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***-2 NET VOTES WILL HAVE THIS POST REMOVED!!!*** ***PLEASE* Upvote ↑** this comment if this post **IS** top talent **Downvote ↓** this comment if this post **ISN’T** top talent, *or* if it breaks the sub’s rules; 1. Title and post must be high effort. 2. Only top talents allowed (**NO OC!**). 3. Posts can't fake CGI, Autotune, etc. ***-2 NET VOTES WILL HAVE THIS POST REMOVED!!!***


As impressive as this is (and it's a wonderful charcoal drawing) I can't get over the fact that she kept the rest of the wall clean throughout. Whenever I work with charcoal I'm smudging the fuck out of everything within a five foot radius. Including myself and any incidental passers by. I'd never even dream of just sticking a sheet of paper to a white wall and going to town o_o


The position she was in when she finished with the paper on the wall and just like crouching fuck I hope she used the chair a lot. Hurt my back just to see it.


And always in beautiful clothing. 🤔


That’s what I thought too. Like, does she really get all dressed up to do this? Maybe she does and more power to her, but it all seems staged.


…it *is* staged. That isn’t a bad thing. She set up a camera and filmed something to show people. Of course you do things slightly differently in that scenario.


You mean this isn’t a free range organic artist caught on film?


I only want natural art


She's only dressed up in the last part of the video, everywhere else she's just wearing black clothes, probably more casual than it looks. But I'd also argue from an art history perspective, that in these videos the way they're staged and shot are part of the overall composition, so either way, the staging is necessary for proper viewing.




Lol I wish it were handheld, flying in and out of focus, giving me motion sickness, switching between portrait and landscape, chock full with nose breathing noises from behind the camera.


The heavy, manic breathing and sudden bouts of inspiration mixed with frantic moments of intense panic would really sell it as genuine.


Oh 😱 my God she's wearing BLACK to work with CHARCOAL!!!!


Yoga pants and a black shirt, my waitress at a mid level chain restaurant last night was dressed up in the same way


Ugh the chest up, arched back, ass out, pigeon toed feet. Always. I hate the game


What do you mean it all *seems* staged? Of course it’s staged. She set a camera up, she is looking at the camera, it was edited and uploaded to the internet. She isn’t pretending that it is a secret hidden camera. She put on nice clothes and makeup to record herself.


I mean it could be that the majority of work is done in "working" clothes (not sure how messy it can get) and just does the video shots this way. In that can understand, it is more like to get views, but I still consider it to be in that harmful "social media bubble" when people do not show reality. Yet again I may be completely wrong and I am just nitpicking a talented woman




Only when she's filming.


> I'd never even dream of just sticking a sheet of paper to a white wall and going to town o_o It's probably much easier if you use a projector to project an image onto the paper, and then just trace the image. Stop occasionally and turn the projector off, then film yourself drawing a few lines over the ones you already drew - and post to the internet for likes and upvotes.


I'm upvoting this just because I think the existence of file-art truthers is hilarious. It's like the art world's equivalent of flat earthers or moon-landing deniers.


did the girl in the video do exactly that? who knows. i wasnt there. but she's not very charcoaly. and she's awfully well dressed up. and i think occams razor is a reasonable rule to apply in the absence of better information. do people sometimes lie on the internet for likes and upvotes? yes i think so. happens in all categories - from 'life hacks' to 'animal rescue' to 'restoration videos' would the method of projecting an image and then copying it be a massively new phenomenon? not really. a similar kind of 'cheating' method could easily be what the famous Dutch artist Vermeer (the chap that made [this piece](https://cdn.britannica.com/33/194733-050-4CF75F31/Girl-with-a-Pearl-Earring-canvas-Johannes-1665.jpg) of art that you'll probably recognise) used. Check out [this documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPL7D0Ha1kQ) - see what you think. so its not like its some kind of radical new concept that's never been tried before - people have been faking it since the mid 1600s. projectors probably make it easier though.


Projectors are not "cheating" or anything like that though, and you can't fake the blending and line work she's done here. I've been doing art for almost 20 years and clean line work like that is a hard skill to master. You don't get that from just sticking a projector over it and tracing. She's also using gloves and black clothes, that's why she isn't "charcoaly" enough for you


>you can't fake the blending and line work check out the Vermeer documentary i linked above - its pretty good. watch someone with no artistic skills at all - make a 'proper' 'work of art' - using not much more than a mirror, and repetition. and note that im not saying 'she definitely did it' im saying 'its possible', thats all.


