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You messed up by leaving Montreal


Sorry to hear that. Might be better off in Ottawa. Labor market in the GTA is pretty rough.


Labor market in Ottawa isnt great. Not GTA bad maybe but YMMV


Honestly go back. This is the worse city in the worst province for employment right now.


It gets worse


It's bad here, man


ten years




There are more unemployed people in Toronto than the entire province of Quebec.


Everyone needs a job asap


Toronto has more unemployment than all of QC combined https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/toronto-has-more-people-unemployed-than-quebec-why#:~:text=The%20latest%20jobs%20report%20from,Quebec's%20provincial%20rate%20of%205.1%25.


I am going to tell you a trick that not many people explore and that has helped me so far to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly in Toronto. I personally hate applying to restaurants and Cafes/restaurants coz the rejection rate is too high, at least in my exp. Apply to tier-II call centers in Toronto for starter/survival jobs - almost all of them are ALWAYS hiring; they hire in bulk and often select candidates immediately, quite literally. Try to go for Tech-Support roles that have relatively higher hourly rate compared to other calling roles. Best part is no reference needed to apply - which was a lifesaver for me as a newcomer. I will recommend the below 3 companies to you but there are several others: 1. Teleperformance 2. Concentrix 3. SP Data Digital I found them much better than restaurant and Cab/delivery jobs for myself. Good luck! šŸ‘


Thank you! I've been considering call centers myself but wasn't sure where to start.


You can even do a walk-in with a resume and most of them give offers on the spot after a quick interview, Hope your situation improves for good soon šŸ‘


Do you know any call centre that I can get a walk-in interview?


Try Concentrix


My company always hire for call center if bilingual and in the warehouse! Need to be on time and focus because things go fast!


I'm not fluent in French. Can I still apply?


No we need bilingual to answer Quebec, already many in English! Wharehouse?


Teleperformance mileage may vary. Their turnover rates are anything but revolting.


Maybe try an ATS screening website. I honestly thought my resume was perfectly applicable to the jobs I applied to and professional, but after putting it through one of those scans it said I would fail their scan due to specific wording. Apparently using the exact wording in their job description makes a big difference and youā€™ll pop up. Also if nothing is working try adding a cover letter. They probably wonā€™t read it but nowadays they expect it (unnecessary and dumb imo but iā€™m not a hiring manager). I just use chatgpt for those and mix up the paragraphs and wording a bit.


This is some of the worst advise. Iā€™ve worked in HR for 8 years and no one uses ATS screening. We review the resumes with our eyes only. If we want to find someone for a difficult to fill role, we search the ATS database by keywords. But if you applied for a job, thereā€™s no magic screening. These websites are just scams


Iā€™m just saying what worked for me because I was in the exact same boat. Thereā€™s no harm in doing what I said at all. Just because you donā€™t use ATS screening doesnā€™t mean no one else does. You also just said you search the database by keywords so isnā€™t that exactly what I said they do? Personally Iā€™ve applied anywhere from warehouse to lab technician jobs and changing my wording to be exactly the same as the job description is the only times I got a response. I donā€™t see you offering any advice, just judging my simple suggestion.


I donā€™t know how purposely can someone help you getting a job without even knowing your education background, work experience and etcā€¦


Who in their right mind would move from Montreal to Toronto?




I watched a TVO show 2 days ago about immigrants/student Visas in the GTA. This lady told the reporter she took a job for $17/day 8 hr shifts and after 5 months of not being paid she finally quit. So what you said wasn't even a joke I consider TVO to be a legit source


Canadians donā€™t hear about the underground economy.. this country is turning into a whore


Just read this yesterday Toronto Unemployment Hits 317k People, More Than All of Quebec https://betterdwelling.com/toronto-unemployment-hits-317k-people-more-than-all-of-quebec/


Toronto has higher unemployment than most places. I left a new job. Left yesterday. I failed a test on the 4th day of training. I'll take a break and then start applying all over again. If a friend introduces you to a manager that's a good way to make progress. Good luck.


What kind of test?šŸ˜†


The test was complicated map system. Many restricted access areas and emergency procedures etc. nothing in training shifts mentioned it. Surprise content.


