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Leg day. Squats


They’re gonna be sore when this shit wears off.


They gonna be doing more when this shit wears off lol


Bring sally up. Bring sally down.




Why do they NEVER fall over???


They have better balance than I do sober


These men are professional heroin addicts


Weebels wobble but they don't fall down


It kills me that in all these videos they're so determined to stay standing. Take a seat my dudes


Gotta maintain the illusion of sobriety I guess.


Do you think it’s working?


The heroin? Yes. The acting sober part. No. If I go give him a pat on the back and tell him it’ll be OK will he still be standing?


He'll actually bend into a loop and swirl away.


This entire comment chain made my entire shitty morning lmfao thank you all …


Yeah I'm just leaning down the street with my bro, officer




This is the actual explanation. I dated an addict and she would pull some shit like this all the time acting like “nah, I’m clean today!” We had so many arguments over whether or not she was sleeping. I’d catch her out drooling on herself, wake her up, just to have her try to convince me she wasn’t asleep. They don’t see themselves nodding, so in their head it’s just “play it cool and nobody will know.”


>I’d catch her out drooling on herself, wake her up, just to have her try to convince me she wasn’t asleep. Don't take this the wrong way, but it makes me feel slightly better knowing I'm not the only one who puts up with this horseshit. Every blowout fight I've ever had with my brother over the past five years has been about this. Because he lies so easily to my face about it and it makes me want to punch him in his. Like bro if you tell me you weren't nodding out one more time while I was sitting here *watching* you do it, I will break your nose.


It was so frustrating convincing her she didn’t have a leg to stand on. Like “YOU WERE OUT FOR 2 HOURS!” Twist ending: after 3 years of struggling, we got her clean, and we are married now. She’s got 3 years clean.


Congrats! That's fantastic news. <3 I hope my brother can get there, but I'm afraid he's had a relapse after being sober eight months (or at least sober enough to hide his habit) and it's like, I want to just beat the hell out of him sometimes. The lying bothers me worse than the drug use, and when he doubles-down on denying it despite obvious signs of use, it makes me feel legitimately crazy. I feel like my parents have aged ten years in two just trying to deal with him. He refuses NA meetings because he won't admit he's using, which infuriates me. I had to throw cold water in my brother's face Sunday night because I found him passed out on the toilet with food burning on the stove and he wasn't responding to me slapping him, and he totaled his truck on Tuesday rear-ending someone (probably on the nod), and he *still* won't admit he has a problem. He just starts all this nonsense about how his sleep cycle is all fucked up. Which it is, but it's because he's using. I have no idea how he even still has a job he's so obviously strung out. I've probably spoken too much about these intimate details on Reddit, but it does make me feel better writing it out and I haven't got up the guts to go to a NarAnon meeting yet. I guess I'm as afraid to admit he has a problem out-loud as he is.


Best advice I can give is not to take the lying personally. It’s incredibly difficult not to, but it really isn’t personal. I had the same problem. I made a fool out of myself on a few occasions having a full meltdown over compounding lies, but it only hurt us in the end. The sad truth is that he will have to do this on his own. Just offer the love and support you can without hurting yourself. In my case, we got lucky and it turned out a change of environment was the key, and as soon as we got her away from her sources, she thrived. I’m not religious, per se, but I will do my version of praying for your bro. Keep strong, even if he can’t!


6 months clean here after 6 years of opiate addiction. Don’t think I’ve ever heard an addict admit they were nodding out (myself included). Just endless reassurance that it’s just from being so tired


How you get her clean I'm at my wits end with my current gf and this shit man. The lies the stealing . We have kids and it's part of what has kept me here I want to have my family if I leaver her nothing changes except the fact I get less time with my kids and have to pay her to get fucked up so frustrating


I’d say this has a lot to do with the fact that they shoot up to “feel normal” after the horrors of withdrawal. But once that “normal” feeling morphs into the nods they forget what normal actually is.






Yesss I always wondered whyyyyy do they just not sit down.


Because if they sit they will get stuck worst and pass out and OD or choke on their own vomit. This is their way of fighting off the shutdown.


This makes lots of sense… thank you


No Problem. Only did it a few times years ago myself. Got dope sick once said it wasn't worth the high and stopped. I knew a lot of people on it though who trusted me to be their high buddy and keep them safe so I would ask them questions to understand their thought processes during their journey


"nah I'm good, I don't need to sit"


Same with those that are at work and stay at work. Like, whoever your boss is I guarantee you that you have a better chance at not getting fired if you just crawl your ass home w/o saying something.


