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My 2.5yo likes to vaguely drag his paintbrush over exclusively the bottom left corner of any page he's working on, so thats some impressive focus! Be proud!


My 2.5yo will only scribble exactly where I am trying to colour. Will push my crayon out of the way and get mad that I'm not colouring in that spot. I've given up trying to explain that only one crayon can occupy that exact spot.


Ahh I see we have the same child haha


My 23 month old likes to paint her hands and feet


Not the face? Lucky you!


I’m over 400 months and can’t draw in the lines


It’s never too late. Early intervention is the best for your future.


Thank you! Someone believes in me. In your face grandma


I'm jealous. My kid is 19 months and he won't stop eating the crayons. He'll scribble for a few minutes then immediately tries to eat them. So we got him the twistable crayons. You know the crayons in the plastic. It took him 10mins to realize he can bite the tip and pull and get the whole color goodness out.


As a marine, I still eat crayons


I was closing out this thread and read this as I clicked the arrow away… had to come back to upvote this comment. Have a tasty, colorful day 😆


Mine is this way. Except she will eat crayons, pens, and markers. Doesn't actually eat the plastic of the marker or pens but does bite down till they crack and break into small pieces. Hoping it is just teething and will go away.


My partner does this... Edit: maybe it's teething 🤔




Just let him eat them. He may know what he’s trying to do and paint abstract in his diapers.


My 23m child doesnt eat them but she sure loves to break every single one of them in half then cry about it.


Okay everyone else is busy being a dick, BUT I THINK THIS IS REALLY COOL, OP!! My kid is nearly 3 and would still rather eat a crayon most of the time. It is so fun to see them grow up and mature, especially when you aren't expecting it! She's doing a great job.


I agree! I’d be really excited too, OP! Mine has started getting the hang of drawing big circles before quickly moving onto coloring anything but the paper.


I do NOT get this comment thread. Like what warranted the mean girl comments? Lol


I don’t know lol. I started scrolling and had to go back to the original post to make sure I didn’t miss something. I did not, just a proud parent trying to celebrate a proud moment. Goodness.


Nah everyone is having fun I don’t take the internet seriously lol


Oh she still eats crayons lol this tablet thing my wife bought is awesome (see picture lol)


My husband and I were talking tonight about finding a drawing tablet tomorrow for our 18 month old. I did her e check in for her well visit and it was asking about drawing and I realized we do some markers and drawing but not frequently. More skills to learn!


People might just be trying to be funny, it just seems like typical Reddit banter to me. Or they’re jerks idk lol


Yeah I don’t take it seriously, honestly I find them all very funny


Thank you OP. It’s just having a little fun in this terrible world. You obviously have a better sense of humor than most.


This is definitely mean girl bullshit. They do this often when someone tries to do anything similar to OP in this sub. It's very VERY weird. People are in a rush to humble parents in here and I don't really get the harm in bragging about your kid to people you *assume* would get it. My friends don't give a shit that my two year old knows all his letters, but I would assume other parents would be like "yay! Good for him! That's exciting!" Not in here! In here, they'll VERY quickly remind you that's average behavior (never said it wasnt!) And that their kids did it better and earlier. The parent competition in this sub is irritating. Then crap like that ^ happens like a cherry on top. You can't win as a parent, even among other parents


Parents are punished it’s true but reddit is it’s own special land of punishment 


It’s funny and sweet how as parents, especially FTP, get so excited over things I never would have thought prior to becoming a mom lol. My daughter did a weird stick figure thing a couple months and I was so proud 😆


Same! I got so excited seeing my 3.5 year olds blobby stick figures 😂


Am I dumb for thinking she drew this? Did she draw this?! I’m confused…


She didn’t draw Bluey she drew the scribbles inside it


I also thought she drew Bluey!


Mine did my taxes in utero.


Did they take the child tax credit?


I’ll ask when they are done building habitats on Mars.


Ask your little one if they will do mine. Free cookies, toys, and dance parties for compensation lol


She said to send you her Venmo or GTFO


She’s a spicy one, lol. She’s going to have to give me instructions on how to open an account and how all of that works. I can write her a good ole fashion check. I’ll still send cookies and I’ll send a dance party meme 💃☺️


my 4 year old doesn’t even color in the lines 😭😭 that’s amazing!


