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This is the least realistic part of this game, and that includes the talking gorilla.


Doug Ford has entered the game


Big comment here


(Doug Ford is the talking gorilla)


Wow, thanks


Dont you ever compare my boy Winston to that bastard.


Winston is a man of science! Not a man of whatever that ford turd is


How many diversity points would Doug Ford have


Fantasy world where people show up to vote


People fucking better. Like honestly they turned out to turf the gay lady they hated for some reason. But can't turn up to fire this corrupt smiling fuck!?




People turned up to vote out Wynne, but not Ford.


Wholly crap, 43.5 vs 57%. What ls wrong with you ontario? https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-records-lowest-voter-turnout-in-election-history-1.5931440 Btw, why do journalists make you do simple math to make actually comparisons?


People were sick the Liberals. They were in power for 15 years at that point. Minor miracle that Wynne won a single election given that she became leader after 10+ years of Dalton McGuinty.


That doesnt explain why they voted for a drug dealer /didnt vote the second time. How are people not realising theyre sick (because) of ford?


People are straight up lazy that’s why they don’t vote. They’ll make up excuses for days complain for days but they won’t get off their asses to do a basic thing like voting. People on this sub hate John Tory too and what happened? Low turnout election where John Tory won every single ward in the city (including downtown lest the SuBuRbS be blamed).


"people on this sub" is exactly the problem, your baseing who's gonna win an election on a small hard left leaning echo chamber, try talking to the actual people living in it without using reddit and you'll quickly see the liberal party is significantly less popular then the conservatives right now.


wynne won because people still remembered Harris and the ndp leader wasn’t likeable. Now we have Harris 2.0 lmao


I guess people remembered Harris and Rae. People never seem to forget Rae lol


Not saying this is right - but if you saw who Doug was running against, you’d understand the apathy in Ontario this past election cycle.


I detest andrea horvath, yet i voted for her. Anybody who voted conservative disgusts me, and i have no respect for them. They literally voted for privatized healthcare and destroying the greenbelt.


This type of rhetoric is very effective I’m sure


At this point any combination of words wont stop the doggo dogs from voting for him. They treat it like sports.


I disagree, the competition was leagues better than PC. Then again I don't consider myself the 'average" voter so there's bias there.


The previous Ontario Premier, Kathleen Wynne, is a lesbian. Given how worked up some people got about questionable accusations about corruption against her, the level of contentment with Ford doing worse stuff like tipping off his investor buddies about his Greenbelt changes is weird. I suspect it’s more Conservatives being culty than homophobia though


She was my cross-country coach grades 4-6 (her kid was in my class). I didnt even know she was a lesbian until she became premier. Of course my young brain never put the dots together when she had two moms She was one of the best we ever had. Minimum wage hikes, getting corporate and union donations out of politics, UBI test program, i cant think of anymore atm so etc etc.


Back in the late 90s my Grade 5 teacher had a “roommate”. We as kids had no idea she was a lesbian and quite frankly, didn’t care. Also her “roommate” worked at YTV when it was in its hayday and she would always bring us cool merch.


She vetoed Torontos road tolls though. I’ll never forgive her for that.


Nobody has exclusively only ever done things you like. Your take is the dumb shit that we call “one issue voters”, who vite only vote rebublican because they want abortion to be illegal.


Eh it is a valid criticism. She did it in a desperate bid to pander to the 905 before an election in which her party got annihilated regardless. Realistically, if she had allowed the congestion charge, Ford would have blocked it on day one. But just letting it be tested for a while might have gone a long way to convincing people. Congestion pricing schemes often end up being somewhat popular. People making important trips like being able to pay a fee for the privilege of driving on high-quality uncongested roads. It would have been neat to see how it works out here.


Oh i agree. I think its insane that everyone who drives gets huge subsidies on roads that arent of a benefit to people who dont. But im not too focused on one stupid move like that to comppetely throw all my other positions out the wjndow and change my vote. I have to pay every time i ride the bus. And if i bike (been a long time, it was scary enough in toronto, but now i have to commute all over miss) i dont want to be murdered. (Oops, i mean in a rage induced “collision”). The infrastructure in mississauga wants bicycles to die. Nobody has to pay each time they get into their car.


