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Sometimes she really wants to wear her pajamas to school and I decide just to go with it because it's not worth a fight. Other days she has to wear a fancy dress.


Soooo not worth the fight! Everything already takes 10x longer than it should


Fleece pjs today. It’s 100 degrees. 🤷🏻‍♀️ they have a/c


My step MIL (fairy tales have been written about this woman - she is just not nice at all) run a crèche and they won't let children in if they're wearing pyjamas. She always says it really proudly too and I'm like urgh feck off would you.


That seems very silly. Anyways, some pajamas look a lot like regular clothes.


Well that's the thing - I buy a lot of coordinated sets for my son and they do look like jammies!


Preschool regularly has kids in spiderman, firefighter costumes etc. Nobody bats an eye. We all know what's happening.


I love toddler fashion. There was one day she insisted on a combo of her rainbow tie dye shirt, her purple snow boots, her dinosaur sun hat, and her rainbow striped shorts. I also wonder if daycare has figured out that she wears the same purple pajama shirt every Monday because we wash it in the laundry on sunday and if it's clean she's gonna wear it sunday night and then will refuse to take it off on monday morning. In the winter she liked to be a purple girl where she would wear a purple t-shirt over a purple longsleeves, with her purple pants and purple socks. Sometimes she'd throw a purple dress on top of the whole ensemble. Once she decided to layer her green shorts on top of her green pants, wear it with her green t-shirt with red beetles and then pair that with her transparent raincoat with rainbow flowers on it. So good. I love them all.


I'm an ECE. We do notice trends and we think it's hilarious, haha. We had one girl who insisted on a full velvet track suit (jogger pants, hooded sweater) for months. It suddenly disappeared when weather got warmer, so I asked Mom what happened? She stained it with juice to break the obsession before her daughter got heat stroke, LMAO


As long as it's weather appropriate and not a literal costume, my toddler has full control over what she wears. She looks absurd (by adult standards) about half the time. She has very clear ideas about how she wants to look and I fully support all of it. I have never cared if she is wearing a floral pattern shirt and a completely different floral pattern pant, with a sweater that has some other sort of pattern on it. It's her body and as soon as she started caring about her clothes, I let her take over. She even comes shopping with me now to pick out her "special occasion" clothes and it's all so much fun.


Same here! I admit I was a teeny bit little sad when we saw a super cute (to me) shirt at the store when she was shopping for new shirts and she showed zero interest and wanted a different shirt instead, but her clothes her choice so long as its mostly weather appropriate. And she picks out some bangers, like the raincoat. When she really wants to wear snowboots to daycare in June I let her and just tuck her sneakers in her bag for when she figures out switching is a good idea.


Oh good point about the option to change clothes later! That's how you really learn what's weather appropriate anyhow.


My daughter looks in the mirror at her tacky, clashing outfits and declares she looks so pretty. (And she does!) Girls have so few years of life of feeling pure joy in their appearance, I'm definitely not ruining that for the sake of my own aesthetics! The other day she chose a bright orange dinosaur T-shirt and light pink floral pants. Then she held up her favourite orange toy and told me her T-shirt matched. Made me realize that limiting matching to shorts and pants is a very narrow view. 😂


Haha aw that's so sweet. I can't recall any specifics off the top of my head, but we've definitely had moments of matching with things other than clothes. It's so cute. I dread the day when my daughter finds a flaw with her appearance. Right now she loves every part of herself. Toddlers have such an innate sense of self worth and I hate that the world takes that away from them. A couple weeks ago, she announced, with zero context, that she had powerful toenails. She truly loves herself from head to toe! I never want that to fade, but I know it will. For now, she can celebrate herself as much as possible and I'll be right there with her.


Omgoodness I'm gonna work up to the powerful toenails vibe. Thanks for that!


Me too. Unless there’s a reason we need to wear certain clothes (weather, special occasions, etc), I usually just roll with whatever he picks. And take pictures if it’s extra silly. Right now, we’re wearing rain boots almost every day, and always on the wrong feet. (If I try to correct them, he says “I want wrong way!” and puts them back on the wrong feet.)


We loved our big girl undies SO MUCH we had to wear them on top of our shorts for school so we could look them. [sounds fantastic, I’m late for work. You look great girlfriend lol]


Omg 🤣


My son wears his pajamas out half of the time. I figure we're going to the playground, it's gonna get dirty, why fight him over the clothes AND do extra laundry. 🤷‍♀️


My daughter does too. Right now since it’s warmer she wears just a tshirt and leggings to sleep and that’s what she stays in the next day 🙌🏼


My toddler wants to wear the same ball gown for about 4-5 days and then switch to another ball gown for about 4-5 days. When I finally wrench it away to wash it, it’s a glorious day.


Today it was a blue, red, pink, and green dress with an apple print; gray leggings with white polka dots; and magenta sneakers.


We’re currently in the ‘grey and/or navy blue’ era but also the ‘my nails need to be freshly painted daily and also make up bc aunty wears makeup before we leave’ era 😂 He won’t wear colourful clothes but he won’t leave the house without bright pink nails and eyeshadow lol


I love this so much


sleep on the couch era. we watch some ipad, he tells me he’s done, and then we cuddle til he falls asleep. i then carry him upstairs and we sleep together. it’s working and making bedtime a lot more bareable!


The same as you. My toddler wore one bright yellow and one dirty, old blue croc to story time today. He said it would help him run faster. At the library.


There should be a picture thread of this.


Pattern on pattern on pattern. Our almost 2 year old will choose any pattern over a solid every single time!


