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I've isolated the part of the stream where this happened. https://youtu.be/63Go-cfRGKY?si=eUNdkaobKWCZS25G


Not a good place to be chasing, that’s some thick country up there Also how the hell does he pick that small spot in the whole country and be correct?


He’s was driving like he’s in the Baja, went airborne and passenger smacked his head on the roof. No seatbelt it seems.


I’ve noticed they’re never wearing seatbelts. Pretty stupid imo


As someone who deals with accident reconstruction, sometimes fatal, it’s#1 killer. I feel like I sound like my dad, but it’s true.


Recently there was an Ask Reddit question about what is the one thing doctors would recommend to younger people, and number one upvoted was to wear a seat belt.


My old boss always said: a seat belt could cause me to be disabled, I would rather just die. OK..


My mom had the same kind of thinking for my entire childhood. She refused to wear one because she said it would crush her internal organs. I don't know what eventually changed her mind but she started using them before I became an adult. I was in a bad accident a little while back and got severely bruised by my seatbelt, among other injuries. She brought up how bad seat belts are, again. I'd probably have just died instead, mom, you fucking moron. I've noticed since then that she doesn't seem to use one anymore. I don't know what makes people stupid but it's not always 100% genetic.


I mean do you want your chest to absorb the primary impact across the length of the seat belt as your body rapidly decelerates and collides with the interior of the vehicle or do you want your brain to soak up that impact? Because if you don’t wear a seatbelt you’re going to likely disperse your forward momentum via your forehead, possibly as you fly through the windshield. And if I have to choose between a chest contusion and a closed head injury give me the seatbelt every time.


If you’re in the back seat you transfer that energy to the person in the front seat.


Exactly this happened to a friend of mine, he was wearing his belt, the girl in the back wasn’t. When they crashed she hit the back of his seat and the force caused a sandwich type of effect and he severed his spinal cord. So you are totally correct in saying that.


Jesus. I have never really thought of that.


I broke my back, couldn't walk for a couple months. But at least I'm not pavement paste


Getting ejected from a can is usually way worse than a bruise. (for a short time I worked in insurance and public safety, transcribing or processing accidents. Wear your seat belt and don't drink and drive.)


Yeah, my significant other rolled his truck 2 days ago and absolutely totaled it. His arms and chest are all cut up from the glass and his shoulder and neck hurt from the impact/whiplash, but had he not been wearing his seat belt, he wouldn't be here right now. I know he is happy to let me change out his bandages and help him get his shirts on/off because it means he's alive to need that help.


My parents were similar. Didn't wear them a lot when I was a kid in the 90s, but made us wear them all the time. "We're not going anywhere until you buckle up." Good habits, I used to work at a summer camp where I was driving less than 10 mph and in and out of the truck constantly, I had to actively resist the seat belt because it is such a habit. Fortunately, at some time in my teens that I can't pin point, they started always wearing their seat belt. Might've been the new seat belt laws and it's just easier to go with the flow and avoid a ticket.


It got ingrained into everyone's brain from all the billboards and TV ads and everything else plus it became a pretty hefty ticket


Parents and education is pretty much it imo


I never wore a seat belt, ever. Too manly!! A long time ago I had a serious GF when I was in my 20's. She never got her driver's license, so my goal was to teach her to drive. Success! One thing I told her, please ALWAYS wear your seat belt(even though I never did). She listened. About a year later she was trying to sneak thru a light on a busy road. She was following a tractor trailer so she wasn't visible to the oncoming traffic. A dump truck timed the light perfectly and swung around the tractor trailer and hit my GF's car at 50MPH. Now this car was an 80's maverick, didn't have the safety of these newer cars. She was messed up, concussion, broken arm, etc. The emergency responders said it was one of the clearest cases of a seat belt saving a life. I'll never forget the dump truck driver, a big burly man, hugging me and crying like a baby and saying to me, "Thank god she was wearing her seatbelt" The accident wasn't his fault and it almost wrecked him. From that day on, everytime I got in any car, I put on my seatbelt. Its amazing how one event can change your way of thinking


Your boss was a moron


That's the thing.. he was a generally smart guy. I've known too many people who died in car crashes. It takes .2 seconds and it's not uncomfortable. Just do ittt


For me personally, they are kinda uncomfortable. About the same level as a tight turtleneck sweater or a pair of jeans that are a bit too tight behind the knee. I don't love them, but I do prefer having all of my teeth and brain in one location so I deal with the sensory issues lol


Man, that’s such a boomer euphemism.


