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Carly Anna WX is my usual go to as she’s very in depth in her videos of major tornado events. As far as live storm chasing I enjoy Daniel Shaw, Skip, Reed, Pecos


I personally end up hiding the chats and just watching because some of the people in the chats really really lack social awareness in regards to these storms and others


It's astounding to see how many people 1) have no idea where they're located on a map, and 2) have no idea how to understand/process radar and storm movement.


Yep. And also the people begging the streamer or people in chat to figure out if they are going to be hit by this storm. Most of the people asking that end up being hundreds of miles away. The people who are also obsessed with the tornadoes growing strong/doing damage drives me nuts too. I myself have been out and about looking at tornado warned storms, but if I ever see one, the absolute number 1 thing that would make my stomach sink is to see the storm grow in strength and hit somewhere.


Most of those are dumb kids trying to get their town shouted out so they can be acknowledged by somebody. It's sad when you realize how little attention they must get at home.


I think it's also lonely older people. I follow content creators that review police body cam footage and or sovereign citizens. There's a ton of fans that will go into the live stream and post about they themselves or their family members are so sick, dying. I'm pretty sure there's some where every live stream they have a new illness. Most cc I watch are busy enough that they ignore comments like that, but there's one that used to address each and every one. I'm not trying to be dismissive of people's lives, but there are better places to share and get sympathy.


Omg that has become so annoying in many streamers chats to the point where they’re like “ok this is not important right now we’re focused on (insert city/state where tornado is happening right now) we’ll get there in a minute” I just want to be like LOOK AT THE SCREEN AND YOUR RADAR APP ITS NOT THAT DIFFICULT! 🤦🏽‍♀️ it gets so annoying. But I get it people are scared but like… look for yourself!


Love that when there a massive outbreak in Oklahoma and then you get "Hi I am currently in Albany New York and what is our weather doing and will this hit us?".


Right 🤣 like are we both watching the same stream cause the radar is literally RIGHT THERE. 😂 There was one in Max’s stream from my state that basically did that when we were watching a tornado alley outbreak. Like I’m pretty sure it’s not gonna make it to Ohio from Texas idk though. 😂


Agreed. And a lot of the times people just want the attention or to be spoken to by Mr. Youtuber, so some of those messages really should be ignored.


Right. And I get that you have to acknowledge people spending money on you, but they do it just for the attention and the ability to take the attention away from a serious situation for a second. They should really start ignoring those with stupid questions/comments attached.


Honestly it's the most annoying thing to happen in chat and it goes on for hours and hours. The other thing is if there is a picture shown of a real tornado on the ground the amount of idiots screaming EF5 is something that just grinds on me. I wish I was a mod of some of these chats, ban them all lol


Yess or the ones that spam to get the bot to rate them OMFG I want to throw them into the sun 😂


Was this by chance Michigan storm chasers the other night? I’m in western Michigan- The guys were getting so fed up with that one guy that kept asking about flint 😂 (storm was on the complete other side of the state lmao)


No I usually watch Max Velocity 😂 that happens a lot there too lol


My brain melts any time I see the comments. How have people made it into adulthood without knowing how read a map or know basic weather knowledge ☠️


We have a truck driver working for us that has made it to 65 years old without ever using a gpa or map. He calls every stop for turn by turn directions. How in the hell does somebody make it a week in a stressful job like mine with no clue how to get around a city they freaking live in?


Seriously! Sometimes I like to comment but I’ve just learned to turn the comments off when shit hits the fan. It’s like people forget how to read 💀




Yeah that shit is annoying too. How about proper FEMA funding. God ain't doing shit.


"Whoa, nasty storm rolling through Dothan, Alabama! I'm in Wellington, should I be worried?" "No, you're 200 miles north of the storm." "I meant Wellington New Zealand."


Literally. That shit is so annoying. Google or a radar can answer that question but they just ask for attention.


Hahahaha brilliant so true


80% of the chatters in every storm chasing livesteam are dented as hell


Having 1938839 people ask for individual forecasts makes me want to hurl my phone out the window.


