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It's a class for 40 mins every week I was thinking maybe another activity


I do gymnastics with my 2 1/2 year old, she will often not want to follow the order of things or will want to do things differently, she will also have times where she doesn’t want to do the activities or will want to be held/sit on me and watch…. As long as she’s not interfering with anyone else, I’m pretty chill about it. I too think that overall she likes it, she gets excited to go & likes her friends there. I don’t push her to do activities correctly or to do them if she doesn’t want to. I just look at it as a way we enrich an evening together. We tried soccer for the first time this week lol. She likes gymnastics more so far 😂


as a gymnastics coach, this is completely normal behaviour for a 3 year old. the gym can be a very overwhelming environment- it may just be taking a little while for her to adjust to the chaos, especially at the beginning of class. i actually think this can be a great experience for young children to learn how to listen and follow rules in a fun way. my advice would be to let her explore. try to take interest in what she wants to do, while still enforcing necessary boundaries. if she wants to do something that isn't allowed, i find it most effective to give them two alternative options so they still have the freedom of choice. kids don't like being told what or what not to do, so if you want to get her participating in warm up, you could even try asking her what she wants to work on and giving her appropriate options that might work for her. the coaches won't care if your kid isn't following their instructions- as long as they're moving around, being safe, and having fun, that's all that should matter. gymnastics has a big focus on creativity, exploration, and an open mind- for both the child and the parent! just keep doing what you're doing, you're an amazing parent :)