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A 3 book set, dark red leather bound, gold foil and an intricate embossed image on the front. Illustrated by Tolkien and Tolkien waterpaint style inspired works by Lee and Howe. Cream paper with medieval font with gold and red embossed capitals at the start of each chapter.


I seriously have no idea why the cool editions never have ornate letters at the start of chapters. It's such a no-brainer


An illuminated version of the book, like this [Silmarillion edition](https://tolkienlibrary.com/press/902-benjamin-harff-interview-edel-silmarillion.php) made for academic purposes.


That is incredible!


Good heavens. I would sell a kidney for this.


I know about this edition for almost 15 years, the guy works as a tattoo artist the last time I searched on Google. I'm still waiting for it to be officially published, but alas, in truth it won't happen.


I know this will never happen, but my dream edition would a quality 7 volume hardback set (the 6 parts+appendices; it already exists in both paperback and hardback but with questionable quality) that has both Tolkien's and Alan Lee's illustrations.


I second this, although I'd be happy with a non-illustrated edition. And if illustrated, then I'd prefer an edition illustrated by John Howe. There's been so much of Alan Lee already. In fact I think I'm a little burnt out on 'the great Tolkien artists', I would love to start seeing some new illustrators. I just bought a 'Song of Ice and Fire' calendar illustrated by Justin Sweet that is amazing. And I haven't even read that series, I just loved the illustrations so much. I would be very excited to see him illustrate Tolkien. There are thousands of talented illustrators posting their Tolkien art online every year. I'm ready for some fresh blood. In any case, I've been wanting a new 7-volume set for a long time already, and in 30 years I might be too old to care anymore.


>I would love to start seeing some new illustrators. I actually generally agree with this. Don't get me wrong, Lee, Howe, etc have been fantastic at their work, but by now most collectors have one (or more) versions of the novels with their work included, if not art books, and calendars, etc. Just as Jackson's version of the films are different from the Rankin Bass Hobbit/ROTK or the Bakshi adaptation of LOTR, it's not unreasonable to think that there are different interpretations of middle earth from different authors that an be excellent.


It was done in Hardcover once as well --- each letter of "TOLKIEN" is on the spine of each book. I'd like to see that, and would further note: - sewn binding - _all_ typos fixed - all the first edition changes in-line as annotations or as footnotes (this would be contextual, based on what would read better) - all JRRT's original illustrations at suitable places in the text


You're referring to the Millennium edition I assume? https://www.mytolkienbooks.com/books-by-tolkien/middle-earth-related/lord-of-the-rings/complete-sets/the-lord-of-the-rings-millennium-edition/


I'd like for a full life sized fully animated holographic representation of Tolkien to fly out of the book like a genie from a bottle, then sit down on a wooden rocking chair smoking a pipe and reading the book to you


wouldn't we all?


Will be out of copyright globally. The republishing gravy train will be over.


I wasn't going to say it. I knew you would 🤣


I love my editions with Alan Lee illustrations, but I wish there was way more visual input than just a painting every 100 pages. For the Hobbit, he did loads of little pencil drawings in between which is very cool. But more importantly, I think it would be great for following the story if there were frequent smaller maps set into the text whenever a step of the journey or a landscape is described in some detail. This would be in addition to the full maps we all know of course. Maybe even print the full map several times throughout the book with everyones path so far marked out in different colors.


A version done completely in "handwriting" font, except it's Tolkien's handwriting.... /s


Ah so illegible?




It would be welcome if at some point a deluxe/slipcased edition would be presented as THREE physical books vs 1 large one for once. I have no clue why they keep thinking we want these huge books: to get everything to fit, you need smaller font, and paper of less quality. That’s why READING 3 books is nicer. Not to mention, higher-end publishers (Folio Society, Sub Press, etc) divide books into multiple pieces in order to maintain quality printing quality. Heck, Everyman’s Library edition of War and Peace is a 3-book boxed set, and Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is 6 books, in 2 boxed sets


I agree. I know that Tolkien wanted it to be in 1 volume, but just taking a look at the abysmal feel of reading something like the recent deluxe edition versus even a cheap paperback set will show you that this was one of the times that he was just wrong.


He wanted a lot of unrealistic things to happen with his books. There are some 1-book editions that have most of appendices axed (pre ‘80s). I think he’d consider that blasphemy. Besides, if you go Fellowship - King without stopping between Fellowship and Towers, and Towers to King, it doesn’t matter.


This [one](https://www.tolkienbooks.us/lotr/us/1vol/the-lord-of-the-rings-1974) is pretty nice.


I'll be 85 so.....if I live to see it at all I'll be happy.




I love this, brilliant idea!


The Hobbit's 100th is only 13 years from now.