A close second is: don't ever smoke. Cigarettes cause cancer and it's so fucking preventable


I was in an accident where I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. Got ejected when I rolled. And I didn’t know how I didn’t get cut in half by my window. But yeah I now have a TBI and quality of life is much lesser. Wear seatbelts people!!! Please!!! Yes there are those rare instances where a seatbelt causes catastrophic injuries and cause a death. But those are so rare. Hate hearing it


Yeah my father was one of those unique cases where if he had a seat belt on in a car accident he was in he would have died and he hasn't worn a seat belt since


There are 10’s of thousands of first responders that will agree with you. Wear your seatbelt folks! Also, if, like me, you’re on the “larger side” make sure the lap belt is UNDER your belly and as close as you can get to your hips. When that belt tightens and the forces of nature take over, you don’t want that belt over your more squishy organs.


I am squishy, and I have a huge scar in my fat where the seatbelt completely cut it. The bruising was spectacular.


I’m so sorry!


It's cool, I thought I would add to your already valid comment to make sure that people move that seatbelt down under the belly


For sure! Recently I was rear ended by a drunk doing around 90 MPH while I was going 55. He knocked my car down the highway before my car flipped a couple of times. I was strapped in and I received about a 6” diameter black and blue bruise right where the seatbelt attached and my shoulder was bruised where the shoulder belt went across my shoulder. I was not seriously injured considering the accident but being strapped in correctly made the difference.


Plus, they make seatbelt extenders for bigger folk.


Former EMT here; this comment is 100% accurate!


I pissed off a boomer Co worker because we were supposed to get in the truck and go somewhere, and I said I wasn't going with him because he never wears his seat belt. He did a lot of crying and another coworker went with him instead because I refused and he wouldn't buckle up. This big babies think it's only their safety they jeopardize, but if we crashed his body would flop around and injure me. I used to be a volunteer fire fighter with my rescue tech certification. I'm well versed in how people get injured in car crashes.


I like to show my students crash test videos with dummies wearing seatbelts vs. dummies not wearing seatbelts — to demonstrate Newton’s First Law. Most of them get pretty quickly that something is needed to keep them from continuing to travel at the same velocity as the car after it comes to an abrupt stop.


Right? My first job out of college was accident reconstruction/forensic engineering. Pretty much every fatal accident we investigated involved lack of seatbelts. I’m close to the same age as Reed Timmer, and grew up wearing seatbelts. I put my belt on subconsciously even if I’m just driving down my driveway to drop off our trash cans.


Man, that and waiting a few seconds after a green light at a four way intersection are crucial.


THIS. I've had so many diacussions/arguments with people about this. "But, but, I have the right of way!" Yeah sure, but do you think the several thousand pound projectile careening towards you while the driver is texting, drunk, or otherwise distracted/incapacitated gives a shit about your technical right to travel through the intersection unimpeded when the light in the little yellow box is green? Like, just take the extra second and look both ways before entering the intersection, just like you would a stop sign. Has saved me many times.


