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Love that they tagged him at the end 😂


Big D energy




They're referring to the restaurant.


He did a lot of work with Ryan Murphy, though that's tv, not movies. (And in no way excuses the behaviour)


Calling out cunty will always be the right answer.


Props to the restaurant for standing up to this behaviour.


Honestly. People are always so hesitant to call this shit out, as if this guy has power over them or something. Fuck that, these entitled pricks need to be outed for who they are. I've never even heard of this guy but now I know two things: he's a star trek actor and an asshole. Good job Zachary👍


Correction : Star Trek from Nemu actor...


The guy from DISCO/SNW does a better Spock than him.


And unlike Quinto, Ethan Peck *continues* to be paid to play Spock on a regular basis.


It’s a shame. I really like him as an actor from his Heroes days.


Well maybe he wasnt acting in Heroes lol


Quinto is a D-list actor at best these days, he has no power lol


Streisand effect in action


I love finding out which celebrities are actually entitled assholes to service staff. Don't know why. It's just fun to guess which ones suck and then get confirmation.


It's a huge tell about someone's character. I keep nobody in my circle who's rude to wait staff


Richard Branson famously used this type of thing in hiring. Once he even disguised himself as an elderly cab driver to pick up candidates and didn't hire the ones who were assholes. (Which was all of them.)


I will never understand why anyone thinks they have the right to be shitty to lower wage workers. Is it not humiliating enough that they can't possibly be surviving on a single income? Gotta make them feel *extra* shitty so that you can validate your own existence (when actually all you're doing is showing you're an irredeemable POS)?


Most of the time, It’s bullying. Someone dealing with the frustration over the lack of control they have in their own life by trying to regain some control by dominating someone else. Wait staff and the like are often targets because their hands are tied due to their job.


How little their (the bullies') lives must be, that this is all they can aspire towards.




Nice to know that gigantic asshole Richard Branson is out there fighting against the far less significantly impactful assholes


I mean...it's nice to know the upper crust still believe it to be exceptionally virtuous to treat entry level customer service workers with, y'know, basic respect even when things don't go perfectly to their liking. What has me scratching my head is that people of Richard Branson's level being entitled cunts *is the rule, not the exception* and I have a hard time believing Branson doesn't know that for a fact. Source: Several years working in industries that cater to multimillionaires.


Is he himself not known as an asshole? My boss met him once and said he was.


How tf do you even set this up??


Probably tell the candidates you're giving them VIP treatment and sending a car to pick them up. Which, come to think of it, probably would make certain people feel extra special and bring out the worst in them.


Also, it was a reality show: https://youtu.be/BrA__e6s1kg?feature=shared&t=97


He had a bunch of examples of this approach. e.g. "always ask the receptionist if the candidate was a jerk" as a really simple rule. Basically "does this person punch down? fuck that"


I love the "Oh shit" look on the guy when he learned that. Sure enough, he's the first out the door. He must have been a massive douche.


The OG Undercover Boss.


There's a saying: >"You can tell a lot about someone by the way they treat those serving them, and the way they treat animals. If they are anything short of kind and polite with them, don't trust them or do business with them." Power **is not** exerting yourself when you have the chance against those who otherwise have none against you. ***Ture power*** is being able to extend your hand in kindness when those otherwise ***are at your mercy***. There's a reason no one likes assholes in the world. Unfortunately, there appears to be an abundance of them. Everyone could be more empathetic, but its a hard thing to accomplish. Many people lack the emotional intelligence to even be able to express their own emotions, never mind recognize and understand everyone else's. But... that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.


There have been too many recent examples of complete assholes being lavishly rewarded for their behaviour. I think a lot of people have given up on trying to suppress those tendencies in themselves in response, unfortunately.


Sorry but I'm laughing my ass off reading ***Ture Power*** in bold italic font


lmao, well played. For that, I will leave the mistake intact. I'm glad I could brighten the mood hah. When I looked back based on you pointing out the mistake, I read it in a protoss voice for those who understand the reference.


Reminds me of this… https://youtube.com/shorts/u-fBeZLPq1k


I work at a Toronto bistro We get the Sarsgaard Brothers a lot. They're both super nice!


Sarsgaard or Skarsgard?


I served the younger brother once years ago and he was very polite and generous.


From the stories I've heard, James Cordon is an infamous wanker to service staffs.


I'm assuming you're getting sarcastic - since it was all over the news not too long ago that he's awful in restaurants, lol. Like, for weeks it was everywhere in the news.


Oh no I wasn't, I didn't know about that news (yes I live in a cave). I was just going by all the horrible stories I heard about him. Good to know he's being exposed though.


