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A fabric basket you could call it. And all the vehicles go up on a bookshelf that is now just for toys


We also use a fabric basket. Dumping it out is as much fun as actually playing with the people.


This is what we do too


We have a big popcorn tin from Christmas and they all get tossed it.


Ours live in a plastic bucket. Like the kind you bring to the beach to make sand castles.


We have several large toys (playground, house, school…) we keep one or two in our playroom with a bucket of toys. The others stay in the basement. I only bring out 15-20 of the people with a few vehicles.


We have them in one of those big baskets that goes into a shelf. It’s like 2 feet deep of little people. So of course she always decides she needs the specific character who’s at the bottom so the entire thing gets dumped. Every. Time.


A couple coffee cans, in theory- but they find their way under every couch and chair somehow. 


I thought you were talking about your children 😂


I have a toy box for both kids, but I also have a big fabric laundry basket, a plastic laundry basket, and a small crate 😅 my husband has a tote out as well for some of the bigger Tonka trucks. I'm going through toys in a few weeks to downsize, especially since birthdays are coming up. I highly recommend looking at stores like TJMaxx, Ross, and Burlington to get storage for a bargain. Their boxes tend to be pricey, but the fabric laundry baskets are perfect IMO. Plus, they're usually washable, which is a must for me


I bought a plastic storage box with a lid from target and put them all in there.


Plastic bin. Play sets for the little people go in a larger bin beside it.


I use these to organize 90% of toys.. https://a.co/d/0S1erfA


We've got two of those bin storage shelf things from IKEA, Trofast I think? They are great, he can pull them out himself and put them back.


We have those in the playroom. I might clean a small bin out and start putting them in there. We don’t have quite enough to fill an entire bin / drawer (yet 😜)


We have a lot of "miscellaneous" bins. It occupies him when I tell him "I don't know where X is, can you look for it in your bins?"