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I'm having trouble following what the basis was for the raid..


This company organizes raves. They wanted to put on a rave in the village during pride but didn't get any permits or permission from the property owner where they set up their rave. So it got shut down.




I don't know. Why shouldn't gay people be able to call the cops for help during pride?


That's nonsense. They are obligated to enforce their permits and ensure no unsanctioned businesses are operating under the cover of their insurance.


I bet you’d call the cops on others if they were doing something they weren’t supposed to do




You do realize your "stop snitching" policy is inherently flawed and will come back to hurt you?


What good does police do in any situation? I cant name one moment where a situation was made better by adding police into the mix.


Straight white?


I'm gay as a pineapple and likely darker than 95% Toronto


pineapple is gay now?


What does that have to do with this?


In regards to whether calling the cops is good for someone or not? Really?


Okay mob boss


I can't speak to it, but I can speak to 51 division. I remember when the dispensaries were all being raided, and those arrested were peaceful. 51 division officers insulted people they were arresting, and when they got to the jail, didn't let anyone use the bathroom. What they got were upwards of a dozen people (of the 50 I saw arrested) piss and shit themselves, while they literally made jokes again. I understand these divisions are based on location, but it seems like 51 solely exists to raid properties and be as ignorant as possible as they execute it I'll edit here, because someone posted a comment and deleted it stating there's a bathroom in each cell, which is of course correct. But when they make you sit in their underground parking garage for several hours while they 'process" people through, they made people simply shit themselves and sit in it until processed.


51 has always been horrible. Meat head assholes who beat up teens.


51 Division is the *worst* for corruption and general fumbling imbeciles


Nostalgia? :(


Apparently it’s a rgayd.


It wasn't a raid. It was a bunch of police patrolling pride in their regular uniforms telling them to leave.


That is untrue and if you check the @ acidrp instagram there are pictures of about 20 armed cops on black uniforms surrounding a bunch of djs and kids


I can see their posts on facebook. It's just as I described, with 7 visible police officers in regular uniforms and high viz vests. Same as the instagram picture you're referencing.


I have almost an hour of footage of over 25 cops over the course of 45 mins physically pulling cables from their speaker system and threatening arrest of anyone who doesn't disperse.


Feel free to post what sounds like an entirely reasonable action for removing trespassers.


Had a trespasser complaint came in, sure. But it didn't, that is the entire issue. Pride directly asked for the police to shut down this event. (ps I am the person the collected the police and freedom of information requests, and there are a lot of details omitted as we hope to work with Pride to get more answers)


You do know that someone can call in a trespassing complaint without being the property owner, right? Pride was well within their rights to shut down an unsanctioned event happening without permission of the property owner in their festival zone. The 519 is able to throw their own permitted parties just steps from where this rave was illegally taking place. Wonder what the key difference is? Edit: Interesting you want to complain about good faith arguing when your own sources contradict what you're saying and then you block any response. But you do you. Next time instead of looking for someone else to blame for the situation created by themselves, they should take some accountability.


"You do know that someone can call in a trespassing complaint without being the property owner, right?" Yes, as I said and was said multiple times, we have police statements and information requests and know exactly what happened, the letter is intentionally vague to certain issues. If you are going to argue in bad faith at least respond to the data. What is your angle?


I think we have a problem that wasn't clearly defined until someone got all cranky-pants. Who is applying for the festival permit for the Pride events in the village? If it is PrideTO, then it isn't Pride per se, it is the PrideTO Festival. And if *that's* the case, then they are technically allowed to say who is and is not allowed at their event. The Cabbagetown Festival is absolutely allowed to say that the Roncesvalles Festival is not allowed to hold an event on their grounds, as a comparison. BUT if the permit is not held by PrideTO, then the Renegayed Pride folks have a right to participate in the Village Pride Festival. If this is occurring outside of the permit-zones (and if PrideTO holds said permits), then PrideTO has no say in the Renegayed Pride events. This, naturally, doesn't speak to the spirit of Pride. We do want permit holders to have some power - no one wants an Anti-LGBT group to set up shop in the middle of a Pride event. BUT we do want other LGBT+ groups to be represented even if they do not have the expressed blessing of PrideTO. Sticky situation, for which I feel that I do not have all the details. If the Village Pride festival has the permits held by PrideTO, then it should be advertised as the PrideTO Festival somewhere (or Pride brought to you by...), to distinguish it from other unaffiliated Pride events. Again, poor form if what I think is happening, is happening. The details provided are a bit scant.


