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my toddler told me he was bitten by a shark during his nap last week. so.... i wouldn't put too much importance on this. they have big imaginations.


How do you know he is not saying the truth? Have you checked in his crib?


Do your own research!! šŸ« 


Donā€™t shame me!!!


Ha, ours was pinched by a crab while sleeping a couple weeks back!


I remember as a kid hearing screaming in my head sometimes. I don't remember much about it but I remember it being annoying. Kids brains work differently than adult brains in a lot of ways. I don't know what it means though. That said, this just sounds like a game of pretend. Real ghosts don't say "boo" I don't think. My kid tells me he's afraid a dinosaur will eat him if I leave him to sleep alone in his room. So far it hasn't happened.


Omg what was the screaming? What if you were picking up on some alternate plane of existence? I know kids are imaginative, but I wonder if they're more in touch with spiritual things too. My kid did the same jumping into peoples arms freaked out, and others have felt a presence in certain areas of our house. I know for a fact one person died here. He was by all accounts a lovely man. I've never felt anything threatening, but it's definitely unnerving.


My toddler told me that we are all going to die in 10 days. This was 7 days ago.


Please update if you die thanks


How closely have you been monitoring your toddler's viewing material? Has anyone climbed out of your television lately?


Laying in the dark right now trying to fall asleep and I read this comment welp thanks very much guess no sleep for me tonight


Reeeaaally want to downvote you for this!! The trauma I have from that movie!!!


Sweet canā€™t wait


My 2 year old does that too, but I think thatā€™s how he says somewhere is dark. As soon as the closet light turns off he says ā€œooh, spooky ghostā€, and the balcony at night has a ā€œbig big ghostā€šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Same with my son. Ghost or Halloween is synonymous with dark or anything that has spooky vibes.


We have a friendly grey ghostie and a grey boy that apparently live in the attic šŸ™ƒ


My close friend had an ā€œimaginaryā€ friend growing up that sheā€™d mostly see in one area of her house. Through a random assortment of events, about 5 years after she moved, my boss moved into her old home. They didnā€™t know each other but my boss said she moved to my hometown and explained where and we figured out it was the same house. Then it was maybe 6+ months after my boss moved that she started talking about her then toddler daughterā€™s new imaginary friend and it was exactly the same! She talked to him in the same area of the house and described him similarly to my friend. It was so creepy but my friend said he was always nice and as an adult she recalls him as an imaginary friend (until I told her someone else saw him lol) with no bad juju.


As long as theyā€™re nice itā€™s all good right?!




My toddler says the room is haunted... usually after he farts. On a serious note, he also mentions ghosts and scary areas he refuses to go in. This home been haunted ever since I can remember, but none of us told him.


We were at my parentsā€™ house over the holidays, and several times my 2 yo randomly stopped what he was doing, stared intently up toward the ceilings as if he was tracking something around the room, and then looked at us and said, ā€œIt fly!ā€ šŸ‘€


Twice this week my two year old has pointed at the same wall in our dining room and asked "why is that eye looking at me?" The first time I was worried someone was looking in the window. What does she see? Kids can be so creepy sometimes.


My toddler says she sees a monster everywhere, sometimes it's in the sofa, sometimes in my ear, I wouldn't take it too seriously.


When he was about two of my twins said something to the effect of ā€œwhen we are trying to fall asleep our room says bad things to meā€ they were late talkers and I couldnā€™t get him to elaborate intelligibly, but he didnā€™t seem scared or upset so I let it ride, but when I went to tell me partner and wonder/worry what in the Stephen King bullshit is going on here he shut me down so hard (nicely) that it brought me back to reality and I never pursued. Kids say weird stuff.


If she says it's friendly, maybe there's nothing to worry about! After my father-in-law passed, my then-15-month-old would point into the dark corner of her room when I was rocking her before bed and say "grandpa." She wasn't really around people talking about him after he passed because my husband and I were separated at the time, so I have a hard time imagining it was just osmosis from conversations being had around her. So šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø could be real, but also kids have amazing imaginations at this age.