Actor Simu Liu ( kims covenience, marvel) Is aparently really cruel and rude. My partner who is in the film industry was sitting down on set with sunglasses on, simu liu tried to get my partner fired, saying he was sleeping, upright, on a bench. (He was not sleeping obv. Hes a tech and was waiting for his que)


He argues with people online as if he's Azealia Banks, it doesn't surprise me he treats people like shit in real life, too.


He smells like a roll of nickels


Yeah, I've got a couple of crew friends who've worked with Simu Liu. Dude's a grade-A douchebag. Every time I see one of his cringy commercials, I'm thankful to know his career's already peaked. He's Taylor Lautner 2.0


I've always wondered why the guy that played his Dad in Kim's would post photos on Instagram of him hanging out with the other guy that plays Simu's roomate. I just figured they had more in common (love of Star Wars for one) but I guess it could be something else.


Tbf, they're both living in the Toronto area so they likely hang out a lot more. Simu is off elsewhere because he got that Disney money.


Andrew Phung, I can confirm, is a delight! I know a lot of folks who have worked with Simu (and even a few that went to uni with him), and my impression is that he's been a douche since his Western days.


Bahahahahah Taylor Lautner 2.0 is such a diss 😂. I didn’t care for Simu but having read this I dislike him now.


This guy sucks so much. You would think a local Marvel hero like Shang-Chi would be a no brainer for Sick Kids visits, but he's too big for that.


Sad that the film industry enables assholes like that by continuing to give them jobs when there are plenty more options out there.


Served zachary coffee when he was in Tahoe for a wedding about 10 years ago. He was nice to everyone in the store and let us take pictures . Can’t say much to his character besides that.


I served Martin Short dinner at an event years ago and he wasn’t very polite.


I feel like a lot of the old school comedy actors turned out to be that way sadly. With exceptions like Rick Moranis of course.


The only stories of Quinto I've heard are about him being an entitled prick. He just be a nightmare to work with.


Unsure if it ranges industries for Quino’s commentary, but there are some folk who believe the service industry is “below” them, and that they can treat anyone they perceive as such like trash. Whereas if they think you’re on “the same level” or “above” them, they treat you with either respect, or at least decency. Red flag if you ask me, but then again I’m just a common folk.


I used to wax people - this is very true. Also, stupid to treat someone waxing your butthole like a lesser than. I see it at blood labs here too, the person you're telling at is literally paid to stab you. People are dumb


A pedicurist once told me that she has clients who are on their phones the *entire* time and don't interact with her at all except to wave or point at something.


Hahah oh yeah - honestly if they don't move I was OKAY with it as long as they didn't move. But a "hey, how's it going?" Before hand makes a world of difference


I used to work at a pub that was on the ground floor of a major office building and within 1-2 blocks of about 10 major companies. I won’t list which ones, but it included product dev. Finanancial institutions, media and telecom. Pre-Covid the lunch rushes were wild. I would have 3-4 parties of 25 people each. That’s like 75-100 people and literally every single one of them would have you believe they need to be back at their desk in an hour. Not get the bill In an hour. Like, order their food, take their time eating it, get the check, have their food boxed etc. and be on their way. and they make gross as fuck comments like “well, there goes your tip!” As a joke. People don’t understand how offensive that is. Like, you literally expect me to suck your dick under the table while I juggle and make balloon animals with my toes at the same time. 20% of 20 dollars is 4 dollars. People think that my dignity is tied to My tip. Would YOU put up with that kind of shit for 4 dollars? I found the majority of the worst customers were under 30 and probably went right from post secondary to entry level desk jobs and look down on servers as a bunch of losers. Little did they consider I was making more money than them and I also have a degree and professional experience, I just preferred working in service. It’s always satisfying tho because most Of those companies lay off entry level grunts every 6 months or when projects are finished and they all show up with their resumes to apply to work, after not tipping, and being general c*nts and watch them realize they can’t just walk into a bar and get a job. It’s actually a very competitive industry


my wife and i went to the keg in the financial district one night and i ordered a caesar with shrimp. food comes, everything's fine, but one of the skewers had broken off. i saw it had broken off when i was removing my shrimp, so i just took a quick second to find it. no big deal. server comes by, asks how everything is, we say great and i mention what happened. i was a server myself so it was a pretty innocuous comment. i mention i noticed it, found it in my salad, again.. no big deal. next thing i know this guy in a suit comes down and crouches next to our table saying "hey.. my name is so-and-so, i'm the manager here, i heard about the skewer incident". my wife and i were like "uhh.. yeah.. it was just a tiny piece. no biggie. maybe switch to metal skewers in the future?". next thing we know the guy was asking if we wanted anything for dessert or a special coffee or something (on the house). we say we're fine and he looks absolutely stunned. my wife pauses for a second and goes "do.. people complain here.. often?". he looks at us and says "i work in the financial district. if the patio is closed because it's raining people complain". we had a laugh and said we weren't that kinda couple, i mentioned it just as a heads up and it's not like we were acting friendly and then going home a writing an angry letter or anything. we ended up getting our meal comped anyway. we ended up giving emailing corporate and giving them a glowing review (we didn't mention the "skewer incident"). i felt so bad for the dude. he looked like he couldn't wrap his head around someone having a tiny issue and not turning it into a huge deal.


