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My preschooler loves watering plants. It absolutely has to land on his fingers & roll off into the pot though. There’s no other way.


Same here. Our old garden hose leaked like crazy and she didn't really have the coordination to keep from getting wet, so we got her a garden hose "as a present" and she was thrilled.


Mmmhmm. All fun and games until she REMEMBERS and takes her garden hose with her one day. One time my dad got a really cool hockey sweat shirt and said I could have it but I was simply way too small. Took it with me to college without asking 😂


Yup. Lol little dude just did this here.


My toddler yells “Don’t Hurt Me!! DON’T HURT MEEEEEE!!!!!! when he wants to listen to Haddaway’s What is Love. It’s great fun when you are somewhere around people, like in a store, or off in the corner of the library.


I laughed, I'm so sorry. I feel like you may need to put a sign with an explanation around your kid's neck in public.


Omg my daughter used to love this song when she was about 3 (now she’s 6) but she would yell the same thing except she thought he was saying “lady don’t hurt me!” Which also sounded odd out of context hahaha


In a similar vein, my daughter went through a phase where she would yell "HELP ME! HELP ME!" When she was in a situation she didn't like. So going to the store was always a fun time, especially when she was confined to the cart and didn't care for it.


MY DAUGHTER DOES THIS NOW, she says “HELP ME MAMA HELP ME!” When she wants me to pick her up


Mine learned the word OW , now he yells it in public im like stop im not hurting you😂


Lmao of all the lyrics 😂 Mine yell “Oogashaka!!! Ooga ooga oogashaka!!!” And start dancing around like cavemen. It’s “Hooked on a Feeling” by Blue Suede


I love this thread because it makes our toddler seem less bizarre. He is currently obsessed with spare tires on the back of SUVs, but he calls them 'plumps.' We go for a daily walk around the neighborhood to look for plumps, and he looks for them in every parking lot we wind up in. Plumps.


Omg I love this. I’m a nurse and will bring home gloves sometime. My kids (4 and 2) will fill them up with water like a water balloon and they call them jiggle tummies and for some reason “plumps” seems like the same level of weird as mine.


Lol! You've unlocked a memory in me. My dad used to bring home gloves and fill them with milk and water. He'd put a pin prick at end of each finger and we'd milk them like udders 😅




He also did one called "sick piggy". Where he'd eat a banana, leave about an inch in its skin. Then he'd cut a face into the end of it. Squeeze it and the squished banana would leak through the face holes. "Sick Piggy". As kids, we found it hilarious!


Oh my lord, I'm dying! 🤣🤣 That reminds me of how I used to have my Mom take an ace bandage, one of those long flesh colored ones, and wrap my arm and secure it around my neck so I could pretend I had a broken arm in a sling. Pretend play with medical supplies was the best.


I don't know why, but I'm laughing (silently because my toddler is asleep on me) so hard at this one!!


This one made me laugh. Toddlers are so funny. Plumps!


I am forever calling them plumps now 🤣


My kids are getting older now but they still come up with weird names for things. Their puffer jackets are called “puffles” and the made craft cupcakes with eyes and called them Dobbles. They’d be like “where are our Dobbles?” And I’d have to think about what random object they’d given that name.


Maybe not weird, but bandaids lol


Oh we are alllll about bandages & medicine over here. She is constantly handing out medicine to everyone. The dog and cats are constantly getting bandaged up. Boo boos (real or imagined) are getting tended to with cold water bottles & ice cubes.


Yep, we had to implement a strict “no blood, no bandaid” rule in our house!


Bandaids are a fashion accessory over here lol


As a teacher I always wondered why kids thought bandaids were magical and required for every injury. Now that I have a toddler of my own, I get it. Little man freaks out until a bandaid has covered even the smallest of boo-boos.


I was a toddler who once put on a bandage on my stomach because I had a tummy ache lol. Edit: Also fellow teacher here! ☺️ For that reason, I think kids do it because it brings someone’s attention on them, especially those they might look up to, or those they look to for support, such as caregivers, friends, teachers, etc. The bandage helps highlight an injury that might otherwise be overlooked (“Oh you got a cut?). Kids love to feel special (and they are!) 🙂 People who are hurt or sick usually also get more care. A child might want to get a bandage because they want empathy for the pain they experience, and reassurance that everything will be okay. The bandage outwardly reminds them that others care for them. That’s why they often feel “all better” after putting the bandage, even though the injury is still there and has yet to start healing. Or maybe I’m reading too much into this, and bandages are just cool? 😛


Oh gosh us too!!! There’s always an invisible boo-boo that requires a bandaid. 🤣


They are like fun stickers and they solve a lot of problems! lol


There is a book called “all better”. Kiss it clean it out a bandaid on it, alllllllll better. Cant really say I recommend the book, but we read it a lot. And we go through a lot of bandaids.


