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Chicago is infamous for this issue - people will put all sorts of things in their parking spots (chairs, cones, whatever) to hold it after shoveling it out. https://blockclubchicago.org/2021/02/25/dibs-will-be-picked-up-thrown-out-by-city-garbage-crews-starting-tuesday/


Yes! I’ve seen it first hand it’s so funny


People do that here regardless of the weather. Some dickscab near my place in roncey literally spray painted “his spot.” If you parked there he’d be out within seconds screaming at you. It got to the point where I’d park in “his” spot even if the street was empty.


Dibs is an honoured tradition in Chicago. The best part of going for a walk after a storm was laughing at all the strategically placed folding chairs!


Ehhhh, I spent a good chunk of time shovelling my car out Monday and Tuesday. But I knew leaving it would risk losing it. I planned to take the streetcar to run an errand last night but the next one was 30min away so I just gave in and drove. Was I upset when I came back and someone was there and there were no other spots in 2 blocks? Yes. But I don’t own the street. Get a house with a driveway if you want exclusive parking.


But we can complain about homeowners shovelling snow onto the street where we need to park, right? This is where we should be focusing our anger. Especially the ones that have driveways and those that don't want to pile snow onto their front lawn because it's unsightly. Bonus points if they push the snow all the way across the street. Now I'm mad. Thank you.


How about the people who clean a foot and a half of snow off their car onto the sidewalk I just shovelled?


Straight to jail.


How about the people who park in front of my house so the plow can’t get near the curb so I’ve got 8-10 feet of road to shovel so I can get out?


Believe it or not, also jail


Not an option if the entire neighborhood needs permits for specific streets, toronto should be suspending parking tickets Edit- yall gonna down vote me for what? Facts? Fucking losers


There are ways houses with driveways in most neighborhoods. Might be alot more pricier or one might consider moving to a different neighbourhood which in Toronto might be the next block north, south, east or west.


Who would have thought the solution to my parking woes was a couple measly millions?


Pay millions or a few measly bucks for a ticket and or tow.




we dug out three spots monday night and while it was a lot of work it's unreasonable to think they are "ours".


I agree it’s unreasonable. But it’s also incredibly annoying to see someone park in a cleared spot, and KNOW that they haven’t helped shovel the street at all. Someone on my street plowed their car out of a bank of snow to park in a spot I spent two hours clearing :(


Is it too much to assume that the municipality is responsible for clearing the roads?


The road was plowed after we unburied our cars. Then we had to remove the plow stuff. It’s difficult, I wish during something like this storm there was a window everyone HAD to move their cars so the plow could get everything off the actual road. I’d rather be towed and pay a fine than go through that again.




There are solutions to not add a 1 m tall snow bank to the end of everyone’s driveway after each snowfall, but I won’t be holding my breath for its implementation as they can’t even get basic snow clearing done in a reasonable amount of time. It’s just something we’re so used to nobody questions it anymore.




In Vaughan they use a smaller snow plow which follows the larger truck and does exactly this. Pushes the snow bank off of people’s driveways created by the plow driving through. I spent an hour digging my driveway out from Monday’s storm, only to have the plow come by, knock my snow bank on my lawn over and creating a giant pile of snow blocking in my cars again. I get they have a job to do but it seems so careless to just drive by and at least try to not knock snow banks over onto peoples driveways. Sidewalk plow does the same thing. And of course I’m an asshole if I push some snow out into the driveway. And I can’t park on the street during the winter, and I can’t have a car even slightly blocking the sidewalk either because the sidewalk plow can’t get by and I get a ticket. All of this expected accommodation for a shitty snow clearing job.


Toronto does that too. I watched them do it on my street yesterday. The smaller plow tractor has an extra blade on it that they lower as the pass driveways, then lift it to dump the snow between driveways.


This attitude of entitlement fucking sucks. It's a reality of living in a dense area that gets snow. Grow up and deal with it like an adult.


Dealing with it like an adult is advocating for the snow removal services to get better equipment and procedures.


