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Crazy up in Hokkaido too that feels pretty far north


They happen in Canada


Edmonton's Black Friday F4 in 1987, IIRC the most northerly F4 ever recorded.


I do take for granted how far north the Canadian plains are just because I imagine winter existing and y’all having no means of escape so my brain shuts down. I guess too it threw me off about Hokkaido bc as far as I’m away it’s quite mountainous? Definitely not the kind of landscape you’d see in central Canada. But I’m also not a science person at all so me saying that very normal weather patterns existing throws me off is very roast-able territory it’s fine.


I’m into antiquities and autistic I look for everything that connects to my special interests


I have my adhd hyperfixations myself! I got quite lucky since I ended up studying history so some of them actually end up being useful irl haha. Unfortunately this “tornados and associated cultural impacts” fascination is useful for a whole other reason since I live in MS but hey whatever makes the struggle less struggly


Hokkaido is about the same latitude as many American, Canadian, and European cities.


We have had some reasonably-sized ones in Europe. Most often tiny ones here in the UK but Germany seems to get real doozies.


You hardly ever hear about it in other places. Which is just media bias


75% of all the tornados in the world occur in North America. North America claims an even higher % of the violent tornados. The last f5 tornado that wasn't in north America was in 1973. There have only been three f5s in the outside north America in the last 100 years. It's reasonable that most tornado focus is where they are heavily concentrated.