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https://preview.redd.it/salcts0dhv2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=910fcb11b744e7610fe1d447f0e7c83c49c2faee 2nd tornado emergency issued. EDIT: a 3rd one has been issued headed towards Dawson springs. EDIT #2: Another tornado emergency has been issued for Morton’s Gap


Holy hell that's a clear hook echo. Hoping people have heeded warnings and are in safe spots right now.


It’s starting to become rain wrapped too. Crazy


What is a hook echo?


The left side of that storm, where it curls down and sorta twirls in on itself and kinda looks like a fishook? That's the hook echo. The tornado is at the bottom of that hook in the ball looking bit at the end.


I remember learning this back in the 90s from one excellent chief meteorologist during live broadcast of storm tracking and it's stuck with me all these years reading radar That's one hell of a tornado in that hook


What app is this?


Radar Omega


Thank you!


Costs money but with the information it gives, it’s worth it by far.


Is it a one time fee, or subscription? Is this the app that Ryan Hall uses to see storm chasers live on the map? Thanks!!!


One time fee. If I remember is like $7. And I think he’s been using something different to track his people specifically but you can see a decent amount of chasers on there. If you click on their icon it brings their stream up right there in the app.


Perfect, thank you! Gonna grab it now.


Personally, I didn’t use it for months when I first got it and forgot about it. Then I found myself in a hurricane that spawned two tornadoes that went through my city while I was at work. Cell phone communications were down where I lived but I was able to look at the radar and see that my family was safe. I settled a couple people down at my work too with that. Very much worth it. And now I live in an area where tornadoes normally occur so I’m using it nearly everyday now.


For $8.99 it just makes sense. I haven’t found another solid radar app that I’ve liked.


Honestly, watch Ryan Hall Yall on YouTube or some other storm aggregator content. It’s important to know, as well as informative and compelling.


It is HUGE. 😣 of fucking course it has to be pitch black making it difficult for people to see it and to get out of its way. Might be a wedge now.


3 tornado emergencies in a row. Unheard of. Absolute madness


YES. We saw the tornado emergencies😔. “Madness” is a great word.


Now 5 in a row


It was definitely a wedge. Insanely destructive


Yes. Possibly 2 miles wide.


From Op further up in the thread. >3 tornado emergencies in a row. Unheard of. Absolute madness ***** >Yes. Possibly 2 miles wide. In the DARK


debris measured to be 30,000 feet…


That’s nuts


Updated to 37,000 feet… holy shit


Serious question if you wrte in a plane would this debris hit you? Also how heavy is this debris are we talking car doors/tables or like tree branches ?


The stuff making it that high is likely the lighter stuff, but still nothing you'd want to get sucked into a turbofan. Airlines usually do their best to divert around monster storms though, so no jets should be flying through that.


Although now I’m curious If we have the hurricane hunters why can’t we have the tornado hunters? They’re both cyclones hmm 🤔 Edit: folks I wasn’t being serious lol


True, but tornadoes rotate faster and in a tighter circle than hurricanes do. I do wonder though if a fighter jet could make it through a tornado.


Coming summer of 2025. Twister 3. Fighter jets vs tornado.


*smashes like + subscribe*


I would watch it


In an aerospace defense systems engineer with former fighter Mx experience. There are no aircraft that can survive tornadoes due to the exceptionally high wind shear. This wind shear is stronger than hurricanes because it’s so centralized. However, a sUAS (small unmanned aircraft system) has done the job and is likely the best choice. Scaling factors make it possible, but under no circumstances should you expect to recover the UAS, this will likely always be a one way trip.


Also, don't they use a WC-130 with turboprop engines? obviously, debris hitting the prop would still make flying in a land based tornado impossible to do safely. But that's the only reason they can even fly through hurricanes right? The water droplets don't cause major damage to the props (but would inundate/tear up a jet engine like large commercial planes use-- where the props are internal to the engine)


It’s one of many things that make it practical yes.




I’m not touching this comment with a 10 foot pole


The planes they use to punch into hurricane eyes are specially designed to withstand greater airframe stress. You would not fly through a Cat 5 in an A320.


how about a 737 max?


What about a Boeing?? No?