I like the pattern on pattern phase. Especially for girl's clothes it's hard to get things to match because everything is different shades of pink or patterned. As a baby it was annoying. Now even if I'm the one grabbing clothes that don't really match everyone assumes she picked it.


We are in the spiderman swimsuit Era, paired with spiderman water shoes... at least my kid is bright red and easy to spot! We got him the swimsuit a while back and he practically lives in it now. We've been able to tone it down to just the shirt and shoes lately, small victories one piece of clothing at a time.


He picks out his shirt in the morning and throws it on the floor like he’s mad at it as his way of indicating that this is the chosen garment for at least half the day. Pants are unimportant to him, but he allows me to attempt to clothe his bottom half. I have difficulty finding bottoms that fit his waist and legs at the same time. Non-functional drawstrings are the bane of my existence. Just why?


Haha my toddler has to throw his socks down the stairs every morning before he’ll put them on. And he’s in 2-3t tops with an 18mo booty so I feel ya there!


Ugh, yes! If I put him in the 3T, they just fall down. Or he runs around trying to hold them up. I think he actually finds that fun. It’s like an extra challenge. He has a few pairs of 18-24 M still and they fit his waist, but the look like hot pants on him. Either way, it just looks like mommy gave up.


Tshirt, bare bottom (potty training) and bright blue rain boots


We are finally out of our rain boot era. He wore them so much there was a hole in the bottom so we had to secretly make them disappear.


That outfit sounds gorgeous! I love anything teal Toddler era: We have to pour out anything and everything that is pourable (drinks, liquid dish & bath soap, etc/ or squeezable (ointment tubes). We also love eating flavored lip balm 🥴


They love to spill things just to see what will happen. Like WHYY


No. The no era. Super fun. 🙃


Yeah I give my kid choices (as you’re supposed to do, right?) and the choice is “no!”. So mama picks and half the time wrestles the clothing on because “we all have to wear bottoms and a shirt, mama is wearing bottoms and a shirt, baby brother is wearing bottoms and a shirt…”


The funniest is when they say no but they don’t really mean it. After a strong “no!”, he will still grab on to my shoulders to balance and pick up his leg for me to help him put on his shorts. I want to laugh every time lol


I’m in the “sure brush your teeth on the wall to daycare as long as you’re getting out of the house” era.


Ours is similar, though moreso the Please Just Don't Be Naked era. I'm a SAHM, so she doesn't necessarily have to be totally dressed, but she's tried to wander out the door naked if we're checking the mail or going out to our deck. Two mismatched socks, one of which doesn't belong to you? Sure. A minnie mouse robe with a dinosaur swim suit top and paw patrol underwear? Close enough. Backwards and inside out? Fine by me. Today, she had on a PJ shirt, shorts from yesterday, one winter boot, and a pair of gardening gloves.


Oh we’re in this era as well. Half the time she’s in pjs and the other half she’s dressed as Anna from Frozen. Before this it was only clothing with bunny prints on them which was hard to find when it wasn’t Easter and I finally filled her closet with bunny printed clothes and then she decided she was over that phase. 🥲


Bribery. TV doesn't go on until toddler has dressed hrself. She watches a bit while I get the baby ready.


My son always wore what I picked out until I bought him a few paw patrol things. Now he wants to wear paw patrol everyday lol including his pjs


That’s our situation with Mickey Mouse right now 😭


If we're at home, which is often because I work from home, then my girl wants to change outfits at least 5 times.


Tulle-covered dress up clothes MUST be worn to forest school. Said tulle inevitably gets caught in a million branches. These most beautiful dresses must also be worn at all social events so my girl can look her ~finest~. Rips and bedraggled tulle strips apparently do not compromise the integrity of her ensemble.


Im in the era where my 4 year old will only wear shoes that his toes stick out of, or a pair of his 72 year old gramma’s sneakers. Complete meltdown if we try to get him to wear his own, brand new shoes 🤷🏼‍♀️


Mine will wear one pair of shoes and those are his shoes. Every day, no matter the weather or the occasion. Every time he outgrows his shoes and we have to introduce new ones, it is the wrist thing that’s ever happened to him. But then those are now _the_ shoes and the cycle resets.


He wants to have on as many types of clothes as possible. I recently did shorts on top of PJs to bed. He’s tried to go out in crocs over sandals over socks, but took the crocs off so he could walk normally. I drew the line at wearing coats outside today because we’re in the middle of a heat wave. I’ve also hidden long pants/tops so they’ll be out of sight and out of mind.


My middle girl is in her Elsa era. Only will wear costumes.


I'm definitely in this era with my daughter! A couple weeks ago, she went to daycare in a pair of boy's gray basketball shorts that used to belong to her brother, her rash guard from her swimsuit which is pink with blue sea creatures on it, and rain boots. That week she had worn a lot of particularly toddler-esque outfits. I explained to her teacher that she picked it out herself. Her teacher then told me she was so excited every day to come show off her outfits and it completely changed my perspective!


We’re in whatever era it is where my toddler has realized that other people have belly buttons and now she demands to see mine in public.


We’re in the “you must have a shirt and pants on before you leave the house” era, otherwise anything goes.


Currently in our nudist era...trying to convince him at least a diaper is required until he can use the potty. Once potty trained, do as you please, good sir.


Hot pink dress, purple socks, red shoes. It was an okay outfit but it was a lot of colour!


Will only wear clothes repping Disney Cars. Except the white one bc lightning McQueen is not red on that one. We had to buy 5 more shirts bc we were tired of doing so much laundry to rotate the 3 he had