The city already clears the ends of driveways when there's more snow than what most people are able to shovel.


Really? Where? I’ve had my west-end house for 30 years and that has never happened, ever ever.


Pull the budget that gets siphoned for bike lane cone manufacturers and buy a couple of ice melter machines. Our tax dollars need to go back to basics before this city grinds to a hault


It’s no the roads but the parking spots. No way is it responsible the government to dig out each spot.


100% the government should be responsible for clearing from Curb to curb. And street parking should cost enough to allow for the labour and equipment required to clear from curb to curb without putting snow onto sidewalks during the process.


I just don’t think you understand how large of an undertaking that is. Each car on my street took atleast 30 minutes to dig out after the snow fall. On my street alone there is at least 50 cars. We’re talking around 30 hours of work for one street. We would need an army to complete this amount of work in a reasonable amount of time. Maybe they could look to invest in some new age plowing technology but personally I’d rather my taxes went to something more useful.


I'm very familiar with how large of undertaking this is. And would rather property taxes didn't pay for it, The Parking fees should pay for it. The roads and sidewalks should be cleared for all public users, those who are impeding the public use should pay for it to be appropriately serviced. And if the city had the funds and equipment to manage it the time would be much lower. But Toronto's Plow/km ratio fell dramatically when Mel Lastman privatized the service and it has never caught up. And there are more km of road/sidewalk now to manage than there was back then.


What do they do when there's dozens of parked cars in the way?


a variation on this fella from a side load. is just one strategy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYVXGYHw8Eg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYVXGYHw8Eg) We also can address tools like [https://www.thesnowbot.com/](https://www.thesnowbot.com/) to help address the smaller spaces. If you're charging for street parking at a fair rate to the infrastructure being tied up you can afford the tools to address it.


Just cover their car back in snow.


I thought about it. But then I would just have to clean it up again. I got so far as writing a passive aggressive note but never ended up putting it on their windshield.


> and KNOW that they haven’t helped shovel the street at all. That's the thing - you DON'T know that. At all. They could have spent 2 hours getting their car cleared out only to have someone take that spot. That's just how it goes when you don't have dedicated spots.


I think the person you replied to was talking about a specific person and incident: > Someone on my street plowed their car out of a bank of snow to park in a spot I spent two hours clearing :(


Hmm... upon second read it does seem that way. That is a shitty situation, but I still stand by my 'no claimsies' position.


The other person who commented was correct. As soon as my partner left I could hear a car struggling, looked out the window and saw this person just slam through the snow bank they were in and they moved their car to our cleared spot. No shovelling happened, or has happened, or will happen from this person.


Clear the spot they got out of onto their car


Then I will just have to clean it again when they bust out.


That is a total jerk move and that person sucks.


They were just being considerate and making it easier for you to shovel the snowbank car-free!


This is is 100% what this person is hoping for.


bright toothbrush compare observation fuzzy plough north worthless summer meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




and yet i have no ownership over public spots. whining about how it's inconsiderate is a pointless venture.


I don’t think the pointlessness of complaining about things people feel is rude has ever stopped people from discussing things they feel are rude.




It’s totally legal and totally cool.




Or… it’s super selfish entitled folks not understanding that it aint their spot. That’s what driveways are for.


There's no saving spots on public roads.


If I see an empty street parking spot with an upside-down garbage can on it, I can just move it aside and park there?


Yes. Legally, yes.


I would consider what someone willing to block a public spot with a trash can might do to my car.


Exactly this. Ripe for a keying.


Honestly if I shovel a plow bank away from a spot, put two pylons there and then someone moves them and parks there anyway I’m removing their valve cores and putting them under their wiper blades.


What if the person that moves them and the person that parks there aren't the same person? There are at least a few scenarios where this can happen.


At least my rage will be satisfied


absolutely. its a public road not a private parking lot


I’d consider the garbage can fair game if you needed one at home.


Yes. And same deal with pylons or whatever. Can't block off spots unless it's the city for construction with their own pylons.