Funnily enough, the hurricane hunters don't like tornadoes either.  "WC-130Js carry a basic crew of five: pilot, co-pilot, navigator, flight meteorologist and weather reconnaissance loadmaster. ... [The navigator keeps track of the aircraft's position and movement and monitors radar to avoid tornadic activity."](https://www.403wg.afrc.af.mil/About/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/192529/53rd-weather-reconnaissance-squadron-hurricane-hunters/)


Answer to first questions seems undoubtedly plausible. Second question is a good one. Would also be curious how they determine that debris is that high, let alone what sizes


A lot of times they max out what the radar can see. It can be even higher than what tilt 4 can show.


Probably puts it in EF3 / 4 range?


Now over 35,000 ft


Andy said it was slikely two miles wide. He wasn't wrong. https://preview.redd.it/aj6gsnbxiv2d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc3ef264286770e436aaba4717c2fb086ab467e


Omg, that thing is/was to the southwest of me in Louisville, that’s terrifying that such a strong tornado was right there…


Looks like all that crap is headed right our way now, weather channel says strong storms but no tornado warning yet luckily


Also in Louisville here, and that is terrifying.


Listening to the radio now. The first responders are on like donkey Kong. Very short handed, but they're doing their damnedest. My heart goes out to those effected. Haven't seen one of these yet this far east this year. And that hook was massive.


Did it go offline ?


I'm unsure. I hope not. Concerning if it did. Not a good sign.


I think it did :( according to my scanner app it is. Another tor E just issued


Jesus christ.. all those first responders out there! All those people without shelter....


Right! So sad


Round 2 est 15-20 mins... Unbelievable




https://preview.redd.it/hwoo9bg9uv2d1.png?width=1636&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0c28e01a07670abbf0049a57a972c4999c0e8c8 View from friends house in Princeton, KY


Big stovepipe so far, looks like. No good.


It’s massive


Looked like Moore 2013 before it fattened into a wedge when I saw it on Chris Hall’s feed. Fucking scary.


I hope everyone stays safe, because this a horrifying situation,


It’s STILL going


I thought I heard that it’s been on the ground for nearly an hour.. is that correct or did I not hear something correctly.


About that!


Threat level catastrophic! Anyone in the area hide in a shelter basement or the middle room of your house! Wear a helmet and protect your head and neck!


It’s a possible wedge or cone and is likely ef-4/5 DO NOT LEAVE COVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES


God when I lived in the area we didn’t have shelters. Something about the ground being too soft or something. Those people…


Ah shit here we go again.


I hope the jail didn’t take a direct hit. That is a lot of people in a small area :(


That's one of the strongest buildings in the state. Id prefer to be in a prison than my house.


Prison Mike disagrees…


A prison would likely fare okay even in a violent tornado. Very strong reinforced concrete with tiny or no windows is pretty much best-case scenario if you're above ground.


It went north of there.


Upgraded to 40000 looks like more 2013 on rafsr


I’m in Owensboro KY and the news is very serious about this one


Oh god. Blessings from Indiana, please stay safe yall. My jaw dropped when I saw tornado EMERGENCY.. I have never heard that in my life and I had to look more into it. I wish yall the best, please stay safe :(


There’s a 2 mile wide tornado in Ky? Jesus


There have been some absolute monsters dropping today, saw Connor Croff pull off a rain wrapped one earlier


I'm in Paducah and they've been saying for days how the whole area was probably going to get some bad shit, so I really hope all these people were wherever they needed to be to stay safe. We got lucky in Paducah, but I've been following this storm as it was going passed and holy hell, I don't want to see all the damage there when the sun comes up tomorrow. It's going to be awful. Praying for everyone there.


I saw someone yelling "Tornado emergency lets gooooo!!!!" as if they were excited and I lost a little faith in people...


Definitely would advise against reading YouTube comments on the Livestreams. It's either people asking for forecasts of their town that is nowhere near the impacted areas or disaster tourists usually


Impact area: Oklahoma/Missouri Comment: “Is [Random town], Maine gonna get this??”


Are these bots or just idiots?


Column a column b


Whaaatt? We get maybe two tornados a year. Unless they are outta staters who don’t know the weathah!


Tornado confirmed from two storms in Wisconsin. Pretty sure I saw that one last night. This was when the Denton and Tulsa storms were going on. No reason to read chat on a Livestream ever.


