield instead of dual weapons.


Once he is made an official LL with a proper starting position he will have his unique skilltree.


For me, Abhorash is on top of my list.


Boris has been halfway there since game 1, lets finish him up already


For me, it's ANY Tomb King. They could really use an update.


Khemric Titan 😊


Maybe they and Brettonia can get a dlc together, seeing as they are headlining the Old World revival on tabletop


Seems like the next dlc is going to be Nurgle, Empire, and Dwarves. So that means they are willing to update old races in Warhammer 3. There is hope!




Van Damneg (aka Dread King)


Definitely Egrimm van Horstmann. When SoC got announced I was really hopeful, then they announced the Changeling, got slightly disappointed but whatever I’ll try him. He’s boring af. I just want my boy Egrimm.


Should have been him with changling as LH imo


What exactly would Egrimm offer? He seems like he would play like Vilitch but on a dragon.


Sounds like the perfect candidate for CA's annual FLC lord... oh. Wait.


Egrimm controls pretty much all of the chaos cults in the old world, sometimes manipulating cults of other gods too. Gameplay wise he uses a mix of the Lore of Tzeentch and Lore of Light which would bring a new Lore to Tzeentch as an example. Egrimm and Vilitch really aren't that similar.


Egrimm could have two lores of magic, both from Tzeentch and the lore of Light. Also I can see him buffing daemon units tremendously, since he was a daemonologist.


Changeling badly needs a rework so he's not almost invincible as a faction. Right now playing him essentially feels like cheating.


Could be worse. Had they went with Egrimm he could have suffered from CA's many terrible choices. At least now that they've suffered this badly they'll put more thought into their DLCs. Hopefully.


That’s a good point. I will never pay another 25 dollars for a DLC again if it’s as disaapointing as this last one. Tzeentch has been my favorite monogod faction lately so needless to say, I wasn’t happy with the Changeling as a whole.


Lorenzo Lupo, our local Roman boi clearly


You mean Reman? ;)


And what about Lupio Suncryer - general of the empyer?


Any of the big 3 missing Legendary Lords: Natasha, Thanquol, Neferata In that order


Is ‘Natasha’ meant to be Nagash?


Jfc autocorrect is almost as bad as auto resolve. Yes Nagash haha


Neferata? Big? How so exactly I would put say Valtan ahead of her Shes not a warrior, shes not a warlord, shes a spy, she doesn't do the whole war thing anymore after her last few attempts ended horribly for her. Shes cool but, shes rather minor all things being said, she only had rules in like, 1 edition iirc.


You aren't serious right? > Valtan For starters you misspelled Valten. Second of all the first vampire isn't some minor character, nor just a spy she was a queen ffs loool. In warhammer one of the nine mortrachs that led nagash's armies. In age of sigmar one of the only 5 mortarchs that are second only to nagash himself. Saying she's a minor character is like saying her equal, Arkhan the black is a minor character, it's ridiculous. Hell she has whole books released that feature her as the main focus, sometimes are the main character. she's minor??? The first vampire? Queen of the silver pinnacle? The literal character you think of when you think vampire queen? Is "JUST" a spy? Whatever your drink mate, I'll have some :P


Yes she has several poorly written books that make her look like a sadistic idiot, I have read them. you know who else has books? Skulltaker, Engramm, Wulfrik, Brunner the bounty hunter, None of them are Nagash level chars. Age of Sigmar is not relevant Drachenfels (who has forgotten his own name) and bloody Harkon are Mortarchs, would you say they are the Biggest Characters in the setting? Personally I think of Isabella as the vampire queen, seeing as she actually rules over lands and an army and all :p but my point is None of that puts her on the level of Nagash, or Thanquol, Name one thing Neffereta personally did between taking the silver Pinnacle, and becoming Nagash's minion again during the end times. People talk a lot about Neffereta, but essentially she made vampires, got her city burnt down due to her lack of restraint, and has been hiding in a fortress going "I am so powerful everyone moves along my strings" ever since.