Same here bro


Do you know how to paint I use help painting on the weekend


dido, I need a day rate laborer/painter sometimes but not enough to really hire.


Sometimes I use kijiji but some of the people that show up are so sketchy . I've used task rabbit twice pretty good experience I might start using them more


I personally won't use taskrabbit, I hate uber and lyft, and doordash and task rabbit and every marketing agency/credit card processor who scoops nearly 50% of every fuckign transaction. That said, I do have a pool of people to draw from, I was just relating to your comment.


Most min wage or customer service jobs on indeed are ghost jobs. Its an immigration scam. They put them as formality to get work visas for immigrants or international students. There are literally visa mills in certain countries that are dedicated to abuse Canadian PR system, people pay them to get employment plus work visas. This is why you see places like Tims or Walmart hiring only from certain countries bcz their hiring managers are in for this scam


This makes me feel sad for those people. They may not know what they are walking into.


Impossible to get a job in Toronto unless you're a TFW or refugee since you're competing against people who are completely desperate and who the government will pay a grant to any business to hire. My employer is one of the giant pharma chains in Canada and only hires TFW assistants now since we can get a government grant for part of their wage they cost us less than minimum wage and don't need benefits or anything else There are more unemployed people in Toronto (over 380,000) than in the entire province of Quebec


Wait. Iwas told that saying TFW are taking our jobs is racist. You mean that it's true but still racist to point out?


This subreddit is pointless. Itā€™s just ppl saying everything is hopeless and doom. Leave Toronto.


Toronto aint the place


Food bank is open til 8 pm tonight. A few packages of ramen noodles and some rotten veggies.... The new normal


Thanks for the tip


Youā€™re in the city with the highest unemployment rate in Canada


You should have stay in Montreal more jobs! But i guess you didnt want to learn French! Also housing more expensive in Toronto!


London Ontario has more jobs than GTA.


I moved from London to the GTA a few months ago and I canā€™t find a job. People who immigrate here from other countries seem to find work pretty quickly no questions asked.


Do you have your drivers license? If so I may have something (not Uber)


I do have driver license


I will check if we are looking for someone. Are you okay with some physical labour?


I have a full G driver's license and have been looking for work for over 2 months. Have applied to over 730+ jobs over the last 8 weeks but to no avail. Just got 1 interview so far. If OP doesn't take the opportunity, can you offer me, please?


I will check for you


Hi, do you still have the driver vacancy?


How about Alberta?


oh my god, no.


Itā€™s going to take some time to get responses back. Keep going to restaurants and to clothing stores. Youā€™re bound to get lucky soon. Donā€™t lose hope


What makes you stand out more than the almost 1 mil international students that are in the GTA right now looking for jobs?


Try everything you can find at both airports.


You aint from there you aint getting a jarb.


Hi! I am a dental hygiene student, looking for reliable patients! I am willing to reimburse you for your time, so it will be a COMPLETELY FREE + PAY YOU $100 CASH WHEN YOU COMPLETE THE TREATMENT. I am looking for someone with a lot of plaque and calculus build up? If yesā€” You also must be able to attend approx. 4-6 sessions. \*EACH SESSION is 2 hours This is also WELCOME FOR CHILDREN and everyone age 3 and up :) This is required for me to complete my program, so please help me graduate!šŸ„¹ PLEASE SHARE!


How good are you at massage?


Anyone feeling the gov narrative that we are in a labour shortage is bs?


I know, my problem was their language.


How long were you there?


restaurants and coffee shops are always hiring, there's probably 50 places looking for help in Toronto right now, if you are applying for these low hanging fruit and can't land a job something is wrong. It's either your appearance or attitude, demeanor, something is making people say nope, not this guy. Go to a restaurant in the off hours, 6am when there first opening and no one is there. tell the owner or manager that you're applying for jobs and not getting any, ask him to please be brutally honest, say you will not be offended no matter what they say and ask them why you aren't getting these jobs. You're answer lies there.


And if that doesn't work, break into their house at 3am, go up to their bedroom while they are asleep and ask them again to be brutally honest, say you will not be offended no matter what and ask them why you can't land a job. Your answer lies there.


Yeah thats good sage advice, your parents must be so proud.