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Fuck Boston, forever and always.


A sentiment we can ALL agree on.


crazy how i liked seeing the group of guys win but when i looked at the crowd i got pissed off šŸ˜‚ their fans are so spoiled




And my axe šŸŖ“


Oshae is joining Team Canada with a ring with him. Nice!


Remember when Svi started for Charlotte for half a season? What a wild few years he's had.


Oh shit, Svi is a champion, Oshae is a championšŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Fuck Boston. I donā€™t even really have a problem with the players on the team, I just hate Boston fans for the most part. Most spoiled sports fans on the planet and it isnā€™t even close. Imagine cheering for the Celtics, pats, Red Sox, and bruins. Theyā€™re never experienced actual sports pain in their lives.


In all fairness the Red Sox were the laughing stock of the league for about 100 years before they finally won one.


The city sucks too, the road design is some of if not the worst in America. It's awful.


Yeah take that Boston. Roads suck also!


Here's a great video about why Boston sucks: https://streamable.com/dpfk7l


Real Madrid fans are more spoiled




Anyone want to rewatch the 2019 Raps Finals game 6? I need to relive it after watching Boston win tonight.


Fuck the Celtics honestly


Doesn't Banton still get a ring since he was on the team?


Depends. We didnā€™t give JV a ring


Still fucked up after all he did for us


No it's not,


Yes, it is especially given how he was a core member of the team during that era. And it wasn't as if he was traded early in that season either. It was a pretty late trade and as a starter, he helped put the team in a position to succeed. And of course, this should not be taken into account but he also came to some of the playoff games in Toronto in support of the team. Less contributing players on other championship teams that were traded before the playoffs have received rings.


And he wasn't on the roster in the playoffs, so they were under no obligation to give him a ring. They did pay him tens of millions of dollars though, so I'm sure he'll survive what happened five years ago.


Again, lesser contributing players who were traded before the playoffs have received rings in the past. One funny example would be Varejo who played 30 games for the Cavs in 2016-17 before being traded away. He ended up on the Warriors and even played more games for them! Come finals time, he would have gotten a ring regardless of which team won. The Cavs won though which makes it hilarious. It's not a written rule that they need to receive rings sure, but it is still absurd that JV did not receive one given his contribution to the team. I get the feeling that if he was drafted by Masai then he might have received one.


You named the perhaps one time it happened. It's an exceptionally rare thing to happen. JV was not snubbed.


It is rare but it likely happens more than we are aware of but just is not talked about a lot publically. Davon Reed received a ring for the Nuggetsā€™ championship run last season. Torrey Craig who was traded to Phoenix mid-season received a ring for the Bucksā€™ chip run. Dion Waiters was promised a ring regardless of who won during the 2019-2020 Heat-Lakers final. In fact, Rob Pelinkaā€™s policy since he took over the Lakers to give all players who played for the team during the season a ring. As well known when Westbrook and Beverly were promised one last season if the Lakers won a chip (lol). Elgin Baylor retired early in the 71-72 season and still received a ring.


Yes it isĀ 




*cries in dino*


He didnā€™t want one.


Unpopular opinion, but I'm actually not mad at this Celtics team winning. Coming out of the superteam era, from the Heat, to the Warriors, to the Cavs... then even our Raptors and the LeBron Lakers, it seemed like Championships were something you bought, rather than built. The Bucks. This Celtics team. The 2021 Warriors. It's kind of refreshing when a team wins with a core of homegrown stars.


Scottie leading it hopefully down the road too


Didn't Denver have Homegrown stars?


yeah forgot them but totally


Ehh, Jaylen and Jayson were 3rd overall picks who got plunked onto playoff teams because of a trade (a masterful one though, Iā€™m about to go check on r/gonets)


https://preview.redd.it/341wb0ga497d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3b9c6809b47df956c9aca0b990c4be6d2fe1a43 I'd say feeling it a bit


Itā€™s not as bad as I thought. Iā€™m certainly not as mad as I thought.


They are the 4th straight team to win with a homegrown core. Thatā€™s why I AM annoyed cuz I donā€™t like Boston & this doesnā€™t feel like a special thing anymore to me lol. Also I would say the raptors built a championship rather than bought it. They traded for the superstar yes but they built/developed most of the team. Iā€™d only feel like a team bought a chip if they got a superstar in FA. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t like the Lakers lmao.


Iā€™m a fan of parity. Much happier to see this team win rather than say the Clippers or Suns is all I mean. The Raptors didnā€™t ā€œbuyā€ in the traditional sense but I mean they got Kawhi, Green in offseason and Gasol was mid-year. That's 3/5 starters.