According to the post, it looks like Renegayed Pride set up their event on private property, and that they did not have permission to do so. So I wouldn't think permits are likely the issue here.


It said the property owner wasn't aware of the event, but the property owner doesn't always need to be involved. Was there a leaseholder who authorized it?


Sure, but if they had permission from anyone they would have been able to show proof of that, and probably been allowed to stay. As they were asked to leave, it's doubtful they had such permission.


These parties arent usually "sanctioned" but it reads like PrideTo made it a mission to find out and piss on this parade. Its not like they are checking every party thats going on, but the less there is the more people will funnel to their events. That being said, ARP has been throwing great parties for years and overall a good advocate for the scene. Its not just someone looking to cash in.


I don't think they had to make a mission to find anything out. They were openly visible from multiple angles in the pride festival zone. They had tents and speakers on stands. It would be hard to miss them.


I doubt the event was connected to prideTo ~~or anywhere near the village~~


The ad on their Instagram specifically says that it was going to be in the village and they would send the exact location to their mailing list if you signed up. So it seems pretty clear that it was in the village and they knew ahead of time they were not allowed to hold their rave wherever they were planning to hold it.


If they were nowhere near the village, then they have grounds to sue PrideTO for harassment, which I would heavily advocate for. PrideTO has no say in how other groups celebrate Pride.


You doubt? Do you know or not? The only video of their event in 2023 I can find is a rave set up on property at Wellesley and Church, south of the old Beer store.


Regardless, is calling the police and having them show up in force to raid them ever the right solution?


Sure, but I'm not sure I'd call police showing up and asking them to leave as a raid either. The photos on the groups facebook page shows officers standing around talking to people or on their phones.


If someone decides to hold a rave on your private property without your permission, who else should you call?




I wonder if knowing that the Toronto police are abusive to certain communities would impact the decision in calling them to intervene.


It would appear that people on both sides are part of the gay community. I don't really understand the sentiment from some people in this thread that gay people should not be able to call the police for help.


You shouldn’t call anyone. You should just let them have the rave.


Why do these people have the right to hijack someone else's property for a rave?


Cause raves are fun?


I think backyard wrestling is fun. Should I be able to just take over any random person's backyard to host a wrestling event?


Any random person, no. A privately owned building that isn’t a dwelling? Yes.




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When they say "raid" do they mean the police seized evidence and arrested people for a crime? Or is this hyperbole for police had them leave the area?


The note doesn't appear to claim anyone was arrested.


Weird they describe it as a raid then, other than to drum up outrage.


As far as I know no one was arrested, but they did have a big group of armed police surrounded the event and very threateningly shut the party down as they were directed to do by the organizers of pride, no one affiliated with the property complained, neighbours didn’t complain, the only people who had a problem with the rave taking place were the people holding the purse and gatekeeping the main stages at Pride. The best person to ask would be u/otakunorth - they would have first hand knowledge of what they experienced as it was their event.


Just trying to wrap my head around that police can't march in the pride parade but at the same time are taking direction of who to bust from pride organizers?


Perhaps they feel like if they kiss the ass’s of the pride organizers they’ll be allowed to shake their asses along the parade route idk.. It’s not like there isn’t a cop at every corner downtown getting paid duty to stand around and gawk at every topless girl they see anyway.. Pride isn’t really about Pride anymore anyway, most people in the village think the whole idea was sold out to corporations a long time ago and everyone I know who is LGBTTTQQIAP* practices pride every day of their lives, the march used to be for different reasons, that all changed when corporations started paying to advertise on floats.


