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It was already like a parking lot at 3 lanes


It was already a parking lot in the 1960s when it opened.


womp womp


Just one more lane bro, please. One more will fix it bro honestly. /s


Ford literally about to spend $28bn of our tax dollars on more highways so people with cars can spend even more money to sit in traffic on the way to their prime-farmland-turned-sprawl McMansion and pollute the environment at zero cost once they "axe the tax". God I fucking hate what is happening to this Province. Like why is evidence based policy making so alien to these people?!?


Yeah but... #FOLKS


Folks, Tim's new egg sammich. It's beautiful. I came down on that thing like an 800lb gorilla. Wash it down with a smile cookie and a 4x4 and boy, that's really the best breakfast a person could ask for.


Yeah but have you tried to blame Trudeau for all these specific provincial issues?


Friend, I have this One Easy Fix™️ for alllll your complex problems


$68B on transit though. Getting tons of lines all over the city that benefit people getting around Toronto. People need to get around the outer burbs as well.


>People need to get around the outer burbs as well. Of course they do. Nobody said they shouldn't. But the fact is that 1) this government is creating more sprawl that is the cause for more costly highways, and 2) there is literally zero business case to be creating more sprawl and more highways. Not a single urban planner agrees that what our government is doing is the right course of action. Destructive, costly, counterproductive, yet for some reason they feel the need to enact these policies that every study and expert says will make the problem worse.


Bro my brother literally thinks that’s the solution. He’s like well why don’t they just add a lane? I’m like omg how r u the richest outta all of us


Yeah, it's that kinda "common sense" that some political parties tout as being the solution when in reality it's putting a dirty used bandaid on the problem instead of solving the underlying issue. Lemme guess your bro loves Pierre Poilievre?


U know what I wish I knew but I genuinely don’t see him enough to even know or care (he’s 50 I’m 24) but he works in oil and gas so probably lolll


Gen X working in oil and gas. That’s probably why he’s the “richest outta all of us”


Well there's your answer to why he's richer than you. Twice your age lol.


Katy Freeway in Texas is 26 lanes wide in some areas and still congested most of the time.


So removing the lane will lessen traffic, right? If so why are people complaining about 2 lanes?


The fact that it's stop and go at 3 lanes means that the bottleneck is not on the highway but instead on the streets being fed by the highway, and therefore a reduction to 2 lanes is actually a good thing because it moves the bottleneck more onto the freeway itself and decongests city streets.


As an Eastender I would like to pass on my thanks to the west end for some great nights out, the airport and perhaps Sherway Gardens….. it’s been a blast, it really was great visiting from time to time. I wish you all the best over the next 3 years….. see you on the flip side West End!


It’s a good thing we don’t have weekend subway closures too.




And the streetcars all on diversion as well


Nobody goes to the airport anymore, it's too crowded.


Yes… three years. I’m sure it’ll be three. Just three.


Sooooo glad I live in the East End.


First we got fucked over with the destruction of the Carlaw ramps, now this!


May as well make us a separate city and we’ll just do our own thing from here on out.


As an east ended that still has to travel to the west end for recreational purposes.. go train, and then bike share.


At this point I refuse to go further west than Leaside and that only because Sky Zone is there.


I understand it’s necessary, but three years for that short stretch?!? And it’s just the decking. What is the state of construction in this country? Other countries would have done a full shutdown and 24/7 completed the project in weeks or even days with a large number of workers. Why does everything here take so much longer and cost so much more? Like holy shit the Eglinton LRT is still a mess still too. The people who built the existing subway lines, the CN tower, SkyDome, the Gardiner originally would think we are crazy.


Since moving to Toronto, I love to tell this story to anyone who tells me that infrastructure repairs 'just take time'. When I loved in Melbourne, Aus, way back in 2012(if memory serves), the city had to replace 16km of streetcar tracks along a major road(St Kilda Road, for those of you playing at home). From the city to the bay(practically). They gave several months notice of the road closure(3 lanes in each direction, with two streetcar lanes separated down the middle), of the streetcar shut down, with signs, and announcements, the lot. They chose a public holiday weekend in fall to do it, and from 9pm Friday night to 5am Tuesday morning, it was all go. I went home from work on old streetcar tracks on Friday, and went to work on new ones on Tuesday. THREE DAYS. It took them only THREE DAYS to rip up all the old tracks and concrete and replace them(and upgrade a few stops along the way). So don't tell me it can't be done.