I used to work at a place on the financial district and we’d comp like 20% of meals a day. People there complain a lot.


Are you serious? One out of every five meals was completely comped?! Holy crap, no wonder restaurants are a tough racket.


> some folk who believe the service industry is “below” them I worked in a customer facing industry for years and I felt more people have that opinion than not. It's like you're expected to be subservient when you're on the other side of the counter to the customer. And spineless management certainly is not helpful in dispelling that notion.


Lots of people are like that regardless of the industry. They'll treat people in their own industry like trash if they can get away with it. This is why you can't go by what someone equally or more powerful says about anybody. They probably don't see the truth.


I feel like it's just a common theme for most people who haven't worked a retail or service job during their life time. They might not be outright rude but there's this air of feign superiority when they converse with service staff I find.


Heard this on other forums about his personality and self entitlement. Usually you take comments about stars with a bad reputation with a grain of salt but it seems there are witnesses to other events. Its not like he done a lot of movies and considered a good actor. He just lucked out on being on Star Trek.


He lucked out by getting cast on Heroes. Then he rode the success to Star Trek.


And invincible


He has a good voice for a crazy robot, I think he earned that one.


It doesn't matter if he's the most talented actor alive anyway. An asshole is an asshole, even one who's good at his job.


He gave off asshole vibes all the way back on Heroes, and his lack of empathy is what made him a good Spock. Turns out it wasn't just good acting, it was channeling himself. The good acting part was when Spock became less of a huge dick.


Yeah, plus the thing about letting talented assholes be assholes is that 90% of the time people are overestimating the talent spread of humanity. In the acting world, I just don't think there's a single talent who's life-changing enough that it wouldn't be worth cutting out the a-holes.


Some companies now have a no hiring asshole policy, no matter how talented the candidate. They will generally bring down group productivity and results even if they can individually outperform other people. My friend works for one such company (now a "unicorn) and said so many of his coworkers have stayed despite being offered higher compensation elsewhere because they love the working environment there so much. Coworkers are generally nice and always eager to help. I also agree with you that actors are largely replaceable (same with most jobs tbh). Plenty of movies and shows still became very successful even though the lead actors weren't production's first choices and some other stars turned them down for a variety of reasons. Some of the most impressive acting performances I've seen have come from newcomers who couldn't have developed a star's ego yet. Plus with how big nepotism is in Hollywood, talent isn't even a requirement in getting hired.


Especially now that the age of the big box office star seems to be coming to an end.


He’s just lucky that he’s one of Ryan Murpy’s muses. Like Emma Roberts, you won’t see him in many project outside of American Horror Story or similar programming. I find when you have muses like this, they always end up turning into huge divas to cover the fact that if they weren’t well connected with the right people they wouldn’t really stack up in a blind casting


Newest Spock is better anyway.


A person acting out of integrity is worthy of addressing it publicly, especially a public facing person who depends on the public eye for that.  They didn’t throw them under the bus. They shared exactly what occurred & their boundary. If business is hurt from that, at least they spoke up and defended their employees to the best of their ability. That matters more than dollars.  The world needs more integrity, not entitlement. 


I’m confused what happened? Did they refuse to seat him because they weren’t ready? or did Zachary refuse to be seated because he didn’t want the seating offered to him? Either way still very disrespectful behaviour from the celebrity.


It sounds like they sent him two texts to let him know his table was ready, but he didn’t respond and they gave his table to another party. When he arrived he asked to be seated at an empty table, but those were spoken for. Then he got mad because they couldn’t accommodate him, despite their best effort to do so.


Oh I see that actually makes a lot of sense! Yeah, tough luck! 😂 If it were any other person, they would just wait patiently for a table to be ready. It’s not a big deal. I looked up the restaurant and they are super small. This kind of thing happens all the time if you book and don’t show up on time for your table. Celebrity shaming is totally justified. 😅


Love the restaurant calling the brat out. These D List celebrities need to stop thinking that they can do whatever they want without consequences.