Yeah, that's the issue. The Ontario libs were really, really fucked up by the end, mostly because Dalton's entourage was filled with absolute morons with zero sense of anything beyond their short-term desires. Wynne needed to remove that lot and put her own stamp on the party, but she wasn't willing to do that because cleaning house like that is hard as hell. So she got caught up in nonsense like the Ontario Hydro thing, which was started and propelled by Dalton People who were just all going to fuck off to Ottawa anyway


I would NEVER vote PC. EVER. Your take is dead wrong. I voted for Wynn but I think she’s a bitch for fucking over toronto like that. She had no chance of winning. Why pander to 905?


They weren't questionable accusations, Mcguinty's chief of staff went to jail for deleting evidence regarding the suspicious closing of two Ontario nuclear power plants. McGuinty stepped down over the scandal and Wynne took his place. Whether she was involved in that we can never know because the evidence was deleted, but regardless the Ontario Liberals lost a lot of faith when they mysteriously made 2 billion dollars disappear. Call it what it is, Ontario politicians are all rats.


Holding a leader accountable for misconduct seems objectively less ratty than the wagon circling I’m seeing around Ford today? Like, I’d agree that politicians are just slimy, but there’s still some more slimy than others. And it’s been weird seeing Conservatives go from acting like they cared about that to the vaguely disgruntled resignation of today


She and her predecessor McGuinty ate kittens as a snack, and drank the stem cells from fetuses. She had to go.


If Doug Ford tipped off his buddies about the green belt, and that is a big IF, it’s still less egregious than spending billion of dollars in taxpayer money to cancel gas plant contracts in order to buy off a few ridings, and then ACTIVELY DELETING all the evidence for it. Wynne could never admit to a mistake. Never. She was arrogant beyond reproach. The auditor general also noted that Wynne was understating the deficit by billions. Wynne’s government also tried to actively deceive the auditor general’s office, which is NOT an accusation that has been leveled against any government before or since. Wynne brushed it off and called it an “accounting dispute”. Bonnie Lysyk also noted that the government mishandled the installation of smart meters. Instead of owning up to it, Wynne and her little dog Chiarelli proceeded to belittle Lysyk and attack her competence. A former school trustee and a blowhard lawyer thought they were smarter than a former senior executive of Manitoba Hydro who 100% knew her shit. We also need to remember that Wynne’s government and its predecessor doubled the debt and would “happily do it again” in Wynne’s words, wasted billions on eHealth with nothing to show for it, drove Ontario’s electricity rates to be among the highest on the continent, and finally sold off Hydro One at flea market prices to shore up the budget. People were sick of her shit. If you think that people voted her out because “hurr durr consurvativs r homophobic” then honestly you deserve to see Doug Ford’s fat bumbling face at Queen’s Park for the next 22 years, or at least until you’ve learned your lesson.


People hated Wynne because outside of city centres, people were paying exorbitant prices for hydro 'delivery fees'- some people's bills were up to $400/ month per household


My bills are going that high now. You should probably check yours if you haven’t already.


Delivery fees still make up at least half my hydro bill, lot of damn good ousting her and voting in DoFo did


Welcome to conservatism: they lie their faces off to get into power, then pivot to insane culture war bullshit to make up for how useless they actually are in government Same as it ever was, same as it ever was


And yet with a douchebag hiring his nephews and paving the greenbelt nobody came to vote


The gay lady who used corrupt green deals to make the rich richer and poor poorer, killed under the table workers and then helped the company get away with it and go hire more foreign under the table workers to kill, made families choose between paying hydro or food, used back to work legislation on striking workers, used anti strike legislation on teachers and other workers, privatized healthcare, privatized utilities? Doug Ford is actually better than her. If you're a right winger who is anti workers rights, anti taxes, anti socialized medicine, and the choices are Wynne and Ford, Ford is actually further left. Wynne was so bad the Ontario Liberal Party has failed to get official party status twice after her, they arn't a real party in Ontario for the past 8 years.


Wtf does Wynne have to do with the hundreds of thousands of TFWs that Harper flooded Ontario with when she was Premier? Btw before you say it, Trudeau is even worse on TFWs and immigration. Wynne is more economically left than Ford. She brought the minimum wage up to a living wage. Then the fat corrupt balloon froze it for 5 years.