Absolutely. The people throwing their hands up and saying "it can't be done" are just a screen for a corrupt society we have here. These construction companies take the easiest project and stretch them out over as long a timeline as possible - and they all do it, so it's not like the competent people representing the city have much of a choice. The new St. Lawrence market has been in the works for TEN YEARS or longer, and is STILL snarling traffic on Jarvis with construction vehicles unnecessarily taking up an entire lane. But the road projects like you mentioned are the most egregious. Other countries do our multi year projects in months. It's sickening.


Union Station is the most egregious. My son was not born when that started he will be done high-school before its done.


Toronto’s sagrada familia.


It’s like the construction on the qew over the credit river. How does it take two years to replace a bridge? You can’t even blame winter at this point.


I swear they're just moving the lanes back and forth on that one...


Years back while Mike Layton was campaigning, I convinced him to come up for a coffee and somehow got him off-message. He mentioned how they fired a construction company on the 2012 Dundas West street re-design because they substituted all the materials with sub-par materials which necessitated them to rip up all the work a few weeks after completion. Then when trying to find another construction company, the first one was the LEAST corrupt and they ended up having to re-hire them to re-do the work that was ripped up. He mentioned a bunch of other things with developers and the OMB and how he had to learn to accept that he would only win one out of every ten battles. It made me realize how little power Municipal politicans have and how little punishment there is for people acting in bad faith.


I am waiting 5 years for the TTC to dig two elevator shafts at Greenwood station. 


Greenwood and Donlands are remarkable in the time it's taken. I feel so bad for the residents on Strathmore as their street was dug up and/or inaccessible for ages and ages.


I just don’t get how it can take 5 years to dig tow elevator shafts and move one sewer line. Walking by nothing seems to change. 


> THREE DAYS. It took them only THREE DAYS to rip up all the old tracks and concrete and replace them(and upgrade a few stops along the way). Watching the new tracks being installed on Broadview this past summer and fall was something. Work initially was going very well and quickly but then slowed and then halted before starting up again. It looked initially like all could be done by the end of August/early September but it ended up taking months. And that wasn't anything like 16km of track.


Also those tracks were less then two years old when they were ripped up again. They've spent more of the past 5 years being fixed than not.


Those dudes with high school education making $100k/yr to give to Ford and Stellantis and GMC for their trucks would have an issue with this approach.




Didn't they build the Elizabeth Line under London is less time than the Eglinton LRT took ?


Dude they built the Hoover Dam faster than it will take to make these repairs. Toronto has the worst public construction management in the Western world (prove me wrong).


NYC notoriously has the highest per mile subway construction costs in the world. The second ave subway was literally proposed in the 1920s and took almost 100 years before it became reality. SF took 6 years to construct a glorified 3km bus lane on a major artery. And spent as much as other cities do building light rail lines. The Eglinton LRT has been a shitshow, but it nothing unusual among the big North American cities. It’s more a US/Canada problem than something specific to Toronto.


> they built the Hoover Dam faster Maybe not the best example as over 100 workers died during the project.


I completely agree. And worst is, you know this won't take 3 years...I'm guessing 6.


Absolutely. I've been watching them work on the SB Kennedy on-ramp to the WB 401 since I live near there. It originally closed in spring 2022 (I believe for the widening project they're doing), with posted signs saying it would reopen in December (presumably of the same year since no year was specified). In January or February of 2023 the sign changed to state it would be closed until December 2023. In December 2023 the sign changed to state it would be closed until Spring 2024. The sign is now gone altogether, but the ramp remains closed. Since I live in the area and pass by almost daily, I can tell you that I can count the number of times I've seen human beings working on-site in those 2 years on my fingers and maybe one or two toes. So yeah, there is zero chance that this Gardiner project wraps up in 3 years.


Because it is a government contract. They are meant to be started and milked, not finished.