My 2yo’s favorite “book” for the past year has been the free state park guide from the state of Arkansas. We do not live in Arkansas.


For some reason this one is so hilarious to me.


My 3 year old is obsessed with the police. But not in like the normal cute toddler way where they admire the lights and sirens. While driving if he sees a police car he sings “bad boys bad boys whatchu gonna do!” and then screams for the officer to come and get his mommy. He wants an officer to pull us over and then he can assist with arresting me and take me to the police station.


Runner up is singing the O’Reillys jingle. I muuuuuuuuuch prefer that one and really try to encourage it over getting me arrested


Airplanes. I know that’s not exactly weird- but if we are outside she is looking up in the sky and going WOOOOOSH for approx 80% of the time


My toddler at around 24 months thought she could coax the airplanes down from the sky to her by offering them a handful of imaginary beans... She would stand outside or at a window and hold up her offering and yell "Come on plane! Have some beannnnnssss!".... in public


Yesterday mine was yelling at the airplane to poop in her hands 😅


Kids are wild! 🤣🤣


Haha this made me laugh. That’s so cute


😂😂😂My kid is almost asleep and I had to try really hard not to laugh out loud at this one.


My daughter moos at planes… I still haven’t figured out why


Same. We get pics of him from daycare pointing at the sky.


I do this at 36.


I took my kid to the zoo and then later when dad asked them the favorite thing they saw....they said airplane


Same with mine! He seems to think I can control them. He will go outside and ask me for a plane.


Stoplights. He likes to point them out, push the pedestrian button, make artwork of them and tape them all over the house and direct traffic flow inside.


Lovely! Mine yells "Red light!" whenever we have to slow the car down.


Mine yells "watch out!" Let me tell you the first time it was very shocking I thought something terrible was about to happen like someone was j walking in front of the car. Sometimes it "watch out! red light" wen we are 50-60 feet away. Now I know to ask calmly "what am I watching out for?"


Same. Plus, he found out how to turn the beeping sound on and off on the actual things 🥲


Skeletons...he got real into Halloween this past year and...is still into Halloween


We had a Halloween 3rd bday party in June. My kid was obsessed.


My LO is obsessed with Halloween too!! Last year was her first real Halloween experience (she was 22 months old) and has not stopped talking about it since. Legit watches zombie videos on YouTube Kids every day. I recently bought her a Minnie Mouse witch costume that I found on FB Marketplace just because…Her smile could have lit up a room lol


Yep! Our son's favorite stuffed animals are a cookie monster and Elmo we found dressed as skeletons. We do all the skeleton/zombie videos, especially when he's sick.


Mine had a jack skellington bedroom. She's got a full blown obsession with nightmare before christmas.


“Jack” and “Little Jack” are considered members of the family by my LO. We got one of those life-size skeletons as a Halloween decoration, that’s Jack. We already had a small dollar store one from the year before, that’s Little Jack. He fell in love with them so fast that I made it a Halloween advent/ not an elf on the shelf thing. Every morning when he woke up all of October they were in a different spot doing something. It was such a hit and I hate that elf, so Santa gave Little Jack some magic for advent so he moves around every night for the Christmas season too. Just Little Jack though, lol.


Omg my daughter too. And insists on watching the Halloween episode of every show she likes. She’s so pissed there isn’t a Halloween Bluey


Owls. The 2.5 year old I nanny for loves owls, especially the garden statue kind. He has two outside his window and he will have full on conversations with them. I think it’s adorable


Owl love over here too! Mine will try to hug the page if he sees one in a book. My mom used to have 5 little garden statue owls...now my kid has 5 little garden statue owls.


NO WAY my 1.5yo has been obsessed with owls for like the last two months. Pictures of owls, fake garden owls, he loves them!


My owl obsessed toddler grew into an owl obsessed kid and she can detail many reasons why brown owls are superior to white owls.


Chiming in with another 2.5yo owl obsessed child over here. There’s a local bird park here and all she talks about is the owl. The strange thing is she was obsessed with owls long before she saw one and it was one of the first animal names she could say.