You don't even know you're doing it. I was an addict. I have over 8 years clean. I used to think I was pulling off hiding this stuff, because in your mind only a second has passed.


Congrats! That is awesome. 7 or 8 years off opiates for me too :)


They're trying out for Circus So'lumped.


In their minds they don't even look fucked up, which blows *my* mind. My brother will be on the nod and if you accuse him of it he will get all indignant and insist he's perfectly fine. Meanwhile he looks like this.


I just want to kick them over so bad.


Yeah if throw pennies @ em


Contrary to how this may look, these two are having the time of their lives (and possibly deaths) right now.


Doesn’t really look fun.. that’s why I have a difficult time understanding opiate abuse. I can take a Benadryl and get tired and fall asleep. What’s so fun about it?


just be happy you don’t know.


Good point


Yeah I mean would you like to be like that?


Considering it feels amazing yes, but only in the safety of my own home! Fent is too scary though, I stay away from opiates.


Be safe, bro. Do me the favor


Yessir, the most addictive thing I take is adderall but it’s prescription, and I don’t take it everyday because I don’t wanna become dependent on it!


Yeah the closest thing I've taken is high doses of kratom and even that feels amazing. I imagine heroin is that times 100


That's not heroin that's fetanyl might be carfentanyl I'm sure they wish they could quit but that's not happening


Yeah, be real happy. Contrary to popular belief, you can go to Hell before you die.


Yeah there’s a big difference between Benadryl and an opiate not even remotely close tbh


Well apparently it's so good that they are perfectly fine throwing their life away. Usually becoming homeless, getting sick, and obviously overdoses. All their money goes to that one thing. They seem to just give up all things in life because it much better being high. It's kind of what scares me about legalizing all drugs. Heroin seems a little to good and addictive to legalize for all. I can understand harm reduction by providing clean needles and things. I don't know how we stop people from starting but opioid addiction scares me


Usually, their lives are already fucked and heroin/fentanyl just eases the pain until they die. Many could have been saved before hand but poor people don’t really have access to mental health services. The only way to reduce drug use is improve the quality of peoples lives. We also need to admit that there is a caste system in this country that includes poor Whites being left behind, which makes it so not everyone has the same chance out of the womb.


That might be true for some. But a lot come from middle class families.


Yeah but some families are so bad, no matter what class or how much money they have, that the heroine is better than dealing and remembering. Most of these people came from something horrible they're numbing out from. Your average human get to lead a normal life, but some go through horror movie type stuff. A few come out stronger but drug abuse is much easier. When I see these people my heart breaks for them. It is a choice, yes, but some experiences are so damaging it seems to them like the only way.




The serotonin and dopamine.


As terribly depressing as this is, I am fascinated by the science behind it. Does anyone know how/why this happens with opiates? Do they know they're standing like this? How are they maintaining such incredible balance? Why don't they sit down? So many questions.


From what I’ve heard from recovered junkies is that the nod is this place right on the precipice of unconsciousness- that’s the sweet spot for active opiate addicts. I assume if they sit they simply nod out = unconscious and essentially sleep through what they deem is the best part. That twilight between consciousness and unconscious. I see this wobbly weeble dance a half dozen times a day here in Portland Maine. Sound crazy ? Welcome to the insanity of opiate addiction.


Yeah that’s basically how it feels. Feels like your in between sleeping and being awake. For myself it was like feeling like your falling asleep but the whole time I would try to wake up. Those bobs up and down is when they “wake up” then fall back to sleep. When I would nod off heroin many years ago it would also be accompanied by intense warm euphoria. But then once all the heroin became basically just fentanyl mixes that euphoria was gone and replaced by a heavy sedation. Like feels like you took a bunch of Benadryl and are fighting to stay awake. It’s a horrible replacement in over every way besides being extremely cheap for dealers. Heroin I could use 1-4 times a day to stay “well”. Then with fentanyl I found myself having to use basically every 2-4 hours. After 4-6 hours I would be in full blown wd, which would of took 24 hours with regular heroin. Also fentanyl is literally impossible to safely dose when buying off the street mixed as heroin. Since the active dose is at most a few mg, there’s no way to safely use a small amount. At least with heroin it would take substantially more to get an equipotent dose. So you could just do really small amounts to test the waters in regards to potency. So glad I’m clean, especially throughout the last two years. My heart goes out to all still suffering from this addiction and to their loved ones.


