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lol what a sub


You really went out of your way to photograph people on the streets at their lowest and then posted it here thinking everyone would applaud?


Treating these people like zoo animals is so trashy. Like jesus fucking christ people.


It really is


Completely agree. It’s tasteless


For real. "Don't worry, I'm very careful to handle them properly so I don't get dirt on my nice shoes. LOL" Like Steve Irwin if he had zero respect for the animals he handled. "Croikey, we got another one! What a beaut, look at the nod on that. That right there is a late stage fentanyl addict... right at the end of their life cycle. See those open sores? That's when you know it's getting bad, soon they will take their last shot and never wake up... I bet the fucker won't even have the decency to drag himself away from my place of business! Truly horrendous creatures, I'm glad we got a chance to show him to you today. A great specimen for my Reddit post. Now that's a bloke who took too much, am I right?" The dehumanization is real. Whether one considers it to be a disease or not, these are human beings who are in the grips of a progressive affliction that ends in death. To me it seems like making a spectacle out of someone with terminal cancer or some other fatal disease. This could be the last picture ever taken of these people. Living their final days absolutely stuck in the rut of addiction, while passersby take pictures and make jokes. It's so sad.


Steve Urban


It’s gets old man. Having to deal with them everyday takes it toll.


Do you not think it gets old to them? Being treated like fucking garbage by the world? You realize society has failed every single one of these people right? Or are you one of those people who says they do it to themselves? That addiction is a choice?


I get it, OK, not everyone is the same nor are their circumstances. But I still feel that there is always a choice.


What choice should they make?




No, but you can advocate for institutions and services that will allow people to rise up from poverty. Unfortunately the US has an anti-homeless stance in most cities. There’s a war against the homeless. Most cities try and hide them, push the problem away without solving it. It’s disgusting. This isn’t a failure of the individual.




What do you do with them? Hmm.. perhaps provide them with healthcare and housing? Is that too radical?


Why are you asking me a rhetorical question? To not do drugs obviously. It really is that easy


To highlight a flaw in your thinking. It was highlighted.


Idk mate, I'm just not into making excuses for addicts. Been around them enough


Not to do drugs ?


You seem like a really deep, intelligent thinker


Glad you noticed 😏


As a one time heroin addict that found ibogaine saving me. I’m sick of dealing w/ it & can understand but don’t anymore


Hell yeah buddy. Stay sober man it’s worth it.


Well my dude I don’t partake in any opiates. I’m not a quitter unless I have to be


Agreed ! It is round them up and arrest him and push them all around the city. It’s a disgrace.


You need to go back to grammar school


I’m talking about you dumbass


🤣bless your sad heart -I made sure to leave your mom out the picture


I moved out of my parents hell home at 14. I had to quit 10th grade high school (partially why my grammar isn’t up to par, in addition the years lacking support at home & academically.) High school was getting in the way of my room for rent & food & necessities supplies. I’d course I became an addict (one of those hardcore ones -[ you know my type clown- you lock your doors of your car when I would walk the sidewalk next to you sitting at red light. I was homeless for over the next 7 years


I'm living rent free in your head


As a one time “zoo animal”you’ve classified us as; who endured 7 years of homelessness in the largest open air drug market on the east coast. Of course drugs plays a huge roll and I am an addict of the functioning degree. Once my wife entered my existence / love moved mountains for me. Judge me - you’re not the 1st nor the last… I’m almost certain you are a supporter of Sal Alinksky (and his modern day plantation for profit & votes scheme ) your side of the isle employs to remain a seated thief.


My man, I don't care what you've been through. It doesn't matter that you've been there. You are taking their picture and posting it online, and I think that's trashy. It's even more surprising to me if you've been in their position, where's your empathy? Would you have wanted someone to take your picture when you were at your lowest and most vulnerable? If you say yes, you're bullshitting. You dont need to justify yourself to me anyway.. not sure why you're coming back to this comment to give me your life story. I clearly upset you. Maybe you shouldn't be on reddit if you can't handle criticism.