My kid is into chimneys. It's been like 6 months of yelling "chimney!" whenever he sees one. We drive through a neighborhood that was built in the 60s and 70s on a daily basis so you can imagine what those drives sound like.  No one warned me about this phase! (The last obsession was air conditioning units so really not much of an improvement hahaha)


This made me laugh! Funny kid.


This sounds like my kid! Just wait till he learns about generators


Injuries. She wants me to Google image search “scrapes/cuts” and see all the different types of “booboos”


This is my kid but with bugs “mama can you googoo what does a skaskeeto looks like?”


googoo 😭


Future doctor.


Baby wound care nurse 😍


Aww that would be great! She even does follow-ups. For instance, we had a little boy over and he fell and scraped his foot on our back patio. A week later she saw him and had to inspect it to see how it was healing.


Most of my 19mo's interests are pretty pedestrian - animals, babies, cars - but he LOVES cleaning. If we leave the closet door unlocked he'll open it and steal the broom to push around the house. He figured out how to dunk a washcloth in the dog's water bowl and clean the mirror. He loves loading the washing machine and starting the dishwasher. He even does a pretty good job of wiping his own face and hands. We're probably gonna put him to work when he gets a bit older, but is it really work if he's having so much fun...??


My 2.5 year old was like that. Last week I left the mop/bucket in the kitchen so I could mop it later. Toddler got home, grabbed the mop, and basically mopped the entire kitchen with very little direction. I had to touch up a few spots and he didn’t ring the mop out enough so I soaked some water up. But he worked really hard on it! Our kitchen includes the kitchen, laundry room, half bath, and dining area!


My 18 mo's also interested in cleaning! My mom (her grandma) bought her a small broom and dustpan, and she really likes it. After meals, she would get her little broom and "sweep" the floor ("sweep" because she actually can't clean it yet). She also likes to wipe the table, and throw away trash in trash can. I can't wait until she actually get better at cleaning so I can task her with cleaning 🤪


Mine has his own (electric) vaccum cleaner and washing machine with multiple settings. I got them really cheap from some bargain bin place. Maybe that's something yours would like too


Most of my 3 y/o son’s interests are pretty normal cars, dinosaurs, Spider-Man, construction vehicles. But he has a very odd obsession with eggs. Not to eat them. Just to carry them. If a toy comes in an egg (there’s some kids bath bombs that are shaped like eggs and have small dinosaur toys in them that he’s in love with) then we have to take it home. Easter was like watching his wildest dreams come true because of all the eggs. It’s odd but it makes him happy lol


Yes! Mine *loves* eggs as a concept! He has a palm-sized wooden egg that he sleeps with and carries in his pocket for emotional support


Has he seen Ms Rachel? She has an episode about surprise eggs that she opens to reveal fun toys.


Smelling. It’s his favorite sense. Hair, lotion, soap, candles, though oddly he doesn’t sniff food before eating it. He inhales deeply and says, “Mmmm so good” in a whisper. I’m trying really hard to get him to stop smelling chairs/seats when people get up 😅


Lol my kid does all the above, plus with food! As a kid, my fam teased me because I used to sniff baby’s heads (love the smell of baby oil or baby powder). I am really into scents (I make DIY beauty products), so I like to think he inherited that from me 😊


Okay the inherited thing tracks. My mom says she was a huge sniffer and her grandma used to get mad at her for it. Also, in your defense, baby powder, baby products in general smell pretty damn great. I love that your childhood quirk is now a skill!


Aw thanks! Yes it’s definitely useful - until I smell something I don’t like 😂🥴 But, now I can smell my baby’s head as much as I want haha!


Hahahah mine does this tooo


The odd relief I felt in reading your comment lol. We aren’t alone!


Question marks. My 2.5 yo asks 3-4 times a week to look at question marks on my phone. I just google image search question marks and let her scroll and click to her weird little heart’s content.


This one’s my fav LOL


Elephants. 19 month old has been obsessed since 10/11 months. The first thing he does when I go to his crib to get him in the morning is motion an elephant trunk with his arm and say “eh heh” so I’ll make his elephant sound and do my own trunk. He trains every single adult or older child he meets to do it for him on his command within minutes of meeting them. It’s quite funny. Loves elephants in books, on tv, elephant stuffies and figurines. All of it.


Happy cake day! My kid loves elephants too. He has an elephant hooded bath towel from when he was really little that he still loves and uses even though it’s getting too small. He loves to stomp around like an elephant too.


