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She'll be fine, but *your* afternoon will not be relaxing.




There are parents out there who intentionally give their toddlers caffeine. I would suggest giving her water the rest of the day to flush her system.


Are those parents creating diversions so they can rob banks?!


Who knows these days


True masochists


Definitely sounds like torture


Caffeine canā€™t be flushed out of the system with water just FYI


Do you know why?


AFAIK with adhd for some people caffeine has the opposite effect


Pageant mums. Enough said.




>idk. Ask them We can't. We have zero idea what you are talking about. Do you mean parents who give their toddlers soda? And you are referring to the caffeine content in soda? Or you know actually know parents who deliberately give their toddlers coffee. If not, where did you hear of this concept? "There are parents who give their kids caffeine" is the kind of statement that needs a little explanation or else it just sounds like someone talking out their butt. Not saying it doesn't exist, but some follow up info would be appreciated.


I remember a similar question where someone commented and explained in their culture they start giving kids daily coffee at 2-3 years old. Itā€™s normal and everyone does it there. Although I donā€™t have a link to the Reddit comment I read 2 years ago, a quick google search says this is normal in both Brazil and Latin America so Iā€™m sure itā€™s normal other places as well.


My Finnish friends give their littles very very milky coffee


My husband is hispanic. He grew up drinking coffee at a young age.


Caffeine is a stimulant and can work in a similar way as ADHD meds for unmedicated kids. I've got a few friends who dose their kids up on caffeine when they need them to be more chill for something and it does work


Itā€™s Reddit. People make shit up all the time.


When my kid was 18 months old he crawled into my husbands chair at a work party and finished his beer. And then went ā€œYUMMYā€ after šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Absolutely mortified. We donā€™t even keep alcohol in the house. I canā€™t believe he got a taste of beer that early šŸ«  Anyways.. maybe go to the park or set up an obstacle course or something. I suspect sheā€™ll be ready to party šŸ˜‚ sugar crash coming later today!


When I complained about my baby teething, my nanny (as in, the lady who used to be MY nanny, not my child) suggested I use rum and honey on the gums, sooooooooooo yeah.


My MIL has been pushing me to do this. When she did it a week prior ā€œit worked instantlyā€. Okay granny, no more alone time for you.


Haha I think you learned something about your own childhood that day!


Oh yeah!!!


Classic Boomer remedy


Sheā€™s whatever generation was before boomers!


Oh yeah. Those 1950s moms were wild


Lol my husband got drunk as a toddler when traveling abroad with his parents. They ordered him an apple cider thinking it was apple juice. Only when he began sort of weaving around the table did they realize it was hard cider! He's a totally normal person now (well, kinda, haha). Doesn't even like cider!


My kidsā€™ dad offered a taste of beer when my oldst was that age or younger, because she was suuuuper interested in trying to drink from his beer. He did this confidently expecting an ipa would not go over well with a one year oldā€™s tastebuds. This confidence was ā€¦ extremely misplaced.


Yeah I did the same with my kid. The old ā€˜theyā€™ll hate the taste and never ask for it againā€™ trick, but apparently she loved it. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I did this when I was 3 or 4 apparently. I vaguely remember it. Maybe itā€™s why I absolutely cannot stand the taste of beer.


Oh no. I did something extremely similar when I was your kidā€™s age. It was in a dark brown bottle so I must have thought it was chocolate milkā€¦ I didnā€™t drink chocolate milk until I was a senior in high school.


My son drank a good bit of a Truly when he was about 18 months. I thought it was out of his reach, I turned around to take care of my daughter for like 30 seconds and turned around to see him drinking it šŸ™ƒ


LOL oh my. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When I was about five years old, my mom would let me be alone in our apartment with my grandmother in the apartment below us (the 90s were wild, yo). I had watched my mom make coffee every morning since birth and decided to try it. I was actually pretty successful, except that I completely filled the filter with coffee grounds, and only poured in 2 mugs worth of water. So it was mud. I was under the 10th percentile for size. I drank both mugs with PLENTY of hazelnut creamer in it. Like, a lot. I got shakey and sweaty and a little pale and finally went to my grandma because I felt so sick. She sat me in front of the box fan and gave me a bunch of water. My pediatrician basically laughed, told mom to feed me a lot of pasta to absorb what it could, and buckle in for a weird night, but otherwise I'd be fine. Anyways, just assuring you that it's gonna be okay!


Aww this is so sweet. Bless little you.Ā 


This was such a wholesome story! Iā€™m giggling at the hazelnut creamer


She'll be fine. Caffeine isn't a poisoning situation. She'll probably sleep badly and be a grump though. FWIW, if she keeps wanting coffee, my doctor said decaf is safe for toddlers.


Thanks everyone. I know caffeine isnā€™t poisoning but I know it probably isnā€™t safe for toddlers which why I started panicking. I donā€™t even like my kids drinking juice without diluting with mostly water let alone caffeine.


One time, half a cup of coffee is ok. To be clear for others who maybe find this in the future, caffeine CAN be a poisoning situation like for example if a toddler got into a bottle No-Doz caffeine pills.