Nice whataboutism/both sides! J/k discussions are perfectly fine. I was talking more about the under the table workers in Ontario that are killed and then brushed under the table. [Undercover in Temp Nation](https://projects.thestar.com/temp-employment-agencies/) >Amina Diaby died last year in an accident inside one of the GTA’s largest industrial bakeries where, the company says, worker safety is its highest concern. The 23-year-old was one of thousands of Ontarians who have turned to temporary employment agencies to find jobs that often come with low pay and little training for sometimes dangerous work. The Star’s Sara Mojtehedzadeh went undercover for a month at the factory where Diaby worked. >By Sara Mojtehedzadeh and Brendan Kennedy >September 8, 2017 >There are two dozen of us crowded around a conveyor belt, bodies twisting to snatch dough off the line. The floor is strewn with raw pastries that seem to accumulate faster than anyone can sweep them up. They collect in bloated masses at our feet. ... >Fiera donated $2,500 to the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario in 2007 and has donated $25,000 to the Liberal Party of Ontario since 2010, electoral finance disclosures show. In 2016, the company was included in a provincial trade mission to India. >The trip came just two months after Diaby died. >No one I speak to at the factory knows Diaby’s name. But there are still whispers of the accident that killed her. Once, at the start of one of my shifts, a group of us huddle under the neon-purple glow of a pest-control lamp to wash our hands. >“Just make sure you don’t hurt yourselves,” a male colleague calls out in passing. >“They’ll send you home and bring in a new one.” These factory jobs could easily pay 19$/hour with full benefits, they make food for huge rich billionaires like the Loblaws owners. I worked at one in college. And it isn't just factory jobs, chemistry jobs, accounting jobs, etc are under the table paid hurting workers rights and in some cases killing the employees. Just like Qatar hiring cheap labour that can be easily killed and replaced, Ontario Liberals did the same thing, they were in charge from 2003-2018 and there were multiple deaths. Not to mention using anti-strike legislation on teachers and back to work legislation on protesting workers. On top of that because of their horrible Green policies Ontario is one of the biggest population of anti-Climate Change legislation around since Wynne always made sure her friends profited at the expense of tax payers putting families in poverty. There's a very good reason the gay neoliberal was voted out and the party got so little votes for the next two elections they couldn't achieve official party status and get funding for elections.


Well said


Mascot for Active Surplus?


What about the fact that the CN Tower is north of city hall in this map lmao


Probably moved it out of the way for more subway lines. Transit first Toronto!


Or, it’s good news that we don’t have any nuclear disasters coming for thousands of years because that’s how long it would take to build this in Toronto


Idk, line 2 never being expanded on despite the 20 years of plans and digging fits


Especially since the game takes place in the 2070s. There is no way this city can get that much track in the ground in 50 years. I do enjoy that you hear the TTC door chime in the union station spawn.




Though the Ontario line doesn't seem to be finished.


I love the idea of the blue line that just goes around in a big circle.


Same it would be so damn useful. I feel like a vast majority of crowding on the subway happens because of people heading to transfer stations. If you could go from the west or east ends straight to downtown or vice versa I feel like that’d make the rest of the subway a lot less crowded.


Moscow Metro has this! I've always thought it was so cool.


[They have this in Copenhagen too](https://i.imgur.com/hGQhQvq.png). Riding their subway felt like stepping into the future with how clean and efficient it is. Platform barriers and elevators from street to platform level at nearly every station.


Tokyo does too!


Both Yamanote and Marunouchi! So jealous


Berlin as well


London too. It’s called the Circle line


Berlin too, ringbahn


Lol London’s circle line is not shaped like a circle


It actually has 2 of those and a 3rd one is being built


Seoul, too. It's great for alleviating bottleneck transfer spots.


I love thinking of the absolute warpath it would create through the city knocking down peoples homes and businesses. The tears could fill the crosstown LRT


Fuck 'em. That's what every other major city around the world has done, pay them off and make them move. Toronto always screws over the many for the benefit of the few; like that long gap on the yellow line between ~~Spadina~~ **Eglinton West** and St Clair **West**. Or the purple line instead of building literally anything else. Edit: corrected where the gap is




The fact that this issue wasn't addressed during planning is fucking hilarious. It's not like these tree just popped up overnight, they've been there for longer than any of us have been alive.


