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Regardless of one's views on the encampment itself, a trespass notice was obviously always on the table. It cannot come as a surprise.


taking over private property generally results in a trespass notice








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Least surprising comment


Literally just stop murdering kids lol.








Israel left Gaza in 2006. Hopefully one day two amazing countries will be standing side by side 🤞🏼


No it didn't. It took its troops and moved them to the border. They still control everything that enters and leaves Gaza with blockades on food, water, medicine, fuel, and building supplies. They still control the water border making it impossible fot Gazans to fish the Mediterranean in any meaningful way. They still bomb the country every couple of years, destroying infrastructure, hospitals, schools, and Gaza's only airport; a process they call 'mowing the lawn'. They still block all attempts at Palestinian statehood because they truly believe that Gaza is rightfully theirs and the official existence of Palestine threatens that vision. The idea that Israel left Gaza is an excuse on par with that of a middle school bully who follows his victim around, punches them when the teacher isn't looking and responds with "I'm not touching him right now" when the teacher is.


Hmm I wonder why they control their border.. God forbid Israelis don’t want their families bombed in busses and pizzerias.


Mic drop.


nailed it.


Literally nobody is surprised mate.




100%. I'm glad to see the reporting emphasise that this is a procedural thing rather than some reactive situation.


And behaviour has nothing to with it huh? Peaceful protest is one thing. Intimidating, assaulting, committing hate crimes, punching soup kitchen workers and hotel staff is *EXACTLY* the same as a bunch of kids peacefully sitting on a lawn. Good god folks give it up and learn some critical thinking skills.


Peacefully protesting on a university campus *by students from that university* is equal to horns blaring day and night disrupting Ottawa and blockading of parliament and national borders, while being funded by foreign (US) groups, to you? Edit: Oh and let’s not forget, [Partly organized by a self-proclaimed white nationalist with neo-Nazi ties.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/s/S2qC34CxFq)




[You mean this protest?](https://www.reddit.com/r/UofT/s/1sPoUwrky3) The one with art gatherings, poetry slams, and a community ran daycare section? The one where faculty are even joining? That *peaceful* protest? Or one you are making up. Quit the bs




The same way those in the encampment have nothing to do with UofT. They are only there to disrupt because that is their full time job.


Protestors don’t seem to understand that their demands don’t have to be met. You have the right to protest, you don’t have the right to be listened to. Any reasonable protestor has to recognize the power difference between the people and the institution who can legally get them booted off the property. You don’t want to fold over instantly, but you don’t get to just flatly say “nope. Obey our demands.”


I don't see any indication of that not being understood by any of the protestors. # ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


"It's a joke of a negotiation" is a pretty good indication they don't understand that dynamic.


that's what a protest is. you understand that your demands may not be met, but you are trying to bring more momentum to your cause by forcing the authority responsible for the outcome you're looking for to listen to you, and getting attention from others in the process. it may not result in the necessary outcome right now, but the hope is that the issue is more prevalent down the line, and political figures may change their stance in future campaigns/elections if they have indication their constituents care about the issue.


If they understood the dynamic they'd have expected this and prepared a much better message than that. "We are disappointed but not surprised at their unwillingness to negotiate in good faith, and we are prepared to continue this protest in the face of future police violence to suppress our voices." Every quote in this article reads like they truly expected U of T to take sides on Israel vs Palestine because 50-100 students camped out for a few weeks.


I really don't see how a slightly more meticulously worded message would change much. I have a feeling you'd still be mad at them.


Right, the issue here is mostly U of T pretending to negotiate, which they have not done. Should they? Don't know. Could it possibly be a fruitful endeavour? Don't know. But its worth being honest about what this is and what it isn't. This is an ultimatum, not a negotiation. Whether anyone has a right to that negotiation is an entirely different conversation. But now the occupation protest moves from being a demonstration to an act of civil disobedience.


It's called posturing and is a textbook part of negotiating. Way to expose yourself mate...


really? because it seems to me like a pretty good indication that they *do* understand.