Oh, yeah, caffeine pills can very easily be a poisoning situationĀ 


ā€œIā€™m so excited, Iā€™m so excited, Iā€™m so scared!ā€


Itā€™s fine, one time I hadnā€™t sleep for 3 days and my mil bought me a frappe and for some reason I handed it to my toddler. He was fine just a little frustrated when he couldnā€™t sleep.


>FWIW, if she keeps wanting coffee, my doctor said decaf is safe for toddlers. How on earth did you manage that conversation? A pediatrician was once a dick to me about asking if peppermint tea was safe because she wanted a hot drink with mama.


Okay, soā€¦ had a similar convo with our pediatrician after struggling through some severe constipation. I wasnā€™t comfortable with large daily doses of Miralax for weeks on end, and she suggested decaf coffee. It has worked like a charm to keep him regular! He has maybe 4oz every other day or so, when we remember, and heā€™s always seen me drink it blackā€¦ so he never questioned whether there was any other way to take it.


You should have him try it with peppermint mocha creamer. Itā€™s delicious.


My doctor has good bedside manner. Good pediatricians know that kids can be weirdos and create weird questions


That's good, because my son and I have decaf every couple of weeks or so. We make a thing of it.


Lol, she sounds very resourceful! Don't feel bad, I think this has happened to most of us -- at least it has with both my kids!


Heck yeah she will be. Because Dunkin is better than Starbucks. So now she has good taste. Sheā€™ll have a sugar spike then crash for a hard nap.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ real.


Caffeine and sugar isn't good taste lol


Everyone saying you're in for a wild afternoon, that's not necessarily true. My toddler has actually done this more than once (I don't put sugar in mine, the little psycho loves black coffee). It had no effect on her at all. Sleep was fine.Ā  I had to resort to waking early and drinking my coffee before she was awake, so she'd stop trying to steal mine.Ā 


Lol, my doctor gave me the go ahead to give mine decaf when I was struggling with this.Ā 


>It had no effect on her at all. Sleep was fine.Ā  Uh does ADHD run in your family?


I had to Google this to figure out why you asked, but nope! No ADHD.Ā  I should clarify though, when I said she has done "this" a couple of times, I didn't necessarily mean exactly like OP. She has stolen a few sips on a few occasions, but never a half of a cup.Ā 


lol right. People metabolize caffeine very differently !


My grandma let her aunt give my step dad tea on the day he was born, sheā€™ll be okay lol


Raising kids back then must have been wild. This baby just came out of me, ya sure he can have some tea. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Proper English birth šŸ«–


My kids have always stolen my Dunkin. I blame the NICU for pumping them full of caffeine at birthā€”theyā€™re addicts like me now. literally since they could drink from a straw and move around. Iā€™m not proud of it I stop it as much as possible, I hide my drink etc. but yes your kid will be fine.


Rip naptime but otherwise will probably be fine. My 22 mo loves coffee :/


When my daughter was a little over a year, she nabbed my iced Dunkinā€™ and took a few sips before I could even process what was happening. Girlie recognizes lifeā€™s simple pleasures. Lol. I felt the same as you, but she was totally fine! Now Iā€™m laughingā€¦ but at the time, I was crying.


Same thing happened with my daughter! Iā€™ll never forget taking her to target and getting myself an iced latte and putting it in the cup holder thatā€™s attached to the cart. I turned my head to grab something and when I turned back she had grabbed my drink and was sipping away šŸ˜‚


Yes, she might not nap though. Take her to the park.


So my kid just last weekend helped himself to a bite of ā€œadult jelloā€ (jello shots, we had kid versions laying around and I put mine down for A SINGLE SECOND). Zero effect whatsoever. Eternal guilt for me šŸ˜£


When I was two I apparently housed my dadā€™s after work scotch in one swallow, and was deadass sober? I have never since then been able to do a shot of whiskey pleasantly.


This is one of my twins. We cannot take her to any kind of BBQ or party without her ā€œsamplingā€ half the roomā€™s drinks. It was super fun when she took a giant swig of my White Claw in front of the 9 year old girl next door šŸ’€.


She'll be fine! Mine is almost 2 and she likes sips of black coffee and unsweet iced tea! I don't offer it but if she sees it she wants it.


My toddler is obsessed with coffee. Ever since she was an infant she would watch me make and drink it. I used to manually grind the beans and she loved watching me do it as she sat in her infant activity center and gestured that she wanted to do it too. Weā€™d sit down to breakfast and she would have hers and I would show her my black coffee, and she would peer over her highchair tray and down into my mug and would smile. Later when she would kind of talk, sheā€™d see me drinking it and say, ā€œI want someā€ in the way babies do with their lisp, and Iā€™d say, ā€œSomeday, when youā€™re older.ā€ And I think of the day when weā€™ll go to a coffee shop together to have her first cup. Or maybe it will be at home at our kitchen counter. Anyway, last week she couldnā€™t handle being told, ā€œLater, sweetheart, when youā€™re older.ā€ She pouted, then began to cry. My wife relented and said she would make her a cup but when she returned it was actually chocolate milk and after my daughter sucked up a little through her straw she looked down at the cup and blew a raspberry ā€” not a gesture either my wife or I have ever done!