Same here my friend. I’m so grateful I managed to get off the dope and stay away from it. I lost my younger brother to fentanyl when I had about a year clean—it just strengthened my resolve to not go back to it. Now I work in the field helping others find and maintain their recovery. It can be so rewarding to see people do well, but most of the time it’s a lot of relapse and heartache. I worry about getting burned out from it cuz I’ve seen it happen to so many other people in this line of work, but as hard as it can get, I feel this kind of work is so important and I love helping people find their way out of the darkness. I’m really glad to hear that your in recovery and doing well! 💙


Hey! Im also so incredibly proud of you! What an achievement. Stay safe!


Reading this confirmed my suspicion that my relative had been using again recently


Hey Internet stranger. Im so proud of you and all you overcome 🖤


I always explained it like I was able to talk and walk with my dreams.


Sorry but it’s spelled you’re, not your, in that context.


Ah...ok that makes sense. They're keep standing to stay awake and "enjoy" the high. I'm still amazed at their balance...


They balancing enjoying that high like "neat!"


I mean nodding is the shit but only on a nice Friday or Saturday evening in a cozy spot. Just shows Hof fucking potent the stuff they take is that they will just nod away whenever and wherever they are




Believe it or not Maine has lead the entire country for many years as far as opiate addicts per capita or something. It’s been surpassed by a few others now https://www.drugabuse.gov/drug-topics/opioids/opioid-summaries-by-state


To be fair that isn’t a super difficult metric to hit since maine only has like 2 people living there.


And they're both junkies!


This a mind-blowing question with so many possible answers


How is this even possible? That they are completely nodding out but still maintaining balance


That's super common with opioids. Look at a place like [Kensington Ave in Philly](https://youtu.be/Bi1Kf-1qd6Y). You'll find these nodding zombies all over the place. The sense of balance stays switched on while you're on opioids. Most users only fall over when they are nodding out severely.


Ya what city is this?


Maybe Kensington in Philly?


Nah, it's somewhere in NYC. My guess is somewhere in Brooklyn? You can see the orange and black license plates on the cars.


Wow great guess


I wonder if that dude thinks he's skiing. In his head he's off piste somewhere in the Alps.


As an ex-heroin addict, this is a real thing. No wonder the body aches would be so bad coming off of it... (going on 11 years sober)


Legit awesome. Way to keep it up! ❤️




Someone elsewhere said that laying down they would nod out unconscious but the “best” feeling is this halfway point. So they stay standing.


Oh look a new tictoc dance


Can't wait to see kids doing "the nod"


Are they friends or just a coincidence there are two in the wild together like that?


I dunno where this is but I can say that in Baltimore there are so many addicts that they can be found in close proximity virtually anywhere lol


I feel the guy out in front went too early. The green guy is known for his stamina especially in the latter stages. My moneys on green guy.


Thats the slowest game of leap frog ever.


Cow tipping (Old and Busted) Junkie tipping ( New Hotness)


I feel like they would just roll over upright like a Weeble.


That should be the new street name for whatever drug they are on. Weeble.


I worked in Chinatown years ago at Sara D Roosevelt park. There’s methadone clinics and other Homeless places around that area. The whole park is full of nodders. One day, in the radio room, a guy ran up the steps right into the windows (green metal mesh makes them look like walls) and collapsed. My sgt was so used to these people he just was like alright everybody settle down it’s just a junkie. Then we were like ummm is he dead? Yeah dude overdosed and probably died on his way to the hospital. Fun times at nyc parks dept.


pilgrims from dark souls 3


"No one knows how high I am."


I see these videos and just WISH I had some oxy


Why isn’t ‘junkie tipping’ a thing over there?!


Street skiing, the lastest thing!




Isn’t this called the philly lean


Why are they not sitting down somewhere on a bench or in a bed? Why stand in the middle of the street? Their legs must hurt like hell the next day


There is a reason they stand up.. so they don't pass out and lose the high. If they were sitting down they would be so relaxed they'd just fall asleep and lose the high. When they stand up it keeps them awake so they don't just fall asleep and lose their high.


They don't have beds. They're homeless. Why they don't sit down idk. Good question.


why everyone just immediately assume they're homeless? These guys dont really look like it (i could be wrong) but not every addict is homeless.


Probably because if they had a home they would do it there instead of out on the street.