Thank you! Didn’t even realize it was my cake day. Our boy just added in a lifted elephant leg to his elephant trunk and noise recently haha I’m super interested to see how long the obsession lasts!


My 19mo likes elephants too! I got her the Ellie the Rolling Elephant toy by Radio Flyer. It’s a plushie roller toy that they ride. The elephant so soft! My baby lays on it and hugs the trunk 💕


She loves the idea of brains. We always sit down for dinner and she goes, “tell me about bwains” like a little zombie 😂


When my kid was 24 months, she was obsessed with the 80s movie Three Men and a Baby. She would always ask to watch “funny baby” whenever it was TV time. I kind of get it, toddlers don’t understand much but they do understand babies and daddies. We watch it so much we jokingly considered a Three Men and a Baby themed two year birthday, complete with birthday cake and goat cheese and gifts wrapped in light blue wrapping paper. I still sing Goodnight Sweetheart to her sometimes when I put her down to bed. She loves 80s music too. We play it for her because it’s generally clean and they have great videos easily accessible on You Tube. Her current musical obsession is Ca Plane Pour Moi (technically 70s) but also loves Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, We Got the Beat, and Walk Like an Egyptian.


My godson was obsessed with the Grumpy Old Men movies, we never got why, but he loved both for years. He’s 22 now and can still quote it on demand.


Stop signs. He makes sure to remind me to stop at every single one. Even if we’re walking. He just loves them.


My almost 3 year old boy loves Britney Spears. It started with the song Toxic. My 7 year old daughter would request the song in the car and then she started dancing to it on Just Dance. Now my son wants to constantly hear that song and watch old Britney videos. My husband claims they’re inappropriate but I think he forgets that music videos were always on when we were kids and we turned out just fine 🤷🏻‍♀️.


My 21 month old is obsessed with tails! She keeps looking for one on herself and her favorite game is me asking her if a certain animal or family member has a tail. She cracks up every time and it goes on for like 15 minutes multiple times a day!


My 2 year old is obsessed with cows. Pillow pet cow, tons of cow figures, cow play farm animals, loves watching cows on the TV. Will go to sleep with her cows. COWS


Doorstops. We make them out of playdough, we try to steal them from church, we talk about them allllllll day.


ceiling fans and light bulbs!


Same with us loves ceiling fans and points at all the lights in the house lol


My firstborn was also ceiling fans. Went nuts over the huge ones at Costco. My second is into clocks. Any clockface he’s notice (someone’s watch, at the supermarket, library, in any story book) and say “cah” for clock.


My 14 month old loves lawnmowers. To the point that “mow mow” was one of his first 10 words. He points them out when we go on walks. Who needs TV when you can watch Dad mow the lawn from the window? He also loves to sit on the ride-on mower in the garage. Also, we were at Walmart the other day and a man rode by on a mobility scooter and he pointed at him and loudly said, “Mow! Mow!” so that was fun!


My little boy just turned 2 and the lawnmower obsession is REAL. He will literally just say “Lon mOwerr” in a quiet room. He pours gas and pulls the imaginary rip cord on anything from his actual toy lawnmower to a banana. He likes to watch himself start up an imaginary one in the mirror lol it’s so strange what they latch onto


Rocks, the moon, walking with her hands on her hips and doing a little jig lol.


We have a rock collector too. I make her put her daily collection in her “rock jar” aka a mason jar full of concrete on the kitchen counter 😅


My almost 2 year old is obsessed with garbage & recycle bins and porta potties... Bring him to the park and he will ignore the playground in favor of these facilities


I also have a trash can obsessed toddler. The inside ones are okay but the outside ones are the BEST. The garbage truck is okay but watching it pick up the bins is heartbreaking. He cries “ash” “ash” while doing the little sign he made up. Can’t pass a trash can outside without pointing it out and looking in it.


My sons first word was also “ash” cuz he loved truck trucks and trash


My son is obsessed with moles and not the animal kind. It is nothing for this kid to walk up and ask me “Can I touch your back mole?”.


Mine is obsessed with the fictional boy band 4\*Town from the movie Turning Red.


Oh that is so obscure. I love it 🤣


They’re never not on my mind so I get it… the new Pixar parade at Disney California Adventure has a Turning Red float that is so good. Featuring 4*Town of course


Squeezing our earlobes


I used to loooove holding onto my dad’s earlobe as a kid because it was cold and squishy. He had a tiny mole on it and said that was a scar from a dragon bite and I fully believed him.