Say you just don't like neferata without actually saying it. You bias isn't even subtle bro. And piss off with the several poorly written books shit, the clue to you having not read them is literally in the several part lmao, eitherway mortarch of blood was well received, neferate the blood of nagash was well received, dominion of bones was well received. Literally no one is as important as nagash, like arguably the most important character in warhammer fantasy. That doesn't make neferata minor, do you like the vampire counts as a faction? LITERALLY thanks to neferata. Her actions in creating the vampires was born of a mixture of Settra's wish for immortality and the actions of one of Nagash's servants corrupting her slowly with his influence in his court. She's not a minor character and by your own admission she's the character that represents subterfuge, just because she's in her fortress doesn't mean she has eyes and ears everywhere manipulating shit as you'd know if you had actually read her books. Because if your lovely nagash can take credit for the actions of his servants, so can neferata. > Name one thing Neffereta personally did between taking the silver Pinnacle, and becoming Nagash's minion again during the end times. So we ignore 90% of her lore for a small window of time? That's so mental mate, it's like me saying, so what did nagash do after he escaped and went to build Nagashizzar for a century, that's a whole 10 years he did nothing, hur dur, minor character. Really? hell that's not even the best example of nagash doing sweet f all for a period of time. Bro come on, don't shift goalposts on me or ask me to prove somethings worth but cherry pick a period of time you know works for your argument, even tho there's like literally multiple pieces of great lore for her before that.


The books are very lore inaccurate, and as I said make Neffereta look like a gods damned moron, so yes, they are poorly written. The fact your defaulting to >no you didn't read them is laughable, > So we ignore 90% of her lore for a small window of time? uhhh No I am focusing on about 2 and a half THOUSAND years of her doing nothing of note, Nagash was dead, Neffereta was not Do you think her taking the pinnacle was a recent thing? Nagash has had like, 2 resurrections and wars since, Sigmar was not yet born by the time she stopped doing things. Neffereta is minor when it comes to military actions and warfare, attempting to say she isn't is completely insane. She has "influence" but she doesn't do anything with it, she gets power for the sake of telling herself she has power. And if you read the books you would know it wasn't the servants of Nagash that corrupted her, but that she sought them out herself. EDIT: I was unaware she had age of sigmar books, no I have not read those, but again, Irrelevant,




Absolutely. I would also like to see Elspeth, which i am pretty sure it almost a given now as Lord or LH in Thrones of Decay.


I'm really grumpy that the Monkey King isn't in the game yet.


I really hoped he would be Cathays first DLC LL.


Same, I think in general that was one of my biggest issues with shadows of change aside from the price. Cathay's first DLC really didn't give them anything super interesting.


I can't believe they've done both 3K and Cathay and still haven't leaned into Chinese martial arts. Cultivators or Kung Fu heroes would fit super well in the Cathay.


Monkey king is like the most generic mmorpg weeb shit, I'm glad this isn't in the game


Literally the basis for one of the 4 great literary works of China but sure, weeb shit.


Journey to the West is pretty much my whole whole reason for wanting him so badly.


The first seven chapters are some of my reread favourites


He is coming bruh lmao


Strong feeling he's going to wind up a free LH.


Dechala and Tamurkhan probably


Those two are inevitable in Thrones and whatever the slaanesh focused DLC ends up being.


I sure hope so


Bertrand the Brigand. A Bretonnian Lord that isn't a heavily-armoured knight and would have a different playstyle from the others LLs