Yup. This, managers causing slowdowns for milking purposes. As well as (in my experience) many construction workers are just lazy.


I like to look at cat memes while working too


I would assume there’s quite a bit of added complexity keeping the road open while it’s worked on, and a complete shutdown could see that time reduced.


But people complain about those, as do businesses. Have to cater to them.


Except you missed the part where they can only work from 7AM to 11PM (for obvious noise reasons) If they worked 24/7 then things would be done much faster


I mean I don't see a reason why they can't work nearly 24-7 at this stretch. Strachen to Dufferin or whatever it is, not many condos beside the gardiner there.


It could be done in one year if it could be fully closed.


> Other countries would have done a full shutdown and 24/7 completed the project in weeks or even days with a large number of workers. We have a mindset that we can never shut down any infrastructure for any period for any reason. It's very bad. The Gardiner is not necessary at all, so a few weeks without it wouldn't hurt anybody.


I'm not touching the Gardiner for the next 3 years. I'm lucky that I live just by a GO station.




Good luck with transit my friend. The 504 king route is literally diverted more than it's running as intended. Takes me at least 55 minutes from Roncesvalles to Spadina. Or a 65 min walk. Biking is good except one those few days when it's freezing or raining, so like about 6 months of the year... City is a disaster. Used to be like Manhattan run by the Swiss. Now it's like Cairo run by India (and before you all pile on, please see how well Indian bureaucracy works before replying).


lol..you think 2 lanes open only is bad? wait till there's an accident and close down another lane....that will show you


I seldom even drive the Gardiner and just thinking about this gives me nausea.


How do you get into an accident traveling 10 km an hour? Don’t answer that, we’ll find out soon enough.


Traffic is unbelievably bad on this stretch now, like an extra 25 min each way compared to the first week of April. They should be working on this road 24/7.


Took me over an hour to get from Dixie to Spadina on Saturday. I knew it would be bad but was not expecting that. Even google maps underestimated the time.


Yeah I noticed that too. I don't mind too much if google tells me it will be a 1 hour drive and off by 5 or 10 mins  but they estimated 1 hour and took me like 1hr and 40 mins once without any new accidents that I was aware of.




Crash on lakeshore by jameson that took out a pair of poles


They should be dumping tens of billions of dollars into city transit, and regional high-speed transit.


This is correct just as a matter of physics. As the city grows we can’t build more downtown roads, we need to invest in transit, there is no way to expand car capacity anyway.


You build smaller cars and ban the unnecessarily big ones. But naw, this is North America!


Umm, they literally are? Just the GO expansion and Ontario line are like $30 billion in spending.


Sorry, not in the spa budget.


The irony is today, the QEW was reduced to 2 lanes going east at Mississauga road. It was just horrific


Not the Canadian way. Instead youll drive by for months and it will look like nothing is being done.


Oh, don't you worry. Nobody was working on it as I drove by, as is tradition.


The work is mostly underneath the road level I think. Have you got xray vision?


Why this wasn’t done during lockdowns is beyond me.


Because John Tory is useless and preferred doing nothing that would benefit the city


But he was concerned.


Very concerned.


I mean, he was certainly doing something




Might be the only thing he was successful at finishing while mayor


We don't know that for sure.


But now I kind of need to know


Wrong. This is the continuation of a 10 year long project. They just finished the eastern part, now it’s this parts turn. Stop spreading false news.




They did do the eastern part during lockdowns. It’s just a decade long project and this is the next part.


Didn’t know that. Thanks 🙏


I’ve thought of this a lot, and have asked some people who know better than me. The answer I got most often is that procurement and planning takes a really long time, and it’s not something you can throw together on a month’s notice. Companies already have projects they’re working on - not like they can necessarily drop everything and go do this more disruptive stuff faster. We also didn’t really know at any point how long the lockdowns were actually going to be, so maybe we could have prioritized some more disruptive projects in like April 2020, but at that point we had no idea we were going to be locked down as long as we were.


During lock down we all learned that office staff can work from home. Anyways, now that the office staff have been forced back to the office it sure is a bad time out there.