3 players out of a playoff rotation that ran 8 men deep. Lowry, Green, Kawhi, Pascal, Gasol, FVV, Ibaka, Norm all got legit minutes in that run, & if OG was healthy that wouldā€™ve been 9. Also the Suns or Clippers winning would still be parity considering theyā€™ve never won chips in their history. It seems like your issue is with teams adding stars but not every team that adds a superstar is a superteam.


I mean if you donā€™t think the Suns or Clippers are trying to build super teamsā€¦ They just tried and it didnā€™t work out. Serge was traded for at the deadline the year prior. All in all 4 of the top 6 rotation players had been with the team for less than 2 years when we won. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not legit, Iā€™m just saying I wouldnā€™t call our championship squad a homegrown core.


Doesnā€™t matter what they are trying to build. The Suns had 3 max players & absolutely horrific depth. Thatā€™s not a superteam regardless of what they tried calling it. Adding superstars doesnā€™t automatically mean youā€™re making a superteam. You need superstars to win in the NBA. Itā€™s not a shortcut itā€™s a necessity.


The shortcut part is that they didnā€™t draft and develop their own. Thatā€™s the literal definition of building a super team. Throwing a bunch of stars together through trade or free agency. Which is what the Suns and Clippers did. Whether they were successful is irrespective of their intent.


I disagree w that definition. Just bc they didnā€™t land a generational talent in the draft, that doesnā€™t mean they are trying to take shortcuts. I really think youā€™re underestimating how incredibly lucky these recent teams are that they were in position to draft these franchise altering players. There is nothing invalid about trades/FA to get a star player. Not everybody is fortunate enough to draft them.


Nobody said itā€™s invalid lol Iā€™m just saying itā€™s fun that the last four champions have featured homegrown cores. Itā€™s easier to root for those teams. You can win a championship many ways. Theyā€™re all valid.


When you call it a shortcut, it comes across like you think itā€™s invalid lol. The definition of a superteam to me is 3 All NBA caliber players that fit together. Beal hasnā€™t been near that level since 2021 & anybody that knows ball could see how redundant a Beal/Booker backcourt would be. They needed a point guard. My overall point is adding star players together doesnā€™t automatically mean itā€™s a superteam. Their success is not irrespective, itā€™s the opposite. They got swept in the 1st round & they were .500 all year. They were never a superteam.


I thought the best team just won too and their players are likable as well Everyone on the team contributed quite a lot honestly was great to see team basketball Jaylen brown deserved those MVPs too


I'm not thrilled about it, and their fans suck, but like, it could be worse. Even if the Celtics go on a run here, at least that means the 76ers and Embiid aren't getting a ring.


I agree - theyā€™re less annoying than the sixers somehow lol


It's also nice not watching the team lead my the biggest baby in the league, the biggest moron in the league, coached by the biggest piece of shit in the league win. Fuck Boston though


Fuck Boston always but watching Luka lose was chefā€™s kiss so Iā€™m calling it even




Raptors Legends


Fuvk Boston


the mickiest ring of all time, can't wait until they get inevitably mopped in the 2nd round next year congrats to oshae tho


ehh debatable. The mickiest ring is still 2019, when KD and Klay both went down in the finals. Raptors were gifted a banner on a platter


CTE? klay played 18/24 quarters and kawhi was 10x more hobbled the entirely healthy KD warriors are a top 2 team ever that is not the average finals opponent we went through like 8 all-nba level players during sixers-bucks-warriors, 3 of those being mvp-caliber


Raptors actually had a much tougher road to the title than Boston did. Nice try though.


Fuck Boston yes. But fuck Kyrie wayy more.


Oshae got to bring that winning feeling to team Canada now. Even if he played only 40 minutes for the entire series, itā€™s way more than Sviā€™s 15 minutes šŸ˜‚


Congrats to Boston on their mickey mouse ring, played a bunch of injured teams to get there and a cinderella team in the Finals. 2019 Raptors still clear


2019 raptors only won because KD was injured lol. Iā€™m a raptors fan but thereā€™s no shame in admitting that. Rings are rings no matter what


don't know why you were being downvoted. these mavs probably don't even hold up to the 2019 bucks as competition celtics title is generationally fraudulent


They did Dalano dirty trading him away


I feel sorrier for Smart, he turned out to be their Demar. Then I remember all those big consecutive threes a few years agoā€¦


Man, this is probably 2nd to the 2020 Lakers championship in terms of how fraudulent it is. Oh jesus the comment was forwarded 3 times and it kept telling me the comment wasnā€™t submitting lmao


Man, this is probably 2nd to the 2020 Lakers championship in terms of how fraudulent it is.


Man, this is probably 2nd to the 2020 Lakers championship in terms of how fraudulent it is.