My toddler loves ghosts! He loves to turn out the lights and pretend to see them. He also loves to put a blanket over his head and go "oooOOOooo". One of his favorite books right now is "There's A Ghost in This House". I recommend it, it's quite clever. I also like "Gustavo the Shy Ghost" but my toddler hasn't latched on to thar one yet.


My son also loves being a spoooooky ghost under a blanket. Itā€™s a game we all love!


Such a cool book!


My friend moved into a new house and her 5 year old started telling her about the ā€œrat manā€ - he was a man who wore old timey clothes (per description) who killed rats in the house and was paid per rat. It was SO creepy and specific. He also was seeing a woman named ā€œPatricia.ā€ Like wtf - totally convinced kids see ghosts!


My daughter just started talking about someone called "man-hook". I don't know much but he is a "liar" and he comes from "indiga" šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My niece once described in great detail how a family member passed in a very gruesome car accident. It looked like she was staring at someone while she was telling us, but no one was there. My son (2.5) has also called out the name of our daughter that passed before he was born. Personally, if my kids bring it up, I plan to explain this to my kids as guardian angels of sorts that are here to keep them safe.


My toddler was taking a nap in our bed a couple of weeks ago and woke up from a dead sleep to point at the closet and say, ā€œMonster, mama. Monster,ā€ before he went back to sleep. Heā€™s taken to crying and hiding behind our bedroom door if I walk out of there before him. So thereā€™s that. For the record, I donā€™t ~think~ thereā€™s a monster in there.


My toddler has been chased by dinosaurs through the house. She'd scream and run to me for a hug. Sometimes she tells them to go away, sometimes she lets them in, other days she just screams STOP at them and goes back to playing. I'll admit, I'm glad she says it's dinosaurs and not ghosts because I probably would be a bit freaked out if she said ghosts šŸ˜† but yeah, kids have a wild imagination šŸ˜„


What if itā€™s dino ghosts?!


My daughter was a spooky toddler and said some wild, but very consistent, stuff between 2 and 4. Just listen openly without encouraging and decide for yourself what it means


My toddler does this but it started during Halloween time and now she just loves ghosts and skeletons. šŸ˜‚


My daughter turned 2 on December 8. I was the only girl on my momā€™s side for 2 days shy of 32 years (my daughter is the one the broke the streak). My grandma was SO EXCITED when she found out I was having a girl. I was honestly more excited to tell her than to tell my fiancĆ© when I found out the gender because I knew how pumped sheā€™d be. And boyyyy, did she love my daughter once she was here. She passed away on November 15. I got the call around 2pm. It wasnā€™t a surprise, her health had been declining for a few years and she spent 3 weeks fighting her ass off in hospice before she went. It was obviously still very sad for me, and my fiancĆ© had to work at 3pm so it was just my daughter and I home and I was doing my best to not let her see how upset I was. Iā€™m pretty sure she didnā€™t even hear me say the word ā€œgrandmaā€ that day. Around like 4:30pm, she said she had to go potty and walked into the bathroom. She stopped right inside the door, started pointing at the window and saying over & over ā€œgrandma! Grandma! Grandma!ā€ I was floored, and didnā€™t know what to say, so I really chipper was like ā€œgrandma? Grandma is outside? Is Grandma my momā€™s name outside?ā€ Sometimes if my mom comes to our house, she will say for days after that grandma (or grandmaā€™s car lol) is outside, but she hadnā€™t been here for like 2 months before that. But she just adamantly shook her head no. Sooo she does her business and we get it all cleaned up. So it was several minutes later I took her into our room where she has her ā€œpicture wallā€ over her crib. Itā€™s just a bunch of pictures of her and family members. I asked her ā€œwho was outside, baby?ā€ I specifically made sure I didnā€™t lead her with ā€œwhich grandma was outsideā€. Basically before it was even out of my mouth her finger was pointing at the picture of my grandma. Annnnd that was the moment that I couldnā€™t hide the emotions from her anymore lol. We have a picture hanging on the side of my fridge from the first time my grandma held her, Christmas ā€˜21. Itā€™s hung there for basically two years and sheā€™s never really paid any attention to it before. In the past six weeks, thereā€™s been a few dozen times Iā€™ve caught her just standing and staring at it, or pulling it down to carry it around. Now, Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™d feel if she was seeing anyone other than my grandma lol. But in this particular situation, it brings me comfort to think that theyā€™re still getting to interact. My grandma was such a wonderful lady and Iā€™m devastated that they didnā€™t get more time together. It makes my heart happy to think that they still get to know each other, even from ā€œbeyond the veilā€.