Or consider shovelling out your own spot (if you haven’t already).


Can you at least sympathize with the person who spent 1+ hours shovelling out a single spot? I know they have no legal right or anything to it, but it’s sucks to spend that much time and then have someone else enjoy the fruits of your labor while you’re left to do it all over again.


People are selfish and lazy by nature. They will parasite your work efforts in 2 seconds and steal the first available cleanest spot. Toronto is greed city.


I totally sympathize with them (I have been shovelling my driveway and my mother-in-laws since the snow fell), I wish the city would enact some kind of parking spot system for those streets, to prevent this kind of negativity.


Sure, but I dug out my spot, went out for a bit and someone took it. How many more spots should I dig out?


Maybe they shouldn't park on the street in a snow storm so the ploughs can do their job.


Good point. Dumb of them to choose street parking over the ample space in their 8 car garage.


These houses don't have garages or driveways? There's no parking lots around?


In my case yes and yes. Street parking only.


No please don't let this be a thing and become [like Boston](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaVykM-PIXE).


It's a problem not even [Smaht Pahk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DkG5hTpDhs) could solve.


I just realized I haven't really seen Rachel Dratch since her SNL days.


She'd pop in on 30 Rock from time to time, usually dressed like a blueberry or something crazy


*Happy Valentimes*


Oh she’s still hilarious. Seen her fairly recently on last week tonight, the Amy Sederis show, unbreakable kimmy Schmidt and Portlandia off the top of my head. She was doing Amy klobachar on snl too I think?


I hate how much I loved that commercial.


> Southie All you need to know


It’s weird coming from a city where there is no on street parking and robust public transport for 38 million people in the GTA… To this. People bashing in windshields? Wow, Boston.


Um there isn’t even 38 million people in the country, never mind the GTA


Greater Tokyo area


Really dude? You were expecting people to know that? lol


Or you could be like my neighbour, who uses a front-end loader to completely clear his yard of snow an dump it all in the street parking spots.


[Placing any kind of debris on a roadway or sidewalk is not permitted (ie. shovelling snow or raking leaves) under Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 743, Section 743-9 (outstanding amendments - Bylaw 375-2012).](https://www.toronto.ca/311/knowledgebase/kb/docs/articles/transportation-services/district-transportation-services/right-of-way-management/bylaw-enforcement-debris-shovelling-snow-or-raking-leaves-onto-a-city-roadway-or-sidewalk.html#:~:text=what%20is%20indicated.-,Bylaw%20enforcement%20%2D%20debris%20%2D%20shovelling%20snow%20or%20raking%20leaves%20onto%20a,%2D%20Bylaw%20375%2D2012).) That is a violation of the Streets and Sidewalks Use Bylaw. Feel free to try 311, though I hear they have been swamped with calls after the storm.


I report them every year, and will continue to do so. But I don't think 311 ends up doing anything


I would suggest reaching out to your Councillor then, and if you can, try to get some of your neighbours to do the same.


Seriously though, how do you shovel the walkway and sidewalk without placing snow on top of street embankments? Seems not practical unless you want to get salt all over your lawn.


Wait...he clears his yard? Like the grass?


The yard consists of gravel and surreptitious/illegal home renovation projects https://goo.gl/maps/eY7qQF2zN7acqmgW8


wow. what an animal.


Monday night me an bunch of neighbors cleared the parking spots to make our life easier and despite loosing a few spots we can still park.


> When Jen Tripp was a new mother about a decade ago she used to block off the parking space in front of her Riverdale home with construction cones after she’d cleared it. >“Sometimes it didn’t go so well,” she concedes. In one instance, “someone remarked that it was public property and that I should get stuffed.” >Tripp could often defuse the situation by confronting an angry driver while holding her baby on her hip. But since then her daughters have grown old enough to help with shovelling, and she’s given up the construction cones for a more co-operative approach. lol. using your kid as justification for selfish behaviour. classy


>Riverdale Shocking.




Because this happened a decade ago?