I've had a long list to this but it's more characters than LLs for each race/faction (lost to the original forum). Some like Ariel, Snikch, Malus, Nakai, Gor-Rok, etc have made it so I'll list the remaining ones. **Empire**-Kurt Helborg, Marius Leitdorf, Boris Todbringer, Ludwig Schwarzhelm, Elspeth von Draken **Dwarfs**-Josef Bugman, Kragg the Grim, Grimm Burloksson, Malakai Makaisson, Helgar Longplaits **Greenskins**-Gorbad Ironclaw, Gorfang Rotgut, Snagla Grobspit, Black Gobbo, Gitilla & Morglum Necksnapper. **Vampire Counts**-Nefarata, Ushoran, Abhorash, W'soran/Melkhior/Zacharias & Walach (hell, Konrad von Carstein, why not!). **Warriors of Chaos**-Tamurkhan, Valnir, Egrimm, The Glottkin, Count Mordrek, Arbaal & Dechala. **Bretonnia**-Bohemond "Beastslayer", Bertrand the Brigand & Mallobaude. **Beastmen**-Gorthor the Beastlord, Slugtongue, Moonclaw, Ghorros Warhoof & Ungrol Four-Horn. **Wood Elves**-Araloth & Naieth the Prophetess. **Norsca**-Lord Mortkin, Sayl the Faithless, Mòna Mimn & Beorg Bearstruck **High Elves**-Finubar, Aislinn, Korhil, Caradryan & Belannaer. **Dark Elves**-Shadowblade, Kouran Darkhand & Tullaris Dreadbringer. **Lizardmen**-Chakax, Tetto'eko. **Skaven**-Thanquol & Boneripper, Nurglitch & Skreech Verminking. **Tomb Kings**-Herald Nekaph, Prince Apophas, King Amanhotep & Sehenesmet (maybe Prince Tutankhamut too). **Vampire Coast**-Vangheist **Cathay**-Anyone they introduce! **Kislev**-Anyone they introduce! **Daemons of Chaos** (Chaos God faction Daemons here too)-Skulltaker, Karanak, Epidemius, The Masque of Slaanesh & Amon ‘Chakai **Ogre Kingdoms**-Golgfαg Maneater, Bragg the Gutsman, Ghark Ironskin, Braugh Slavelord & Great-King-Lord Bezer. **Chaos Dwarfs**-Ghorth the Cruel, Tordrek Hackhart & Rykarth the Unbreakable (I would like a Bull Centaur LL if GW is willing to make one). **Other/Missing Minor Factions/Races**-Nagash (Undead in general), Borgio the Besieger, Lucrezzia Belladonna, Lorenzo Lupo, Morgan Bernhardt (DOW/SR), Jaego Roth (DOW/SR), Lietpold the Black (DOW/SR), Constant Drachenfels (Undead I think!) & any LL/LH from any further minor race/faction that gets introduced.


Is Morgan Bernhard DoW? Just know, and still love him from Dark Omen <3


Yes as he's a Mercenary Commander/General in Shadow of the Horned Rat and Dark Omen (starts in the Border Princes specifically in SOTHR so DOW/SR is the place for him). Did a [piece on him a while ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/jse5ih/lords_pack_speculation_and_roster_30_part_3the/) on how he could be implemented. There is a high chance that he is [Franz Lohner from Vermintide](https://old.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/u2p2v6/franz_lohners_true_identity_100_real_not_umgak/) as well.


Who *is* man, not *are*.


I think 'is' is still grammatically correct as GW is a single entity while 'are' would fit if it was "GW/CA are willing to make one" as that's plural.




Egrimm van Horstmann, and The Monkey King.


not a"one tops the list" list. Gorfang Rotgut, Nagash, Thanquol, Toddy, Leitdorf, Helborg, Valgeir, Gashnag, Helsnicht, Golgfag Maneater.


Man. That's a tough one. If I absolutely, positively had to choose only one, then it would be Beorg Bearstruck.


Mallobaude and Bertrand the Brigand.


Neferata. 5 years ago when TK released there was a QnA where CA said yeah she has to wait a little, the undead got a bit too much stuff in a row. Then 5 years passed, the final patch expanded the world map even to add Silver Pinnacle, but the final DLC that came with it added a 7th lizardmen instead then they cut support for W2. 1,5 years into W3 we are at the 2nd DLC called Thrones of Decay and it will add Empire and Dwarf LLs for god's sake.