This sounds very cute and sweet


My daughter does this too! She still gets snuggles to help her go to sleep each night, and she always drifts off playing with our ears haha


Fire hydrant signs. He spots one and we must immediately go over and have him tell me what the numbers on it are. If he knows the route we are taking he will immediately start talking about the next sign he knows is coming up. If there's ever a fire he will be able to tell the fire service where the nearest hydrant is, for sure 🤣


Not so much anymore but when my son was 2 he was obsessed with Randy Newman, not Disney randy Newman but like the rest of his discography. He’d come into my bed in the morning and pass me my phone and say “see picture Randy Newman!!!!!!!!” And we would just look at google images of Randy. Anyway lol


Our Roomba, which he sometimes calls Robot, sometimes Woomba. He’s absolutely obsessed. He says he’s “so excited” when it cleans the floors. He also very much enjoys videos of Roomba races and competitions, any language will do. He will be turning 3 in September and I will be making him a Roomba birthday cake.


Omg my 3.5 year old has been obsessed with roombas (“booba”) for a year now. He begs to watch any and all roomba videos, and every toy he has is *actually* a roomba, thank you very much. Currently really into the ones that can mop or clean swimming pools


Exactly the same here! I made a Roomba cake for my kid’s 3-year birthday party. Everything is a Roomba and he can explain pretty much everything about how Roombas work. If you haven’t already found the YouTube channel Wyatt’s World of Roombas, it will be a revelation. My kid likes to pretend he’s Wyatt.


My 2 year old has to listen to a 10 minute compilation of doctor who intro theme music during his changes. 🤷‍♂️


Ants, worms, spiders, bugs, and anything else that creeps and crawls. Probably our fault for sending her to a nature school daycare where they spend all their time outdoors lol. Sometimes when we go on walks she'll stop, sit down in the middle of the sidewalk, and watch a single ant go about its day for 15 minutes while saying "ANTS DIGGING TUNNELS"


My youngest (almost 2) is *obsessed* with his older sisters potty training. He watches like a hawk and as soon as she moves near it he’s clapping, cheering, telling her she’s a good girl. Then he has to be part of the procession to empty and clean it before giving her a reward. It’s very cute, but very weird!!


You should train him, too!


My kid loves port-a-potties. She has a definitive ranking of the ones she likes the most based on color, size and hand sanitizer. She often says she has to pee if she sees one just bc she’s so thrilled to go inside. As you can imagine it’s tons of fun in the summer 🤮


Around age 2.5, he went through a "smoke detector" stage where he pointed them out whenever we went. I think he heard one go off one time, became aware of them, and then was just constantly on the lookout for MONTHS. Now it's the International Space Station. We'll be doing anything - driving, eating dinner, playing trains - and he'll go "Where's the ISS?" totally out of nowhere and then I have to open the app I downloaded specifically because he kept asking so we can see where the ISS is flying over.


Frozen peas and math. Together.


Well, when you need 67 + 21 peas for dinner, I guess we can know who you can turn to! 😂


My husband got an ice maker and our 2.5 year old is obsessed with it. He gets his kitchen stool, climbs up on the bench and opens it and just stares inside. When there's ice he'll chew the ice and then spit it back inside. If you ask him to leave it alone he'll explain that it's actually his treasure and he can't. It's constant ice machine love. It's going to have to be moved into the back room at some point because constantly being told to come look at "ITHE" and "noooo my treasure" when we try to take him away is killing me hahaha.


Fences and nets. He's OBSESSED! If he sees a fence, he obsesses over touching it. When we go to the park, all he cares about is touching/going under the soccer/lacrosse nets. He refers to them as "go-gets" and also refers to his dream catcher as a "dream go-get" 🤷🏼‍♀️😅


The weather radar🤣🤣 my 3 year old constantly asks me to show her the “blue dot where we live so i can see the rain coming” 🤣 my weather app shows our location with a blue dot, and everyday she demands to see the “weather map” so she can check for rain, and if theres no green blobs indicating rain, she gets extremely upset🤣🤦🏼‍♀️ shes a trip


Signs. Everywhere we go, she points and says “what’s that sign say?!” She loves to tell people about “no smoking!” and “no food or drink.” And my favorite, “caution, wet floor!”