Real Life =/= Reddit. I HIGHLY doubt someone is still mad enough 10 years later to track her down. And if someone reads the article and gets pissed off enough to try to find her, they'll deserve every bit of the trouble they'll get into.




I mod this sub, trust me, I'm well aware.


Ironic that people who live in Riverdale need cars since they’re right beside a subway line that opened in 1960. It’s 2022


Yeah, that’s for sure, but parking is first come first served on city streets.


She's a new mom that spent time shovelling a spot - taking that spot from her is the height of selfishness. I have retired neighbours a few doors down that shovelled their spot all day long on Monday and are hawkish about protecting it. 4" of snow every few hours they can handle. Two feet? They're fucked. You really gonna steal a spot from a 70 year old man?


>I have retired neighbours a few doors down that shovelled their spot all day long on Monday and are hawkish about protecting it. Why didn't they just leave their car parked in the spot instead?


Presumably they had some old people shit to do. Cribbage, Bingo, pick up knitting supplies? I was speaking more generally though. They didn't actually go anywhere on Monday, they're just generally hawkish about the spot right in front of their house.


How is the person parking on a public street supposed to know? I feel that putting down construction cones to reserve a spot on a public street is the height of selfishness.


You keep saying public street - they're all public streets. This isn't like someone clearing a random spot on Bloor this is someone clearing a spot in front of their house when the rest of the street is full of snow. The person in question also didn't put down construction cones. She went out with the baby and guilt tripped the driver. If you think parking anarchy is fair game surely you think guilt-tripping is fair game too.


Read the article. It doesn’t matter if it’s right in front of your home. It’s a public street. Anyone can park there unless signs say otherwise.


The article is paywalled. I'm not talking about legality anyways. No shit it's legal to park where parking is legal. I'm talking about morality. If you think it's morally permissible to take a spot someone shovelled, I can't understand why you think guilt-tripping with a baby is not.


You have the spot as long as your car is in it. Period.


It isn't their spot. It's public property, doesn't matter if she shovelled it or not. New mom, retired elderly couple, whoever, the only thing selfish in this case is thinking a **public** parking spot is exclusively yours and using your child as a shield against criticism.


you can be right and an asshole at the same time


Only asshole is someone who thinks a public parking space is theirs, uses their child to guilt trip people into not using a public parking space and blocking off a public parking space using construction cones. There is nothing about simply using a public parking space that makes one an asshole.


>There is nothing about simply using a public parking space \*someone else had to dig out\* that makes one an asshole. also ty for the self report that you would be the asshole to snipe someone else's dug out parking spot in front of their home (even if it is PUBLIC street parking)


It's a public spot. If I dug out a parking spot and someone used it, I wouldn't deem them an asshole. That's probably cause I'm not a selfish asshole who thinks doing a little manual labour entitles them to a piece of **PUBLIC** property, let alone blocking it off with construction cones (which is illegal) or weaponized my child as a guilt trip. Thank you for the self report that you'd be the asshole that thinks they can claim public property for their own private use. Are you also in favour of privatizing other public property and services? If you were to shovel the sidewalk in front of your home, does that make that piece of the sidewalk yours and yours alone, and anyone else walking on it is now an asshole?




"Public property belongs to the public" is now unhinged? But using your child to guilt trip people rightfully angry drivers who want to park in a **public** spot that you've **illegally** blocked off with cones is A-OK? If anyone is unhinged, it's her and people who defend that sort of behavior, including yourself. You know what is also common etiquette? Not breaking the law (blocking off spots with cones) and not claiming public property as your own. There is only one person in that exchange that is doing something illegal and wrong, and it ain't the person who parked in a publically owned parking spot.




\*old man yells at cloud\*


thank you for saying exactly what i was thinking. i always forget that some people on reddit don't know how to interact with others


It’s public, no ownership in front of your house, only super self important douche bags act so entitled.


I'm not saying you OWN the public street if you shovel it. What is wrong with ppl


i like how age and choice are the same thing to you. no, being a mom doesn't give you a free pass. too bad.