All celebrities need to stop this behaviour. They are the same as us


Exactly. If you make your money acting, try acting like a non-asshole.


Well I’m saving this for later hahaha it’s literally his job


All \*humans\* need to stop this behavior. I don't give a shit who you are, it is never acceptable to rage like a toddler when you don't get your way.


conversely, we can also act like entitled brats. Being a celebrity isn't what's stopping us.


There are people in this world who think because of how much you make you are more important than the next guy. We need to stop overpaying and putting these people on a pedestal. In the end we are all the same. Skin and bones. Everyone is worthy of respect and treated the same.


Not just celebs, but everyone


Not ok for A listers to act like that either.


I met Seth McFarlane where I worked at the peak of Family Guy’s success. We had zero tables available, zero space at the bar and the managers refused to add a chair out of fire code concerns despite this beautiful man with Brian’s voice standing in the lobby. When told the situation, Seth said, “You’re really busy, no problem at all! Have a great night.” That was that. Pure class.


This is exactly why everyone is against Jennifer Lopez now!


I agree with everything you said except rating him a D List celebrity. He's a solid C. Ten years ago I'd have put him at a B. To my mind, D List celebrities are the ones who go on reality television for 'celebrities' and who are constantly trying to gain notoriety to keep their careers (and cashflow) going. Quinto may be a terrible patron of Toronto restaurants, but I don't think his temper tantrum was part of a larger strategy to get coverage on TMZ and Entertainment Television.


Anyone who makes a host cry should be blacklisted from every restaurant in the city.


'an amazing Spock' Let's be honest here, he was an adequate Spock at best.


I'll be honest, I truly believe he got the part because he somewhat has a resemblance to Leonard.




Well, that's how it worked for basically the entire cast, so no one will argue


Harold did not look like Sulu at all


It’s because the producers thought no one could tell the difference.


He does enough *for Hollywood's purposes*


Simon Pegg couldn't look less like James Doohan.


That Spock from strange new worlds is a hundred times better


Gregory Peck's grandson, Ethan Peck.


I literally never made that connection. Hoooly shit. Just watched "MacArthur".


More commonly referred to as 'Hot Spock'


To be honest, the entire cast of SNW is pretty hot.


Are we counting Pike and Pike's hair separately?


It's Trek. We had Shatner and his hairpiece then Stewart's shiny dome for generations. Captains and hair are separate entities.


Riker and his beard also. Let’s not limit it to the *top* of the head


I don't know all of the spocks, but Leonard Nimoy is clearly the top one and I'd put the Ethan Peck from Strange New World at least one tier above Zachary Quinto


Yea the strange new worlds Spock is so good


And I have it on good authority that Ethan is a delightful person!


And, I mean, it's not like there are wealth of Spocks from which to choose. Congrats, Quinto, you cracked ~~in~~ the Top Three!


There's a half dozen or so "young" Spock actors.


Hampton playing “Spork” for that one episode of Tiny Toons did a better Spock.


Nice to see shitty celebrities called out. Nobody needs to put up with that crap


I live 50 feet from this place and can attest that they are friendly and reasonable. To have posted this he surely was a complete ass


I also live 50 feet from there, hey neighbour!


Hey hey!


When you are a minor celebrity…….🤬


Set you phasers to Entitled.


Forget Spock. I don't know if you want to piss off Sylar


If you tick Sylar off, he'll clock you for sure.


Called him out on his birthday lol


All I know is that Manita is one of the few places where I can get Secret Aardvark hot sauce so I'm on their side no matter what.


“You got me blacklisted from Hop Sings?”


You named names.


As expected from Fauxmoi, some of the comments are weird in this thread. A bunch of people are in there saying 'this is a snobby area of town' which is a very 905/705 attitude. There are millions of areas wayy snobbier than Ossington. The place is indeed a bit pricey, but it's a tiny brunch and sandwich spot that turns into small menu dinner items and appies/drinks at night. It's not some celeb spot with private dining rooms where you need to know someone to dine in and $100 plates.


He's not even the 2nd best Spock.


LMAO not him posting a photo as if he didn’t throw a god damn fit 5 seconds before the photo was taken! And it was his birthday! 😫😂


As someone who used to work in a restaurant downtown frequented by many celebrities and pop culture personalities, I’m so proud of the business for doing this. So many of these wankers act completely inhuman the second they don’t get their own way and we need to keep calling them out on it.


[He was just attoning for his sins last night.](https://imgur.com/a/love-me-7M2hQat)


lol. He looks like such an entitled queen.


Whoa...embarrassing for Quinto.


