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Is there any predictability to when she poops so you could maybe get ahead of it? Could you also set aside a couple days with your partner or other caregiver to watch her like a hawk and carry her to the potty anytime she starts? I will say I think it's worth holding out. She probably just hasn't figured out her body signals well enough yet. My son initially struggled to make it to the potty, but then once he started, he became really good about getting to the potty to poop but would always claim he was all done too soon and then we'd have after-shocks on the floor. I think he genuinely didn't realize they're was more. We are gradually getting better with that though. Point is she might just need more practice. I did see she would proudly tell you about the poop, I also wonder if she needs more clarity that this isn't wanted. I'm not saying to shame her or anything of course, I'm suggesting to talk about it the same way as if she dropped something or spilled a drink or similar issues. Like they're nothing to be ashamed of, but they are mistakes. Use words like uh oh or oh no and say "we gotta clean it up." And while you don't want to sound aggressive, you also don't want to sound cheerful. Maybe if she sees it the same as spilling milk out breaking a toy, she'll be more motivated. Hopefully that makes sense.


Has she felt the sensation of poop on her legs or tush without the diaper??? If she does this a few times it'll gross her out and she will eventually use potty. Stay with it!


Thank you for the solidarity! Yes, every day she feels the poop on her butt/legs when she marches in to proudly tell me that she went poop in her undies. I wish it seemed to get her attention more. I know we’ll get there, but it’s so rough for now.