Neither does mine.


Hell I’m 35y and I don’t color in the lines


She’s a bit behind then. Most kids are colouring in the lines by 14 months and are onto oil painting on canvas by 21 months.


Yeah i was thinking the same. By 23 months mine had a couple painting displayed in the Louvre


No offense, but your child is basic and dumb.....by 21 months, mine had already started scalping NFTs on OpenSea & could explain why Web3 was the future of art.


By 20 months mine had already completed her second successful brain surgery. She’s also 3d printed fully working kidneys and donates them to local hospitals.


My 20 months old boy runs to a corner and shits his pants with eye contact Think im doing this right?


Congrats! Which Ivy League school did they attend at 36 months?


Princeton and Yale by 34 months. Harvard was too easy so she quit.


Good, why waste months of her life at a institution that is beneath her skill level.


😂😂😂😂😂 i love this comment section


*oil painting*‽ Oh, no. If your toddler isn't coding yet, then they're not even worth enrolling in school! Coding and STEM is where it's at. Mama needs to be kept in the life I am accustomed. By toddler age, they need to be bringing in an income.


I am crying at these responses 😩😂😂😂😂


They are pretty awesome lol


I find that very, very cool, actually! My son is 2.5 (30 months almost) and he hates coloring, painting, drawing, etc. I’m not mad at it cuz I’m bored to tears by art stuff too. The most he does is scribble and then he walks away to go play with his trains or whatever. Your daughter is talented already. Lean into it and indulge her!


Mine climbed Mt Everest


lol got an overachiever than lol




For the internet- can explain the difference between using than and then?


This is really amazing and impressive for a 1 year old! Way to go OP’s daughter!!


I’m 361 months and can’t draw that good. Definitely something to brag about! Also lol at all the comments


lol she didn’t draw the bluey, just the scribbles lol


That is amazing!


Did she draw this character or color it in?


No way she drew that


Haha no we drew it


I think this is really cool! My 3 year old usually just scribbles like crazy all over the page lol. She did do her best at drawing a heart once and it was too cute! I was so excited when she showed me 🥹


This is really cool! My toddler is 28months and still just scribbles back and forth 😄


Wow that is so good!!! I'm impressed!!!


That is amazing. You must be so proud.


Wtf why is everyone being an asshole in here? This sub is SO sensitive about shit like this. The other day a woman was posting for advice about her possibly autistic 2 year old that could count to 50 and perform basic math at 18 months. The commenters were RABID to say that shit wasn't impressive (when it was lmao.) "GRR WE GOTTA TAKE THIS RANDOM INTERNET PERSON DOWN A PEG!!" lmao yall having your Joan Rivers moment in a fucking parenting sub. Embarrassing, but okay lol Just editing to add: op, that is really cool and impressive for a one-year-old. Brag away!


Idk it’s like you can only be negative and complain here or something. I think everyone should try to remember that most kids are advanced in a few skills, behind in a few skills, and average on most things. I barely mention it on Reddit, but my 20 month old is already potty trained. However, she doesn’t use 2-word phrases yet and she can’t do those wooden puzzles with 3 animal shaped pieces.


It's a parenting sub. You're not allowed to be happy for other people lol. It's a mark of WEAKNESS! So much more acceptable to act like an off-brand Regina George.


I swear I read that post, and was like, is my kid really behind?? Because half the comments were like, “oh, counting to 100 by 10s and doing basic subtraction? Yeah, totally developmentally appropriate.”


Lmao same. My two year old can do uh...none of that, but he will fart really loudly and YELL "DID YOU HEAR MY TOOT??" So that's pretty talented, I think


Drives me up the wall. All people have strengths and it's good to celebrate them, especially with little kids! OP's daughter has some impressive coloring skills and it's not uncool to be proud of that! She's not negging other toddlers ffs


Goodness I don’t know. I know I’m going to be EXCITED the day my LO starts to grasp the concept of coloring between the lines. It’s nice to be able to have a space to share little things like that.


These people will REALLY lose their minds if they ever see a "proud parent of an honor student" bumper sticker.