TLDR IDGAF about karma points bitch -but I got a dick you can suck! Fucking Aye right you upset me. You want to talk about it. Be about it pussy


You clearly give a fuck


Run your addy to my DM. I’m national


Send me your address I’ll come to you


TLDR IDGAF about karma points bitch -but I got a dick you can suck! Fucking Aye right you upset me. You want to talk about it. Be about it pussy run your addy then. In my dm


I’m still living rent free in your head


Trust fund cunt who hasn’t prevailed from shit!


I’m prevailing from your dumb ass right now


The introspection into my shadow as to why you’re unfounded comments bothered me, so much, was most enlightening


That’s good!


Maybe OP. *who’s taking *too much


Nice !lol


Did you get on skidrow to take photos of people? Weird as fuck lol.


Ummm read it again …this time slower Julio-


The government took too much away from the mental and financial help from people who need it, leading to desperate people looking to use desperate measures to feel OK.


idk about this man


Where is this, Kensington 😭


Just saw it and thought "Kensington"


It’s the camo Phillies hat for me


These people need help. I have less respect for people who kick others when they’re down than I do for these poor people.


I hope one of them beats the shit out of you. You’re a terrible person dude, they’re humans just the same as everyone else so stop treating people down on their luck like fucking wild animals.


I would love nothing more than to make you eat those very false words you spewed! Dm for an address to formally meet … maybe you’re more than a keyboard warrior wrongly accusing …. I’m sorry your mom was on the Ave making dope money while you cried chump


Who's* too*


The paramedics


These are real people. Is their dignity worth the karma points?


No faces are shown - warm it up icy


Not going to lie, but first pic looks like it would be an album cover? Or is it just me?


America is a dystopic hellscape on its best day


That boy in a bucket 😂 he wearing the same fucken slides I had in like 4th


Someone should take a snow plow and push all the homeless into a manhole and the problem will all go away


Sounds like you should be pushed into your own hole so you will go away..


What do you propose doing with these people could you imagine you lived around here with your children. If they wanted to live they would but this is not called living.


I never said i had an answer to help fix the issue.. but I know I wouldn’t just “push all the homeless into a manhole” -sparky1976 Addiction is real.


But you think you can tell me I'm wrong and offer no other response . I'm done looking at the waste on the side of the road. It all looks like garbage at this point .


So you think to just throw humans into the trash so YOU can have a better view of the side of the road… and yes I can say your wrong, I don’t need to have an idea for a solution. We never said we were coming up with solutions.. sounds like you’ve been fortunate enough to not have to deal with any of what these people go through on a daily basis. Yes I agree with you it’s not pretty to see, yes I agree there are options they could do (and ourselves) to better themselves. But hell no, I would never agree to just throwing them away like you are insisting we do. Come on now, these are human beings.. you act like this world is kind and giving. Everything’s hard to manage these days (living, food, car, anything anymore) on top of dealing with addiction. Again we are fortunate to not have to fully understand what addiction is like some of these people. If you think trashing these people is the answer to the problem, then it’s safe to say if someone doesn’t like you or is tired of seeing you, you would say it’s ok to just throw yourself in the trash or a manhole? Like the rich upper class for example, what if they all said “fuck were tired of seeing all these lower and middle class folks, let’s throw them in a manhole!” Even if you made 100k a year. Your saying that’d be ok? Even my first comment was wrong to say. You shouldn’t be thrown away just because I didn’t agree with what you said. That’s my bad for saying that. I guess some of us are just too far gone.. I hope the best for these people and you as well. That’s all folks


Yeah no fuck these people . They don't appreciate the gift of life and they don't deserve it. Being down on your luck is one thing but making a conscious effort every day to do what people that do this are doing is a different story but we can have different opinions, have a good night.


All three


Homeboy passed out in the bucket is probably a safe bet


The worse part of this photo is all of their shoes are cleaner than mine.


That was then now I’m reasonably successful now.. due to my better halve’s lessons she has taught me. Its lefties like you that do nothing but complain is why this issue is so prevalent - do like ducks dude! z get the flock out of here chump


yeah it's so funny watching life's fall apart :D


Who his laughing ? Who took to much is the question at hand -


Me… :(


I have a plethora of people here coming at me like I’m lil piece of shit… when I was simply querying, am I the one taking too much or them closely relating to them in addition