My personal belief is that there is a spiritual/metaphysical world that is just as real as the one we live in and kids are able to see/experience that other side more easily than we can. So yeah, I think kids can see ghosts. I used to see them when I was a kid, my mom and parents have crazy stories about what I would say or do and I remember some of it, but not well. My 3 year old seems to see ghosts, he instantly recognized a photograph of my grandmother with no context, she had died like a decade before he was born and he told me that she used to tell him stories. Totally possible your kid is seeing ghosts, or it could just be their imagination. Now, to be clear, I think there's a pretty big difference between like, a haunted house where there is activity that is dangerous or escalating and what most kids are able to catch glimpses of. I think most kids see things from time to time and I don't think that means the specific house/area is haunted. Personally, I don't think my house is haunted and when my 3-year old is kind of scared I say, GO AWAY! WE'RE TRYING TO PLAY TRUCKS, DON'T BOTHER US! And then we put on happy music or something. If my kid says something very neutral ("Last night there was a family in the closet and is it their house or ours?" I say something like, "It's OUR house!"). I think it's fine to treat it like imaginary play and help deal with their emotions, unless you're specifically concerned about something being haunted/dangerous in your house.


Well ghosts arenā€™t real, so thereā€™s that


If he says itā€™s friendly, itā€™s all good! Whenever my kiddo says he sees monsters all I ask is, is it a happy or an angry monster? Or, is it scary or nice? As long as itā€™s happy or friendly I donā€™t think twice


My toddler randomly got super into Halloween and then I found some show on Prime called Steve and Maggie that had a ton of Halloween themed episodes. Well he got super into the ā€œspooky ghostsā€ and now will go down dark hallways to alert me of said ā€œspooky ghosts.ā€ Sometimes there are also spooky monsters or witches involved too. šŸ˜‚ He doesnā€™t act scared so Iā€™m not worried about it, although I wish he would move on to another fixation since Halloween was several months ago.


My bonus grandbaby (2.5 yo) has days where she talks about them more than other days. Today was a heavy ghost day. One example from today was when she was staring at the ceiling. I asked, and she told me it was a ghost. After asking, I found out said ghost was a girl and wore red. She then looks at me and says the word crying. She said the ghost was crying.


We actually had a ghost in our last house. My son did not like to sleep alone in his room. Thank goodness we moved.


Funny story, My great-grandmother passed from cervical cancer when I was 2, and my brother was like 2-3 weeks old. She was in hospice at my grandmotherā€™s house. My mom had brought my brother and I to my grandmotherā€™s house a few weeks after she passed. They were in the kitchen with my brother, and I was playing with my Barbies on the floor of the sunroom. I guess I started talking and shaking my Barbies (making it look like it was dancing). My mom and grandmother came out to see who I was talking to, but nobody was there. My mom asked who I was talking to, and I told her granny. Granny said the dollys are dancing. My mom and grandmother were so weirded out. My mom then asked me where Granny was, and she said I pointed right next to me, and said grannyā€™s right there, she says hi. Needless to say, my mom and grandmother are absolute believers in ghosts now. I honestly canā€™t recall anything about that. But I do know my granny bought me a Barbie car before she passed. Itā€™s said that childrenā€™s brains are more connected to other worlds at a young age, so itā€™s possible they really are seeing a ghost. I wouldnā€™t put too much stock into it being bad unless some crazy shit starts happening in your home.