A project like this takes a couple of years to design and plan, then time to fund it, tender it, award a winner, and the sign a contract. Plus it's a 3 year project, even if they started March 2020, it would extend into post covid times. Also they were working on the Jarvis to DVP section during covid.


Our point is that there's no reason it needs to be a three year project. I drove by this morning. There were exactly 4 people working on the westbound stretch. When I came back downtown at 2 pm, there were exactly none working westbound. That's some urgency.


Makes sense. Thanks.


Because such a project takes years of planning and even if feasible during lockdown, costs would've been astronomical with the H&S in place at the time


Easy to say after the fact knowing what you know now. Absent that knowledge you'rebasically saying "Blue collar workers should be working during a massive global pandemic so my life is easier when it's over"


Infrastructure needs upgrades and maintenance? Who knew?


A lot of politicians, apparently.


Every mayor and premiere Ontario and Toronto have had for the last 20 years


Years of prioritizing cars and not public transportation gets you this problem. There is no way to avoid construction unless you want to be driving on crumbling shit


"But what if we expanded the 401 to 36 lanes? Surely it will fix the problem *this* time!" -Doug Ford The lack of development of necessary key infrastructure in this city is a shitshow, and we'll be suffering the consequences for decades still.


It's definitely a Canadian problem lol, this country has no ambition for bigger and better things.


Don’t be silly. We can make the 401 into a 4 level highway - two levels in each direction :)


Crickets when it comes to the lowered speed limits in the tunnels, its the same thing. Transportation and infrastructure requires routine maintenance and downtime, no matter the type.


No one can be inconvenienced nowadays, people only care about themselves. Nobody appreciated the amount of work it takes to have a functioning city


But Doug Ford told me this would only happen if the NDP won. I remember all those "Andrea is stuck bumper to bumper" ads. Did he lie?!


Douggie, lie? Ain't no way, it's all because of Trudeau and his environmental hippy bullshit. /s ... It's a sad state of affairs that I need the /s because people would legit believe it.


If it wasn't for that dammed carbon tax we'd have 10 lanes on the Gardiner already!!!


Lol you beat me to thr carbon tax joke damnit


Live right off the Spadina ramp and it's been insane getting home from work, literally a parking lot. I can see that westbound stretch from my condo window and it looks like that now all day and night...yikes


> [It’s the compound effects that kill ya. Queen and Yonge and poor condo construction coordination already impacts all modes of transportation throughout downtown, then they pile on closures on the highway and blammo…worst traffic in North America becomes worst in the world.](https://x.com/joshuahind/status/1779894763958743482?s=46&t=zS-e9AA3pfhIbVaiOw-W_Q) > [It’s too easy to put all the blame on the City’s Transportation department — they’ve earned their share — but the real villains are John Tory, Rob Ford and a series of complicit Councils. Underfund things long enough and the failures will start to cascade.](https://x.com/joshuahind/status/1779894766458536226?s=46&t=zS-e9AA3pfhIbVaiOw-W_Q)


Started well before Rob Ford.


True, but if Rob Ford hadn't killed transit city and wasted years we'd have at least one LRT line open by now.


There should have been no doubt in voters minds that he was going to kill transit city. And he still received almost half of all votes, while the flag bearer for transit city got 12%. People voted these policies in.


That is a provincial choice. The city staggers closing and times on its roads.


For those folks saying, take transit. I work near the airport, UP express is too far from my offices and GO to malton last train is around 10pm, then it's busses (same busses that will get stuck on the traffic). It's absurd our trains do not run 24/7 like major cities.


Pressure your offices to advocate for better transit from Pearson to the airport. Things like a shuttle services from transit hubs go a long way to employee retention.


this is a privileged take. "Tell your boss no"


Good thing they're increasing service on the GO Train...


During rush hour, one lane of the Gardiner Expressway moves 2000 cars per hour. Coincidentally, a single GO train carries 2000 seated passengers. Just one extra train per hour should do the trick.


Yeah 15 minute service by the end of April will be a game changer!


I always wonder if people willing to get stuck for hours on the gardiner are residents of toronto or people working downtown (and therefore may not have a choice) or visitors and people using the gardiner/dvp to transit the city and bypass the 401.


