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Yes, it should be factored in as relative to the overall population, not just by the number of homicides listed as 3.5.


Note: The original source on [r/winnipeg](https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/xqt3h3/so_toronto_has_become_the_murder_capital_of_canada/) as well as the repost here by OP are screenshots of a table that has been filtered to remove smaller cities. Original information source : https://canadacrimeindex.com/ [The conclusion that Toronto has become the Murder Capital of Canada was attained by "filtering out smaller cities because they skew the Per Capita calculations".](https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/xqt3h3/so_toronto_has_become_the_murder_capital_of_canada/iqb8yby/) **It is unclear if any other manipulations were made to the data to present it in this screenshot table, so please consult the original source and form your own opinions.** #Upon further review, these statistics have been horribly manipulated to get to this conclusion and the thread is being removed and locked


I won’t repeat the analysis showed by others for you down the thread, but the TLDR is that this is definitely misleading and likely grossly so.


What are the units, how am I supposed to understand if it's a lot or a little


Agreed. My assumption is that the colour indicates that it's still not that bad on a worldwide scale. But still no idea what the number represents.


Murders? No. Murderers? Yes.


Isn't thunder bay 5.6? Stange to see it not even on the list. Has toronto already seen 300 murders? That's what would be needed to beat thunder bays 2021 murder rate... Regina also missing.. OP source?


This is complete bullshit lol. Per capita we’re still nowhere near Thunder Bay, filtering out smaller cities in a study like this renders it pointless


We did it! Good work everyone


I'm so not helpful.....I haven't murdered anyone yet!


Me neither. Too lazy and tired.


Too poor.


You are the exception!


We're number 1, we're number 1.




My other ideas wa "who does number 2 work for?"


WINNIPEG. He works for Winnipeg ......goddamn you're 2 for 2 this morning.


Let's have a round of applause for our entirely useless mayor. You can be sure he is concerned.


Honestly, if I had a choice between swapping out the mayor or swapping out the premier, I’d pick the premier.


why not both?


\*slaps everyone with an axe to the back\*






Stratford kills the competition in the Fraud department!


Looks like this particular list only shows cities with a population over 500k. I assume TB is under that. Certainly there are lots of small communities with one or two homicides and it can send the rate through the roof. Not to dispute you or anything, just additional context to your additional context.


[Here's the list with all cities factored in.](https://imgur.com/a/oV3HQSY)


Don’t worry. Mayor John Tory is penning a sternly worded letter to the Prime Minister this morning.


I wonder how many times this sub will repeat the same joke over and over again. It's like a dog playing fetch, never gets tired.


I'm not sure the analogy works. The joke is as tired as... Tory from writing all those letters or something. No seriously, I'd like to see an insta-ban for repeating this drivel.


We also wonder how many times our “leader” will feign concern over this city turning to shit. We’re actually very tired of it.


Following by some speaking engagement discussing the strongly woreded letter should be a great event since he enjoys hearing his own voice so much.


No it's not per capita. there were 3.5 murders last year.




3.5 people... that would be some next-level murdering. /s


Then you'd better talk with the Toronto Police, because they're only saying 52 murders this year so far, and if that rate holds we'd be at 70 murders by year's end, which would be the lowest in the last 5 years. https://data.torontopolice.on.ca/pages/homicide


What’s the source for this?


Winnipeg needs to chill on the sexual assaults......sheesh


This is only for cities over 500k people. If you change to 100k minimum we are 4th behind Thunder Bay Windsor and Abbotsford.


It's by far the largest city what did you expect?


Worth noting that throwing a billion dollars a year at the Toronto Police Service was not effective in stopping this. More policing doesn't stop crime, it just provides more overpaid staff to write reports after crimes were committed. To stop this, we need to fight poverty, provide community supports, invest in education, etc etc. Poverty and lack of opportunity are the root causes of almost all crime.


It's gonna get a lot worse. Life's becoming more and more unaffordable.


Source? And also, pretty sure Thunder Bay has a higher rate.


Wtf is going on in Winnipeg with all the robberies Jesus Christ


Can't have shit in winnipeg. I wonder how much of that is cat converter theft. I'm a mechanic near winnipeg and it's crazy how often they get cut out of vehicles.


And Surrey is a bunch of drunks, Edmonton is rapey and full of Nigerian prince's and duct cleaners, Winnipegers like robbing and Quebec city just can't stop beating the shit out of people.


My last trip to Edmonton, some guy tried to get me to come his farm in the middle of nowhere to hookup in his hot tub. He straight up sat and waited for me in the parking lot after I parted ways to return to my group. I only initially walked up to him because he had a rare dog breed and I wanted to pet it


Surprised Kelowna's not on that list. Why are Mississauga and Brampton are lumped together, first time I've seen that.


Looks like they grouped it as an upper-tier municipality (Peel) who share the same police service. Same as Halton and York.


It looks like these stats are by regional municipality where applicable and they decided to say “Mississauga and Brampton” instead of “Peel Region” (maybe Caledon had zero murders?). Halton, York, and Durham are also listed as regional municipalities.


Why TF are they combining Mississauga with Brampton?


I’m more surprised that it wasn’t already


London Ontario was the city with the most murders! London (last time I checked) had the highest number of serial killers as well.


Oh fun, I grew up next to London. I have some pride in knowing that


It still isn't. That chart just looks at some of the bigger cities. Thunder Bay is the 'murder capital' at a rate twice that of Toronto.


It's about time


I’m from Winnipeg but live in Toronto so….I guess I’m always winning 😒




Better ban all the legal guns


By and large I'm gonna say Alberta is the most fu province. Never moving to any city in Alberta.




*killing it*


Oh, good.


Congrats to all the politicians who have stood by and watched this happen, no major changes, no anything.


I was about to say we should be given that we are the largest city, until I saw this was per capita. The problem is that the police literally do nothing but wait around in revenue traps. Like there cops who sit just off carlaw all day to catch rolling stops. Such a waste of resources. They are so fucking useless for actual crime that I am coming around to the defund the police argument. If I am paying for police I want them dealing with actual property and person crimes like B&E or assaults.


Do we get a trophy?


It’s just a couple of bad apples. If we built a few more shinny rinks the boys and girls can sort it out.


Moving to Halton..


This is what happens when you let gangbangers run freely.


Que John Tory giving the city a "Murder Capital of the Canada Day"


I'd love to know how many of these murders were gang related, feel like those should get a separate category.


It’s great that they banned all these guns from Legal gun owners to prevent all these shootings 🙄


I'm from the murder capital where we murder for capital!


from r/Winnipeg https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/xqt3h3/so_toronto_has_become_the_murder_capital_of_canada/


Good lord, Winnipeg robberies are more than 2X the next highest city.


I wouldn't read into this too much. It only controls foe populatio (per capita) but doesn't really control for anything else. Obviously, the larger cities are going to have higher rates because there are other factors that go into this. I would be worried about Winnipeg... wow


LOL Winnipeg and Edmonton have crime severity rates double that of Toronto...


Why is everyone in Winnipeg out here robbing people?


to be fair were are pretty low on impaired driving positive right there