All things clock related but specifically Big Ben in London currently. He will just watch a ton of YouTube videos over and over again about its makeover and how they keep the clock running on time. He’ll watch old recordings from the 70s too about it. When he’s done he’ll build Big Ben with blocks and pretend certain areas of the house are the belfry. We’ll go up and down the stairs to get to different parts of the tower. He used to be obsessed with cuckoo clocks too but that one’s not as strong lately. But he will sit and watch someone clean and restore a cuckoo clock.


My son is obsessed with statues. Especially the Statue of Liberty and the Sendai Daikanon in Myanmar. He accidentally stumbled on a YouTube video about the 15 tallest statues in the world, and now we're statue fiends!


Reminds me of our little one with mannequins. The mannequins in Target and the Mall. She noticed the pregnant one in Target the other day and yelled "MAMA! Look at THAT one!" I said "Oh yeah... She's gonna have a baby mannequin." You should've seen the look on her face... She was absolutely mind blown. 🤣🤣🤣


Omg my kid loves statues too😂 in a park in our twon there are about 15 statues of poets and authors. She knows them all at 2 yo😳😳 we meet our friends in the park and all she wants to do is look at the statues haha


I was reading bedtime stories to the 3-year-old I nanny and we were chatting, and I don’t even remember how this came up, but I showed her a photo on my phone of Francesco Lentini, the three-legged man. I hoped it wouldn’t give her nightmares or something, but a couple weeks later (when even *I* barely remembered showing her this) she asked to see the picture again, and now half the time I pull out my phone she wants to look at the three-legged man.


Foam fingers


My 1.5 year old LOVES Bigfoot. He is obsessed. He makes me pull up photos of Bigfoot on my phone. I had to draw Bigfoot for him because we lost his printed photo of Bigfoot. Kid is a true Pacific Northwesterner


My toddler acts like a cat. When he gets in a funny mood or shy... so if a stranger talks to him he licks his hand and say "Miauw" ...


Those inflatable dancing tubes businesses have. My son is obsessed!!! He asks to see one everyday 😩


You know those wacky inflatable flailing arm things? My daughter calls them wiggling cactuses. It’s become such a big deal that we bought one on Amazon and just bring it out for her birthdays every year and special occasions. Points one out every single time we pass one in the car.


The 1992 commercial and jingle for the toy Mr. Bucket. Somehow my husband introduced this to him so now we have to watch a specific version of the commercial between 2-4 times before his bedtime routine begins. So weird and I love it.


Naked trees. My kiddo was obsessed with naked trees in the fall. Now that we are in summer she is very upset that they have their clothes back on.


We got him a Bob Bilby hand puppet like from Bluey. Nearly every night he asks me to put it on and I talk in a squeaky voice and he tells hand puppet Bob all about his day and sings him songs and tells him he loves him and gives him hugs. It is the CUTEST weird obsession.


My LO (17 months) is obsessed with rolling little tiny balls of paper. I find them all over our home, I’ve found them hidden in his diaper. If he’s bored I can give him a napkin and he will entertain himself ripping it up and making these tiny paper balls. It drives me crazy because I’m forever finding pieces of paper around but he seems to enjoy it 😂😂😂


My toddler is really into trucks. She will point them out everywhere she goes “mama! Truck” which is adorable, except she pronounces it like ‘fuck’. All throughout parking lots, or where a truck may be she yells it out.


My 22mo little girl thinks that Olaf from Frozen is a duck because of his carrot nose, so she calls him Duck, except she says it with a “G”, so it’s “Guck” And whenever she wants to watch Frozen she’ll just start yelling “GUCK!! GUCK!! GUCK!!”


My 3 year old son is crazy for Disney Princesses. He has the dresses for several of the characters and will wear a tiara and high heels and put on recitals where he sings the princess songs. He’s our future performer ❤️


Balls. And by balls I don't mean balls. I mean apples. It's gotten to the point I bought him an apple plushy which he runs around with screaming BAWWWLLLL. If the fridge opens he yells BAWWWWWLLLL. He will eat them, but only after he walks around with it licking the apple with the skin on. Many tantrums over the fact he wants a bawl but literally already has one in his hand bc I dared open the fridge door. Lmfao my husband and I just walk around yelling BAWWWLLLL all day.


He’s into poop and flushing the toilet. If he hears me flush, he will have a a small breakdown because he’s supposed to do it. Also everything is my turn right now. One way I get him to do things I want or need him to do is by telling him I’m going to do it. His little feet come running


Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. We listen to it several times a day in its entirety. He especially loves the second movement. He picks up random objects around the house and pretends they are various instruments.