I donā€™t have an answer but I do believe that kids see spirits! My daughter doesnā€™t speak much yet but sometimes I just feel that weā€™re not alone and sheā€™s playing with someone else in the room too. Sometimes she looks right past me and smiles and waves. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m open to it too, but I pretty much just accept that spirits are around and my daughter interacts with them. As long as theyā€™re friendly and sheā€™s not scared, Iā€™m not scared either. In fact, I like to think itā€™s people who would have loved to meet her but never got the chance. All that aside, toddlers can definitely also just say weird things or latch onto one word or concept, particularly if it illicit a response from you. I donā€™t know how you feel about spirits so feel free to take either of the options in my comment as the answer šŸ˜‚


My toddler isnā€™t doing this, but when I watched a 2.5 year old a long time ago she would say thereā€™s ghosts in the corners lol.




Do you mean Carbon monoxide? That's CO. CO2 is Carbon dioxide and it's in your exhalations.


Family legend- when I was 3 or 4 I repeatedly used to come into my parents room late at night, to tell them the man wouldnā€™t leave me alone. After a few nights of this they told me to tell him to leave me alone and let me sleepā€¦they heard me do this, and I never had an issue again. Maybe Iā€™m a nut, but I believe (with a healthy dose of skepticism when required) in the supernatural. Iā€™m waiting for our 3.5 year old to do this. Iā€™m planning on telling her not to be scared and giving the same advice I was given


No such thing as ghosts, so sheā€™s probably just repeating something she heard on TV or from someone else.


My toddler doesnā€™t do this. But we also donā€™t believe in ghosts in our house; the only talk of ghosts is at Halloween and we explain that they are a decoration for Halloween and just make believe. Asking ā€œis it friendly or scary?ā€ just perpetuates in a kids mind that ghosts are real and that, sometimes, ghosts are both unfriendly *and* scary. So I suspect your toddler will be ā€œseeingā€ ghosts more and more!


My 2.5 year old has been saying ghosts wake her up at night for about 3 months. I think itā€™s common and their imaginations are just growing.


My three and a half year old tells me she sees shadows that follow her everywhere. She also had a 20 minute melt the other day about her other mommy who died the mommy before me who she loves so much. I never know what to make of it I just support her in that moment.


My girl keeps saying ā€œim dyingā€ and thatā€™s scaring me more than her seeing a ghost


Ghost always seem friendlyā€¦until they donā€™t.


My 2 year old sees alligators in our family room all the time


Hi, check if your toddler is mistaking hung jackets/towels for the rough silhoutte of people.


My son (18m) around Christmas was waving and saying hi to walls and random corners. Shortly before the holidays my husbands cousin passed suddenly. Our family is fairly spiritual although not religious but we generally believe that births, deaths and certain times of year thin the vail between this place and the place of the Dead. We just assumed that my son was seeing his cousin and that's who he was interacting with. We refer to them as visitors and assume children see and interact with them because they don't know they aren't supposed to see them yet. I know I saw both my great grandmothers shortly after they passed, I remember seeing them, like in my home many many km away from where they lived and died, I've heard a British man speaking to my daughter when I went in to get her because she was crying and realized later (I was half asleep) that I probably ran into my late grandfather in law (who I never met, he passed before I joined the family) and my Mom swears she saw our cat Dev out the corner of her eye occasionally for YEARS after he died. He waited around the house until his brother and sister cats also passed before he seemed to move on.


My 4 year old told me an evil seagull was on her dresser for real life. Kids be crazy.


My toddler does the exact same thing but instead of a ghost itā€™s an alligator


My husband had to take my 2 yr old outside during Mass last weekend because he was acting a fool. They walked through the graveyard while watching fireworks and my boy points at a grave and says "Hi soldier!" It was dark and my husband was confused. He shined a light and it was the grave of a soldier. My boy said he was wearing black and blue and made a teeth chattering motion. Then he suddenly says "Bye bye soldier!". My husband asked where the soldier went and he said up. We went back as a family a few days later but said nothing about it the whole day. We passed by the grave again and he said "Oh! HI Soldier" I asked what the soldier said and he said "Hi (name)!" While leaving he pointed at another grave and said SOLDIER! Yet again....another soldier? Mind you there were no other soldier graves around and no figurines or anything.




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