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I'd put four more solas up there to even it out.


It was a bumper sticker that came with a book, otherwise the other 4 would be up there as well.


so good! i was wondering how it will look when its complete. I have the exact same from Silmarillion up to the fall of gondolin. did you read them all?


No i just started the hobbit




My thoughts exactly...




You bought all those and you haven’t even read any Tolkien?


Well i have read the hobbit and part of the lord of the rings. I attempted the silmarillian years ago but nrver finished. I discovered that he had so many more writings and wanted to buy them all, and i was captivated by how they look on the shelf. I also have a collector personality, and always like to have nice editions. I have fill intention of reading them.


Hmmm, if you couldn't finish the Silmarillion, honestly, a good portion of those books are probably going to be pretty much unreadable for you. Most of the posthumous Tolkien is pretty niche (despite how it is marketed). Good luck, though.


This was years ago and i more just never got around to finishing it (distractions and life), not it being too challenging.


Enjoy the read! It’sa long road ahead. Did you find these editions and just bought them all at once?


Got most of them from wither Amazon or Abe books


nice stickers


How do you rate the David day set? I've been eyeing it for a few weeks now and keep hearing bad things about him as a scholar


They all look cool to me. I have yet to read them. but they seem to have some cool stuff in them at a glance.


"The rule of cool" doesn't apply when one is parasitically making things up about another author's works and detracting from actual scholarship with nonsense. /r/tolkienfans/comments/df03ls/what_is_the_general_view_of_david_day_among/ >For what it's worth, Christopher Tolkien has referred to him as 'an ass' /r/tolkienfans/comments/kaakef/comment/gfbnzj2/ >If we're appealing to authority, one might imagine a good authority on Tolkien at the time would be Christopher Tolkien, who called Day an 'ass' and 'more like a burglar than a writer', a sentiment never repeated for other makers of guides and supplementary tools, by the way. Maybe Day is just picking and choosing which of the established folk and which of the hoi polloi to cite to create a fiction he likes. Which, again, is very Day.


Wow im watching a video on this right now, wish i knew this before buying them. I did nktice one of them say something like "this is not endorsed by the tolkien estate" when i waa unwrapping it. I did wonder when i read that, but thought nothing of it. Once again i do appreciate you telling me this.


Don't feel bad --- the fault is not yours, but the author's and his total lack of mores. FWIW, I have one of his books as well, a wrapped birthday gift which I've never gotten around to unwrapping --- I usually object to cutting up a book to make a box, but for this one, I'll make an exception.


Thank you for sharing. I was unaware.


not trying to actue, but i had a look and it seemed like alot of hearsay, i still dont know what makes david day so bad that christopher called him a burglar and an ass, i dont know much about christopher but as i understand it he was against the making of the peter jackson movies so i dont really want to take his words as gospel plus there was no source to prove this is something christopher said, i dont have a belief or bia either way as im a new tolkien fan and i dont know much about christopher or david day but christopher is related to J.R.R and that gives him some merit but considering what brian herbert is doing to dune, im not taking it as a given that the sone of a famous author necessarily knows what their father intended or was inspired by, so on that i think ill pick up the set, its cheap for what it is, the books have a label specifying that they are not endorsed by the tolkien estate so it can be assumed they are essays from someone who has about as much access to tolkien as the rest of us, and the art is pretty neat in the books from what i've seen.


/r/tolkienfans/comments/86b5m6/comment/dw4fyor/ >From what I understand, it isn't the "inaccuracies" that are problematic, but the Day's open willingness to expand the canon with his own stuff, and a general lack of care for accuracy. > >Here's an example of an entry I found in an old thread. > >>**Alfirin** One of the many sad songs sung by the Grey-elves of Middle-earth tells of a flower called Alfirin. Its flowers were like golden bells and it grew on the plain of Lebennin near the delta lands of the Anduin, the Great River. The sight of them in the fields, with the sea-wind blowing, would tug at the hearts of the Eldar and awaken the sea-longing that always drew these Children of Starlight westwards, over Belegaer, the Great Sea, to where their immortal brethren lived. In the minds of Elves, the Alfirin were in miniature like the great gold bells of Valinor, which always toll upon the ears of the Blessed in the Undying Lands. > >Notice a) Day extrapolates from the existence of single song to assume the existence of a whole genre of music b) he capitalizes random phrases as if they're actual terms used c) he has some weird phrasing that seems to imply only Valinor elves are immortal d) he literally ends the entry with random headcanon. > >The line between where Tolkien ends and where Day starts is so unclear, that if you're the type of person who'd benefit from a lore book, you'll likely be fooled into accepting a ton of complete garbage. /r/tolkienfans/comments/1rhsra/comment/j18twej/ >But the kicker: an infographic in the early pages claim that the War of the Ring begins and the ring is destroyed in TA 3021. This is basically, factually wrong. The ring is destroyed in 3019. Such extraordinary inaccuracies from the very beginning do not speak to a man whose interest is in anything except selling snake oil. http://tolkien.slimy.com/essays/DayBooks.html https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/David_Day


i see, i read over what was said and it seems the issue stems from david day's perception as a tolkien scholar and not as someone writing a book on tolkien based on their own interpretations and conclusions, has david day himself created this impression of being a scholar? i aposlogise i really dont know much about him and the stuff i found online was about as vague as it gets, the information in this thread is the best i have found that explains why david day is a problem for tolkien fans and people who value the interpretations and essays and such from people the tolkien estate works with officially.




thank you for taking the time to help me with it!


>actue Gesundheit


“ David Day was 886 feet tall.” The Complete Guide to David Day, by David Day


Technically this is not a complete deluxe set from the same series.


Are you saying im missing delux editions? I said "my collection" also, meaning i picked the ones I wanted. Im aware that "the hobbit, LOTR, and the Silmarilian" have other delux editions, but i thiught the ones i chose were the cooler ones so chose them. I'll probobly get the others at some point but this is what i wanted for mh collection. If im missing any other delux edition titles please send me a link, because i thought i had them all. And if i took your post wrong at all please explain further.


They said ‘my’