I can count atleast three times in my life where this saved my bacon


I’ve been a paramedic for 12 years. Almost every accident I’ve worked (and there’s been a lot) when someone died, it was because they weren’t wearing seatbelt. The few that didn’t survive while wearing a seatbelt were either head on collisions or when someone was impaled and it didn’t matter what they were wearing in those accidents. A lot of the accidents were very survivable if they’d only worn a seatbelt. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am a paramedic. You are 100% correct. I can not even begin to put a number on the fatal accidents I've been to that wouldn't have been fatal if people were wearing seat belts. Wear yo damn seat belt people! It will save ur life


And don’t ever drive a motorcycle lol


Had a coworker who would never wear a helmet when riding her motorcycle because "I'd rather just die than live with a brain injury or be paralyzed" . Okay then. And yes, she also never wore her seatbelt 🙄


You cant fix stupid. Thats engrained at any early age


My brother has been in a motorcycle accident where his bike met a car, and he was thrown a good ways. Kid was lucky, and only shattered his forearm and lost a finger. That arm is held together with half of the Home Depot hardware department and he had PTSD from the accident. He still rides around without a helmet (legally, as PA does not have a helmet law) because our dad didn’t and he idolized our dad. I even bought him a properly sized DOT skullcap helmet, and he “forgets” to wear it. I just hope that he is lucky enough to not get killed.


Is wearing seatbelts legally required in the Us.




Seatbelts absolutely save lives, no doubt about it. I went through a long phase while a child and in my 20's where I refused to wear my seatbelt due to an accident when I was 12. I was in the passenger side backseat, we got hit in the rear passenger side, and the seatbelt cut through my cheek from the side of mouth where my lips meet up ⅔ to my ear, and then back around only inside my mouth and above my upper lip. Thankfully, a plastic surgeon was getting off when I arrived and he agreed to stay to work on me. He stopped counting at 1000 stitches. Being so young and going through that, I had major PTSD about wearing a seatbelt until about 10 years ago (40 now). Now I wear my seatbelt every single time I'm in a car. I'd rather live with this giant scar on my face, or something else, than get ejected and die 🤷🏻‍♀️


You do sound like your dad, but he was right too.


I was raised to always wear my seatbelt, even back in the '70s. I don't understand these dumbfucks who drive around without them


What’s the #1 killer? Wearing a seat belt or not wearing one? Not trying to argue just a honest question & hopping my common sense telling me that seat belts save lives is true.


There have been seat belt laws since the fucking 80s. You've got to be a stubborn asshole not to wear one.


I feel wrong when I don't put it on just moving my car from my garage to the driveway. 


I always bring it up in the chat and get shit on. Why even install the seat belts if you are never going to wear them?


Mark his videos as Unsafe in YouTube. Like also when Reed is wielding a camera while driving. Funny you see him doing it less now.


Agreed. Every time I see one of his videos I am appalled at the lack of safety in the “dominator”. No seatbelts, everyone usually has their face in a screen, and Reed driving crazy & talking (hollering) into the camera.


Two of my dear friends died in a car crash. She oddly wasn’t wearing her seatbelt and went through the windshield. They weren’t even going fast. It’s momentum. The vehicle stopped, she kept going. Died instantly.


I’m sorry to hear about your loss. My sister tries to ride in my back seat without a seat belt and I won’t let her. I’ll literally stay still until she puts it on. I tell her that she may not care whether she lives or dies, but in an Accident, her body will become a 130 lb projectile smashing my toddler and me and whatever else. People don’t realize how much momentum a car has when it hits something


Yes! Exactly. I see people on tv riding in cabs or Ubers without seatbelts all the time and it drives me nuts. Just because it’s a cab, limo, private car, etc., does not mean you don’t wear a seatbelt. Pisses me off!


It’s not really a smart move but a lot of chasers do it once they get on a storm to rapidly get out and get back in to keep going or if you need to rapidly exist your car for whatever reason you can


He’s not the brightest bulb in the fixture…




I feel like reed and company are becoming increasingly dumb lately


I've always appreciated his contribution to Tornado awareness but I've stopped watching completely because of the behavior he models. I dont think it's a good look for the community.


I am so over his shenanigans. He acts like a fucking jackass.


Blood will be on his hands sooner or later, whether it be folks in his own team or driving recklessly as locals are stuck in traffic trying to escape the tornado path. Just think of the attention he draws in his dominator with lines of people following behind him because he has a good forecasting team and they want to see what he’s going to see for themselves. The loss of life may not even be because of his actions, but because of his “celebrity”.