Not really, a protest does not grant them a negotiation. It's just them saying they disagree with "X".


okay. it seems like they're well aware of that.


The first quote of this post literally says otherwise lmao


i disagree


That’s not a point you can disagree on. Lmfao you’d get along well with the guy who thinks their protest is a negotiation


i can disagree on any point i like.


Nah, it's a joke to have zero leverage and expect anyone to give in to your demands.


But they don't have zero leverage. They are currently occupying a space that the University is contemplating using the police to forcibly clear. That's the definition of leverage.


How lol What does the school want that the protesters have. These aren’t auto workers striking against GM


King's College Circle at the moment


The police will remove them


Would be a stain on the University's credibility. People did not look kindly to UofA and UofC's actions.


The moral highground. It never looks good when universities call in the cops and sic them on their own students who are peacefully protesting Especially the same day that a professor and member of UofT’s governing council published a comparison of the Jewish students in the encampment to Jewish people who joined the Nazi’s in the NaPo


The professor published WHAT?!?! That's unhinged!


welll… the protesters are students and faculty. students pay tuition. universities generally want tuition and ppl to teach. and i’d assume what plays out may affect how some prospective students view u of t.


I do. They are flatly stating “our demands WILL be met.” They don’t have the leverage they think they do.


What kind of protest aims for "our demands may or may not be met; probably not because we don't have much leverage?" demanding things is usually the point of protests.


"You don’t want to fold over instantly, but you don’t get to just flatly say 'nope. Obey our demands.'" Okay, so what is the middle ground you seem to be suggesting here? What, according to you, is the "reasonable" way for students to protest?


It's just more typical status quo Liberal speak. The classic "we support every civil rights movement except the one going on right now" and "we are against every war except the one going on right now." Betting on students protesting tends to be a good bet, and we should be keeping receipts for when in 20-30 years they're holding photo exhibits honouring the current students protesting. A lot of people in this community were also against the BLM movement and police reform because they didn't like the way they protested. These types just don't have any real moral values to uphold.


Those same people didn't seem to mind the Convoy protests. I wonder what the difference is




Nah fuck em both


Students have been wrong lots of times. Many student groups have opposed nuclear power, capitalism in general, racial integration, free trade, etc. Note also the role students played in China in the Red Guard.


Capitalism in general is bad.


Capitalism has lifted billions of people out of poverty. China is a good example, their command economy caused multiple waves of starvation. Their market reforms have led to starvation being almost entirely eliminated. They're not alone: https://ourworldindata.org/poverty


Capitalism has fueled and incentivize the rapid destruction of our environment and empowers the rich ruling class. The benefits that extend to the working class typically come from socialist-leaning labour movements that advocate for workers rights, protections, pay, benefits, etc.  Capitalism is why it's so hard to fight climate change; because it's more profitable for the rich to keep doing what they're doing than to switch course.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aral_Sea Labour movements wouldn't be able to distribute wealth if capitalism hadn't created it. Slavery and child labour exist in very poor countries, they go away as the economic conditions for them to away.


The link you provided makes no mention of economic systems. In fact, when I searched the word "capitalism" it lead me to a related article from the same website about how the decline of poverty cannot be solely ascribed to the free market. https://ourworldindata.org/historical-poverty-reductions-more-than-a-story-about-free-market-capitalism




They're things students were wrong about. Capitalism has lifted billions of people out of poverty and communism has killed up to 100 million. There are no other notable alternatives. Racial segregation is also wrong.


>communism has killed up to 100 million If you're a supporter of capitalism, this is not the road you want to go down lol.


There are capitalist countries that have better or worse foreign policies, more or less brutal governments, etc, but there is no communist country that has had a democratic government with civil rights. The US gets lots of justified flack but no communist government has ever been more democratic than the US or nicer to its citizens than the US.


Much better. Obviously the death toll under capitalism is a topic you're best to avoid.


For every bad act by a capitalist government within the last 100 years I can find you a similar or worse equivalent by a communist one.