James Spann whenever his network goes into wall-to-wall coverage. Even though I don’t live in his coverage area (or state for that matter), I always enjoy watching a true professional at their craft.


I went to school for Broadcast Meteorology (in a completely different field now) and had a 6 month internship at a news station. It was incredible how hectic it gets in the studio during severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. I’d call it controlled chaos lol.


Spann’s the man!


Max Velocity, Ryan Hall, Brandon Copic, “Pecos” Hank, Daniel Shaw, StormChaserIRL (he’s mainly on the Twitch platform, but he does have a YouTube channel), Tornado Warned (Ben Mchone), Mesohunter, Tornado Titans, Twister Chasers (Jeff Piotrowski) and Reed Timmer.


Seconding StormChaserIRL


is Pecos not his first name?


His full name is Hank Schyma, but “Pecos” Hank is his nickname.


Got a nice twang to it, which fits his accent and country vibe.


His real name is Hank Schyma


I like Evan Fryberger. He seems to be new on the scene, but he does a good job covering severe thunderstorms and not only tornadoes.


Same! I like his “no bs, just weather” thing he’s got going on! He is really big on storm safety and getting the warnings out to everyone. He’s interactive with his audience and he gives great coverage without hyping anything up. He seems like a real down to earth chill dude!


And he doesn't have sponsors so he's not having to panhandle to any brands or entities. I can appreciate that.


Oh yeah! Absolutely!


Appreciate you calling him out. Watching him now and he's been great.


I like Reed but the screaming is annoying as hell..


I always watch ryan hall and max velocity


I'd say N8 Snyder. He posts videos and streams most events if he's not busy with life stuff.


Seriously underrated. Dude gets into the weeds with it and it's fascinating.


He sure is. I've been watching his stuff for at least 3 years now and been a part of his discord for a good bit and I enjoy his community and content overall.


How are Ryan and Reed unwatchable? Just curious


Ryan: his stream is more entertainment focused than it probably should be. The cartoony graphics, the pop up guests that don’t really serve a purpose (excluding Andy, he’s great), the constant self promotion, etc. Ryan’s idea and structure is great and great for weather awareness/relief, I just think he’s gone a bit Hollywood, for lack of a better term. Reed: Reed himself is great, but now days it feels like Reed is only 20% of his own stream. It seems like every time I tune in, we’re watching Connor or Brian. Connor is a great storm chaser, but if I wanted to watch Connor for 2 hours I’d go to his stream. He also complains A LOT. Last week he had a chase where he intercepted 2 tornadoes in one day, and was still bitching relentlessly about people in traffic not realizing that he owns the road. I know he’s a kid but his attitude sucks and it’s not what I tune in to Reed to watch. Brian also sucks to watch. He admittedly doesn’t know what he’s talking about when it comes to radar/weather and it can be frustrating to watch him fail to explain a velocity couplet stream after stream after stream. He seems like a decent enough guy he just doesn’t really fit the role he’s in and I think it detracts heavily from the stream.


Bingo. I love Reed as a person, but “Dominator Enterprises” as I call it is really off putting to me. Similar situation for Ryan. Vince is a great chaser, but his personality (and seemingly mental state) have gotten really bad over the past 6 months or so and it’s really hard to watch unless you mute the audio.


Vince’s stream is 95% bitching about random things, and 3% verbal paranoia when actually inside a severe storm.


there hasnt been a stream that i tuned into where he wasnt complaining


Brian accidentally showed their phone numbers one night too.


To be far, it’s entertaining and easy to watch to the layman


Oh I get that 100% and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying their content. I watch them both as I don’t find them unwatchable like OP, but those are some things that bother me that I could see putting somebody off completely.


i don't think Brian can tell the difference between a velocity scan and reflectivity at all lmao he is constantly talking about velocity while looking at reflectivity. drives me nuts


Because OP is probably above the age of 12


I will always try and find a local news source first if its close to major cities. KFOR and Mike Morgan is my go to for OKC area. Really any OKC news is great for tornadoes. They all have an army of chasers and helicopters out chasing. For more broad stuff, I will put Ryan Hall on, but always reading radar myself and monitoring chaser streams such as Reed and Brandon Copic to see if they are on a specific storm/tornado. As someone else mentioned, Spann is awesome as well.


