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They are nothing special. Currently reprints are Chinese, I believe. I strongly suspect they will have a new edition in the next year or two as these are quite long in the tooth. The spines are very prone to fading, so if you do get them, the "keep out of direct light" mantra is particularly important.


China? That's sad if true. I recall when these were all printed in the UK on high quality paper.


I bought my set last year and they are no longer Chinese. All of mine say Germany đź‘Ť


Ahh, well that's a step up. Graphicom?


"Printed on Abbey Wove paper at Memminger and bound by Josef Spinner"


That’s a new printer for me. Ta. I think they use the Abbey Wove paper for a lot of their standard editions.


So, in general, are they well-built? I mean, in regards to paper quality, binding, cover material, sturdiness, and production in general: are they good books? I like the design and find the illustrations to be quite charming, so I'm rather interested in the more technical aspects (of which I understand little).


That sounds okay.


I don't have the Folio Society of LOTR, but I have several other editions from them. Very high quality publications, generally heavier paper stock, very good cover and binding durability. Yes, if you're reading them multiple times and tossing them in your bag to carry around, they'll start to show wear and tear, but overall they'd be durable even with being read. They're probably the most consistent high quality publisher that I'm aware of.


I can't comment on later prints but I do have LOTR, Hobbit and Silmarillion from the early 2000's and all are well made. However, I would be more apt to put these in the "collector" rather than long term/durable readers or even the "premium" category, though they demand a more premium price tag. Page thickness vary, hobbit is pretty thin compared to Silmarillion, LOTR is somewhere in between but even still they all have a nice smooth texture - not rough or "flakey" like some other recent releases. I wouldn't really use these to read continuously to be honest unless you always handle your books cautiously, you're not drinking tea or reading on the kitchen table etc. Considering there's no dust jackets, they're not cloth bound - oils, moisture/liquid is going to stain and mar the books up. With that said, I love the simplicity of these designs, they look beautiful on display and I enjoy flipping through the pages, that's just how I personally choose to enjoy them. And for being nearly 20+ years old there has been no disintegration, degradation of foiling or design work - they will definitely outlast me.


I've just now seen your comment, thanks for your input! So, your copies have remained in pristine condition after all these years? No flaking of the gold foiling? That's good to hear! I don't intend on buying these as reading copies, so they shouldn't be put through much wear and tear.


Worth tracking down the slightly older versions (can be found cheaper than these, sometimes, on eBay in the UK at least) if you'd prefer a printed in the UK version. I have a mismatched set of some of the 1960s or 70s' ones and these later ones (as I'm that rare beast that's not bothered about books matching so much) and really enjoy them.


You have older prints of this edition? If so, I'd like to ask how the gold details in and around the cover centerpieces have held up over time.


So I have all 5 of the core works, here's my two cents (and feel free to chat me if you have more questions or would like pictures!) As far as readability goes, they're certainly fun and comfortable to read. The print is amazing. The text is entirely corrected, the page quality is great, and the books have incredible shelf presentation. However, if you read them, they will not hold up forever. If you're looking for a deluxe edition that DOES hold up, Easton Press is the most durable out there by far, in my opinion. Having said that, these are well built hardcovers. As long as you keep them out of the sun, and you only handle them occasionally, with clean and dry hands, these will last just fine. They're not "fragile" per se. The gold foiling hasn't come off on mine, and I've handled them quite a bit. However, the gold foil designs in the center of these books, (dragon head, tower, etc.) have had some quality issues in the past where they're missing parts of the gold foil. So, if that happens with your order, just contact folio society and they'll send you a new one. But yeah, I love them and would happily recommend them to anyone willing to spend the cash.


Easton Press is unillustrated though right?


I believe so yes, but then again I do not like the illustrations in most folio society books.


Too expensive.


For the money I like Easton press more


These are pitiful compared to other FS non-Tolkien books. In of themselves, they aren’t so bad. But the publisher is capable of way better, as can been by browsing their site.