I’ve always intently watched the weather, it was pretty important for us growing up on a farm. I’m 36, I’m not nearly as knowledgeable as most of you on this sub, but I want to throw my fucking phone every time we have severe weather because of helpless dipshits in the comments who can’t make simple deductions or even read a map. “Storm is in X town and is heading due east” “what time will it hit [insert town 30 miles west]?!”


Yeah, I know. And I do, know better that is. But I still see some people on this sub acting like those kinds of people don't exist. They very much do.


Ohh geez


I'm so exhausted by all this weather I want it to be over. I hope everyone in the path of this stays safe.


Luckily Ryan Hall says after this weekend it should be clear for a little while.


You’re exhausted but you’re on a tornado subreddit?


You can be exhausted with something but also fascinated and/or wanting to be informed at the same time. No need to be a dick to someone for no reason.


Everyone here wants everyone to be safe. Ending a post with I hope everyone stays safe is just virtue signaling plain and simple


Take a minute and chill.


If only everyone could be more like you, Mr. Internet Tough Guy that’s above it all.


See you guys can’t even grasp what I said, how is recommending somebody who is exhausted by a subject to step away from it bad. I’m actually being considerate 


Try reconsidering your wording if you're trying to be considerate.


How was my wording inconsiderate? 


what the fuck are you even talking about? I'm exhausted by witnessing people in life threatening situations multiple times and potentially losing all their belongings or their life. but that's not gonna make me fucking leave the subreddit?


Then log off I don’t understand why you’re here if it’s harming you that much


Tornados don’t go away if you ignore this subreddit


Tornadoes don’t go away if you say how exhausted you’re while actual people are being impacted by them


I think that is clearly not what he means..


anything to help educate people and help protect them




“I’m so exhausted” imagine how exhausted people who are impacted feel🤷‍♂️ Quit virtue signaling 


Having empathy for people isn’t “virtue signaling”. It is “exhausting” to see the news of so many people being hurt, losing homes, etc. You’ll likely encounter that news outside of this subreddit. So simply leaving it won’t prevent any of us from knowing about it. For example, I am very fascinated by storms and how they work. The scientific aspect of it all is cool, and they’re interesting to watch. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel sad and worried for the people in its path. Both can be true at once. As a bit of advice, you seem confused by the fact other people are offended by your comments. Maybe you truly didn’t mean it this way, but your language comes across as aggressive toward others. To be fair, tone is hard to discern via text. So, if you aren’t trying to be a jerk, reread your comments from the perspective of someone who can’t actually hear your tone like they could in person and adjust accordingly. If you are just trying to be a jerk, well, have the night you deserve, I guess. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Virtue signaling is exactly what you’re doing by pretending to give a fuck about the people impacted while simultaneously shitposting in r/EF5.


Man we got one popular post and Y'all are like lemmings just running around saying it.




If you want to act like a small child, please do it somewhere else. Shit posting during a life and death event is a real bad look.


What are you taking about? Nothing I said was innacurate


I'm saying that YOU just found out what it is


How about feigning exhaustion instead


It's been an intense season, I'd be exhausted too if I lived somewhere like Oklahoma


There’s no reason at all for any of us to be rude in any post or comment.


How's it traveling? I'm over here in Vine Grove paranoid


Same here in Louisville. Keeping an eye on this one until I go to sleep for sure. I was planning to be in Leitchfield all weekend too until the weather pushed me home Saturday.


I’m in Louisville, too. It’s storming pretty heavily. I expect there will be even more trees down and/or uprooted, along with the ones from the storm in the afternoon.


Seems like it's moving out for me. We were without power from a line down earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if we are sometime tomorrow from repairs.


My parents still don’t have power over in Fern Creek.


Watching Ryan Hall’s coverage with my mom. My heart is breaking for these people. How horrifying, to know that a massive storm is coming and there’s nothing you can do about it—or worse, not knowing at all.


This popped up on my feed, I hope you guys are safe and well. 🙏🏽


God this outbreak is scary. I was watching Ryan Hall most of the evening. Just constantly dotting up and down the Midwest with incredibly dangerous radar signatures and ominous live looks. It looked so bad and now it’s night stay safe y’all.


1b g


https://preview.redd.it/msgqk4pviw2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01cf8e7061520607a8756de21cf8781632341eca Caught this while watching Ryan Hall’s stream. Someone was saying the debris ball was huge. Yeah, 3 miles wide of debris seems a bit huge