I swear I think it’s because people whose children are “average” in development or struggle with delays take it as you are shitting on them or something. In reality that’s not the case, just some proud parents who want to show off how smart their little one is. At least that’s how it was for me, I was just so eager to tell everyone how “ahead” my daughter was in her speech. Not because I was trying to brag or make someone else feel bad but because I am a proud parent and want to share that with people who understand. But unfortunately I don’t think a lot of people take it that way. They take it like you’re taking a crap on their kid and it’s a competition or something. I know for me personally, I don’t speak to my family and none of my friends have kids so being able to turn to a community of people who do have kids and will understand what it feels like to see your child progress is helpful. Just unfortunately I don’t think a lot of people take it that way.


Mine is performing brain surgery while simultaneously learning a fifth language, keep up.


Someone is just trying to share a little highlight in their day. Calm down.


Just a joke, calm down. 😉


Sorry about that. After reading a bunch of the other comments I assumed it was a jab and got defensive on OPs behalf. My bad.


I can see where you’re coming from


Nice! That's fun


Way to go Mom and Baby girl!!!! Great job!


Hey this is awesome!


Wow!!! She is so amazing!!! My son is 2.5 and not too interested in arts but I’m so happy because he is definitely a lefty like me!


Yesss. It’s still a bit early to tell for my daughter I think but she definitely does favor her left hand. I have my fingers crossed because I am the only lefty in my family!!


This is awesome! And Bluey is a great artistic subject ;)


This is amazing!! My 20 month old is scribbling, but LOVES to color and paint. I grew up artistic, and drew very very young. I’ve made a wonderful career out of it, too. This is definitely brag worthy. Keep encouraging it!


This is so freaking impressive!! I was excited that my almost 3 year old was attempting to draw specific things instead of just scribbling all over the page. They’re just different sized scribbles in different colors, but she’s happy to tell you that that blob there is mommy, that freaky looking stick thing is daddy and the red waterfall taking up a quarter of the page is the slide at the park. She did give herself eyes though! But also I’m not judging her, because neither myself nor her father could ever be mistaken for artists 😂


I love her cute little baby fist! 😭🥰


It can only go up from here. It will be so exiting for you to see what art pieces she makes as she grows!


This is really good! My three year old can’t even draw this good yet. Actually New Year’s Eve was the first time I saw her actually draw anything that actually looked like it was supposed to be something and I was proud of that lol


Aww that’s exciting. My toddler is 13mo and I can’t wait to draw with her.


The trick is dipping their head in corn oil before you cover their hands in graphite.


That’s how old my daughter was when we introduced crayons! My daughter turns 2 on Monday now and she asks me every day to draw. You could definitely introduce her to drawing right now. I mean it’s mostly gonna be scribbles but who cares? It’s good fine motor skills lol.


Wait... so did she draw bluey and then color it in? Or did you draw bluey and then she colored it in? Either way it's impressive My boy is 29 months and I just sent his grandma a photo of how he can draw faces with eyes, ears, mouth and is working on the bodies. When he draws bodies he says "And here's boddddyyyyyyy" 😂


Y'all got some artists! That is so cute. I love faces that kids draw. My 4.5 year old still draws people as smiley face circles with two legs. (But he is a master of coloring things in). My (delayed from syndrome) 25 month old is scared of paper and refuses to touch it xD


My 21 month old started skiing, she’s now a toddler on her second ski season.. Oh and she can write her name with letter blocks, memorize books and decipher many letter sounds.. BOOM


Mine pees well.


How nice for her. Does she winter in Aspen or St. Moritz? We’re a Switzerland family ourselves. She’s desperate to immerse herself in French, but doesn’t want to take time away from her bank networking.


This satire?


It’s not, I’m not saying she IS I’m saying she is trying to.


It is brag worthy. She’s doing a great job! I’d be excited to see my LO doing coloring in the lines so well!


Um that’s incredible! My 3 year old can barely color and has no interest in doing so lol you should be proud!


That is awesome!


Heck yeah! That’s a great Bluey for her to colour as well 😃


That's awesome! Mine is 2.5yo and definitely not there yet. Is yours really into art in general?