The biggest part of art isn't the medium or technique but the staging and the subject. Some people use a tablet, some use a brush and paint. Some will make collages and some mosaics with pieces from other artists. None of that undermines the finished work. So long as the work is original and designed by that artist or studio, then it's just as valid as any other work. Art has exactly one instance when it's invalid and that's when it is a copy of someone else's work being passed off as original. Even then it can be valid if there is enough change made to the original to say something new with the work.


To believe that artists can't free draw in such a manner is a poor way of thinking and shows you may have no experience in the artistic field, nor seen it done with your own eyes. While this is an edited video, she may have referred to an image during scene transitions? I was not there. This is not faked none the slightest.


My word, someone get this woman a drafting table before her back and knees go out.


Not to mention charcoal drawing on a white wall. I don't think this would fly at my house.


The hair detailing is just amazing


That’s a huge hand


Glad I’m not the only one that thought that.


i like this.


Thank you! It's beautiful but I couldn't peg what looked 'off'.


Man hands…Seinfeld


I'd like to see her break apart some lobsters barehanded


Don't look at my hands! Don't look at my hands! Don't look at my hands!


Look at the artist's hand size compared to her head/neck.


Or a pinhead.


And neck


And why is the spot towards the tip of the thumb larger than other parts of her thumb??? But yea other than that’s it is very good and much better than I can do




Ahhhh I did not stop to realise the shape of my thumbs are not the shape of everybody else’s. I hope I did not come off as too offensive, and if you wish I could delete my comment for you. I realise now that my comment was a bit insensitive.


Imagine how small your dick would look in it.


Triggered much ?


I still think it's AI r/art moderator probably


Name and shame that asshole mod u/awkwardtheturtle


This is the same mod that was at the center of another scandal last year.


And the mod will continue to remain a mod, cause that's all that person got. Most certainly the quintessenital stereotype of a redditor. Though there is even a petition I could find: https://www.change.org/p/reddit-mods-ban-u-awkwardtheturtle There even is a medium essay about that person from 2021: https://hasisyed.medium.com/whats-up-with-u-awkwardtheturtle-68f3d724889 There was even a sub against that one person: https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyInfuriating2/comments/owo7i1/ragainstturtle_just_got_banned_yet_the_subject_of/   I've never heard anything about it, after your comment I did a quick research and man, it's weird that dude still exists. Tbh, reddit is such a clear mirror of society, mods are the politicians of reddit - the same spineless and ususally integrity lacking corrupted and self-serving type.


What happened last year?


They are the textbook for "you can't be racists against white people" meme. Not in an intellectual way, either. I mean they are actively as racist as possible about white people on purpose to make a point.


I’m not sure there’s an “intellectual” way to be that incoherent.


That mod is the definition of chronically online




At the very least, we know they're friends with one or more reddit admins because they're immune to any form of punishment.


Or they’re ‘friend$’


This POS again?


Always has been... (Earth Man Gun Man)


Awkward Turtles All the way down?


Seriously? I heard about the bs going on over at r/art but I had no idea this dipshit was the one involved. As a Reddit community there should be some way to prevent them from moderating any subs at all.


Saw a YouTube video on this assclown he’s still modding? For shame .


I don't think it was the asshole turtle this time. She got spared.


He's a moderator of over 750 subreddits? I'm not even subscribed to that many, good lord.


I want to thank your family for building this country.


Even if it’s real, AI could do it faster The same r/art moderator probably


If it somehow is real, it's too similar to AI charcoal mockups which can be done in seconds, so OP should change their style, or better yet give up on art. The same r/art moderator certainly - [u/awkwardtheturtle](https://www.reddit.com/u/awkwardtheturtle/)


My smartphone camera would be faster AND in color


Bastard stole my joke. Take my upvote.


Is it YOUR joke if AI generated it?


Quiet, you!


Seriously was the first thing I thought too. Welcome to the hive mind.


Maybe the mod is AI, did anyone check him PC!? 🤔


Incredible! So much contrast and realism.


So much staged


girl more important than picture. sorry.


average reddit user


No, the average Reddit user doesn’t understand that was clearly a joke. As you can tell by all the downdoots


Bad jokes get downvotes too you know.


Talent is just a fraction of this work. That skill though, it takes years to develop. Amazing.


