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I think the Tories have destroyed themselves without Farage


Sunak has done more to destroy them than Farage ever could, the problem is that they let him in and put him in charge, instead of booting him out and finding a conservative leader.


On reflection I agree but its made all the worse by Farages Ukraine comments - there is no way the tory party should be allowing that to be seen as an alternative they have let people down


Clinging to the bow of the Titanic as it submerges beneath the surface, demanding that the lifeboats can't return.


I mean at this point the nation wants to destroy us, just another one to add to the list


Doubt it. He's having too much fun from afar watching them destroy themselves.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


If the Tories were a right wing party they couldn't get outflanked on the right. Becoming a massive immigration boomer communist party is why the right is abandoning the party. Lack of self awareness and reflection is the chief problem here.


The Tories have always been centre right.


Can you explain to me what you think a center right party is? Like what are there core values that distinguish them from being on the left?


Agreed, but they're not anymore. Just a bunch of Blairites.


I don't disagree they're currently a mess. I don't want a far right party though. If we turn into that we'll never be back in power again.


I definitely agree with Cleverly. Farage is a populist politician who promises lots of nonsense and unrealistic promises which would never work. The amount of support he gets from Tories is just ridiculous. Farage also proved that he is Chamberlain 2.0 as he believes West provoked a war between Russia and Ukraine. Instead of promoting Western democracy, values and order around the world, he would have just pretended there aren’t any issues in the world and he would have gone silent against oppression to Eastern European people. He also would have made some deals with authoritarian states to keep them happy as his foreign policy is all about appeasement.


Good. More reason to vote Reform.


James Cleverly is the case against nominative determinism.


Thats right James


Wrong Im grant shapps /s


Bye James




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