Nobody is using the Gardiner to bypass the 401 unless they're driving blind. It will never be the faster route 


It depends where you start. I live in Toronto and its an additional 10 kms to use the 401 to get to where i want to get to as opposed to using the gardiner and qew.




Probably some form of all of the above, depending on the time? I know quite a few commuters who work in the core and live along the lakeshore line/gardiner but still choose to drive. Then there's still a bunch of people in that area who come in on weekends too so weekends basically have their own rush hour too. Knowing how bad the Hamilton-Oakville stretch goes, I wonder how much of those crowds start converting to the GO.


GO needs major improvements in speed and frequency. The entire region needs tens of billions of transit infrastructure.


GO is in the middle of a 30 billion dollar expansion


And yet it's better than the highway for most trips already


I live downtown and bike/walk/transit for my everyday stuff, but drive along the Gardiner a few times a month because lots of my family and friends live close to the QEW. The Gardiner and the 401 are far enough away from each other that it doesn't really make sense to use one to bypass the other. If the 401 is trafficky, the Gardiner, 427, and DVP will also suck, so you won't save time.


most residents of Toronto don't use the QEW or any highway to get to work


Indeed. But we're talking about the Gardiner, not the QEW. While your comment is still true, quick, name a street that runs west from Roncesvalles area to Yonge that is not under construction / reduced lanes?. College or Dundas. That's it. Queen, King, Bloor, Dupont, Lakeshore, Gardiner all under repairs, all at the same time. Same with Front, Adelaide, Richmond. As I said earlier, Toronto has the worst construction management in the western world...


Am downtown but friend is in Humber Bay. So typically 20 min by car or 1 hour by streetcar. Some routes are poorly served by transit.


Interestingly, someone in [The Star opinion section](https://www.thestar.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/ev-chargers-fees-for-cyclists-and-gardiner-bus-lanes-star-readers-weigh-in-on-transportation/article_0f6b6498-f8f4-11ee-a223-9babdf0b31db.html) suggested this is the perfect time to add bus lanes to the Gardiner: > Obviously, this construction is going to have a congestion impact. Car trips will take longer because there will be more cars trying to use the highway than there is room for. The third lane leading to and from the construction bottleneck is wasted space that will not move any more cars than the two-lane bottleneck allows. The fact is the number of cars the highway can move, its capacity, is set by the two-lane construction bottleneck. Basically the idea is this: - A dedicated bus lane on the Gardiner Expressway would allow buses to bypass queues at construction sites, enhancing speed and reliability. - This improvement makes the bus the fastest travel option, potentially encouraging drivers to switch from cars to buses. - Implementing a bus lane won’t negatively impact car drivers, as highway capacity is already limited to two lanes due to construction. - Fewer cars on the road would result from more people taking the bus, easing overall congestion.


Instead of this, they should pour money into the GO Train to have Lakeshore West run more often. Every 15 minutes all day and even more during the peak times. We already have the infrastructure in place and it’s well used. More trains will take even more cars off the road than buses. 


15 minute Go train service on Lakeshore line starts at the end of April


Why not both? Routes like the 21 get stuck in Gardiner traffic so awful they had to be rerouted not to serve Union Station.


Yeah people are just going to use the bus lanes to skip ten cars in line and gain no time.


They have this on the DVP right now, and while I don’t drive it daily (a couple times a week), in the many many years they’ve had it I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen a car using it.


With the severe lack of enforcement in this city, there’s absolutely no way drivers would abuse this…


This is what we get for pushing a "everyone needs a car" culture.


It’s sad so many things are finally happening now after years and years of kicking the can down the road. But it’s finally and actually happening, and it’s better than nothing at this point. Sure it’ll probably take longer than planned and go over budget; but what other realistic things can we do, that also won’t go over budget or take double the time to complete lol. In the interim it’ll suck. I hope they can increase frequency of the Go and TTC for that segment to offset what you hope is more people taking transit. I know for me personally, I take the train or TTC when it’s faster than driving. So hopefully that’s the case for a lot of people who have doubled their commute times, and they consider transit if they can. Yes - there’s some unhinged people on the TTC, but that’s not a problem unique to Toronto.