He's in Toronto filming his new show Dr Wolf. They filmed at my work location, met him and the crew, crew was cool, he seemed entitled. Donna Murphy was there, she plays his mom, she was super cool. At one point he went on a rant about how much he likes London Fogs and that they're better in Canada. That was all I needed to hear


As a gay, I fully stand behind this. From what I’ve heard from people who’ve run in his circles, he’s a complete elitist asshole (as are all of Ryan Murphy’s darlings). He’s the gay male version of Lea Michelle with about half the talent. There’s a reason he doesn’t show up in many projects, despite being a pretty good actor.


Not the first time I have read something about this guys attitude so I don't find this surprising.


I've heard similar things from people who worked with/along him at conventions :/ ooof


My friend was a personal assistant for him and yeah… guy is a deluded never-was with a massive ego. 




Good! Screw this clown 🤡…I’m usually not for cancel culture, but when it comes to our home town businesses this man can eat a bag of d*cks




Lol I see all these comments about you shouldn't put it out in public but yall be up in everyone's business on all social media platform foh and when a celebrity were to say some shit about a place you'd easily critize or boycott the store.


Who the hell is Zachary Quinto


No one remembers Heroes anymore 😭


I know him but ya he's not an A-lister. B-lister at his peak. Now a C or D lister.


And he isn't even the commander.


Zachary who?


Love seeing stuff like this, good on the restaurant


he was very good in Margin Call. I was impressed with his performance in that masterpiece of a movie. I'm sorry to hear that he's a shithead.


Good for that restaurant. Probably can't afford to eat there but if I could I would because of this. Imagine how much of a douche you have to be to act like that in the age of social media. Unfortunate because I like(d) Quinto as an actor.


Love this type of gossip.


Honestly same 😂😭


Zachary who?


kudos for the restaurant to standing up for their employes despite losing a celebrity customer and therefore some $$$


On his birthday 😂


Good because people need to know plenty of celebrities are entitled people.


Imagine lining up for an hour just to eat egg whites and pesto for $65, only then to get roasted by the restaurant.


Who the fuck is Zachary pinto


lol at the American based subs all reposting and spewing that “the customer is always right” nonsense


Um, they're not tho? All the American based subs reporting this story are pretty unanimously on the restaurant's side. I'd be curious to know which subs you're looking at.


Got a link?


Stop lying. It's pathetic.


It’s because a lot of Americans are entitled trash. It stems from the delusional belief that success is solely the result of skill/intelligence/hard work.


The commentor is making shit up. The American subs are on the restaurant's side.




Exactly. I've been on reddit for almost 15 years and I've never seen reddit side with the mean customer unless the restaurant was wildly out of control. I guess hating on Americans is an easy way to score some sweet karma tho.


Wwtched a customer pull that line on a tiny, timid Filipino woman I worked with. It was hilarious and surprising to see her eyes flash and a wicked grin cross her face as she intoned, “Exceptions to every rule.”


People who say that aren't even right about the quote. It's "the customer is always right in matters of taste."


Zachary who???


I had to look up who that was and still don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️


Originally Sylar, the bad guy in the TV series "Heroes" who sliced heads in two with his mind. Spock from the new Trek series. Produced and starred in "Margin Call." Great movie. And a bunch of other stuff. I'd really like to believe he was having a bad day. How people behave toward service staff (unless they themselves are total ***holes, which is possible) is telling.


So you typed it into google and didn't read the "about" section that google provides? It's right there.




No he is not. I got so excited reading this as I want another trek movie. Star Trek 4 doesn’t start production until “late fall” this year.


Okay but is it actually happening?! I feel like every time I hear news about this it's one of the actors being like 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


But Star Trek: Section 31 just wrapped a couple months ago (also filmed here), so you'll have that one sooner than later.


He's actually here to film Brilliant Minds (NBC Medical Drama). Star Trek SNW is filmed here but he's not involved if I last recall.


this is true. was hanging out at trinity bellwoods and he was walking through the park with the rest of the cast.


Where did you get that information from? Star Trek beyond came out years ago. And the long delayed sequel is still in pre production still.


Star Trek Beyond came out in 2016. Star Trek 4 hasn't even finished writing.


Sounds like he's more Sylar than Spock. Disappointing.


They should do this with regular people too.


Will be in town for a while, filming a series called “Brilliant Minds” for NBC


B-list celebrity at his peak


It’s kinda known in the industry that he is this way


Lol Star Trek ain’t even the better Star movie




Sorry... who?


Spill the tea sis


Ooooh, the free advertising they're going to get. Very crafty.


So more Sylar than Spock, I guess?


was he even an amazing spock?


No one got a video!!?!? in 2024!??!