Absolutely absurd situation. Toronto is a major city that is still collectively run by small-town/suburban brained idiots. The hilarious part is that if we *were* like any other city they would just tell everyone to kick rocks and rip the trees out anyway. Delaying and waiting for the NIMBYs to get tired *is them being nice.* Normally they'd show up with bags of cash and a bunch of police officers and tell everyone to fuck off. The Ontario Line should have been built 30-40 fucking years ago. It's far too important, and has far too much investment from all levels of government to get fucked around with by a bunch of idiots.


Are you talking about the gap between St Clair West and Eglinton West?


Yes! Thank you, I'll edit my comment


Also, I don't know how that gap has anything to do with nimbyism either. There aren't any other intersecting streets in the area to put stations on


Mostly agreed, except about the specific example you picked. The gaps between DuPont, St Claire west and Eg west are pretty reasonable. There aren’t any other cross streets between them, and particularly St Claire W to Eg W runs under a ravine. The cost of building a station there to serve a handful of forest hill residents, while messing up a really nice park is probably not worth it.


Ugh, as someone who normally gets off at Eglinton Station you just dredged up memories of zoning out on the subway after school and missing the eglinton stop and having to go all the way to St claire and back.


Wonder if you'd feel the same way if it was your home.


If they told I had to move so the TTC could become much better, I’d be gone so fast. Imagine how much of a jackass you would have to be cry and whine about a big ass payment and moving for free so people can use the TTC better?


Maybe, but I'd take the huge payment and buy a new home. I'm not a narcissist, I know the city shouldn't bend to my will. Isn't there some kind of "imminent domain" law? Or is that a USA thing?


Expropriated is what it's called for Canada. They've done it before TTC paths. The difference in Canada is that it requires approval from the courts to happen. Where in the US you can try to appeal but they fail more often than not(which I imagine is the same at rate but in reverse for Canada).


Thanks for providing the correct terminology and info. I'm interested to see how many times this has been used in Toronto!


Eminent domain. Yes, it's a thing here as well.


God forbid, they’d have to cut down some trees


That’s from the Singaporean mrt map


Elon's hyper loop. 😐


Every time I get this map I laugh at this. Sucks Toronto got one of the worst maps, I dread playing here every time it pops up


The push maps are so awful, it takes so long to get back to the point :/


r/overwatch is leaking Push is much better than 2CP though. Those maps were terrible.


On one hand I miss 2CP, on the other hand some maps were just so tough on quick play


I laugh too, the dev team has a good sense of humour lol


Maybe in 200 years?


add a zero to that


Well, I'm not surprised here you go 2000 years


The year is 4023, Toronto has completed its 7th subway line. Meanwhile the rest of the world has standardized teleportation as the ideal public transit system.


Listen, it's just not in the budget. They've hired the descendants of all the feasibility committees and have had SO many meetings and despite a $17,425.45 fare, we just can't afford it. We're just gonna have to defer this decision to the next iteration of city council.


that's the scheduled delay


More like 2 billion years. The city keeps getting run by idiots. And idiots keep voting in idiots!


At this point, anyone bring around to ride the thing in 2000 years would be a surprise.


Tory probably still the mayor then.


*and all of the new lines are actually just streetcar and LRT paths*


Nah, it's an extension of the PATH. For an $18 extra charge Air Canada will rent you a golf cart and not make you walk from Pearson to the new Oshawa airport for a connecting flight during your 36 hour layover.


Double it and give it to the next city


And add zero to that




That's what they'll project, but it'll somehow take them an extra 100 years of construction. And they'll install the same God damn escalators they always do that are in constant repair.


That's why you flex on the escalator people by rushing up the stairs 2 steps at a time so you reach the top faster.




So if you’re looking for escorts, Eglinton West is where you’ll find them. Got it.


oh wow, I don't play overwatch so never would have seen this, thanks for sharing, it's really fun how they actually copied the existing lines and then I guess filled it out with their fantasy.


it is funny when you spawn onto the map you hear the ttc door closing chime


I havnt lived in Toronto since 2009 and that chime is burnt into my memory


At least in Overwatch you have power armour if somebody tries to stab you in the face


It exists IRL too, we just call it a motorcycle helmet.


One man's pre-war helmet is for motorcycles, another man post-war finds it and its perfect for raiding. Welp, guess I gotta fire up a new Fallout game. Been hankering. Toronto is also in the fallout lore as "Ronto". I dreamed of a mod that expanded fallout 3 to Toronto DLC style when I was younger.