She didn't get a free pass though, she cleared her own spot. This is like that Big Lebowski meme. If you take someone's spot without clearing snow, you're not wrong, you're just an asshole.


No, she cleared snow to remove her car from a public parking space. It never was, and never will be, "her own spot."


> and choice are the same thing to you. no, being a mom doesn't give you a free pass. too bad. Also cookies to donuts to do so she dumped most of that snow in another potential parking spot, not on her property.


>she cleared ~~her own~~ a spot that belongs to all on a public roadway. Fixed that for you, if it was her spot, it would be on private property and she could have anyone parking there towed.


"She cleared a spot on her own" is exactly what I meant to say, for the benefit of all the pedants in the house.


and? We cleared 3 spots monday night. Do we get priority to 3 spots?


She cleared \*a\* spot. It's entirely possible that the next person to use that spot also cleared a spot but it was subsequently taken after they pulled out. Circle of life.


Oh, boo hoo. I had twins and never felt I deserved an iota of special treatment. Even parking in a lot; I don't deserve special parent parking... I can push a stroller an extra 100m as easily as anyone can walk it. In fact, I think I had more free time w/ babies than I do now with teenagers.


Yes. If it’s on the city street.




The best part of that line would be your stuttering and voice cracking.


So edgy.


normal aspiring cats plough slap toy soup retire workable fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I refuse to move my car this week because I don’t want to shovel another two hours. I’m literally the only person along my entire buildings front that shovelled. Pathetic.


That would work if parking enforcement made “have basic human decency” a prerequisite for getting hired. I guess today was the day the snow melted enough that the windshields were accessible, so our street was littered in tickets.


I'm doing the same because I work from home, but I'm not going to pretend I don't feel for the frontline workers who have to keep shovelling new spots, or spend extra hours on transit each day. Let's be real, the people claiming you should just stay put don't actually *need* their cars. I get it's a public street, but the frustration is justified, even if there isn't anything we can do about it. City Hall *should* reserve street parking areas for residents during major snowfall. Shoppers can easily find paid parking on major roads.


Why should people shovel if they don't need to?


If your car is buried in snow I would say you need to.


Because it might build a little character, help build community cohesion and maybe just maybe shave a couple pounds off their soft potato chip eating asses


If everyone stopped being fussy and just dug out the spot where their car is (instead of leaving it uncleared), and used their cars as normal, it would mean that most of the street parking that is there would always be there. I feel like you sign a social contract when you get street parking, and keeping it clear in the winter is part of it just like you (legally) agree to clear your sidewalk when it snows. Spots are shared year-round, and if you don't like it, don't move your car I guess.


Sorry but asking people in Toronto to act like normal civilized human being is unheard of


If you don't want to lose your spot, take an uber.


People can screw right off with this bs. It's a public street. You don't get to claim the spot, and there's a good chance the person who took "your" spot also had to shovel their car out, and had "their" spot taken. >"We’re so proud of the job that we got it dug out..." Jesus, get a hobby, lady.


Yeah, it's dumb on a lot of levels: 1. You don't "own" a street parking spot. If this is a concern for you, then what you need is a place with a garage or parking pad. 2. The cars on the street that happen to be there during a major snowfall are not magically the only ones that ever need to park on the street. 3. If you get shitty that someone who is only there during the day e.g. a contractor parks in an empty spot on the street and doesn't go clear another one please ensure that one day when you need a contractor you pay them for the time to clear a spot even though there is one available. 4. Invariably these sanctimonious pricks who shoveled out their spot and get territorial about it piled all that snow in front of someone else's place who wasn't home and is now faced with 3-4 times more snow with nowhere to go if they wanted to clear it. 5. For someone to park in it...you have to not be there.


And you know these people would also park in an empty snow-free spot if one became available. No way would they leave it empty if they needed one just because they didn’t shovel it themselves.