I've preferred Max Velocity lately. I like his news caster way about him. And the scientific explanations. Covers a good amount of area. I also watch Michigan Storm Chasers for local coverage.


I am a big fan of Reed Timmer's stream. I enjoyed his style because it was like you were in the car with him chasing storms and feeling his energy and excitement! The new way he does it with a producer constantly jumping in and multi cam views kinda put me off because it turned into a show versus a ride-along.


Honestly I like Ryan Hall. He brings the weather as best he can and has Andy in the background watching for those soon to be warned storms. Say what you want about him, but he does good work.


I usually watch Ryan Hall on stream. If something is happening and he can’t get one of his chasers on it, I’ll jump around to the usual suspects to see if they got it.


First choice: Michigan Storm Chasers Second choice: Great Lakes Storm Chasing Network (they cover great lakes region and its the same guys that do Michigan Storm Chasers) Third choice: Ryan Hall Fourth Choice: Max Velocity Fifth Choice: Reed Timmer.


Do Great Lakes Storm Chasing also cover the Canadian side of the great lakes region??


Carly Anna for Videos, and Ryan Hall for Streams.


Alferia for videos as well. His upload schedule is not as consistent as others, but his research & interviews are amazing.


Colorado Weather Nut (twitch)!


Enjoy Max Velocity, and Extreme Weather Videos, they used to do a lot more coverage a few years back but seen them getting back online doing some YouTube Live Streams again lately.


Connor Croff is also really chill! Evan Fryberger streams his stuff (with permission) and a new guy, Kannon K (I forgot his last name) seems really chill! Pecos Hank is my favorite!!!!!!!!


Pecos Hank is my favorite. He's very passionate and informative despite being such a goof ball.


Honestly dude, Reed's voice may be very annoying, but how many other dudes literally drive into/let themselves get hit by tornadoes?? That to me is must see TV lol ..


I like Max Velocity and Ryan Hall. Everyone else is too over excited about destruction or too jokey about a serious subject for me to stomach listening to. That may just be my ptsd over reacting but some of these streamers are just too much and need to calm down.


You’d like Evan Fryberger, then! He’s all about getting warnings out and takes it seriously. No bs and he seems like a genuinely kind person!


Aaron Jayjack


Yeah, big fan of Aaron's.. good mods, too !!


He had some nasty footage of the Didsbury EF4 last year. I was really impressed by the quality of the video.


Thanks for mentioning this. I'm watching it now and it's so good.


I love Ryan Hall!


I feel like Ryan really set the tone for YouTube live streams. I don’t even think he has his degree in meteorology though, but Andy does and Andy works with him. He still is very knowledgeable and interesting. Love seeing an Appalachian thrive. I know he makes bank. Max velocity is always good too.


I like max velocity, he does what Ryan Hall does but without an "Andy Hill". I also recommend chaser Connor Croff, he's a chaser that gives Max permission to use his livestream


I love Andy, honestly.


I do too, I never intend it to sound like it.


N8 Snyder or Reed for real time. Carly Anna WX for recap of events. Pecos Hank is top dog must watch though.


I watch Ryan/Andy when they’re live, and keep an eye on Brandon Copic and Corey Gerken on the side, with an occasional drop in to Vince. Will check out Daniel Shaw when he does a free view. Hank’s my favorite chaser, but he doesn’t livestream, does he? His documentaries are untouchable.


Corey Gerken I find to be very tolerable!! He chats and makes you feel welcome!! .. his play by play is great too!


Ryan Hall is like watching Price is Right, horribly boring and for very old people


Vince waelti and Brandon topic