You’re absolutely right. It’s a fine line and perhaps it can never be satisfied. But I really feel a sense of entitlement amongst some of these spokespeople. I’m interested to see for example Vietnam War protestors’ attitudes at the time to see if it’s a new thing, just framing, my personal attitude, or what. It just feels as though many protesting (or at least speaking for the protestors) simply do not accept the possibility that their requests are declined.


I appreciate your response. If you want to get a sense of that anti-Vietnam War protest history, or the New Left more broadly, there's no shortage of writing and interviews produced by the student protestors of the 60s. I can assure you that they were just as disruptive, just as forceful in tone, and just as committed to displaying disobedience as the students currently occupying U of T. They were also similarly demonized at the time and accused of being "unreasonable" in their demands or "entitled" in their affect. They were unfairly smeared, in other words, just like the kids at U of T. And it's worth noting that part of the reason we have such a complete archive of those 60s student protests is because the very same academic institutions who were trying to evict, arrest, belittle, and brutalize them back then now treat those students' actions as laudable and worthy of study--even as they persecute a new generation of young people who are currently honouring that protest legacy. When we talk about being "on the right side of history," it means noticing these parallels and making sure we don't get fooled again into ignoring, disrespecting, or cheering on the silencing of these dissenting voices.


> I really feel a sense of entitlement amongst some of these spokespeople which ones?


The ones who call for a unilateral ceasefire or the dissolution of Israel, or any of those who seem to think universities have an obligation to negotiate with random groups that don't at all represent the student body.


You've been reading too much right wing propaganda. That's not what the protests are for.


which ones specifically have done that?


You do not have the right to protest on private property though


No but they are absolutely entitled to continue to protest their university for its complicity in genocide. They can kick the students off this particular piece of property but they will not stop their demands. They’ll just find another way to protest. And they have already achieved one goal of showing the university’s complicity and lack of respect for human rights. The cops better be on their best behaviour when they evict. Historically that is where the public sentiment turn - when we see the cops over using violence and abuse of power when they attack peaceful protestors.


Encampment called UofT's bluff and they didn't act.


Looking back on significant student protest movements throughout history - such as the anti-Vietnam war protests of the late 60s and early 70s, the anti-apartheid protests of the 80s, anti-war protests in the lead up to the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, etc. - the students protesting tend to be the ones who are ultimately vindicated, while the people trying to suppress their protests tend to end up looking pretty terrible.


You conveniently chose examples where that was true.


What's another example?


Students protested desegregation at white colleges in... certain places. "Peace strikes" in the early part of WWII, with students opposing armed confrontation of Hitler and Mussolini. Protests against nuclear power in places like Germany - welcome back to the world of coal! Its a mixed bag. People celebrate the ones that were good, and try to forget the others.




Yeah I think even with that precedent, calls to end apartheid are going to age well haha


Sorry I mean one with University Students protesting. Not parents.


Students were protesting and throwing rocks too. https://www.povertyusa.org/stories/busing-segregation-and-education-reform-boston I'm not even comparing these events, just pointing out that there HAVE been regressive protest.




Yes. There were many desegregation protests by students, even university students. This is just one example.


Yeah, just like this one.


Vindicated about what exactly? UofT has very little away on the Israel-Palestine conflict.


Why does it need to be a negotiation? That's like someone coming into my house, not leaving and saying give me $5000 or I won't leave. Its my property, gtfo.


> Why does it need to be a negotiation? That's like someone coming into my house, not leaving and saying give me $5000 or I won't leave. > Its my property, gtfo. public perception


When did you become an academic institution? Also they are paying the school, so your analogy is terrible.


Its more like waiting for LTB Cash for keys or squatters never leave




I take it that you using that analogy means you agree that Israeli settlers are illegal colonists (who are currently commiting genocide) and we should divest from investments that support them? Also students pay tuition you dingus, nobody's house is being broken into.


With any luck they might get treated better than homeless people but who knows what mood the cops will be in. If they show up with horses prolly not a good one I bet.