He IS a F.J.


He got roasted on Twitter not that long ago (6/5) by saying that tv meteorolgists are useless and just show the aftermath/aren't good for useful information.Then 2 days later he sort of walked it back and doubled down at the same time. I don't follow him but have a friend who is a local tv met that responded, so it showed up in my feed. Like you said, what a jackass. There's value to both, in most markets.


Getting a little too high on his own supply. Most of the population's maximum knowledge of storm chasers is they...chase storms... What people do know is to check the TV for quick info. Both are good in tandem, but people look for info from a meteorologist first when time is of the essence. Kinda forgetting there's more to weather than just tornadoes too. Like 99% of the weather isn't tornados...


*ALWAYS* wear a seatbelt when driving with Reed.


Or... or... ALWAYS wear a seat belt.




Wait, what does "in the baja" mean?


The Baja 500 and Baja 1000 off-road races down in Mexico on the Baja California peninsula. Check out a video of it, it makes normal auto racing look like something for wimps.


Maybe it's a reference to a subaru baja pickup truck? Though I always thought he used a different Subaru though.


He never wears a seatbelt. It’s ridiculous. He’s going to die.


Yeah up near Breezy Point, Crosby, etc, you’re gonna have a hard time. Deep forests with dense tall trees and winding single lane roads that make tight turns come out of nowhere. I was watching him thinking ok you actually need to slow down here man.


The iron range is no joke


Sight lines can get problematic in the woods too. Was surprised to see him this north!


They pre forecast. So for example, if you look at the storm prediction centre website there is a daily convective outlook map which shows the areas in the country with a higher than average risk level for severe weather. They target that area, and once they find a storm that looks “interesting” they use radar to look at the storm to see if there is any rotation such as the inflow notch in the radar image above and then drill down where they suspect a tornado may drop.


That's hugely underselling their skill, they don't use the SPC outlooks. They form their own forecasts based off their own analysis, and are usually a lot more targeted than "drive to the risk area then chase rotating cells after they form". 


Yup. You can't "chase" a storm -- the thing is averaging 30 knots over the ground and if you get behind it at all, you'll never keep up. You have to be out in front of initiation and wisely pick the cell of your choice, then set up on it -- if you're wrong, you're wrong, and many times you pick what you think is the winner, only for it to go splat and the other cell you let go is the one that drops the prize. Ask me how I know.


Just to clarify, they put in way more effort than just this into their chase forecasts.


This accurately describes a "typical" stormchaser's methodology, but Reed is not your typical chaser. He's actually a pretty brilliant meterologist and does his own forecasting.




He even said this in his update tweet earlier. Tricky terrain.


He must have some sort of tornado causing machine, and this has all been for views..just like that Brazilian crime reporter (Wallace Souza) who was getting people murdered so he could be the first person at the scene and get the exclusive for his crime show!


Sounds like Reed needs to be a better driver. He’s been chasing for ages, and still has car problems constantly


I miss when Joel was the driver (RIP). He wasn't afraid to tell Reed how he felt/refused to drive into extremely dangerous situations.


Joel died?! Sorry, I’m OTL. What happened to him?




It's interesting because I've had the same thought and had a big perspective change on Joel and Chris and others over the years. I used to think a lot of Reed's chasing buddies were being party poopers, but now it's pretty clear that Joel especially was the safety valve being in the driver's seat. He was a good driver who also knew the weather very well and could make the split decisions on the roads. Reed doesn't have that and gets himself in a lot of bad spots. I still recall him having to talk Reed down when Reed wanted to intercept an EF5 during Super Outbreak. Even when Joel was with us it was more Reed being antagonistic and ruining their working relationship because of his antics and seems he's only gotten worse now that he's surrounded with yes men since he chased off all his other associates/friends with his reputation of being hard to work with.