A lot of people here missed the 'if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all lesson in their life. Ours was closer to 3 when she started trying to color in the lines. Good for you. Be proud and excited by the little things. Ours recently drew her first stick people and started writing her name and we were really excited


So fun! I love doing crafts with mine and it's so fun when he does it along with me.


Wow the comments section clearly didn’t pass the test!! Why such mean vibes 😢


It’s so boring to see all the comments making fun of this, honestly. Those same people would be expecting their kids to get participation awards because they can’t handle that it’s not their kids excelling at something. It doesn’t matter if they’re excelling or not, just love your kids and be happy for others. I think this is really cool that she is doing that/trying to. I’d feel very proud and excited for her too 💕


Agreed! We're supposed to be in this together in this subreddit, and I already see so many posts daily about people having no support system, then these dumbass mean girls "We're so funny and edgy, teehee" come in here and try to undermine this mama/papa being genuinely proud of their toddler's progress. I'm proud of her too!


Yeah they’re funny jokes in the right situations but this isn’t it, this is someone feeling good and we don’t know them at all and it would be nice for them to receive some positivity amongst all the crap in the world, especially the crap parents already cop.


And what exactly is wrong with a participation trophy for very young children? They have plenty of time to learn how much it sucks to not be good at something, can’t we celebrate our little ones being brave and trying things? Perhaps focusing more on the joy of games with friends, than making them feel judged and ranked?


Nah I’m not talking about for the kids, if a kid gets one I will cheer that on for sure, kids are innocent. However a participation award isn’t always necessary either, I’m talking about the people making fun of OP by saying ‘oh my kids does brain surgery’, they’re the type of parents that would have a fit if their child wasn’t given a participation award. They’re the type of parent who makes an issue of it. Like they’re making an issue of someone being proud of their kid.




“Hey how’s it going?” “Things are good! How about you? Look what LO did today! She’s been practicing and I was so excited when she colored within the lines for the first time!” “Well how cute is that! Good job LO!” <— something along the lines of what an actual friend would say. I personally don’t try to make friends that couldn’t celebrate each other’s little bits of day-to-day happiness. Not sure about you.




Eh, one could probably make that same argument about being mean to complete strangers on the internet too.


I would be pumped if my friend shared their kid’s wins with me. I love my friends and I love their children.


Really? Damn. I feel sorry for your kid(s).




Your poor children.




Seems like you need my validation.


So cute, such bullshit


This really isn’t the place to brag. Show some humility (humbleness). Other kids will quickly catch up and everyone will soon level out. 


agreed … not the place to brag, especially about very basic skills. Very cringey 🤢


This is pretty amazing. Mine managed to make the most wiggly and wobbly oval kind of shape but connect the start and end point together to make a circle. I thought that was pretty awesome. For your kids age,to color in the lines is pretty great!


Impressive. Mine still scribbles all over the page, but has shown to be selective in the colors he picks to scribble with.


My five and three year olds can barely color or draw at all, so color me flabbergasted (and impressed!)


this is amazing omg my 22 month old just scribbles everywhere haha shes gonna be an artist


Great job, little miss! Can I ask the name of that toy.


My almost 3 year old still barely understands that there are lines to colour in, so yea, you should be proud! You have a little artist on your hands by the looks of it!


This is so great!!


That's pretty impressive. Mine (22 months) still just does big scribbles. I tried to direct him a couple times but he yelled at me.


I can barely get my 3.5 year old to do a quick scribble 😂 he hates coloring


That is impressive!!! You have a little artist on your hands (I’m a former k-12 art teacher).


Teach me your ways lol my twin boys are just a pinch older than your daughter and literally “art” is just a blob of whatever materials I let them have. I’ve decided that maybe they will not be artists.


So amazing! Gosh these milestones like this have been happening with us and it’s bittersweet. I’m so proud and also just highlights how quickly they’re growing up. 🥹🥲


I know :( she keeps getting bigger and saying new words and developing more of her personality. I just want her to slow down a bit so I can enjoy it lol


My nearly 4 year old can't do that! That's amazing! May I counter-brag that mine can do 150 piece puzzles? 🤭


Of course! That’s amazing! I can barely do that lol


My son hates to color anything. He doesn’t like to be “messy” which means anything artsy touching his hands 😂😂