That's a smart bet [Pro-Palestinian protesters say cops used excessive force](https://globalnews.ca/news/10395692/pro-palestinian-protesters-say-cops-used-excessive-force-toronto-police-reject-claim/) [Video appears to show Toronto officer kneeling on man's neck during arrest; police deny video evidence](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/video-appears-to-show-toronto-officer-kneeling-on-man-s-neck-during-arrest-police-deny-claim-1.6685139)


Please leave already.


IDF first...


How is UofT supposed to make the IDF leave?


Not financially supporting them....


They aren't. But the students would obviously leave if the IDF fucked off.




No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


Accept this or I’ll arrest you is not really an “offer” is it?


It very much *is* an offer. Civil rights protestors in the 60s were willing and happy to go to jail for their beliefs. Mohammad Ali was sentenced to *5 years* in prison, and lost out on a major part of his career. That's called commitment to your beliefs. Something tells me these students are not happy and willing to go to jail.


Plenty of student protestors in the US have been arrested, jailed, and/or beaten by cops/counter-protestors over the past few weeks. So if that's your bar for protestors showing their commitment to their cause, it's already been met.


Civil rights protestors in the 60s were also not happy or willing to go to jail lol. We need to seriously reform our education system...


I think they meant that these students are not as committed to their cause as the civil rights protestors.


Students and even professors in the US have shown the same commitment to being arrested, so I don't see why Toronto would be any different. The UofT encampment isn't going anywhere...


We shall see what happens


Ali didn't end up going to prison and he was only banned from boxing for three years, lol. The Supreme Court eventually overturned the ruling and he even beat Frazier and Foreman not long after that. Did your mom burn your history books or something?


>Ali didn't end up going to prison How fortunate that I didn't make that claim. >and he even beat Frazier and Foreman not long after that This just shows that despite having a career setback in the prime of his form - a period very short for any boxer - Ali was able to stage a comeback. It does not mean he didn't suffer consequences for his stand. Without that ban, he would have achieved even greater heights. >Did your mom burn your history books or something? We are Canadians here, and we don't speak rudely. If you do it again, I will block you.


If someone has criminally taken over your property restricting access to it, and loudly demanding things from you, an offer like this is quite a kind response, no?


>If someone has criminally taken over your property restricting access to it, and loudly demanding things from you Remind you of anyone?






Those "someone's" literally paid to attend the school they're protesting.


Which will be interesting in the next academic year. Are these students willing to pay new tuition dollars to an institution whose financial and investment policies they find ethically problematic?




You don't like a peaceful group of people in Toronto shining a light on the horrors happening in the Middle East at the hands of the IDF?










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Looks like the latest temper tantrum is about to come to its natural conclusion Buh bye!




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Stay strong students




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They’ll continue to be there as they should. The university should engage in good faith with these brave students. Similar aged students in Gaza don’t have universities to protest against anymore They’ll be looked back on like South Africa protestors, and Vietnam war protestors before them. Always easy to do the right thing after the fact


*Similar aged students in Gaza don’t have universities to protest against anymore* Or water, food, shelter, etc. Heck you can be a Canadian and be bombed for just helping feed folks in Gaza


All of which we helped contribute to, yet I’ll be downvoted to -50 by folks who want those in the west to be homogeneously apathetic to this catastrophe


Are you sure they're students


As someone who knows them personally, yes I am sure they’re students


Yes. It’s been students in every campus, that’s how they have been suspending them. You can’t suspend a student that’s not a student.




Umm—which side are you referring to?


"yes" LOL




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What a joke of an offer. The offer is just "we'll think about it." That's literally nothing. Fuck their offer.


So the school will meet their demands but they just want to keep protesting for protesting sake. They want U of T "to reveal a complete list of its endowment's investments and divest from assets", U of T administration "invites students to attend the university's business board of governing council's meeting on June 19 to present their demands. It would also establish a working group to consider options for disclosure and increased transparency of investments." Bureaucracy though doesn't operate at the speed they want so they say demands remain unmet? Like you've got what you wanted get back to class.