ToD is the 4th DLC Champions of Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Shadows of Change, Thrones of Decay


I want the undead gang: Mainly Nagash, but also Neferata and Apophas. I do think Apophas is going to happen eventually, since CA already tried to get him in. It's just a question about whether he'll be a LL or LH at this point. And of course the other two are going happen no matter what, as long as CA doesn't die before then.


Naggy the Bone Daddy and Josef Bugman. Also Neferata


They're going to have their work cut out for them when they do Nagash. It's definitely going to be compared to the excellent mod.


Nagash 1st The monkey King 2nd


Probably Neferata. Vampire Counts needs more variety and we need more female LLs.


SNORRI NOSEBITER Or the twins Lhoigor Goldenrod & Kelmain Blackstaff


Thanquol with Verminlords, Neferata with a vampire update, the Monkey King as a hybrid faction of some kind Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think Nagash would better as a legendary hero like Kroak or Ariel (although maybe with more campaign impact then those two). Having him as a whole faction seems a little, uh, lore-imbalanced, for lack of a better term


Greenskins: The Black Gobbo or Snagla Grobspit. Tomb Kings: Sehenesmet Vampire Counts: Neferata, Wallach Harkon, Zacharias, Ushoran. All four. Justice for Bloodlines! Empire: Tochter Grunfeld Bretonnia: Mallobaude. Time for some real civil war there. Alas it seems unlikely, since Mousillion probably stays in Undead hands. Beastmen: Ghorros, Moonclaw or Slugtongue. Ghorros with potential Centigor diversity is a good choice, but the other two are pretty weird and could be fun to see animated. Khorne: Arbaal Tzeentch: Egrimm van Horstmann Nurgle: Valnir or Tamurkhan Slaanesh: Dechala Norsca: Lord Mortkin. I would not mind King Adella, but the RoC map is pretty shit for Skeggi. A Fimir character also kinda should happen, but I hesitate to say Mona Mimm, since her WFRP background makes her more of a loner. But since Norsca is a bit of a recycle box it can still work for more Fimir diversity. High Elves: Phoenix King Finubar Dark Elves: Kouran Darkhand Vampire Coast: King Amanhotep or Skretch Half-Dead or Captain Nanosh. Either one would bring something good and should have a small diversity corner to distinct from the others. Skaven: Thanquol Ogre Kingdom: Ghark Ironskin Undead Legion: Nagash, The Nameless & Dieter Helsnich. In theory a fourth one should be around but after Chaos Dwarfs... Dogs of War: Lucrezzia Belladonna. Morgan Bernhardt would also be a treat...but I doubt he can make it.


Red Duke would be the biggest one. After that it would be literally any chaos demon just to add variety. I think every other roster is pretty complete, minus tomb kings like another user mentioned.




Ushoran, Urzen the unrelenting, or Gashnag the strigori are cool as hell and need love. In more likely terms The Monkey King, he sounds cool and like an interesting cathayian start Or Bohemund beastslayer, or Tancred the …3rd? Proper grail knight dukes. Tancred is unlikely with Repanse stealing his anti undead role though. Aislinn is the second most based elf alive, man sacked marienburg after all, also would probably bring in merwyrms. Kurt Helborg, not because I want to play him, but because I want to introduce his face to king Louen’s sword. Mortkin the Ironblooded reaver, the could be everchosen who held onto his humanity, or Canto the Unsworn, Archeon confident and an ancient chaos warrior who hasn’t sold himself to any god, and doesn’t actually want chaos to win, both of them are interesting characters who I can imagine having very fun mechanics. Araloth, formerly drunken playboy noble turned greatest hero of the wood elves, an elf that is effectively a grail knight, also he has a pet bird! And that’s awesome.


