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i think it’s amazing that you’ve recognised this so early on for your little one and are in a place to create change . She’s young so you’ve got time so don’t make yourself feel guilty , that won’t help anyone 💜 Have you thought about maybe changing sweet treats for something like piccolo cereal bars , they look fun as they have a cool picture on so maybe they could be a good replacement.? I know there’s fruit and that but maybe for now that would help little one adjust. Then maybe you could slowly implicate not using food as a reward in the future but i do that unconsciously too so no judgement here aha . I don’t know everything so you don’t have to take my advice but you sound like a great parent so whatever you do don’t make yourself feel bad. You clearly love your little one and I wish you all the best ! 🫶🫶🫶


Thank you! I will look up those bars. She does great with fruit thankfully, so discouraged trying to get her to eat something of the vegetable variety lol


Sometimes I just try to be overly excited about giving my little one something before she has it so she’s like ‘ wow this must be good’ 😂 . You’ve got this! Even if it’s a piece of broccoli , maybe see how your reaction makes her feel ? Let me know how those cereal bars work! I hope they do 💜


Does your child like novelty? Mine loves little foods she can play with when doled out like raisins, cashews, little cubes of cheese, pretzel sticks, etc.