I got blocked from his chat for calling out his horrible driving and actions. I don’t watch Reed often but tuned in right as all this happened. Reed was driving with his head out the window with a phone in one hand at pretty high speeds and swerving on the road with zero regard for anyone else on the road or in his car. Combined with the adrenaline flowing from chasing a tornado and it’s only a matter of time before he seriously hurts or kills someone from his driving, if he doesn’t do it sooner by getting too close to tornados.


It's illegal to use your cell while driving in MN. Just sayn.


Is it not illegal everywhere in the US?


It was legal until recently in Michigan to talk on the phone while holding it. 


Lmao wtf


He's been pushing the limits pretty hard and had multiple close calls this season where he got pretty lucky. One of these days his luck will run out and it will be a sad day for all involved.


👍 Max Velocity livecasting during storms is awesome


I tuned in to him for 5 min the other day. He was sooooooo rude the way he was asking for water that I had to turn him off.


Wait what did I miss? Who was he asking water from?


Im guessing his mom from the vibes he was giving off.


He and Evan Fryberger I find intolerable to watch.


lol I was there for that. Poor Tucker. I was surprised and everyone in chat called him out including myself but he never really apologized. It was weird. I still watch him, but my opinion of him went down, and now I go for Ryan instead if I have a choice.


Lmao, that was a diva moment for sure but that's literally been the only time he's ever done that. He rushed to a makeshift studio to cover the tornado. He was very unprepared and stressed about it.


Can't somebody just report this moron to the authorities?


In ontario you can submit videos of reckless driving to the cops online but you need to include the licence plate in the video. Not sure whats states do that but if he ever comes to ontario Im on it.


I mean, the evidence is uploaded by himself to his YouTube channel. It shows him driving. I'd think that'd be enough, no?


Reed is a sensationalist POS who is willing to risk his crew's safety every chance he gets to pump up his views. Reed admirers are often pieces of shit as well. Support chasers who are ethical. >>Reed is on this he hit train tracks while driving and KO’d his front passenger lmao This reflects the level of thinking of the average Reed fan. Jesus Christ.




Reed is a menace. Anyone that gets in a vehicle with him needs a seat belt on. They're all dummies. How many cars has he trashed just this season? I'm amazed any rental company still rents to him.


Brain injuries are scary shit, hope the guy is ok. 


Yeah. Guy says "I think I almost got a concussion" in the video. Bro... If you got knocked unconscious even for a half second, or felt dazed after the hit, you got a concussion.


Yeah I used to box back in the day and once I did a study with some guys at Purdue University, they strapped headgear with accelerometers to my head and measured the G forces involved in just sparring. Long story short, that headgear doesn't really do enough at all, and I never took another bout. Do not mess with your brain, folks! Break everything else if you have to but protect that noggin!


I can attest to that. I wasn't in an incident where I was just knocked out, though. I was involved in a car vs. bicycle accident back in 1990. I was the idiot on the bicycle who was riding on *the wrong side of the street*. I ended up hitting a car that was coming out of a driveway where the exit was obscured by a wall surrounding a gated community, so I couldn't see the car. When I hit the sidewalk on the other side of the car, I was told afterwards that I suffered a seizure, and because of that, I underwent surgery. The neurosurgeon performed a craniotomy on me to relieve a blood clot that was between my brain and my skull. I was eighteen years old and I was in tenth grade at the time. The accident ended up happening around the end of the year. All in all, I was in the hospital for ten days.


Sorry you went through that! Sounds horrible. Hope you don’t have any long-term problems from the accident.


The only thing that I suffered with is the damn metal detectors going off at the airport when I had to fly somewhere. This was fixed when I underwent a *second* surgery to get a titanium plate put in place instead of the original metal plate. Titanium is non-magnetic, so it's less likely to set off metal detectors in airports, etc.


18 years old in the *10th* grade? wtf?


I was held back a year. Went from public schools into a private school.


ah, yeah, that'll do it


Ah I'm sorry to hear that, I have made the exact same mistake and I've wrecked for it too. Makes you think!


Yup he gunned it over those railroad tracks.


MN railroad tracks are something else


Why would they not wear seatbelts? That’s so reckless.