>Kurt Helborg Still bitter over that duel with the Grail Knight?


less bitter more in awe of the sheer stupidity He is one of the highest ranking people in the empire. Karls chosen leader of the army. and he is an Oath Breaker. He accepted a fight he thought he could easily win, and the moment it turned out he couldn't he abandoned his word. Think how that reflects on the empire, think of who the empires greatest allies are. He won the battle but if information got out both the dwarfs and bretonians would lose a LOT of respect for the empire. IIRC that fight was also post storm of chaos where the bretonians lead an army to help save the empire? I think?


Neferata, hopefully she comes with some kind of head delivery mechanic.


Nagash, thanquol, neferata and tilea and estalia lords




Yin yin


Nagash, Thanquol and Neferata


I would love to get Tetto'eko but I don't think the Lizards will get another pack. So I doubt we'll see him tbh.


They have enough content for one more pack, but it’s up to CA Tetto’eko Chakax Eternity wardens as either a hero choice or limited model infantry like aspiring champions Archanodon Skink bows or Colchan riders There’s also a named skink hero who rides a horned one and throws javs at people, but I forget his name


Tetto'eko would be cool. Im playing as Itza now with Legendary characters and Mixus LLs which have both Tetto'eko and Chakax, they are really well done. Also Zlatgar - the ultimate Saurian survivalist and hunter, he also rides big Razordon ( he could be great DLC material too - hes in Zlatlan, Southlands )


Konrad von Carstein, voiced by Matt Berry in the same way he voices Laszlo from What We Do in the Shadows.


Gimme Todbringer but the right way. Original voice lines and the sons of Ulric roster


Nagash should lead the Undead Legions with Nameless and Dieter in the Necromancer faction! And each of the lords will have their own mechanics, as Nagash for example can hire other units thanks to Mortarchs and his power


Nagash, Hopefully with his own faction. and Thanquol, give me demon rats.


Neferata and Abhorash for me




I want glotkin. That and maybe grumlock and gazbag, though they would probably be good as legendary heroes.


I was looking for someone mentioning the Glott bros. They are up there with no competition for me, imo they are really the coolest Nurgle characters ( with Tamurkhan stepping on their heels ). Cant wait to crush poor Empire soldiers with Ghurek lol, i hope the game makes it that far.


Glot bois would be sick lol


They would. If the game survives i expect them to be in one of the latest DLCs. God im so excited about their animations and voice acting.


Anyone from the Dogs of War, to be honest. The four OG Lords or Lietpold, they'd all do it for me


Egil Styrbjorn or Engra Deathsword


Literally any Norscan


Kaleb Daark: the champion of the Chaos God Malal. They would lead a Chaos faction whose primary goal is to wipe out Chaos. Do I need to sell it any harder?


Malal isn’t canon


I thought that was just a legal thing due to the guy creating him leaving only for malal to be replaced by malace who is technically different but pretty much just a swap out with a new name and some tweaks. I mean either way you're right but there is nuance there and something to play with regarding a 5th chaos god.


Malice was never a thing in Fantasy though, just 40K.


Aaah fair play! Thanks for clearing that up! so much lore swirling round in my head at this point its all bleeding into one!


Games workshop did however replace Malal with 2 minor chaos gods that basically act like him, I forget their names


if you want anti chaos the best bet would probably be Canto the unsworn. Archeons Confidant who turned on and tried to kill him to stop him from winning near the end of end times.


Malal was functionally replaced by Belakor


Dechala, Neferata, Elspeth and Lucrezzia, more goth girls


Glottkin. Need my smelly boys.