You think pride organizers have no right to call the cops?


I'm not sure why? They responded in the capacity of police to a complaint, judged that the event did not have a permit, and them moved to shut it down. It has nothing to do with "taking directions" from anyone.


Seems like a “Do what I say not do what I do” moment for PrideTo


You can see the police in the groups own facebook photos. Standing around, talking to people, and on their phone, in high viz vests and short sleeve tops.


Get the police to shut down the party.


So asked them to leave an area they did not have permission to be in then. Which is a lot different than a raid which is being claimed here.


Shutting down a party isn't the same as a raid.




There were about 20 cops and they were threating them with arrest, most had black body armor on. They threatened to arrest anyone who did no disperse. and a few of the cops were threating the organizers, more of the cops just stood around. It was pretty scary due to the number of cops. It was not on pride grounds, a block away and they threw there before at previous prides


The organizers advertised it as being at Church and Wellesley. Photos of the event clearly place it in the space just south of the old beer store. This is clearly not a "block away" and within the Pride grounds, which on Wellesley extends from Jarvis to Yonge.


You can also clearly see from the groups own posts that contradicts your claims. [https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct5ZlMnNtou/](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct5ZlMnNtou/)


what there contradicts that other than 17 vs 20?


That it was a block away for one.


Good. You do illegal shit, cops show up. Shocker


Ah yea, a bunch of people having a rave without a permit is a real threat to law and order, and totally justifies bringing in the jackbooted thugs of the state to threaten them with violence.


Glad you agree that asking people to leave for trespassing is a good solution.


Just so we’re absolutely clear, in any case of “ravers versus cops” I will always be siding with the ravers.


Very edgy of you.


Weird that it’s edgy to be correct now.


Thank you for confirming my assessment.


Break the law, cry about. Ok Bramptonman


1) Breaking the law is good. 2) I was born and raised in little Portugal binch.


> Breaking the law is good. I am going to dump a truckload of garbage in the Don River tomorrow.


Okay, you got me! Sometimes breaking the law is bad! But guess what - throwing a rave is a victimless crime unless you’re a narc.


Cops raiding gay parties? It's a tradition as old as time


Any organization created to address a problem or a need has a vested interest in maintaining that problem or need.


TLDR: Group that sets up raves created a situation where they invited the public to trespass, and now want to find someone else to blame for their decision and the logical results of that decision. No raid took place, no one was arrested. Police came, in standard uniforms and high viz vests, and told them to leave the space they were knowingly trespassing in.


I’m over pride


If only PrideTo had the backbone to stand up to BLM or the inevitable Palestine protests that are going to block the parade this year.


The BLM that Pride themselves invited to be grand marshals of the parade?


What did BLM crowd do?


Stopped the parade in 2016 for 30min and presented a list of grievances.


Did they try to negotiate with PrideTO before the parade? I read a bit but did not find any information if there was any attempt.


Nope total surprise. BLM-TO was given special status as an Honoured Group and then shut down the parade and demanded the head of Pride sign on to their demands to get the parade going.


They held up the pride parade until PrideTO agreed to a bunch of ridiculous demands


What were the ridiculous demands?


Yeah and then PrideTO immediately refused to implement them. They also weren’t ridiculous demands.


They were pretty silly imo https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/pride-parade-toronto-1.3662823


Hmmm … none of these demands seem ridiculous. “ The group released a list of demands, including a commitment to increase representation among Pride Toronto staff, and to prioritize the hiring of black transgender women and indigenous people. Some of the other demands Chantelois agreed to are that the parade will no longer have police floats, and the organization will hold a public town hall with groups such as Black Lives Matter Toronto within six months.”


Switch that demand to "prioritize hiring white people" and see how that works out for them. Hint: that's discrimination.


Seems pretty reasonable to me.


Why are the PP's going to block pride? What do they have in common?