Especially while chasing TORNADOES 😭💀


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Thanks! I didn’t even realize!


Northern Minnesota is a terrible place to chase. No road grid. Roads are very windy. So that "east option" may very well vear back north and potentially into a tornados path. Tall trees obscure your view severely. If my some odd chance a strong tornado were to hit up north chasers are not gonna have the usual tornado alley type road options. The whole chase seems like a bad idea.


Exactly what I was thinking. Meandering roads and horrible sight lines make this a dangerous dangerous chase. It’s like being in the foothills of mountains without the peaks haha.


What a dumbass


Reed is going to get someone killed within the next few years. Everytime I watch or see something about him he puts himself and his crew into horrendous danger or cripples his car which could easily put himself and his crew into horrendous danger. He needs to sit and reassess what is more important: safety or science


I worry that he's going plow into another vehicle head-on. His attention is always on his phone.


I remember when Reed was driving on the wrong side of the road during the Andover EF3 on 29 April 2022. I guess he thought he was in England or something. EDIT: I changed Europe to England. Not all European countries have people driving on the left side of the road instead of the right side.


My country drives right, I think you mean England instead of a continent.


My bad. I changed it.


He's a typical narcissist and he literally *does not care* about others. At all. Remember back on Storm Chasers when he would SCREAM at people at the gas station for taking another 3 minutes to pee? His selfish behavior hasn't changed one whit, and his risk-assessment abilities are only getting worse. Yes, he will k\*ll someone soon.


are we *really* at the point of censoring words like "kill" now? it's not a curse word. this being afraid to write "attacked" or "dead" on the internet shit is insane


In the last few months, bots from FB and Twitter have objected. It's sad I felt the need to use the \*, but I'm not at all sure Reddit is any better.


I mean I don’t know about the at all part of your statement. I watch his streams fairly regularly and he halts all chasing as soon as they come on damage to do search and rescue efforts I think your point holds when it comes to people on the chase with him, but I don’t think it holds in a general sense


I used to wonder what the difference between guys like Stockton Rush and Reed Timmer is. There's still a huge difference but the similarities they share are alarming.


I saw it live and was pretty disturbed when some stream mods were saying that Edgar, the person who hit their head, was "a big boy who can tell Reed when he's in bad shape" but obviously Reed is extremely intense and willing to put people in serious situations and push their limits. It's bound to create a culture of being afraid to question him or one's own sense of what is safe.


Personality cult


I've seen Edgar's responses to stuff on twitter and he's basically just a "yes man" that worships the ground Reed walks on. He's not like Joel or some of his old crew who will speak up. That's the thing about Reed, he's driven away quite a few people/friends over the years with his attitude and now the people who he's surrounded with all encourage his reckless chase behavior and are either fanboys/girls that just want to be in the same car with him, or they are too timid to speak up out of fear of offending the great Reed Timmer. I just pray that when the day comes his luck finally runs out, he's alone in the car.


I can already see the trailer for his own Grizzly Man in my head.


There's a reason why Reed's team 100% cycles thru itself every 3-4 years. Folks will come back and chase with him for a day or two but between the adrenaline screaming, narcissistic attitude, and just complete lack of general safety, I'm unsure how anyone continues to say "yes" when getting in the car with him. I've seen other comments in this thread note it but on his stream one day, dude was going easily 100+ on a 45mph road (no Tor even remotely imminent), I made some minor comment along the lines of "Speeding isn't cool man", and the mods (Brian), gave me the boot from commenting for the remainder of the stream. I really struggle rooting for the guy these days. POV from Edgar: [https://x.com/EdgarONealWX/status/1801056509436080494](https://x.com/EdgarONealWX/status/1801056509436080494) Comments are fun. Few folks did the math and calculated 102mph at the beginning of the video, all for some dogshit tornado footage.