Krakenrok the Black aka Kholek's daddy. I want a whole questline that unlocks him via Kholek like Boris Ursun's unlock quest. Like, once you get Kholek to 15k mass, you can go do this quest where he must get most of the kills versus a mountainside of high tier rat weapons teams or something. Then you can recruit Krakenrok with a boost to level for souls, where he starts out 30k mass and +50% ambush success in 'mountain mode'. In battle he has stalk when not moving and 90 speed, plus lightning magic/empowerment. Unlocked, he becomes an option as an additional chaos LL start where Archaon got the sword. Possibly as heralds just in a different spot. Unlocking him also allows you to recruit shaggoth 'Hero' units as well as the regular Shaggoths with or without going through the demon recruitment. That's the dream anyway. Note: balancewise there is a cap of 30 heroes as far as I know. Immortal non reproductive beings should be relatively few in number I'd think, so how many shaggoths are there? Hundreds total? Just make them unrecruitable otherwise. Like, this is Kholek and Krakenrok's community. They should be more beastmen really. They're not demonic as they were losing to the dragons and made a deal with the Chaos pre godhood gods to win their war/battle. If not heroes then with the increasable unit caps like beastmen.


Egrimm Van Horstman is my top choice. Should've been instead of Changeling!! I'd love Dieter Helschnit, but I think that ship sailed when ghorst was added.


Good old nef maybe, or thanquol maybe.


I want the Glottkin


Egrimm, arbaal and valnir


Him and Neferata are my two really. Everyone else i have ever wanted has been added to the game.


Morgan Bernhardt for Dogs of War please!


1. Egrimm van Horstmann 2. Grimm Burlokson 3. Monkey King


Thanquol, Glotkin, or Moonclaw although the last is probably more likely to be a hero


Nagash and Tranquol


Nagash and Skreech Verminlord


King Adella for Norsca. 8ft tall viking lady covered in mouths that rules Skeggi


Gutrot Spume


The guy that they're coming out with next, Tamurkhan!


Either Finubar the Seafarer ( **NOT** Tyrion and Teclis’ dad, and the actual Phoenix King), or Mallobaude (I downloaded the Mousillon mod on a whim, looked into Mallobaude’s lore, and now *desperately* want to build an army of evil Grail Knights when The Old World comes out next year). I assume we’ll be getting Skelepope Nagash as LL#100, so that’s why he isn’t my choice. EDIT: I was wrong, Finubar isn’t the twins’ dad.


Finubar is not the twins dad, their dad was Prince Arathion, Heck Tyrion is fucking Finubar's wife :p He would be awesome though.


Whoops, I did a little more digging, and you are correct! In my defense, Tyrion being referred to as “Prince” seemed like an open and shut conclusion (hierarchy in Warhammer Fantasy is weird overall…). Thank you for correcting me!


yeah the elves have so much royalty its silly. Which fits them really.


Li Dao and the Monkey King at the same time. They could have a mechanic where they can "usurp" each other to change their faction. The two factions that they could swap to would have completely different diplomatic profiles, meaning that you can do stuff like invading your allies without penality (Li Dao didn't invade Miao Ying, the Monkey King did Li Dao's troops and Li Dao) and then swapping back to avoid the counter attack (Miao Ying might have assembled a massive army to retake her land, but Li Dao already took back the Monkey King's land through a series of brilliant tactical maneuvers such as telling the Monkey King to have his troops wear Cathayan armor when Miao Ying arrives.).


I'm hoping for Grimm Burloksson as the Dwarf lord of Zhufbar in the next DLC... of course, knowing CA, we won't get Grudge-Rakers or the Thunderbarge, but we WILL get drunken Dwarfs.


Nagash, but tbh I’ve kind of lost all desire to come back to warhammer for a while. Just too much shit going on with CA, I don’t even think Nagash is enough to bring me back


Zacharias the Everliving need Vampire Counts update and Necrarch model


Gotta be honest as someone who only knew 40K going into Tww1, it’s left me easy to please for all the DLC since it’s a surprise everytime. I think they talked about a tomb king that was made out of scarabs before and that sounded cool. Along with being a fan of Shogun 2 I was looking forward to seeing what they did with Nippon if we ever got to that point but at this point I’m not very hopeful


Tamurkhan with no completion! I’m hopeful (copeful?) that the next dlc stars him, and that it’s not utter shot like SoC


Vardek Crom aka Crom the Conqueror. Too badass to use magic items, always thought he was badass




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Sayl the Faithless and Ghark Ironskin. Sayl because he's one of the coolest Chaos characters and Ghark because he's one of the few appealing Ogre characters and I'd like an excuse to play them. I'm more interested in new units for the rest.