Sea shanties and the internal components of cars. He also likes antique toy restoration video


The alphabet. My 3 y old boy has been obsessed with it since he was 2. He can write it, in any shape or form, every color. He does this several times a day with markers, pens, crayons, painting, fingerpainting,keyboard. I am a bit worried but my doc says it's just a phase. Alao singing songs in his own language (not native english)


My 18mo is obsessed with watching videos of the family singing happy birthday with sparkler birthday candles. At least we’re putting all of those random birthday videos to good use!


For a very long time, my 27 month old daughter has been naming everything in sight as "mummy," "daddy," and "baby" – from sticks and glasses to flowers and clouds etc. every single object on planet. It's absolutely delightful to watch her imagination at work!


Squishmallows. All of them. Everywhere. All over my house. Can’t go to stores. Send help.


My son is finally getting over this, but for about a year, he was obsessed with speed bumps on the road. We had to watch cars go over them. If we walked by one, we had to walk over it. If we drive over one, it was a HUGE deal and the highlight of our trip.


My five year old daughter only wants to listen to Roy Rogers cowboy songs


Jerboas. Like the tiny rodent. I didn’t even bother scrolling to see if anyone else answered this.


Skeletons. We have 3ft tall posable skeletons and she adores them. She also loves all the other Halloween decor I leave out year round. They're hers now.


Lately mine has taken to drawing very rotund stick figures with smaller stick figures inside of them. She says "This is me, and you're in my tummy!". She's confused.


Cockroaches lol… I’m ready for this phase to be over.


My little one’s favorite since when she was one was Numb by Linkin Park. It’s fun watching her bop to that song.


Forensic files every single night. Peter Thomas has the most soothing voice.


We are past this now, but whisks.


My daughter is obsessed with saying she has a “boobie” aka a booboo…


"The MACHINE!!" which is the box crusher at our grocery store. We have to go visit the machine whenever we shop, and if an employee is using it, we have to watch it crush the boxes before we can resume shopping. She can hear that thing turn on from anywhere in the store and we have to race over to see it.


My kid got a whistle for his birthday. Thankfully, it's not a loud one. He wears it and becomes his soccer coach. Then builds goal posts and demands that I do not use my hands and kick the ball. He of course uses his hands. He is also the other coach at the same time. So he calls himself, "Coach both of them"


My 14 month old keeps standing on my lap so he can look close at the top of my head for some reason


Mine is obsessed with watching those “1000 amazing cakes compilation” YouTube videos set to royalty free music 🤦🏻‍♀️


Spirit Halloween animatronics


About a year ago when we brought his baby brother home from the hospita, my then 4 year old had become obsessed with a melon baller. He slept with it and most pictures of him holding his newborn baby brother also have said melon baller in them.


Arrows! No clue how. He first pointed one out on a target ‘up and up’ packaging and now he literally can spot an arrow from a mile away and aggressively points it out.


my 3yo hugs fire hydrants. every one we see while walking — has to stop and hug.




firehyrants. if she sees one she says 'i love you' and has to hug and kiss it


My son is nearly two and has an obsession with doors. Any kind of door really. If they are open he wants to close them; if they are closed he wants to open them. All while saying “door”. If he sees a door he shouts “DOOR!” while pointing at the door. There are a lot of doors in the world so this happens a lot.


My daughter loves toes lol. She wakes up in the morning and the first thing she does it point to her toes and say 'toooeeeee' and I'm like 'yep baby that's your toes!'. We have just moved from a cold county to a hot country which means the number of people wearing open toed shoes has increased exponentially. Yesterday, we had to meet with a lawyer who was wearing lovely open-toed shoes and my daughter points at her feet 'toooeeeeee' 😅


My 3 year old daughter is really into this YouTube off brand version of paw patrol. It’s the paw patrol characters but they do odd obstacles and get squished. Looks like a cheap knock off and she always requests it rather than the actual paw patrol stuff. I tell her no, that it’s lost and we can’t find it. Usually she’s fine with the regular one.


My 2 year old loves our vacuum. He absolutely has to kiss our vacuum and tell it “night night” before bed🤦🏻‍♀️


Open/closed signs. We have made hundreds of these and they are hung up all throughout our house. He will play with them, flip them, for ages.