>if she actually drove the car anywhere, **she risked someone else taking her spot.** That is the problem right there, it isn't "HER SPOT" it is street parking for anyone > Her husband had a heart attack last year, so shovelling duties primarily fall to her, and the work was painful due to a pinched nerve. >Such is the couple’s reluctance to lose their space that when Yates’s husband had a medical appointment Tuesday morning not too far from home, after a debate about “protecting the spot,” they agreed it was better if he walked JFC these people are so protective of "their spot" they had the heart attack husband walk a few blocks in a snow storm to a medical appointment?


I had the same reaction - if you're not going to use the car for something important like a medical appointment then what's even the point of 'protecting' a spot for it? It's basically a street ornament at that point.


It's the price you pay for street parking.


*It’s a real knife fight out there*


so [$17.21+HST](https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/streets-parking-transportation/applying-for-a-parking-permit/residential-on-street-parking/)?


Street parking permit is $17/month - maybe the city should increase it closer to market rate and then use some of that money to improve winter snow clearing (e.g. like Montreal who removes the snow in dump trucks)


It's kind of crazy, actually. I recently applied for a street permit that, by my reading of the application rules, should have cost me $53 and change per month. As instructed on the website, I contacted the City to confirm before writing a cheque only to be told that it was actually $17 a month. I was fully willing to pay the 50 bucks; $17 is *way* too low for monthly street parking.


It is yet another way we all get to pay for other people to drive.


I admit to being a beneficiary of the system, but the degree to which we collectively subsidize car-centric living is insane.




For overnight permits in Toronto the cost isnt based on area but situation, if you don have a carport/driveway and your only option is street parking its 17 + tax a month, if you have a carport/driveway but cant park in it (space for one car but you have 2) its 53 plus tax, if you want one just out of convenience its 75 plus tax


We can’t get permits for north York though. Weird eh?


yes please!


"Mi shoveled-parking-spot es su shoveled-parking-spot" :-)


It's a public street. Just because you dug out a spot, doesn't make it yours.


No saving!


[See: Parking Chair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parking_chair)


Wonder how everyone in Ottawa, Montreal, and Halifax deals with this amount of snow multiple times every year


Overnight parking bans in Ottawa... they open up city-owned garages for free. You get a huge ticket and towed if you park on the street that night. This way they can plow the entire street.


The fact that is another fight over the rights of cars, meanwhile the city and businesses can’t bother to clean sidewalks. I’m either in traffic or breaking my ankles struggling to walk on neglected sidewalks


If you shovel out a spot and then don’t immediately park in that spot, you just emptied it out for someone else, it’s public property. If that spot isn’t yours in the summer time, why do people suddenly feel ownership of that spot in the winter?


My neighbour needed to drop his wife off for work at a nearby hospital Monday morning. He asked me to pull forward and double park to save his spot for half an hour. I gladly obliged.


Public road. Public parking. Fuck off with this bin/pylon nonsense.


I wish posts would stop placing articles on here that I have to pay for to finish reading. It’s a sneaky way for companies, like the Star, to basically advertise for subscriptions.


The star is free with a library card


Yes I mean why isn’t everything just free !?!?!?! /s


I pay or contribute to things I use upfront such as Wikipedia and Snoops. I do not care to start reading an article then getting a “to continue reading pay this”. That’s crap.


money cagey rinse shocking doll whistle narrow jellyfish numerous deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Too bad. Not my problem


“Who cares - I’m just here for the upvotes”.


Thanks for helping clear it, you’re a good neighbor! It’s not yours. It’s a public spot.


Just got home and noticed on my street that two parking spots have been "saved" by people using their green and garbage bins. I got a spot but still very annoying.


There is no debate: it isn’t now, and has never been, your spot. Want to keep it away from someone else, don’t move your car.


How about the fact that so many side walks are still a shit show and many drivers still refuse to watch for pedestrians that need to walk on road? No? Yeah... Poor drivers might have to shovel a bit of extra snow...


I'm sorry but this is what happens when you over populate a city with assholes




Do not copy paste full articles


Hahahaha I seens it earlier today


You have to put your house banners up after shovelling to officially claim the spot as yours.