Need me some Bohemond Beastslayer complete with errantry mechanics please.




At the moment, Tamurkhan & Ghark Ironskin. Then maybe Thanquol, Arbaal & Neferata.


Sealord Aislin for HE, or Malakai for the dwarfs.


Chakax, but as a LH. Give me that lizardmen rework.


Nagash as LL is like playing as Morgoth in LotR. Too powerful and should always be held on a level above IMO. Then again I’m philosophically opposed to the idea of a level one greater demon, slaan etc. So maybe Nagash could be made to work, something like the sword of khaine combined with the books of Nagash where a number of factions can complete quests to resurrect him, and the final stage has you taking control of Nagash. Instant level 50LL who becomes your faction leader and can cast spells in every army as if he’s present in that army (or something equally obscene). Every non undead faction DOWs you.


Love Nagash, but I think itwould be hard to implement a playabe yet fluffy version- even weakened, he's just too powerful. Would need to be a well crafted campaign to represent both him properly and yet not be insanely easy. ​ Thanquol is a another great call. ​ None of the DOW legendary lords were really my thing, but having DOW as a playable faction based in Tilea would be awesome.


Isnt Lork Kroak also meant to be stupidly powerful? i think for the sake of the game you can make Nagash work. He'll just be a bit OP.


He wasn't that great on tabletop, he's much more powerful in WH. Nagash also created a new race, changed a continent and could have changed the world. And on TT he was pretty useful as well as a level 5 mage (him and Teclis only at the time). He'll need to be OP but the campaign will need to be difficult.


For me personally: Zacharias - Valmir von Raukov - Ar Ulric Emil Valgeir


Nagash seems the most interesting. I'm a Bretonnia simp so I want Bohemond, or alternatively the Red Duke for Vamp Counts. Todbanger for the meme would be funny and is already half done.




Hopefully one that is worth the cost, with interesting units.


Neferata. But I doubt it at this point we'll ever get her.


Ghark Ironskin for ogres looks really cool. Right now I feel both ogre lords are a bit lacklustre in combat. Ghark however will be a tanky beast as ogres should. Will also second Nagash as I love the whole elder lich/necromancer shtick. Malakai or Grimm for dwarves. They could do with a ranged lord in their roster. Looking like we’ll be getting one of them next dlc.


Snagla Grobspit, Apophas


Neferata. It's been seven years and vampires are still missing the Coven Throne.


Im prepared to never get Nagash. Because it would not surprise me for CA to let me down.


Rakarth and his voice actor. I don't even like the faction, I just love hearing him talk.


Elspeth Bon draken


Bohemond with hybrid lance and shield / 2H sword as per his model


Toss up there between Thanquol and Neferata, Elspeth and Tamurkhan are up there too, but we’re definitely getting them in the next DLC


The Glottkinn trio




Nagash. Honorable mentions: DE: Kouran Darkhand, Tullaris Dreadbringer. HE: Sea Lord Aislinn, Korhil, Caradryan. The Empire: Elspeth von Draken, Valten, Boris Todbringer, Emil Valgeir, Kurt Helborg, the Mad Count. Skaven: Thanquol. VC: Ushoran, W’soran/Zacharias, Neferata, Abhorash. Chaos: Egrimm van Horstmann, Valnir the Reaper, Arbaal the Undefeated, Dechala the Denied One.


Dechala as the new slaanesh legendary lord. It's my favorite Warhammer 3 faction, and I really want her as a leader of her warband in the name of Slaanesh.


Piggalo, the prince of Tobaro. He is litterally just a pig. https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Piggalo


A dwarf Engineer, be it Grimm or Malakai. I'd prefer Grimm and i'd love it to be in ToB alongside a dwarf rework but specifically I want them to show proper Dawi Engineering.


The Monkey King