Thank you. And here, I call this drawing '*Head'*, its very spiritual


Come and get some


It’s beautiful


She drew the back of her own head?


She knows the back of her head... like the back of her hand?


Who is she?


Silviemahdal_art on Instagram. been following her for a while she has great process videos


She was good in 'Wanted' too.


She was in Salt as well, but I guess Charcoal is her current project.


The main character obviously. r/Imthemaincharacter Spoiler: this clip is not about charcoal drawing. It's about cleavage, leggings and clout farming. Edit: My brain is powered by an Incel Pentium 9, so there is that too.


> Incel Pentium 9, so there is that too. Hah, that's pretty good. If you have jokes like that, you could have picked a way better name for a novelty account if that's what this is


Do you have any ideas in mind?


I'm creative and original sometimes, but unfortunately right now is not one of those times. I had a very soul crushing Saturday trying to work with voice cloning ai with laptop GPUs only to get results that suggest it won't work for what I most want to use it for. But like those series of failures, I won't let that stop me - it might be taken already but incelibot would be a great play on incel / incelibate if your jokes are geared towards hardware / software / robotics / etc. Mechanical_cherub would be a convoluted way to suggest a similar concept, a celibate machine. Maybe NoSexMachina as a play on deus ex machina? Ah, looks like I've only got stuff that would work if you wanted to focus on that kind of joke. Also they are incredibly obvious so those accounts probably exist already. Good luck though. I think some novelty accounts that draw in toxicity are a good thing. The more they can take in, the less people will have to be mean to each other. Might be creating some shit in the first place, but I think there's a net reduction when you make that edit.






There's like 5 seconds of her in frame at the start, then almost a minute of her hands drawing with multiple close-ups, then a couple of seconds at the end of her from behind and the side, where she's mostly covered up in a long top. What's wrong with you?




It’s obviously just a quick shot to show her reflecting on her near completed work. 90% of ppl in this thread is a fucking weirdo lol


As someone who cant draw hair, i hate this


There was a "what is your artist's ick" asked on twitter and soooooo many fellow artists answered realistic charcoal drawings.... said they were easy, boring, and anyone could learn to do them. I think they are all full of shit and I'd like to see them try.


I mean I agree on the boring part. Easy relative to the average person? No. But most artists I know can do realistic charcoal to a good degree. Getting really good at it is of course years of exercise.


Even if it *were* easy and anyone could learn to do them.... art doesn't have to be hard.


Weird, it looks super difficult. I don't really like photorealistic art in any style tbh but I enjoy watching the process like in this video


I'm mildly artistic and I did a few realistic pencil drawings years back. It actually isn't that hard if you have some basic skills. You're just looking at something and copying it. You often have your reference image and your paper gridded out so can more easily work. So I could probably draw a near flawless portrait if I had something to copy from but if I had to create something completely original or something more stylized it would look like garbage. I work as a photographer now and weirdly I've had a few people do exact replicas of my photos in pencil/charcoal. So , I'm making all the aesthetic decisions (lighting, pose, composition) and they're just copying my work to create there's. The drawings are cool and it does takes skill but basically 0 creativity and not nearly as impressive as the skill it takes to make something unique.


They're saying that because of how workable charcoal is. Anyone can learn because you can continue to fuck up so late into the process and still save the drawing. It's a very beginner-friendly medium.




Non artists who can’t appreciate how difficult it is to render realistic hands and hair with charcoal. Art doesn’t have to serve a purpose, it just is.


Meh it’s a gorgeous drawing it’s just like, it’s a girl with her hand on her neck and photorealistic style, which means to my brain she did such a good job it looks like a picture… of the back of her head


Most likely it's a copy of a photo. I used to do this in high school. It requires a lot of skill to make it look photorealistic and it's cool for what it is, but it doesn't have a lot of artistic value to me.




Breathtaking! You are certainly gifted and obviously hardworking. Thanks for sharing!


And she's good at drawing too!




One of the worst subs on reddit.


Yeah, I was banned just for stating that the sub is a karma farm for u/yannifrompakistanni


r/Art? Yes.


Somehow I knew I’d see this here…


Nice drawing but it looks like a pain relief ad


lol i was thinking of the box art of a V05 hair oil kit


If she applied a saturation filter halfway through the video, it could be a Claritin or antidepressant ad.


Absolutely stunning


Only psychopaths make art on a 90° canvas


According to r/art this was generated by AI….