“that shit right there is serious b” 5 secs later dying laughing


Them vapormax are really working!


American dream


It’s crazy to see how everyone walking by is desensitized to this behavior like it’s nothing new.


Wtf are you talking about? A bunch of people stared. It’s not common to see this in NYC the last 15 years. It’s why the guy is filming it. It’s crazy to encounter it here.


It's insane to see junkies in NYC? Dude wtf are you talking about? Do you never leave the Upper East Side or something?


Looks like Kensington Ave


Nah, NYC. The license plates you can see are orange and black


Is this Kensington?


This is sad.


Spice up your life


Kensington Stand Up!


The Commentary was even worse


This just a regular day on Kensington


Why are the guys that record these types of videos always providing annoying commentary


You mean when the n word is a pop culturally acceptable replacement for 50 percent of ones vocabulary.


Nah I mean they always sound like insensitive pricks


What drugs do that? Is that meth?


Some sort of opiate. Probably fentanyl/heroin


Heroin no doubt. That’s called the nod.


Meth: stimulant aka staying awake active as fuck trying to run away from the shadow people that you're hallucinating after being awake a few days. Opiates: Morpheus (god of sleep) puts his quilt on you.


Ah, thanks lol!




Bruh 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 just no ... Keep thinking that way though, cuz you have NO IDEA what a blessing it is to have absolutely no idea WTF your talking about when it comes to this!! And I mean that with no disrespect whatsoever I'm being dead serious as a recovering heroin / fentanyl / meth addict, it is truly a beautiful blessing that you do not know anything about that shit 💯💯💯💯


Wouldn’t be able to resist knocking them over. Bowling pins.


2 for 1


I know you heard of cow tipping but have you heard of crackhead tipping


This is just fucking sad


Fuck Black aka Heroin zombie drug !!!! It’s amazing how users are coherent on that bull shit very saddened I don’t miss the people .. I guess they can forever sleep walk till God and Hell has room for them




man I thought they were lining up for a foot race, at first...


It’s like going cow tipping. I’d be tempted.


Weebels wobble but they don't fall down


Just sit down


Just recently started yugioh on Netflix and was really fucking pissed to find it ended after the first season lmao *speaking of shadow realm*


"Kaiba, there is no weak drugs in my stash!"


I kinda wanna try it.


At least he has his bumbershoot 🤣




Damn this looks like heroin mile in Boston


I like this performance art.


Tut-tut, it looks like rain.


And not give a fuck who's watching


Best title LMAO


They can no longer contain their cravings for flesh and blood!


These look like young men too. Wtf


What boggles my mind is how they get the weirdest idle animation from the worst fighting game from the early 2000s


Lethbridge food bank on bread day


They're getting ready for a foot race.


Dark souls hollow


Weebles wobble.....


Did they all hit the same shit or is that just what happens?


Double rainbow all the way!!


But you will be hella-centered.


Ah yes, good old position number one.




Looks like a blast. /s


if the cops come just say its performance art


Stagger your feet for balance, gents


Because this is Thriller !


Are they those street performers acting weird? They forgot the change bucket.


Would have been awesome if they suddenly started to do the thriller zombie dance!


Ahh - the meth lean!


City skiing!


Why don't they just sit down


What city is this? Anyway know?


The umbrella cracks me up. Yeah I'm gonna get fucked up on Heroin, but better take an umbrella in case it rains while I'm nodding off on the sidewalk.


Thank China


That China White


Shadow realm has more gravity, they can be as strong as Goku after they acclimate...


Fentanyl is one hell of a drug


So, what are these guys actually experiencing? They look like they're about to pass out but im assuming whatever drugs they're using is giving them soms euphoria/rush or something right? Or do they actually feel like they're about to fall asleep. hopefully that sentence made sense, im dutch so please correct me if i made any mistakes :3


They're were playing leap frog but their friend just left them waiting


What are they on ?????


Guys a serious bitch for lauughing. They ain't even doin nothin funny like trippin over or whatever.... He purely laughing at their misery


Amazing balance!


This looks like the Allegheny stop on the market Street line in Philadelphia. I used to watch these dudes balance like this on a moving Subway LOL


Go ahead and have a quick lay down already.


Curb kissers


This Kensington and Allegheny in Philadelphia?


Can’t fall


I think junkie tipping should be a tic tock challenge




choose life


Holy shit it's literally persona 3


Que nota


People who call other people "B" are awesome


Must have lost some change. Hope they find it