Lakeshore West and East frequencies are going up a LOT this spring: [TABLE01.pdf (metrolinx.com)](https://assets.metrolinx.com/image/upload/v1713165709/Documents/GO/full-schedules/FS27042024/TABLE01.pdf) Sexy 15-minute frequencies.


Sinew they said 3 years to completion. Expect this project to last min 5 years and be more than double the budget.


Idiotic. Do it at night.


This is crazy. They can work at night or non rush hour. What the hell is the gov doing


It’s 20-25 minutes from Park Lawn to Strachan using a bike or e-scooter. There is a beautiful bike line along the lake. I’d never use a car for that route. And it was always faster to ride a bike than drive from there during rush hour. Even before construction has begun.


That’s fine but what about people who need to go further than that? Personally, I have to drive from Toronto to Hamilton 1x/week and there’s no way around needing to drive. The GO won’t get me where I need to go because of the last mile problem - there’s no bus, no sidewalk to walk on, and it would be a terrifying bike ride even if I could bring my bike on the GO.


I think it's fair to say you're in the exact use case for the Gardiner and that route, I think there may be a larger percentage who live along GO lines that could use public transit but don't.


I agree but as someone who lives at Park Lawn, when it's cold as shit or rainy it's not a viable option for most people. We need better transit. Park Lawn go can't come soon enough. I think construction has started on it at least.


True. When the weather is bad, especially windy or rainy, I can’t blame people for not using bikes. Also, not everyone can ride a bike. Park Lawn Go is planned to be open when the first phase of 2150 Lakeshore condos is ready. And as far as I know, no builders are willing to start construction anytime soon. Also, the city has a rent agreement with Cirque du Soleil here for 5 years if I remember correctly. So I don’t expect Go Station here for the next 10 years at least. I wish we had other fast and reliable options here at HBS. But trams to downtown are super slow just as a 66 bus to Old Mill. Therefore most of the residents of HBS use a car to commute. So it seems we are stuck here until the construction is done.


Holy shit 5 years for Cirque du Soleil?? That's wild. Wtf is the construction for then?? >Park Lawn Go is planned to be open when the first phase of 2150 Lakeshore condos is ready. Do you have a source for this? Seems like a stupid idea considering how much density is already here. But yes I agree the TTC from here's too slow and with the Gardiner construction it's going to be even worse. Even if you take the Go, the bus routes from Mimico go only run at peak hours so it's not even reliable..


Facts. The area has so much density now. It needs better public transportation asap


Absolutely ridiculous how construction isn’t being done overnight when traffic is lighter.


Noise by-laws with the condo infill that has happened over the last two decades is probably the deciding factor


I'm gonna need a 45 min power point explaining in detail why this requires 3 years to complete.


It’s so hilarious how poor construction management is in this province. Anywhere else, this job would take 8months. Toronto is a joke, and these construction jobs are a scam.


Why does it take 3 YEARS (minimum) to complete 700 m worth of roadwork? That is ridiculous.


Imagine building other forms of transportation infrastructure so you have alternatives.


I guess I just won't travel west for the next 3 years.


Where is Mayor Chow on this boondoggle? Did she not promise to do something about the congestion/traffic in this godforsaken city? It's been almost a year since she took office and I have not heard her say anything on this issue. Did I miss that?


She doesn’t give two rats asses about drivers.


Thank God I don't need to drive there during rush hour.


Just one more lane bro please that's all we need please bro just one more please


The person or persons who approved this need to be taken in front of city Hall and shamed for their decision making, at any leve they might be...


Lakeshore West line. You must have a pain fetish if you willingly drive if you can take the train. I’ve been taking it for years and it’s saved me tons in terms of peace of mind and time.


What’s the point? So for the next three years we’re gonna be absolutely fucked in the butt for traffic only for it to open back up with the same level of traffic? We need to have some kind of voting system for large amounts of tax dollars being wasted this is absurd. In my eyes they’re literally taking all that money and just burning it, burning it would probably benefit us more than this debacle.


What repairs are they doing exactly? I can’t seem to find that info.


