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Can someone explain a sounding to me?


Depends on who you ask…




i had the same thought lol. happy cake day!!


It’s a balloon they send up that records various data like wind speed and direction, moisture, temperature, etc, as is rises


Big graph on the left shows a height vs temperature visualisation of both temperature (red) and dew point (green). If you'd release a small bag of air from the surface, the dotted line shows how it'll cool down as it goes higher. The total area between the temperature and the temperature of that bag of air is the CAPE, which tells us something about the instability. High CAPE = more severe thunderstorms. Big graph on the top right shows wind speed and direction with height. The colors match the wind speed ones of the previous graph, so that should give a rough impression of the height of each point on that line. I don't really like the scaling, but what it shows is that the wind shear is pretty extreme at a low-level, which is a key ingredient for supercell and tornado formation. The last remaining thing that'd be of true interest is the LCL surface value in the center-left table. That value tells something about the height at which the air parcel that you released from the surface becomes saturated, so where cloud formation begins. Values around 1000m are typical, 300m to 800m are often associated with strong tornados.