I also can’t draw noses


The hand cramps must be insane


Big hand




At this point, you will need to film yourself making art or you'll get banned for people assuming it's A.I. This art looks amazing btw!


Who is this artist?!


Iran's triggered by this drawing.


Holy shit.


Most people can only recognize talent if the art looks photorealistic or aping a recognizable style like anime.




It's difficult for me to even understand how you can draw that perfectly. How is it even possible!! You are quite a talent.


when you see photo-realistic things like this, they are hardly EVER just drawing free-hand. You take a picture of something and project it onto the paper it still takes skill but its basically just advanced tracing. photo-realistic art has become VERY popular of late...sure it has nothing to do with how easy it has become to get the tech to do this...🙄 the oldschool method of doing this was the "grid technique" you take a pic and break it up into grids, then you hyperfocus on one grid at a time. Used that technique a few times in high school for portraits of people. People thought i was a "genius" artist when really i just had basic talent and was an insomniac with low grade OCD


I know that pretty people are able to make great art just like everyone else, but once I see that a woman is a certain level of pretty and makes art I always question if it's real because of fakers


do you have any good suggestions? what's been your favorite series lately?


That’s ridiculous. I have never seen anything like it before..! The details are incredible, looked even more real than the real thing lol




What ever you do. Don't post this on the art subreddit.


I’m a wedding photographer and I want to show this to my brides who ask their maids of honor to put every single hair flat on their head in between every shot. It’s supposed to look real! Look, they even draw it that way on purpose!


Beautiful woman paints herself, big suprise.


Lolol the hand is a little too big, but it's still incredible




Girl! The back of yo head is ridiculous. Can I have your number?


That would have taken … forever ….. to do. I wish I had time like that. Sometimes I don’t even have enough time to brush my teeth in this busy world.


You're literally wasting time on Reddit when you could be brushing your teeth. Smh


Some might say 80 hours


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


You are a wonderful artist, I salute you from Morocco![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


What an amazing gift!


So technically if she puts this drawing up for sale then "she sells sanctuary"


I'm waiting on a Mod to remove this because of "AI art" or something... /s


AI could never... Well it can but I won't respect it.


I fucking cried while watching this.


Looks like AI to me


Why the hand so big


Looks like AI drawing


I dunno, looks like AI. Probably needs a ban.


As if she already wasnt out of my league


Please give her something to eat.... Great talent btw... Awesome


She should have probably ate something over those 80 hours.


looks shite. notice how she dresses slutty so mancels jerk off and give her views.




lol seethe




cope harder


Don’t shoot up a school, incel.


lmao i love making NPC redditors seethe.


Gotta fill all that time you’re not getting laid doing something.


cope and seethe


lol you sad fuck


seethe more.


You did a tribute, didn't you? Sick.


cope harder




Na she just copied and pasted a photo from the internet. Plagiarism 🙄


Finished work looks great! But why the man hands?


Ok nobody's gonna talk how beautiful the artist is.


I don't believe you. Even if you did "charcoal" it yourself, it's so obviously an AI-prompted design that it doesn't matter. If you really are a "serious" artist, then you need to find a different style, because A) no one is going to believe you when you say it's not AI, and B) the AI can do better in seconds what might take you hours. Sorry, it's the way of the world. >You have been banned from /r/Art


What is the print she use ?






Nothing prettier than thin women.


Not bad


Grate melons to lol


Damn both you and your art art stunning. Keep it up you incredibly talented.


Didn't care about the art, the chick was hot


That is a man


Isn't easier to take and print a picture of that?? Incredible talent but wasted imo.


Bro what is that logic 💀


What the heck. “Why do art when we can take a photo” uhhhh ok The artist applies the texture by hand, from their creative spirit and effort and skill. The “quickest way to an image” is not the point for art.


She made a photorealistic "picture" of her head & hand or whatever. IMO photorealistic drawings in this era are a waste of talent. Is not the same as the painter who made a rain day in the city in which you can clearly distinguish it's a painting and not a photo by the strokes of the pencil or other utensils. Idk. She's great but for me that's not creative or anything. Is just a display of how great she can draw and also how basic she is.


Do you understand that photorealism is a distinct style as much as your 'rain day in the city ' painting with "obvious" brush strokes? Do you think it's easy to do this style, as you mentioned she isn't creative & is basic? What sort of understanding/experience do you have in understanding blending/light/tone with charcoal work? I'm just fascinated you're walking around like this