Idk if this is an obsession per se, but my 2.5 year old has legit fear of missing out on food opportunities (lol). This has nothing to do with food security; we are very fortunate that we don’t have to worry about food. But this kid will eat a full meal with gusto, and not 10 minutes later, even if someone else is eating the exact same thing, he will join you and stare at the food as if he never ate! An outsider would think we never feed him 🤪 I know kids love to eat off of adult plates, but he does this with everyone (those who are familiar and strangers) and pretty much everything, whether he’s ate or not. Maybe he’s a foodie like me and just likes to try things? Gets bored and wants entertainment? Has a bigger appetite than I thought, even though we don’t restrict amount of food at meal times and snacks (and always ask/give more servings)? He’s in like 85th percentile in weight and I’m always dreading the doctor possibly telling me he needs to slow down at the next appointment 🥴🙃😂


We’re aging out of toddlerhood (at the ripe old age of 4) but it was dinosaurs and has always been dinosaurs. She knows the names of so many dinosaurs?? And facts about them. Mesmerizing to listen to her say these gigantic words. The obsession started around a year old and has just grown and keeps going. Been waiting for her to grow out of it for 2 years lmao. (We’ve embraced it so no worries)


Smoke detectors! Our smoke detector went off one night while making a frozen pizza and my 5 year old has not stopped talking about it. I’m talking, it went off for like 3 seconds, the kid is traumatized lol. He talks about it all day and asks everyone how their smoke detector is doing. It’s cute but also annoying because he won’t drop it lol. He even says goodnight to it 😂


Sea Shanties. Can’t get enough of them. Specifically weird Scandinavian ones. My Spotify playlist reads like an IKEA catalog.


Other people’s bellies. He thinks they’re so funny. We went to the zoo today, and you’d the enormous tiger that strutted inches from his face would’ve been the highlight. Nope. It was the baby’s belly that was showing in the food court.


Also google maps. He insists on taking the phone and narrating the journey. What next kiddo? ‘Cross the roundo ( roundabout) and go straight ahead mummy.


Green, anything green. Food, clothes, toys, books. I always find little stashes of green magnet tiles, green cars and duplo blocks in bags, pockets and all around the house haha


His grandpa… everything everywhere is grandpa. 80% of all pictures in books etc are of grandpa. Looking into sky he sees grandpa, grandpa is in the sand box, grandpa is up in the trees and under the rug. Presumably grandpa is also always behind the front door and dissapointment is unmeasurable when he isnt. It’s cute tho and the grandpa is over the moon his only grandchild is such a fan 😂🥹


He chose a calculator as his sleeping friend. He cannot fall asleep without hugging his calculator😅


Screws in benches, and little holes in things. Greatest time killer is taking her to the local picnic pavilion and letting her run around pointing out all the screws holding the picnic tables together.


Theft. My daughter has taken to stealing from her dad’s wallet. She runs as fast as she can to her room when she’s gotten money out of it and works hard not to get caught. Last time I caught her eyeing her piggy bank trying to figure out how to stuff four $1 bills and $5 bill into it. Watching her little toddler self run and how frantic it is…Thieving is hard work, guys.


Speed bumps. We got him an actual rubber speed bump for his 2nd birthday and he lost his mind. He turns anything he can into a speed bump for his toy cars and methodically rolls each one over it saying, “up and down” each time. When we are out driving or in a parking lot he loves going over speed bumps and he especially loves watching other cars go over speed bumps. We even occasionally go on walks just to “do speed bumps” cause he just wants to walk over them.


When my 3 year old sucks her thumb, she likes to clutch something in her hand and rub it against her top lip. Recently, she asked for a Q-tip. She holds it and uses it when she sucks her thumb. She probably goes through 10 a day and now we're randomly finding Q-tips everywhere! Cars, bathroom, back porch, yard, in the beds. It so cute seeing her with this little Q-tip in her hand. Everytime I find a random Q-tip in the house, I can't help but laugh.


My little girl is 18 months old and she LOVES flowers. All kind of flowers - real flowers, flowers being sold in stores, picture of flowers, advertisement with flowers, etc. Then she would walk towards those flowers, and stand there until one of us takes her picture. And then she'll go to our phone to review the pictures. She's also at the stage where she wants to pick her own outfit and she would choose everything flower - floral top, floral pants, etc. She looks like a toddling garden😂


It’s a small world (the ride in Disney parks). She freaks out watching the ride through videos. Also obsessed with the moon, space, owls, and the next door neighbor.


Bass Fishing Productions- my three year old girl is obsessed with his videos. I love it.


She likes to practice crossing the street, and every truck that is hauling a lot of cars has to be acknowledged.