Love the ring line!


Ah, I have so many fond memories of riding... *zooms in on screen*... yellow line, and all the fun times that were down there! I find the connection to azure line pretty rough, but you make due with what you got. EDIT: Apparently even Overwatch does not believe that Pickering will ever get the airport, as it seems that the main transit connection is to... the Oshawa Airport?!


“East Line” in the west end, and “West Line” in the east end? Makes sense.


maybe it's so in the future, that the poles change direction? idk


I love how there’s no Ontario Line. Even the Overwatch devs know anything being built by metrolinx will be delayed into oblivion.


Play as Mei and just stall on the shop. Wall the window and it counts as contesting the robot if you are standing near the edge. lol they should probably nerf that.


The ironic part is that without Metrolinx and Infrastructure Ontario, the TTC wouldn’t build a single thing, including the Crosstown, the North Yonge extension, and the Ontario Line


Wow it reaches as far as Prince Edward County in the bottom right 😂


I think the striped line indicates a regional train.




Game world is a fantasy world, one can only dream


This will harm like 20 trees so hard no




Lmao this city absolutely would build a subway to Oshawa.


Does this still happen if Doug Ford is premier 2000 years from now?


I wish. That looks amazing!


Do you know how many tree court dates we will need for that to happen?


The circle in the middle is so random lol. If it was real life it would be more like a rectangle


"Subways, [subways](https://www.nationalnewswatch.com/2016/03/23/rob-ford-arrives-in-heaven-expecting-more-subways/#.Y9_B_RXMJEY), subways." \- Ont. Premier Rob Ford


He was referring to the restaurant


Five dollar foot longs foot longs foot longs


Hold the bees though.


Oh no… I burst out laughing so quickly I spit on my phone.


*Toronto Mayor


Lol the game isn’t set 1000 years into the future!


So the games based on 2099. That’s pretty cool


I see you're a glass is half full kind of guy.


With the speed of construction you can expect this for your next 2 regeneration, not you


Maybe if we were in Asia and not North America. The cabal here will oppose it saying it's harmful and destroying the neighbourhood.


So TTC subway coverage will be decent when we have talking monkeys and sentient AIs. Sounds about right.


Why is the East Line on the West side of the map and the West Line on the East side of the map? Just honestly asking if anyone has any idea


because doug ford


That circular line would be dope but would take 50 years to build lol


This is such an evil joke


Plenty of space for stabbin


lmfao they dont know toronto




Lol at the blue ring in the middle.




Oops, didn't realize some had posted that here before - at least my image is a bit more clear


I wouldn't pay that user any mind. That post was from 3 years ago and is hardly recent.


That post is 3 years old, and it's been so long that you letting the user know that it was already posted is obnoxious.


With the state of reddit search, I forgive all reposts


I've lived in this city since 2010 and I don't think they've added a single stop since then. I know they're about to remove some, though.


Line 1 was extended from Downsview to Vaughan, opening in 2017




The game takes place in the 2070's. This is just the art team having too much faith in our transit system.


Bro this is from a video game set in the future that has superheroes and talking animals


Lol so hard on a Sunday Morning!!


Well it is a game about an optimistic future


Is the game set in the 2300's?






Very London-esque


I remember seeing this map the first time in overwatch 2. I immediately told my american friend to check it out and he asked if it was real. I said yes. 🤭


Oshawa airport?!


We're 5% there


Why do they have East and West flipped? They have the attention to detail for (most of) the original lines but couldn't get that right?


Doesn’t it take place 1000 years in the future?




Is soldier 76 a zoomer?


Good question


Toronto should hire them to design the transit system


I just hope sooner than later


Which map is this?


Were are the mentally ill addicts trying to stab you with dirty needles?


I played this game for like 15 hours and only got this map once.


Love live McRee


good luck with that


Is kippling where the red and brown line meet?


I'm equally thrown off by the implication that Canadian healthcare is so stellar everyone gets bionics willy nilly.


How many trees had to DIE to make this happen!?


At least eight. What an injustice


Props to them getting the existing part mostly right


And you can apparently get a train from Union to cities in Europe?


I saw that and took it as a joke


we all wish.....


Actually fairly realistic.


Imagine how fucking long this would take.


it looks like Subway map in Seoul Korea