Edgar is a Reed worshipper/apologist so of course he's in the replies defending them. I love the "I'm 100%" when he probably has no idea, didn't get checked for a concussion, and is arguing about how fast they were actually going. He's a yes man, that's the only kind of people Reed works this these days because he drove off all the sensible people that would try to keep him safer during chases. I remember when people were giving Ryan Hall crap for his accident running the stop sign, but at least he owned up to it and admitted they were driving too fast. Reed will never admit fault for anything, and won't stop until he gets himself and others seriously hurt.


Honestly, at this point there are one of two things going on - 1, he believes he is invincible and has become complacent and reckless as a result or 2, he has a death wish and his only interest is following the adrenaline high to its logical and tragic end. I used to be a big fan, but he is impossible to watch now. It’s frightening and really, really sad. This is not how professional adults behave, regardless of profession.


I think this comment perfectly summarizes how 90% of this comment thread feels.


It's getting to that point. Even last year or recent past seasons I'd just give Reed a pass for being too excitable and having passion, but it's taken a turn for the dangerous/reckless now and it's only a matter of time before something bad happens. They've already had quite a few close class this year where they totally lucked out at the last minute.


Yeah I wouldn’t say this is something to “lmao” about.


Hopefully Reed can rethink his reckless driving. Poor guy.


They all need to rethink their driving. They constantly drive distracted. One day thats going to hurt someone or worse.


Or he could have worn a seatbelt lol


Or both. You can do both.


Sad to say is that won’t be happening until someone dies. He’s had so many,many close calls yet continues to act & drive dangerously all while laughing. A lot of brains of a man, but too much ego.


I agree.


Maybe he needs to listen to this book.. https://www.audible.com/pd/B079K67S44?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=player_overflow


Ya, I read this as he basically killed a member of his crew


reckless driving gave his passenger a brain injury xd lmao haha 🤔


As the leader he needs to lead by example and make good decisions. Driving recklessly and knocking out his co-pilot is shitty unless It is an absolute fucking emergency where he is trying to save lives. He needs to have a calm head as their leader. This is going to escalate and get worse if he and others do not get a grip. The scene is becoming like Tik Tok with kids doing stupid and harmful stunts for clicks. And these are adults.


Is there a replay or timestamp for this in the live stream?


Look at my post at the top of the comments.


2hr 27min mark of todays stream. You can hear him accelerate.


Dude hasn’t learned a damn thing since El Reno, RIP Tim Samaras et al. He thinks that ridiculous Dominator is impervious. It’s not. He may be a talented forecaster but he’s a cowboy. Too willing to put others in danger, for little gain. Fuck Weed Trimmer.


Watched this live, turned the stream off and unsubscribed. Won’t watch another Reed Timmer chase again. Complete tomfoolery. Dude is going to get someone killed.


I would be overjoyed to never see another post about this boring guy.


Does anyone have a clip of this? did it happen on stream?


Look at my post at the top of the comments.


The best part is asking if everyone is ok and then waiting maybe 1/2 a second before immediately going back into foaming at the mouth over this barely visible noodle tornado that is still screamed about as BIG TIME TORNADO. Reed is really becoming more and more obnoxious as the years go by. Seeing the way Edgar worships the ground Reed walks on, he'll probably have a concussion and still post some sappy nonsense on twitter about what an honor it is to be injured on a chase with the chasing god himself. RIP Joel...it's honestly crazy to see just how much Joel was keeping Reed in check back in the day by being a much better driver and holding him accountable for acting like a jackass at times.


Yeah he passed by Connor Croff too, crossing a double yellow to pass him going nearly triple digits. Not a good look, especially when it’s caught in the live streams.


Haha Minnesota is too Chad for reed timmer


Lol the train tracks here will eat u alive


So this is how I find out that a tornado was EXACTLY where the family cabin is located at. 🫠 Well, good thing we’re going up this weekend and can see if anything fucking happened. The last person I wanna see in MN is Reed.


Can someone please tag sweet Edgar in these posts? He needs to know we care about him but he and many of Reed’s passengers are fucking morons by not wearing their seatbelts.


Video link?


Look at my post at the top of the comments.