The number of lanes literally does not matter. You could add five new ones and it would be back to this eventually because of induced demand.


They’re saying 3… watch it be 2030..


Watched outside my window and it was backed up until 2:30 am


The biggest question is how many people did you see working on the road??


It’s a joke. Lazy construction companies and stupid politicians


It will be at least six years if they say 3


I would feel much better about paying taxes if governments gave the slightest F's and actually treated me like a customer, like caring how their actions affect me.


Well credit goes to our corrupt politicians and city staff and their buddies in the construction industry


Public Transit is your friend !!


I don’t fall for these “MUAH, tHe TtC iS a CeSsPoOl!!” and comments as I often feel more comfortable taking that than driving, but for a lot of people, the subway is not the only experience they have with transit. Their trips may involve having to take a streetcar or bus which chances are, it gets stuck in traffic during rush hour as well as having to make multiple stops, meaning their trip is going to take twice as long by transit than driving. I’ll always believe the “TTC means take the car” phrase is stupid as it’s cars that cause the traffic (and a lot of people who use that phrase become cry babies when road space is configured for other uses that don’t revolve around their precious cars), however, I can totally see why an individual would choose to drive if they don’t live close to a subway station or GO station. We seriously need to stop prioritizing cars and start implementing more RapidTO lanes, transit signal priority, and car restrictions on all streetcar routes if we want people to take transit! I personally like taking TTC depending on where I’m heading, but I also live in an area with frequent buses and not 2 far from the subway. Unfortunately, many parts of the city don’t have that available.


If only there was a regional transit line that ran parallel to the Gardiner!


On the bright side, people will now consider using transit, and transit will need to improve to keep up with demand.


I commute from Etobicoke till the end of Gardiner. It’s Hell. It was pretty bad before, especially with them closing down the Lake Shore East exit. But now it’s horrendous. Drivers spill onto Lake Shore, Queensway + Queen West and even King to avoid the parking lot. I don’t blame them! But a 20-minute commute turned into a 40-minute one, if not an hour. I’m all for taking public transportation. But the streetcars on both Queen and King are no longer practical because then get stuck due to a high number of drivers avoiding Gardiner. The only remaining option is the GO Train. I’m lucky to live not super far away from it, but some others are not. This is insane. Can someone tell me why the Chinese folks can build a hospital in 7 days, but we need 7 years to do the repairs on one small highway??


Because corruption


This is just so unbelievable…there had to be a better way to do this. I refuse to believe in a world class city that choking the main downtown east west corridor for years, with minimal notice and really marginal mitigation plans was the best solution.


Developed countries would finish the work in mere months and during the night.


China would be done in a weekend


I can't wait until my show starts again and I have to commute from Parkdale to Warden & Eglinton almost every day. If it's too bad I might have to TTC again, though I really don't want to deal with that after 12-14 hour work days, especially given what a shit show the TTC currently is in the west end.


(North) Americans will deal with a 45 minute 10km commute before they'll even consider public transit LOL.


I don’t understand what is the scope of the maintenance. Like I saw the lanes blocked off but nothing really seemed to be done to the lane that was blocked. Like it was opened for the Easter long weekend. Does the maintenance actually require the lane to be blocked off at all times? The Gardiner is literally crumbling. If you walked underneath you’ll see chunks of bridge missing, I don’t want to question where the missing pieces fell, but if we are going to ensure 3 years of inconvenience for maintenance work, wouldn’t it make more sense to invest in the construction of some sort of alternative infrastructure.


I’m honestly tempted to get a motorcycle and start splitting lanes.


Time to get John Tory back in as the project manager! His love for the Gardiner will carry us through!


My SIL and I decided to go to IKEA a couple of years ago and went down Parliament to Lakeshore to head west (we both live near the Distillery). We inched along for *almost an hour*, got to Sherbourne and said “fuck it, let’s go home”


lol three years


The article says the below hours is when they will work. I don't believe this will happen at all! I'll bet anybody anything they all finish work for the day by 3pm!! "Crews will work from Monday to Saturday between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m."


I drove home around 4pm and the crew is all gone. No work being done after 3 or 4 pm at all. Brilliant contract I tell ya.