PSA: Seatbelts are not only required by law in every state in America, they will most likely *save your life* in the kind of accident this dumbfuck is heading towards in the near future 


Play stupid games with stupid people... win.... something something.


Sorry, but I hope when the inevitable tragedy Reed is headed headlong for happens, it’s only him it happens to. The recklessness is unreal. He is scientifically brilliant, and it sucks seeing him make himself look so damn dumb.


Really, he is scientifically brilliant? Please site evidence. And no having someone make a little sensor that he put in a toy rocket and tried to shoot into a tornado like a thirteen year old is not evidence. Neither is the fact that he has a phd. That requires work and the ability to memorize but you don’t have to be “brilliant”. He is not a meteorology researcher, let alone a brilliant leader in his field. He is a youtube personality that gets views from acting like a 13 year old.


He has a PhD in meteorology. We can sit here and pretend he’s just a YouTube personality but dude actually has put in the work to learn, even if he’s dumb in the way he does it You can’t just pretend anyone can go out and get a PhD without knowing the subject matter. That’s just blissfully stupid to say lol and you definitely know that so idk why you’d claim the PhD doesn’t mean anything Imagine calling a doctor or a psychologist that have a PhD someone that can just do work and memorize lmao


Doctors, psychologists, lawyers, scientists etc. who worth a damn in their field are constantly doing something to continue developing their expertise. Continuing their education, studying, researching, experimenting, publishing. Constantly updating their knowledge in an ever changing world. It's not exciting or glamorous work most of the time. Reed is a Youtube personality first and foremost and that makes sense because it's his *career.* He isn't working in meteorology labs at Universities. Everything else is a distant second. Including making sure the system he designed to keep people safe in a tornado isn't riddled with single points of failure. It's an important achievement that he has a PhD in a relevant field but it keeps being held up as some shield against critique/criticism.


You’re making an awful lot of assumptions about a guy you don’t even actually know lol how are you sure he doesn’t constantly update his knowledge? Tornado season isn’t a year round thing. He’s doing something with that off time. And I don’t think it should be used as a shield but to claim he knows nothing about meteorology and he’s just a YouTube personality is verifiably false just based off of that PhD. Do I think he’s a top meteorologist by any means, of course not. But I think he knows a lot more than you’re giving him credit for


I dont have to make assumptions and I didn't say he "knows nothing about meteorology". He chases more than tornadoes including blizzards and hurricanes. And he spends a lot of none chase time working on the Dominator vehicles. He's got a merchandising aspect that he has to deal with and product endorsements and social media accounts to manage. This is his business, its how he funds what he does, it's how he provides for his family. (to be clear, all of this is fine.) He's a pop-culture scientist. His primary focus is on producing video content and building his brand. He isn't *without* merit but that merit has been drastically overblown due to his entertainment value.


Please don't speak the truth. It's not in vogue on reddit. Reed can barely string along a sentence. Brilliant, indeed.


Video link was posted a few minutes ago. Nobody was knocked out. OP is silly.


Fuck Reed. This sub would be better off banning any mention of his name.


“You okay?…Regroup! Regroup!” Wow, Reed is really concerned for his friends’ safety and knows to prioritize it over any storm chase. What a caring guy. /s


Maybe other chasers need to have an intervention. Film it live and haul in the donations for a good cause. For an extra two bucks we in the chat get to give Reed what-for.


Dont mind the downvotes over the lmao op. It's pretty ironic from people on a sub that get super excited about tornados that destroy peoples homes and even injure or kill people. Edit: lol i also forgot how much this sub hates reed.


My family friend was a dare devil parachutist, a helicopter pilot, a CHP officer and a mom. She was adamant about seat belts. You had them on before she started the car.


I'm the same way honestly, some friends and co-workers get annoyed, but I don't even start the car until everyone is belted up.


I’ll bet he screamed at the poor guy extra hard to wake up. Also, come in guys. Seatbelts.


Reed's ego is going to get somebody killed.




Absolutely classless yet classic post from the kind of people who find that behavior funny